This is the project for the Old Model Robots for OU's Dr. Davis's Configurable Robots Research. This is being published so future robots can be set up easily.
Dependencies: FatFileSystem MCP3008 Motor PinDetect QTR_8A SRF05 SSD1308_128x64_I2C mbed
- Committer:
- DrewSchaef
- Date:
- 2017-11-01
- Revision:
- 0:bcad524c1856
File content as of revision 0:bcad524c1856:
/* Copyright (c) 2010 Peter Barrett Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "mbed.h" #include "USBHost.h" #include "Utils.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "Utils.h" #include "USBHost.h" #include "hci.h" extern void wii_data(char *data); extern void connected(); extern void connect(); extern void connecting(); void printf(const BD_ADDR* addr) { const u8* a = addr->addr; printf("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",a[5],a[4],a[3],a[2],a[1],a[0]); } #define MAX_HCL_SIZE 260 #define MAX_ACL_SIZE 400 class HCITransportUSB : public HCITransport { int _device; u8* _hciBuffer; u8* _aclBuffer; public: void Open(int device, u8* hciBuffer, u8* aclBuffer) { _device = device; _hciBuffer = hciBuffer; _aclBuffer = aclBuffer; USBInterruptTransfer(_device,0x81,_hciBuffer,MAX_HCL_SIZE,HciCallback,this); USBBulkTransfer(_device,0x82,_aclBuffer,MAX_ACL_SIZE,AclCallback,this); } static void HciCallback(int device, int endpoint, int status, u8* data, int len, void* userData) { HCI* t = ((HCITransportUSB*)userData)->_target; if (t) t->HCIRecv(data,len); USBInterruptTransfer(device,0x81,data,MAX_HCL_SIZE,HciCallback,userData); } static void AclCallback(int device, int endpoint, int status, u8* data, int len, void* userData) { HCI* t = ((HCITransportUSB*)userData)->_target; if (t) t->ACLRecv(data,len); USBBulkTransfer(device,0x82,data,MAX_ACL_SIZE,AclCallback,userData); } virtual void HCISend(const u8* data, int len) { USBControlTransfer(_device,REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS, 0, 0, 0,(u8*)data,len); } virtual void ACLSend(const u8* data, int len) { USBBulkTransfer(_device,0x02,(u8*)data,len); } }; #define WII_REMOTE 0x042500 class HIDBluetooth { int _control; // Sockets for control (out) and interrupt (in) int _interrupt; int _devClass; BD_ADDR _addr; u8 _pad[2]; // Struct align public: HIDBluetooth() : _control(0),_interrupt(0),_devClass(0) {}; bool InUse() { return _control != 0; } static void OnHidInterrupt(int socket, SocketState state, const u8* data, int len, void* userData) { HIDBluetooth* t = (HIDBluetooth*)userData; if (data) { if (t->_devClass == WII_REMOTE && data[1] == 0x30) { //printf("================wii====================\n"); t->Led(); t->Hid(); // ask for accelerometer t->_devClass = 0; } const u8* d = data; switch (d[1]) { case 0x02: { int x = (signed char)d[3]; int y = (signed char)d[4]; printf("Mouse %2X dx:%d dy:%d\n",d[2],x,y); } break; case 0x37: { wii_data((char*)&d[2]); /* char *dd = (char*)&d[2]; Wiimote wii; wii.decode(dd); wii.dump(); float dir = 0; if( { dir = -1; } if(wii.two) { dir = 1; } if (dir != 0) { float f = wii.wheel / 200.0f; if(f < 0) { m3pi.left_motor(dir * (0.6 + abs(f))); m3pi.right_motor(dir * (0.6 - (abs(f) / 2))); } else { m3pi.right_motor(dir * (0.6 + abs(f))); m3pi.left_motor(dir * (0.6 - (abs(f) / 2))); } } else { m3pi.left_motor(0); m3pi.right_motor(0); } */ } } } } static void OnHidControl(int socket, SocketState state, const u8* data, int len, void* userData) { printf("OnHidControl\n"); if (data) { printHex(data,len); connected(); } } void Open(BD_ADDR* bdAddr, inquiry_info* info) { printf("L2CAPAddr size %d\n",sizeof(L2CAPAddr)); _addr = *bdAddr; L2CAPAddr sockAddr; sockAddr.bdaddr = _addr; sockAddr.psm = L2CAP_PSM_HID_INTR; printf("Socket_Open size %d\n",sizeof(L2CAPAddr)); _interrupt = Socket_Open(SOCKET_L2CAP,&sockAddr.hdr,OnHidInterrupt,this); sockAddr.psm = L2CAP_PSM_HID_CNTL; _control = Socket_Open(SOCKET_L2CAP,&sockAddr.hdr,OnHidControl,this); printfBytes("OPEN DEVICE CLASS",info->dev_class,3); _devClass = (info->dev_class[0] << 16) | (info->dev_class[1] << 8) | info->dev_class[2]; } void Close() { if (_control) Socket_Close(_control); if (_interrupt) Socket_Close(_interrupt); _control = _interrupt = 0; } void Led(int id = 0x10) { u8 led[3] = {0x52, 0x11, id}; if (_control) Socket_Send(_control,led,3); } void Hid(int report = 0x37) { u8 hid[4] = { 0x52, 0x12, 0x00, report }; if (_control != -1) Socket_Send(_control,hid,4); } }; HCI* gHCI = 0; #define MAX_HID_DEVICES 8 class ShellApp { char _line[64]; HIDBluetooth _hids[MAX_HID_DEVICES]; public: void Ready() { printf("HIDBluetooth %d\n",sizeof(HIDBluetooth)); memset(_hids,0,sizeof(_hids)); Inquiry(); } // We have connected to a device void ConnectionComplete(HCI* hci, connection_info* info) { printf("ConnectionComplete "); BD_ADDR* a = &info->bdaddr; //printf(a); BTDevice* bt = hci->Find(a); HIDBluetooth* hid = NewHIDBluetooth(); printf("%08x %08x\n",bt,hid); if (hid) hid->Open(a,&bt->_info); } HIDBluetooth* NewHIDBluetooth() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HID_DEVICES; i++) if (!_hids[i].InUse()) return _hids+i; return 0; } void ConnectDevices() { BTDevice* devs[8]; int count = gHCI->GetDevices(devs,8); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { printfBytes("DEVICE CLASS",devs[i]->_info.dev_class,3); if (devs[i]->_handle == 0) { BD_ADDR* bd = &devs[i]->_info.bdaddr; printf("Connecting to "); //printf(bd); printf("\n"); gHCI->CreateConnection(bd); } } } /* const char* ReadLine() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 255; ) { USBLoop(); int c = GetConsoleChar(); if (c == -1) continue; if (c == '\n' || c == 13) break; _line[i++] = c; } _line[i] = 0; return _line; } */ void Inquiry() { printf("Inquiry..\n"); gHCI->Inquiry(); } void List() { #if 0 printf("%d devices\n",_deviceCount); for (int i = 0; i < _deviceCount; i++) { printf(&_devices[i].info.bdaddr); printf("\n"); } #endif } void Connect() { ConnectDevices(); } void Disconnect() { gHCI->DisconnectAll(); } void CloseMouse() { } void Quit() { CloseMouse(); } }; // Instance ShellApp gApp; static int HciCallback(HCI* hci, HCI_CALLBACK_EVENT evt, const u8* data, int len) { switch (evt) { case CALLBACK_READY: printf("CALLBACK_READY\n"); connect(); gApp.Ready(); break; case CALLBACK_INQUIRY_RESULT: printf("CALLBACK_INQUIRY_RESULT "); //printf((BD_ADDR*)data); connecting(); printf("\n"); break; case CALLBACK_INQUIRY_DONE: printf("CALLBACK_INQUIRY_DONE\n"); gApp.ConnectDevices(); break; case CALLBACK_REMOTE_NAME: { BD_ADDR* addr = (BD_ADDR*)data; const char* name = (const char*)(data + 6); //printf(addr); printf(" % s\n",name); } break; case CALLBACK_CONNECTION_COMPLETE: gApp.ConnectionComplete(hci,(connection_info*)data); break; }; return 0; } // these should be placed in the DMA SRAM typedef struct { u8 _hciBuffer[MAX_HCL_SIZE]; u8 _aclBuffer[MAX_ACL_SIZE]; } SRAMPlacement; HCITransportUSB _HCITransportUSB; HCI _HCI; u8* USBGetBuffer(u32* len); int OnBluetoothInsert(int device) { printf("Bluetooth inserted of %d\n",device); u32 sramLen; u8* sram = USBGetBuffer(&sramLen); sram = (u8*)(((u32)sram + 1023) & ~1023); SRAMPlacement* s = (SRAMPlacement*)sram; _HCITransportUSB.Open(device,s->_hciBuffer,s->_aclBuffer); _HCI.Open(&_HCITransportUSB,HciCallback); RegisterSocketHandler(SOCKET_L2CAP,&_HCI); gHCI = &_HCI; gApp.Inquiry(); return 0; }