
Fork of mbed-dev by mbed official

--- a/drivers/FileSystemLike.h	Tue Feb 28 17:13:35 2017 +0000
+++ b/drivers/FileSystemLike.h	Tue Mar 14 16:40:56 2017 +0000
@@ -41,10 +41,16 @@
      *  @param name The name to use for the filesystem.
+    MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-5.4",
+        "The mbed 2 filesystem classes have been superseeded by the FileSystem api, "
+        "Replaced by FileSystem")
     FileSystemLike(const char *name);
     virtual ~FileSystemLike();
+    MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-5.4",
+        "The mbed 2 filesystem classes have been superseeded by the FileSystem api, "
+        "Replaced by FileSystem")
     static DirHandle *opendir();
     friend class BaseDirHandle;
@@ -100,7 +106,15 @@
     virtual int mkdir(const char *name, mode_t mode) { (void) name, (void) mode; return -1; }
-    // TODO other filesystem functions (mkdir, rm, rn, ls etc)
+    /** Store information about file in stat structure
+     *
+     *  @param name The name of the file to find information about
+     *  @param st The stat buffer to write to
+     *  @returns
+     *    0 on success or un-needed,
+     *   -1 on error
+     */
+    virtual int stat(const char *name, struct stat *st) { return -1; };
 } // namespace mbed