Simple USBHost library for STM32F746NG Discovery board. Only either the Fastspeed or the Highspeed port can be used( not both together)

Dependents:   DISCO-F746NG_USB_Host

Fork of KL46Z-USBHost by Norimasa Okamoto

diff -r 4ab8bc835303 -r 5396b6a93262 USBHostHID/USBHostMouseKeyboard.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBHostHID/USBHostMouseKeyboard.h	Mon Jun 13 17:21:07 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include "USBHostConf.h"
+#include "USBHost.h"
+#define REPORT_ID_IDLE 0
+#define REPORT_ID_MOUSE 2
+ * A class to communicate a USB mouse
+ */
+class USBHostMouseKb : public IUSBEnumerator {
+    /**
+    * Constructor
+    */
+    USBHostMouseKb(int Interface);
+    /**
+     * Try to connect a mouse device
+     *
+     * @return true if connection was successful
+     */
+    bool connect();
+    /**
+    * Check if a mouse is connected
+    *
+    * @returns true if a mouse is connected
+    */
+    bool connected();
+    void poll();
+    /**
+     * Attach a callback called when a mouse event is received
+     *
+     * @param ptr function pointer
+     */
+    inline void attachMouseEvent(void (*ptr)(uint8_t buttons, int8_t x, int8_t y, int8_t z)) {
+        if (ptr != NULL) {
+            onUpdate = ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attach a callback called when the button state changes
+     *
+     * @param ptr function pointer
+     */
+    inline void attachButtonEvent(void (*ptr)(uint8_t buttons)) {
+        if (ptr != NULL) {
+            onButtonUpdate = ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attach a callback called when the X axis value changes
+     *
+     * @param ptr function pointer
+     */
+    inline void attachXEvent(void (*ptr)(int8_t x)) {
+        if (ptr != NULL) {
+            onXUpdate = ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attach a callback called when the Y axis value changes
+     *
+     * @param ptr function pointer
+     */
+    inline void attachYEvent(void (*ptr)(int8_t y)) {
+        if (ptr != NULL) {
+            onYUpdate = ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attach a callback called when the Z axis value changes (scrolling)
+     *
+     * @param ptr function pointer
+     */
+    inline void attachZEvent(void (*ptr)(int8_t z)) {
+        if (ptr != NULL) {
+            onZUpdate = ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attach a callback called when a keyboard event is received
+     *
+     * @param ptr function pointer
+     */
+    inline void attachKb(void (*ptr)(uint8_t key)) {
+        if (ptr != NULL) {
+            onKey = ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Attach a callback called when a keyboard event is received
+     *
+     * @param ptr function pointer
+     */
+    inline void attachKb(void (*ptr)(uint8_t keyCode, uint8_t modifier)) {
+        if (ptr != NULL) {
+            onKeyCode = ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    //From IUSBEnumerator
+    virtual void setVidPid(uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid);
+    virtual bool parseInterface(uint8_t intf_nb, uint8_t intf_class, uint8_t intf_subclass, uint8_t intf_protocol); //Must return true if the interface should be parsed
+    virtual bool useEndpoint(uint8_t intf_nb, ENDPOINT_TYPE type, ENDPOINT_DIRECTION dir); //Must return true if the endpoint will be used
+    USBHost * host;
+    USBDeviceConnected * dev;
+    USBEndpoint * int_in_mouse;
+    USBEndpoint * int_in_kb;
+    uint8_t report[20];
+    bool dev_connected;
+    bool mouse_device_found;
+    bool kb_device_found;
+    int mouse_intf;
+    int kb_intf;
+    uint8_t buttons;
+    int8_t x;
+    int8_t y;
+    int8_t z;
+    void rxHandlerMouse();
+    void rxHandlerKb();
+    void (*onUpdate)(uint8_t buttons, int8_t x, int8_t y, int8_t z);
+    void (*onButtonUpdate)(uint8_t buttons);
+    void (*onXUpdate)(int8_t x);
+    void (*onYUpdate)(int8_t y);
+    void (*onZUpdate)(int8_t z);
+    void (*onKey)(uint8_t key);
+    void (*onKeyCode)(uint8_t key, uint8_t modifier);
+    int report_id;
+    void init();