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- Date:
- 2019-11-14
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- 0:de13951f30f6
File content as of revision 0:de13951f30f6:
/** ****************************************************************************** * @file lib_NDEF_Bluetooth.c * @author MMY Application Team * @version $Revision: 2702 $ * @date $Date: 2016-07-13 18:45:05 +0200 (Wed, 13 Jul 2016) $ * @ingroup LibNDEF_Bluetooth * @brief This file help to manage a NDEF file representing a Bluetooth pairing info. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics</center></h2> * * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, * AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "lib_NDEF_Bluetooth.h" /** @addtogroup lib_NDEF_Bluetooth Bluetooth OOB library * @ingroup libNDEF * @{ * @brief This module is used to manage a Bluetooth Out-Of-Band NDEF message, to start a communication based on Bluetooth. * @details The Bluetooth OOB format is described by the Bluetooth v4.0 core specification. * It consists in a list of Extended Inquiry Responses formated as length-type-value. * This module allows to build, write & read such data embedded in a NDEF message. * @section Bluetooth_Library_Usage Bluetooth NDEF Library usage * @subsection Bluetooth_Write_BrEdr How to write a Bluetooth Br/Edr OOB * 1. Instanciate & initialize a `Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t` structure, specifying: * - the `NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR` type. * - the mandatory Device Address field. * - any other optional EIRs. * * Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t w_bredr_oob = { .Type = NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR, * .DeviceAddress = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06}, * .OptionalMask = NDEF_BLUETOOTH_OPTION(BLUETOOTH_EIR_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME) | * NDEF_BLUETOOTH_OPTION(BLUETOOTH_EIR_DEVICE_CLASS) | * NDEF_BLUETOOTH_OPTION(BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_16), * .LocalName = "MyDevice", * .nbUUID16 = 2, * .ClassUUID16 = {0x111E,0x110B}, * .DeviceClass = {0x04,0x04,0x20} * }; * 2. Clear the NDEF message and call the `NDEF_AppendBluetoothOOB` function to write the OOB: * * NDEF_ClearNDEF(); * NDEF_AppendBluetoothOOB ( &w_bredr_oob, NULL ); * @note Second parameter of `NDEF_AppendBluetoothOOB` can be used to specify an ID for the OOB record (useful for the NDEF Handover message, where specifying an ID is mandatory) * @subsection Bluetooth_Write_Ble How to write a Bluetooth LE OOB * 1. Instanciate & initialize a `Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t` structure, specifying: * - the `NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE` type. * - the mandatory Device Address & LE Role fields. * - any other optional EIRs. * * Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t w_ble_oob = { .Type = NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE, * .DeviceAddress = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06}, * .DeviceAddressType = NDEF_BLE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS_TYPE, * .Role = NDEF_BLE_ROLE_PERIPH_ONLY, * .OptionalMask = NDEF_BLUETOOTH_OPTION(BLUETOOTH_EIR_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME), * .LocalName = "MyDeviceName", * }; * * 2. Clear the NDEF message and call the `NDEF_AppendBluetoothOOB` function to write the OOB: * * NDEF_ClearNDEF(); * NDEF_AppendBluetoothOOB ( &w_ble_oob, NULL ); * @note Second parameter of `NDEF_AppendBluetoothOOB` can be used to specify an ID for the OOB record (useful for the NDEF Handover message, where specifying an ID is mandatory) * * @subsection Bluetooth_Read How to read a Bluetooth OOB * 1. Read the 1st record of the NDEF message: * * sRecordInfo_t record; * NDEF_ReadNDEF(NDEF_Buffer); * NDEF_IdentifyBuffer(record,NDEF_Buffer); * 2. Decode the Bluetooth OOB: * * Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t bluetooth_oob; * NDEF_ReadBluetoothOOB(&record,&bluetooth_oob); * 3. Use the data from the `Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t` structure to start a Bluetooth connexion. * * * */ /** * @brief This function copies an array, changing its endianness, usefull to convert data to BLE endianess. * @param dst Pointer on 1st element of the destination array. * @param src pointer on 1st element of the source array . * @param length Number of element to copy. * @return Pointer to the destination array. */ uint8_t* NDEF_BluetoothCopy(uint8_t* dst, uint8_t* src, uint32_t length) { uint32_t index; for(index = 0 ; index < length; index++) { dst[index] = src[length - index - 1]; } return dst; } /** * @brief This function reads a NDEF record and retrieves Bluetooth (BR/EDR or BLE) OOB information if present. * @param pRecord Pointer on the record structure. * @param pBluetooth Pointer on the structure to fill . * @retval NDEF_OK OOB information has been retrieved from the NDEF record. * @retval NDEF_ERROR OOB information cannot be retrieved. */ uint16_t NDEF_ReadBluetoothOOB( sRecordInfo_t *pRecord, Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t *pBluetooth ) { uint8_t* pData = pRecord->PayloadBufferAdd; uint8_t* OOBEnd = pRecord->PayloadBufferAdd + pRecord->PayloadLength; pBluetooth->OptionalMask = 0; pBluetooth->nbServiceData = 0; pBluetooth->Role = NDEF_BLE_ROLE_UNDEF; pBluetooth->DeviceAddressType = NDEF_BLE_UNDEF_ADDRESS_TYPE; pBluetooth->nbUUID16 = 0; pBluetooth->nbUUID32 = 0; pBluetooth->nbUUID128 = 0; pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation16 = 0; pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation128 = 0; if((pRecord->TypeLength == strlen(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR_MIME_TYPE)) && !memcmp(pRecord->Type,NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR_MIME_TYPE,strlen(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR_MIME_TYPE))) { pBluetooth->Type = NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR; /* Retrieve mandatory OOB data: */ /* 2 bytes for length and 6 bytes for device addr */ NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->DeviceAddress,&pData[2],sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress)); pData += 8; } else if ((pRecord->TypeLength == strlen(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE_MIME_TYPE)) && !memcmp(pRecord->Type,NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE_MIME_TYPE,strlen(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE_MIME_TYPE))) { pBluetooth->Type = NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE; /* for BLE, mandatory fields are in EIR */ } else { /* This is an unknown MIME type */ return NDEF_ERROR; } /* EIR format: 1 byte for length, 1 byte for type, n bytes for data */ while (pData < OOBEnd) { NDEF_EIR_t* rEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; /* +1 for EIR length byte */ pData += rEIR->length + 1; /* keep track of all EIR found */ if(rEIR->type < 0x20) NDEF_BLUETOOTH_SET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,rEIR->type); switch (rEIR->type) { case BLUETOOTH_EIR_FLAGS: pBluetooth->Flags = *rEIR->value; break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_PARTIAL_16: case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_16: pBluetooth->nbUUID16 = (rEIR->length - 1) / 2 ; NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->ClassUUID16,rEIR->value,rEIR->length-1); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_PARTIAL_32: case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_32: pBluetooth->nbUUID32 = (rEIR->length - 1) / 4 ; NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->ClassUUID32,rEIR->value,rEIR->length-1); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_PARTIAL_128: case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_128: pBluetooth->nbUUID128 = (rEIR->length - 1) / 16 ; NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->ClassUUID128,rEIR->value,rEIR->length-1); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SHORT_LOCAL_NAME: case BLUETOOTH_EIR_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME: /* No worry about name length as max EIR length is 0xff using 1 byte for the type metadata */ memcpy(pBluetooth->LocalName,rEIR->value,rEIR->length-1); pBluetooth->LocalName[rEIR->length] = '\0'; break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_TX_POWER_LEVEL: pBluetooth->TxPowerLevel = *rEIR->value; break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_DEVICE_CLASS: NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->DeviceClass,rEIR->value,sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceClass)); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH: NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->SimplePairingHash,rEIR->value,sizeof(pBluetooth->SimplePairingHash)); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDOMIZER: NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->SimplePairingRandomizer,rEIR->value,sizeof(pBluetooth->SimplePairingRandomizer)); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SECURITY_MANAGER_TK_VALUE: NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->SecureManagerTK,rEIR->value,sizeof(pBluetooth->SecureManagerTK)); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SECURITY_MANAGER_FLAGS: pBluetooth->SMFlags = *rEIR->value; break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SLAVE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL_RANGE: NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->SlaveConnIntervalRange,rEIR->value,sizeof(pBluetooth->SlaveConnIntervalRange)); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_16: pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation16 = (rEIR->length - 1) / 2 ; NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->ServiceSolicitation16,rEIR->value,rEIR->length-1); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_128: pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation128 = (rEIR->length - 1) / 16 ; NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->ServiceSolicitation128,rEIR->value,rEIR->length-1); break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_DATA: /* a specific function should be used for this EIR */ pBluetooth->nbServiceData++; break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_MANUFACTURER_DATA: /* a specific function should be used for this EIR */ pBluetooth->nbManufacturerData++; break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_APPEARANCE: pBluetooth->Appearance = *(uint16_t *)rEIR->value; break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_BLE_DEVICE_ADDRESS: NDEF_BluetoothCopy((uint8_t*)pBluetooth->DeviceAddress,rEIR->value,sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress)); pBluetooth->DeviceAddressType = (Ndef_BLE_Address_Type_t)rEIR->value[sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress)]; break; case BLUETOOTH_EIR_BLE_ROLE: pBluetooth->Role = (Ndef_BLE_Role_t) *rEIR->value; break; default: pBluetooth->nbUnknown++; break; } /* switch rEIR->type */ } /* while (pData < OOBEnd) */ /* Check that BLE mandatory fields are there */ if((pBluetooth->Type == NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE) && (!NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_BLE_DEVICE_ADDRESS) || !NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_BLE_ROLE))) return NDEF_ERROR; return NDEF_OK; } /** * @brief This function appends a Bluetooth OOB record to the NDEF message, using the OOB data given in the input structure. * @param pBluetooth Pointer on a `Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t` structure containing the OOB information. * @param RecordID ID to be used for this record (required for Handover case, can be set to NULL in other cases). * @retval NDEF_OK The Bluetooth OOB record has been appended. * @retval NDEF_ERROR_MEMORY_INTERNAL The Bluetooth OOB record cannot be appended due to memory size limitation. * @retval NDEF_ERROR The Bluetooth OOB record cannot be appended. */ uint16_t NDEF_AppendBluetoothOOB( Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t *pBluetooth, char* RecordID, I2C* mi2cChannel ) { sRecordInfo_t Record; uint16_t status; Record.RecordFlags = TNF_MediaType; Record.RecordFlags |= (RecordID != NULL) ? IL_Mask : 0; Record.IDLength = strlen(RecordID); memcpy(Record.ID,RecordID,Record.IDLength); if(pBluetooth->Type == NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR) { Record.TypeLength = strlen(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR_MIME_TYPE); memcpy(Record.Type, NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR_MIME_TYPE, Record.TypeLength); } else if (pBluetooth->Type == NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE) { Record.TypeLength = strlen(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE_MIME_TYPE); memcpy(Record.Type, NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE_MIME_TYPE, Record.TypeLength); } else { return NDEF_ERROR; } /* Generate OOB payload */ Record.PayloadLength = NDEF_GetBluetoothOOBLength(pBluetooth); Record.PayloadBufferAdd = NDEF_Record_Buffer; if(Record.PayloadLength > NDEF_RECORD_MAX_SIZE) return NDEF_ERROR_MEMORY_INTERNAL; /* pData: pointer to ease increment of record buffer address (byte granularity) */ uint8_t* pData = Record.PayloadBufferAdd; /* for BR-EDR Device address & length are managed outside EIR */ if(pBluetooth->Type == NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR) { *pData = Record.PayloadLength; pData += 2; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(pData,(uint8_t*)pBluetooth->DeviceAddress,sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress)); pData+=sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress); } /* wEIR: pointer to ease write to the buffer. * length always set with an additional +1 corresponding to the EIR type byte. * pData increment is always done with an additional +1 corresponding to the EIR length byte. */ NDEF_EIR_t* wEIR; if(pBluetooth->Type == NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE) { /* following EIR are mandatory for BLE */ wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress) + sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddressType) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_BLE_DEVICE_ADDRESS; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, (uint8_t*)pBluetooth->DeviceAddress,sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress)); wEIR->value[sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress)] = pBluetooth->DeviceAddressType; pData += wEIR->length + 1; wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->Role) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_BLE_ROLE; wEIR->value[0] = pBluetooth->Role; pData += wEIR->length + 1; } /* Rely on the optional mask to know if a EIR is required or not */ if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_FLAGS)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->Flags) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_FLAGS; wEIR->value[0] = pBluetooth->Flags; pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(pBluetooth->nbUUID16 > 0) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = 2 * pBluetooth->nbUUID16 + 1; if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_16)) wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_16; else wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_PARTIAL_16; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, (uint8_t*) pBluetooth->ClassUUID16, 2 * pBluetooth->nbUUID16); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(pBluetooth->nbUUID32 > 0) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = 4 * pBluetooth->nbUUID32 + 1; if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_32)) wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_32; else wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_PARTIAL_32; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, (uint8_t*)pBluetooth->ClassUUID32, 4 * pBluetooth->nbUUID32); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(pBluetooth->nbUUID128 > 0) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = 16 * pBluetooth->nbUUID128 + 1; if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_128)) wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_COMPLETE_128; else wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_CLASS_UUID_PARTIAL_128; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, (uint8_t*) pBluetooth->ClassUUID128, 16 * pBluetooth->nbUUID128); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SHORT_LOCAL_NAME) || NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = strlen(pBluetooth->LocalName) + 1; if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SHORT_LOCAL_NAME)) wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SHORT_LOCAL_NAME; else wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME; memcpy(wEIR->value, pBluetooth->LocalName,strlen(pBluetooth->LocalName)); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_TX_POWER_LEVEL)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->TxPowerLevel) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_TX_POWER_LEVEL; wEIR->value[0] = pBluetooth->TxPowerLevel; pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_DEVICE_CLASS)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceClass) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_DEVICE_CLASS; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, pBluetooth->DeviceClass,sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceClass)); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->SimplePairingHash) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, pBluetooth->SimplePairingHash,sizeof(pBluetooth->SimplePairingHash)); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDOMIZER)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->SimplePairingRandomizer) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDOMIZER; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, pBluetooth->SimplePairingRandomizer,sizeof(pBluetooth->SimplePairingRandomizer)); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SECURITY_MANAGER_TK_VALUE)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->SecureManagerTK) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SECURITY_MANAGER_TK_VALUE; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, pBluetooth->SecureManagerTK,sizeof(pBluetooth->SecureManagerTK)); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SECURITY_MANAGER_FLAGS)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->SMFlags) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SECURITY_MANAGER_FLAGS; wEIR->value[0] = pBluetooth->SMFlags; pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SLAVE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL_RANGE)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->SlaveConnIntervalRange) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SLAVE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL_RANGE; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, (uint8_t*)pBluetooth->SlaveConnIntervalRange,sizeof(pBluetooth->SlaveConnIntervalRange)); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation16 > 0) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = 2 * pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation16 + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_16; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, (uint8_t*)pBluetooth->ServiceSolicitation16, 16 * pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation16); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation128 > 0) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = 16 * pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation128 + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_128; NDEF_BluetoothCopy(wEIR->value, (uint8_t*) pBluetooth->ServiceSolicitation128, 16 * pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation128); pData += wEIR->length + 1; } if(NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_APPEARANCE)) { wEIR = (NDEF_EIR_t*)pData; wEIR->length = sizeof(pBluetooth->Appearance) + 1; wEIR->type = BLUETOOTH_EIR_APPEARANCE; wEIR->value[0] = pBluetooth->Appearance; pData += wEIR->length + 1; } status = NDEF_AppendRecord(&Record, mi2cChannel); if(status != NDEF_OK) return status; return NDEF_OK; } /** * @brief This function computeS the payload size for the OOB, using the data given in the input `Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t` structure. * @param pBluetooth Pointer on a `Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t` structure containing the OOB information. * @return Computed length in bytes. */ uint32_t NDEF_GetBluetoothOOBLength( Ndef_Bluetooth_OOB_t *pBluetooth ) { uint32_t length = (pBluetooth->Type == NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BREDR) ? sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress) + 2 : 0; // +2 is for BR/EDR mandatory length length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_FLAGS)? sizeof(pBluetooth->Flags) + 2 : 0 ; length += pBluetooth->nbUUID16 ? pBluetooth->nbUUID16 * 2 + 2 : 0; length += pBluetooth->nbUUID32 ? pBluetooth->nbUUID32 * 4 + 2 : 0; length += pBluetooth->nbUUID128 ? pBluetooth->nbUUID128 * 16 + 2 : 0; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SHORT_LOCAL_NAME)? strlen(pBluetooth->LocalName) + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME)? strlen(pBluetooth->LocalName) + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_TX_POWER_LEVEL)? sizeof(pBluetooth->TxPowerLevel + 2) : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_DEVICE_CLASS)? sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceClass) + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SIMPLE_PAIRING_HASH)? sizeof(pBluetooth->SimplePairingHash) + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SIMPLE_PAIRING_RANDOMIZER)? sizeof(pBluetooth->SimplePairingRandomizer) + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SECURITY_MANAGER_TK_VALUE)? sizeof(pBluetooth->SecureManagerTK) + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SECURITY_MANAGER_FLAGS)? sizeof(pBluetooth->SMFlags) + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SLAVE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL_RANGE)? sizeof(pBluetooth->SlaveConnIntervalRange) + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_16)? pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation16 * 2 + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_128)? pBluetooth->nbServiceSolicitation128 * 16 + 2 : 0 ; length += NDEF_BLUETOOTH_GET_OPTIONAL_MASK(pBluetooth,BLUETOOTH_EIR_APPEARANCE)? sizeof(pBluetooth->Appearance) + 2 : 0 ; length += (pBluetooth->Type == NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE)? sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddress) + sizeof(pBluetooth->DeviceAddressType) + 2 : 0 ; length += (pBluetooth->Type == NDEF_BLUETOOTH_BLE)? sizeof(pBluetooth->Role) + 2 : 0; return length; } /** * @} */ /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/