R1 code for micro:bit based train controller code, requires second micro:bit running rx code to operate - see https://meanderingpi.wordpress.com/ for more information

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ble_gap_sec_levels_t Struct Reference

ble_gap_sec_levels_t Struct Reference

Security levels supported. More...

#include <ble_gap.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t lv1: 1
 If 1: Level 1 is supported.
uint8_t lv2: 1
 If 1: Level 2 is supported.
uint8_t lv3: 1
 If 1: Level 3 is supported.

Detailed Description

Security levels supported.

See Bluetooth Specification Version 4.1 Volume 3, Part C, Chapter 10.

Definition at line 608 of file ble_gap.h.

Field Documentation

uint8_t lv1

If 1: Level 1 is supported.

Definition at line 610 of file ble_gap.h.

uint8_t lv2

If 1: Level 2 is supported.

Definition at line 611 of file ble_gap.h.

uint8_t lv3

If 1: Level 3 is supported.

Definition at line 612 of file ble_gap.h.