This software will read a .wav file from an SD card and display the header information contained within it. It is designed to work with the SD card on the mbed carrier which is part of the RS-EDP system.

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystem



File content as of revision 0:35c1800c59e6:

/* Wav File Support */
/* **************** */

#include "mbed.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "misra_types.h"
#include "mbed_Port_Structure.h"

/* Function Prototypes */
uint8_t wave_file_check(uint8_t *wave_array, FILE *open_file);

/* Global Variables */
struct wave_header_construction
				{	sint8_t  identification_block[5];
					uint32_t length_of_file;
					sint8_t  identifier1[5];
					sint8_t  identifier2[5];
					uint32_t position_of_data;
					uint16_t format_tag;
					uint16_t number_of_channels;
					uint32_t samples_per_second;					
					uint32_t bytes_per_second;
					uint16_t bytes_per_sample;
					uint16_t bits_per_sample;
					sint8_t  marker[5];
					uint32_t number_of_bits_in_sample;
				} wave_file_info;

/* Wave File Checker */
uint8_t wave_file_check(uint8_t *wave_array, FILE *open_file)
		uint8_t brk_flag = 0u;
		uint8_t x = 0u;
		uint8_t valid_sample = 0u;
		sint16_t ch = 0;
		pc.printf("\n\rPrinting out.WAV file header...\n\r");	

		for (x = 0; x < 0x2bu; x++)												/* Read the first 0x2b bytes of the file as this is the haeder informtation relating to sample rate etc. */
				ch = fgetc(open_file);											/* Get the first byte from the file */
				if (ch == EOF)  												/* Check for eof */
						pc.printf("   File too short to be a wave file\n\r");	/* If we have less than 0x2b then file is not a wave file. */
						valid_sample = 0u;
						brk_flag = 1u;
						wave_array[x] = ch;	   									/* Load data in to header file array */
				if (brk_flag == 1u) 
		if (brk_flag == 0u) 													/* OK we have downloaded the header into an Array. Lets check to see if its a valid file */
				pc.printf("   Identification block (4 ASCII bytes)= ");								/* First 4 bytes are header block */
				for (x = 0u; x < 4; x++) 
						pc.putc(wave_array[x]);                   									/* and write them on the screen */
						wave_file_info.identification_block[x] = wave_array[x];
				wave_file_info.identification_block[4] = 0;											/* add the string terminator on the end */
				pc.printf(" '%s'\n\r", wave_file_info.identification_block);
				pc.printf("   Length of file (4 bytes) = ");										/* Length of file. */
				for (x = 4u; x < 8u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.length_of_file =  ( ((uint32_t) wave_array[7] << 24) 
												 + ((uint32_t) wave_array[6] << 16) 
												 + ((uint32_t) wave_array[5] << 8) 
												 + ((uint32_t) wave_array[4]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d bytes\n\r", wave_file_info.length_of_file);

				pc.printf("   Identifier (4 ASCII bytes) = ");										/* indentifier string1 */
				for (x = 8u; x < 12u; x++) 
						pc.putc(wave_array[x]);                   									/* and write them on the screen */
						wave_file_info.identifier1[x-8] = wave_array[x];
				wave_file_info.identification_block[4] = 0;											/* add the string terminator on the end */
				pc.printf(" '%s'\n\r", wave_file_info.identifier1);
				pc.printf("   Identifier (4 ASCII bytes) = ");										/* Identifier String 2 */
				for (x = 12; x < 16u; x++) 
						pc.putc(wave_array[x]);                   									/* and write them on the screen */
						wave_file_info.identifier2[x-12] = wave_array[x];
				wave_file_info.identifier2[4] = 0;													/* add the string terminator on the end */
				pc.printf(" '%s'\n\r", wave_file_info.identifier2);

				pc.printf("   Position of data (4 bytes) = ");										/* Position of data */
				for (x = 16u; x < 20u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.position_of_data =  ( ((uint32_t) wave_array[19] << 24) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[18] << 16) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[17] << 8) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[16]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d\n\r", wave_file_info.position_of_data);

				pc.printf("   Format Tag - Always 1 for Wave PCM (2 bytes) = ");					/* format tag */
				for (x = 20u; x < 22u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.format_tag = ( ((uint32_t) wave_array[21] << 8) 
											+ ((uint32_t) wave_array[20]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d\n\r", wave_file_info.format_tag);

				pc.printf("   Number of channels (2 bytes) = ");									/* Number of channels, mono or steroeo */
				for (x = 22u; x < 24u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.number_of_channels = ( ((uint32_t) wave_array[23] << 8) 
													+ ((uint32_t) wave_array[22]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d channel(s)\n\r", wave_file_info.number_of_channels);

				pc.printf("   Samples per second (4 bytes) = ");		 							/* Samples per second */
				for (x = 24u; x < 28u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.samples_per_second =( ((uint32_t) wave_array[27] << 24) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[26] << 16) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[25] << 8) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[24]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d samples per sec\n\r", wave_file_info.samples_per_second);

				pc.printf("   Bytes Per Second (4 bytes) = ");	 									/* Bytes per second */
				for (x = 28u; x < 32u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.bytes_per_second =  ( ((uint32_t) wave_array[31] << 24) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[30] << 16) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[29] << 8) 
												   + ((uint32_t) wave_array[28]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d bytes per sec\n\r", wave_file_info.bytes_per_second);

				pc.printf("   Bytes Per Sample (2 bytes) = ");   									/* Bytes per sample */
				for (x = 32u; x < 34u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.bytes_per_sample = 	( ((uint32_t) wave_array[33] << 8) 
													+ ((uint32_t) wave_array[32]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d bytes\n\r", wave_file_info.bytes_per_sample);

				pc.printf("   Bits Per Sample (2 bytes) = ");										/* Bits per sample */
				for (x = 34u; x < 36u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.bits_per_sample = ( ((uint32_t) wave_array[35] << 8) 
													+ ((uint32_t) wave_array[34]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d bits\n\r", wave_file_info.bits_per_sample);

				pc.printf("   Marker (4 ASCII bytes) = ");											/* Marker */
				for (x = 36u; x < 40u; x++) 
						wave_file_info.marker[x-36] = wave_array[x];						
				wave_file_info.marker[4] = 0;
				pc.printf(" '%s'\n\r", wave_file_info.marker);

				pc.printf("   The number of bits in the sample (4 bytes) = "); 						/* Number of bits per sample. */
				for (x = 40u; x < 44u; x++) 
						pc.printf("%d ",wave_array[x]);
				wave_file_info.number_of_bits_in_sample =  (  ((uint32_t) wave_array[43] << 24) 
												   			+ ((uint32_t) wave_array[42] << 16) 
												   			+ ((uint32_t) wave_array[41] << 8) 
												   			+ ((uint32_t) wave_array[40]) ); 
				pc.printf(" = %d bits\n\r", wave_file_info.number_of_bits_in_sample);
				/* Check for valid Wave file */
				if (((wave_array[0] == 'R') && (wave_array[1] == 'I') && (wave_array[2] == 'F') && (wave_array[3] == 'F'))
				&&  ((wave_array[8] == 'W') && (wave_array[9] == 'A') && (wave_array[0x0a] == 'V') && (wave_array[0x0b] == 'E'))
				&& ((wave_array[0x0c] == 'f') && (wave_array[0x0d] == 'm') && (wave_array[0x0e] == 't') && (wave_array[0x0f] == ' '))
				&& (wave_array[0x14] == 0x01)) valid_sample = 1u;

		pc.printf("Finished examining the .WAV file header\n\r");
		if (valid_sample == 1)
				pc.printf("Sample is a valid .WAV sample file\n\n\r");
				pc.printf("Sample is a NOT a valid .WAV sample file\n\n\r");	

		return valid_sample;