This is an example based on mbed-os cellular APIs that demonstrates a TCP or UDP echo transaction with a public echo server.

This code is forked from

This is an example showing how to use Skywire board with LE910-x module.

In this example, I had used the LE910-EUG module for 4G communication. Mbed OS code wasn't changed for LE910-x, because the Telit' HE910 is included mainline code on Mbed OS already. HE910 and LE910 are most similar. Therefore you can use LE910 via HE910 driver. Please check to configure of mbed_app.json, and initialize code for Skywire board of main.cpp.

Open mbed_app.json, you need to define a UART for the MCU to communicate with the xE910 module.

            "TELIT_HE910.tx"                 : "D1",
            "TELIT_HE910.rx"                 : "D0",
            "TELIT_HE910.provide-default"    : true

If you are using Pelion CM, make the following settings:

            "nsapi.default-cellular-apn"     : "\"\"",
            "nsapi.default-cellular-username": "\"streamip\"",
            "nsapi.default-cellular-password": "\"streamip\"",

For your information, please see Pelion Connectivity Quick start guide.


You can find Skywire sensor shield information though NimbeLink site.

Tested with

  • K64F

1. Import the application into your desktop:

 mbed import

 cd mbed-os-example-cellular-le910

2. Compile and program:

mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A

(supported toolchains : GCC_ARM / ARM / IAR)

3. Download binary to a target board

4. Result


Built: Feb  7 2020, 07:02:27
Starting Skywire board with LE910-EUG Demo...
Waiting for Skywire to Boot...
Wait 15 seconds..
Establishing connection

Connection Established.
TCP: connected with server
TCP: Sent 4 Bytes to
Received from echo server 4 Bytes

Success. Exiting 
Tue Jul 23 12:05:34 2019 +0100
NRF52840 to Jenkinsfile (#148)

* Added NRF52840_DK to Jenkinsfile

Commit copied from

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 1 properties ([[$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', parameterDefinitions: [
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 2 [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', name: 'mbed_os_revision', defaultValue: '', description: 'Revision of mbed-os to build. To access mbed-os PR use format "pull/PR number/head"'],
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 3 [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition', name: 'smoke_test', defaultValue: true, description: 'Runs HW smoke tests on Cellular devices']
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 4 ]]])
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 5
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 6 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION == null) {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 7 echo 'First run in this branch, using default parameter values'
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 8 env.MBED_OS_REVISION = ''
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 9 }
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 10 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION == '') {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 11 echo 'Using mbed OS revision from mbed-os.lib'
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 12 } else {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 13 echo "Using given mbed OS revision: ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}"
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 14 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 15 echo "Revision is a Pull Request"
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 16 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 17 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 18
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 19 // Map RaaS instances to corresponding test suites
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 20 def raas = [
mbed_official 41:1f13c9a6ee23 21 "cellular_smoke_mtb_adv_wise_1570.json": "auli"
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 22 ]
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 23
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 24 // Supported Modems
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 25 def targets = [
mbed_official 7:ad3e80a40359 26 "MTB_MTS_DRAGONFLY",
mbed_official 41:1f13c9a6ee23 27 "UBLOX_C030_U201",
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 28 "MTB_ADV_WISE_1570",
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 29 "NRF52840_DK"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 30 ]
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 31
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 32 // Map toolchains to compilers
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 33 def toolchains = [
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 34 ARM: "armcc",
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 35 GCC_ARM: "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
mbed_official 41:1f13c9a6ee23 36 IAR: "iar_arm"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 37 ]
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 38
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 39 def stepsForParallel = [:]
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 40
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 41 // Jenkins pipeline does not support map.each, we need to use oldschool for loop
mbed_official 7:ad3e80a40359 42 for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 43 for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 44 def target = targets.get(i)
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 45 def toolchain = toolchains.keySet().asList().get(j)
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 46 def compilerLabel = toolchains.get(toolchain)
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 47 def stepName = "${target} ${toolchain}"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 48
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 49 stepsForParallel[stepName] = buildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain)
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 50 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 51 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 52
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 53 def parallelRunSmoke = [:]
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 54
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 55 // Need to compare boolean against string value
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 56 if (params.smoke_test == true) {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 57 echo "Running smoke tests"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 58 // Generate smoke tests based on suite amount
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 59 for(int i = 0; i < raas.size(); i++) {
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 60 def suite_to_run = raas.keySet().asList().get(i)
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 61 def raasName = raas.get(suite_to_run)
mbed_official 7:ad3e80a40359 62
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 63 // Parallel execution needs unique step names. Remove .json file ending.
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 64 def smokeStep = "${raasName} ${suite_to_run.substring(0, suite_to_run.indexOf('.'))}"
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 65 parallelRunSmoke[smokeStep] = run_smoke(raasName, suite_to_run, toolchains, targets)
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 66 }
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 67 } else {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 68 echo "Skipping smoke tests"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 69 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 70
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 71 timestamps {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 72 parallel stepsForParallel
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 73 parallel parallelRunSmoke
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 74 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 75
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 76 def buildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain) {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 77 return {
mbed_official 7:ad3e80a40359 78 stage ("${target}_${compilerLabel}") {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 79 node ("${compilerLabel}") {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 80 deleteDir()
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 81 dir("mbed-os-example-cellular") {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 82 checkout scm
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 83 def config_file = "mbed_app.json"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 84
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 85 // Configurations for different targets
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 86
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 87 if ("${target}" == "MTB_ADV_WISE_1570") {
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 88 execute("sed -i 's/\"lwip.ppp-enabled\": true,/\"lwip.ppp-enabled\": false,/' ${config_file}")
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 89 execute("sed -i 's/\"platform.default-serial-baud-rate\": 115200,/\"platform.default-serial-baud-rate\": 9600,/' ${config_file}")
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 90 }
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 91
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 92 if ("${target}" == "NRF52840_DK") {
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 93 //Take correct configuration from configuration store
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 94 execute("rm mbed_app.json")
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 95
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 96 dir("mbed-configurations-private") {
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 97 git url: "", branch:"master"
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 98 }
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 99
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 100 execute("cp mbed-configurations-private/NRF52840_DK/mbed-os-example-cellular/mbed_app.json .")
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 101 }
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 102
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 103 // A workaround for mbed-cli caching issues
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 104 try {
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 105 execute("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 106 } catch (err) {
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 107 echo "mbed deploy failed - retrying after 10s"
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 108 sleep(10)
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 109 execute("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 110 }
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 111
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 112 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION != '') {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 113 dir("mbed-os") {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 114 if (env.MBED_OS_REVISION.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 115 // Use mbed-os PR and switch to branch created
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 116 execute("git fetch origin ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}:_PR_")
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 117 execute("git checkout _PR_")
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 118 } else {
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 119 execute ("git checkout ${env.MBED_OS_REVISION}")
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 120 }
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 121 }
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 122 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 123
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 124 execute ("mbed compile --build out/${target}_${toolchain}/ -m ${target} -t ${toolchain} -c --app-config ${config_file}")
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 125 }
mbed_official 43:fef5b8b23c60 126 if ("${target}" == "MTB_ADV_WISE_1570" || "${target}" == "NRF52840_DK") {
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 127 stash name: "${target}_${toolchain}", includes: '**/mbed-os-example-cellular.hex'
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 128 archive '**/mbed-os-example-cellular.hex'
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 129 }
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 130 else {
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 131 stash name: "${target}_${toolchain}", includes: '**/mbed-os-example-cellular.bin'
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 132 archive '**/mbed-os-example-cellular.bin'
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 133 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 134 step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 135 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 136 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 137 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 138 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 139
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 140 def run_smoke(raasName, suite_to_run, toolchains, targets) {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 141 return {
mbed_official 41:1f13c9a6ee23 142 env.RAAS_USERNAME = "ci"
mbed_official 41:1f13c9a6ee23 143 env.RAAS_PASSWORD = "ci"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 144 // Remove .json from suite name
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 145 def suiteName = suite_to_run.substring(0, suite_to_run.indexOf('.'))
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 146 stage ("smoke_${raasName}_${suiteName}") {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 147 //node is actually the type of machine, i.e., mesh-test boild down to linux
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 148 node ("linux") {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 149 deleteDir()
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 150 dir("mbed-clitest") {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 151 git ""
mbed_official 1:ccaceb0dbbaf 152 execute("git checkout ${env.LATEST_CLITEST_STABLE_REL}")
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 153 dir("mbed-clitest-suites") {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 154 git ""
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 155 execute("git submodule update --init --recursive")
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 156 execute("git all checkout master")
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 157 dir("cellular") {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 158 execute("git checkout master")
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 159 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 160 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 161
mbed_official 7:ad3e80a40359 162 for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 163 for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
mbed_official 7:ad3e80a40359 164 def target = targets.get(i)
mbed_official 7:ad3e80a40359 165 def toolchain = toolchains.keySet().asList().get(j)
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 166 unstash "${target}_${toolchain}"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 167 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 168 }
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 169 execute("python --suitedir mbed-clitest-suites/suites/ --suite ${suite_to_run} --type hardware --reset \
mbed_official 39:e57f130d65bd 170 --raas https://${raasName} --tcdir mbed-clitest-suites/cellular --raas_queue --raas_queue_timeout 3600 \
mbed_official 41:1f13c9a6ee23 171 --raas_share_allocs --failure_return_value -v -w --log log_${raasName}_${suiteName}")
mbed_official 8:abfee2b3d29b 172 archive "log_${raasName}_${suiteName}/**/*"
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 173 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 174 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 175 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 176 }
mbed_official 0:4611f6cf2413 177 }