K6xF board with BG96 of WIZnet for CatM1 board.

Dependencies:   FXAS21002 FXOS8700Q

This document is based on https://os.mbed.com/teams/NXP/code/pelion-example-frdm/

This code could be access via Cat.M1(BG96 module) of SK telecom network in Korea. Need a WIZnet BG96 board or can connect directly to M2Mnet BG96 module and development board.

board board

  • FRDM-K64F - onboard Ethernet and onboard SD card holder.
  • FRDM-K66F - onboard Ethernet and onboard SD card holder.


/media/uploads/Daniel_Lee/small_pic.jpg /media/uploads/Daniel_Lee/screen_shot_2019-07-24_at_5.29.42_pm.jpg

  • BG96 RESET = D7
  • BG96 PWRKEY = D9
  • BG96 TX = D1
  • BG96 RX = D0
  • BG96 VCC = VCC(5V)
  • BG96 GND = GND


Example functionality

This example showcases the following device functionality:

Read onboard FXOS8700Q accelerometer and magnetometer, and report the values as Pelion LWM2M resources (see image below). (FRDM-K66F only) Read onboard FXAS21002 gyroscope and report the values as Pelion LWM2M resources. On user button click, increment Pelion LWM2M button resource. Allow the user to change the state of the board LED from Pelion LWM2M led_state resource and PUT request.

1. Import the application into your desktop:

mbed import http://os.mbed.com/users/Daniel_Lee/code/BG96_K6xF_pelion-example-frdm/

 cd BG96_K6xF_pelion-example-frdm

2. Install the CLOUD_SDK_API_KEY


For instructions on how to generate your API key, please see the documentation.

3. Initialize firmware credentials (done once per repository). You can use the following command:

mbed dm init -d "<your company name in Pelion DM>" --model-name "<product model identifier>" -q --force

If the above command does not work for your Mbed CLI, please consider upgrading Mbed CLI to version 1.9.x or above.

4. Compile and program:

mbed compile -t <toolchain> -m <TARGET_BOARD>

(supported toolchains : GCC_ARM / ARM / IAR)

5. If successfully connect to cellular networks(SKTelecom) then you can get below message

[BOOT] Mbed Bootloader
[BOOT] ARM: 00000000000000000000
[BOOT] OEM: 00000000000000000000
[BOOT] Layout: 0 83A8
[BOOT] Active firmware integrity check:
[BOOT] SHA256: 2DD1793-----------------------------------------------------------------
[BOOT] Version: 1563983916
[BOOT] Slot 0 is empty
[BOOT] Active firmware up-to-date
[BOOT] Application's start address: 0x10400
[BOOT] Application's jump address: 0x10B11
[BOOT] Application's stack address: 0x20030000
[BOOT] Forwarding to application...

Starting Simple Pelion Device Management Client example
You can hold the user button during boot to format the storage and change the d.
M2Mnet(BG96) Power ON

Sensors configuration:
FXOS8700Q accelerometer = 0xC7
FXOS8700Q magnetometer  = 0xC7

Connecting to the network using the default network interface...
Connected to the network successfully. IP address: 000:000:000:000:000:000:000:0
Initializing Pelion Device Management Client...
Initialized Pelion Device Management Client. Registering...
Press the user button to increment the LwM2M resource value...
Registered to Pelion Device Management. Endpoint Name: "xx Your Endpoint Name xx"
*** Button notification, status Subscribed (6)

FXOS8700Q mag:   -2.426 x,  -0.902 y,  -1.611 z [gauss]
FXOS8700Q acc:   -0.054 x,  -0.309 y,   4.306 z [g]
diff -r 42d51cf7cebe -r fba2c7066355 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Mar 25 17:18:30 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Mar 26 13:29:05 2019 +0000
@@ -22,10 +22,19 @@
 #include "FATFileSystem.h"
 #include "LittleFileSystem.h"
 #include "FXOS8700Q.h"
+#include "FXAS21002.h"
-I2C sen_i2c(PTE25, PTE24);
-FXOS8700QAccelerometer sen_acc(sen_i2c, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1);    // Configured for the FRDM-K64F with onboard sensors
-FXOS8700QMagnetometer sen_mag(sen_i2c, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1);
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+I2C sens_i2c(PTD9, PTD8);
+I2C sens_i2c(PTE25, PTE24);
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
+FXOS8700QAccelerometer sens_acc(sens_i2c, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1);    // Configured for the FRDM-K64F with onboard sensors
+FXOS8700QMagnetometer sens_mag(sens_i2c, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1);
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+FXAS21002 sens_gyro(PTD9, PTD8, 0x20);
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
@@ -38,10 +47,10 @@
 // Use FATFileSystem for SD card type blockdevices
-FATFileSystem fs("fs", bd);
+FATFileSystem fs("fs");
 // Use LittleFileSystem for non-SD block devices to enable wear leveling and other functions
-LittleFileSystem fs("fs", bd);
+LittleFileSystem fs("fs");
 #if USE_BUTTON == 1
@@ -52,9 +61,9 @@
 DigitalOut led(LED1);
 // Declaring pointers for access to Pelion Device Management Client resources outside of main()
-MbedCloudClientResource *button_res;
-MbedCloudClientResource *led_res;
-MbedCloudClientResource *post_res;
+MbedCloudClientResource *res_button;
+MbedCloudClientResource *res_led;
+MbedCloudClientResource *res_post;
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_magnometer_x;
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_magnometer_y;
@@ -62,6 +71,11 @@
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_accelerometer_x;
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_accelerometer_y;
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_accelerometer_z;
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+MbedCloudClientResource *res_gyroscope_x;
+MbedCloudClientResource *res_gyroscope_y;
+MbedCloudClientResource *res_gyroscope_z;
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
 #endif /* SEND_ALL_SENSORS */
 // An event queue is a very useful structure to debounce information between contexts (e.g. ISR and normal threads)
@@ -77,7 +91,7 @@
  * @param newValue Updated value for the resource
 void put_callback(MbedCloudClientResource *resource, m2m::String newValue) {
-    printf("PUT received. New value: %s\n", newValue.c_str());
+    printf("*** PUT received, new value: %s                             \n", newValue.c_str());
     led = atoi(newValue.c_str());
@@ -89,7 +103,7 @@
  * @param size Size of the body
 void post_callback(MbedCloudClientResource *resource, const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size) {
-    printf("POST received (length %u). Payload: ", size);
+    printf("*** POST received (length %u). Payload: ", size);
     for (size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ix++) {
         printf("%02x ", buffer[ix]);
@@ -101,9 +115,9 @@
  * This function will be triggered either by a physical button press or by a ticker every 5 seconds (see below)
 void button_press() {
-    int v = button_res->get_value_int() + 1;
-    button_res->set_value(v);
-    printf("Button clicked %d times\n", v);
+    int v = res_button->get_value_int() + 1;
+    res_button->set_value(v);
+    printf("*** Button clicked %d times                                 \n", v);
@@ -112,7 +126,7 @@
  * @param status The delivery status of the notification
 void button_callback(MbedCloudClientResource *resource, const NoticationDeliveryStatus status) {
-    printf("Button notification, status %s (%d)\n", MbedCloudClientResource::delivery_status_to_string(status), status);
+    printf("*** Button notification, status %s (%d)                     \n", MbedCloudClientResource::delivery_status_to_string(status), status);
@@ -129,11 +143,17 @@
 void sensors_init() {
     printf ("\nSensors configuration:\n");
-    sen_acc.enable();
-    sen_mag.enable();
+    sens_acc.enable();
+    sens_mag.enable();
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+    sens_gyro.activate(true);
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
-    printf("FXOS8700Q accelerometer = 0x%X\n", sen_acc.whoAmI());
-    printf("FXOS8700Q magnetometer  = 0x%X\n", sen_mag.whoAmI());
+    printf("FXOS8700Q accelerometer = 0x%X\n", sens_acc.whoAmI());
+    printf("FXOS8700Q magnetometer  = 0x%X\n", sens_mag.whoAmI());
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+    printf("FXAS21002 gyroscope     = 0x%X\n", sens_gyro.getStatus());
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
     printf("\n"); ;
@@ -145,24 +165,38 @@
 void sensors_update() {
     motion_data_counts_t acc_raw, mag_raw;
-    printf("                                                             \n");
+    sens_acc.getAxis(acc_raw);
+    sens_mag.getAxis(mag_raw);
-    sen_acc.getAxis(acc_raw);
-    sen_mag.getAxis(mag_raw);
+    float mag_x = (double)mag_raw.x / 1000.0, mag_y = (double)mag_raw.y / 1000.0, mag_z = (double)mag_raw.z / 1000.0;
+    float acc_x = (double)acc_raw.x / 1000.0, acc_y = (double)acc_raw.y / 1000.0, acc_z = (double)acc_raw.z / 1000.0;
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+    float gyro_x = (double)sens_gyro.getX() / 1000.0, gyro_y = (double)sens_gyro.getY() / 1000.0, gyro_z = (double)sens_gyro.getZ() / 1000.0;
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
-    printf("FXOS8700Q mag:  %7ld x, %7ld y, %7ld z [mgauss]      \n", mag_raw.x, mag_raw.y, mag_raw.z);
-    printf("FXOS8700Q acc:  %7ld x, %7ld y, %7ld z [mg]          \n", acc_raw.x, acc_raw.y, acc_raw.z);
+    printf("                                                             \n");
+    printf("FXOS8700Q mag:  %7.3f x, %7.3f y, %7.3f z [gauss]        \n", mag_x, mag_y, mag_z);
+    printf("FXOS8700Q acc:  %7.3f x, %7.3f y, %7.3f z [g]            \n", acc_x, acc_y, acc_z);
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+    printf("FXAS21002 gryo: %7.3f x, %7.3f y, %7.3f z [dps]          \n", gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z);
+    printf("\r\033[4A");
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
     if (endpointInfo) {
-        res_magnometer_x->set_value((int)mag_raw.x);
-        res_magnometer_y->set_value((int)mag_raw.y);
-        res_magnometer_z->set_value((int)mag_raw.z);
-        res_accelerometer_x->set_value((int)acc_raw.x);
-        res_accelerometer_y->set_value((int)acc_raw.y);
-        res_accelerometer_z->set_value((int)acc_raw.z);
+        res_magnometer_x->set_value(mag_x);
+        res_magnometer_y->set_value(mag_y);
+        res_magnometer_z->set_value(mag_z);
+        res_accelerometer_x->set_value(acc_x);
+        res_accelerometer_y->set_value(acc_y);
+        res_accelerometer_z->set_value(acc_z);
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+        res_gyroscope_x->set_value(gyro_x);
+        res_gyroscope_y->set_value(gyro_y);
+        res_gyroscope_z->set_value(gyro_z);
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
 #endif /* SEND_ALL_SENSORS */
@@ -170,10 +204,22 @@
 int main(void) {
     printf("\nStarting Simple Pelion Device Management Client example\n");
+    int storage_status = fs.mount(bd);
+    if (storage_status != 0) {
+        printf("Storage mounting failed.\n");
+    }
 #if USE_BUTTON == 1
     // If the User button is pressed ons start, then format storage.
-    if (button.read() == MBED_CONF_APP_BUTTON_PRESSED_STATE) {
-        printf("User button is pushed on start. Formatting the storage...\n");
+    bool btn_pressed = (button.read() == MBED_CONF_APP_BUTTON_PRESSED_STATE);
+    if (btn_pressed) {
+        printf("User button is pushed on start...\n");
+    }
+    bool btn_pressed = FALSE;
+#endif /* USE_BUTTON */
+    if (storage_status || btn_pressed) {
+        printf("Formatting the storage...\n");
         int storage_status = StorageHelper::format(&fs, bd);
         if (storage_status != 0) {
             printf("ERROR: Failed to reformat the storage (%d).\n", storage_status);
@@ -181,7 +227,6 @@
     } else {
         printf("You can hold the user button during boot to format the storage and change the device identity.\n");
-#endif /* USE_BUTTON */
@@ -207,20 +252,69 @@
     // Creating resources, which can be written or read from the cloud
-    button_res = client.create_resource("3200/0/5501", "button_count");
-    button_res->set_value(0);
-    button_res->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    button_res->observable(true);
-    button_res->attach_notification_callback(button_callback);
+    res_button = client.create_resource("3200/0/5501", "button_count");
+    res_button->set_value(0);
+    res_button->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_button->observable(true);
+    res_button->attach_notification_callback(button_callback);
+    res_led = client.create_resource("3201/0/5853", "led_state");
+    res_led->set_value(led.read());
+    res_led->methods(M2MMethod::GET | M2MMethod::PUT);
+    res_led->attach_put_callback(put_callback);
+    res_post = client.create_resource("3300/0/5605", "execute_function");
+    res_post->methods(M2MMethod::POST);
+    res_post->attach_post_callback(post_callback);
+    res_accelerometer_x = client.create_resource("3313/0/5702", "Accelerometer X");
+    res_accelerometer_x->set_value(0);
+    res_accelerometer_x->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_accelerometer_x->observable(true);
+    res_accelerometer_y = client.create_resource("3313/0/5703", "Accelerometer Y");
+    res_accelerometer_y->set_value(0);
+    res_accelerometer_y->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_accelerometer_y->observable(true);
+    res_accelerometer_z = client.create_resource("3313/0/5704", "Accelerometer Z");
+    res_accelerometer_z->set_value(0);
+    res_accelerometer_z->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_accelerometer_z->observable(true);
-    led_res = client.create_resource("3201/0/5853", "led_state");
-    led_res->set_value(led.read());
-    led_res->methods(M2MMethod::GET | M2MMethod::PUT);
-    led_res->attach_put_callback(put_callback);
+    res_magnometer_x = client.create_resource("3314/0/5702", "Magnometer X");
+    res_magnometer_x->set_value(0);
+    res_magnometer_x->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_magnometer_x->observable(true);
+    res_magnometer_y = client.create_resource("3314/0/5703", "Magnometer Y");
+    res_magnometer_y->set_value(0);
+    res_magnometer_y->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_magnometer_y->observable(true);
+    res_magnometer_z = client.create_resource("3314/0/5704", "Magnometer Z");
+    res_magnometer_z->set_value(0);
+    res_magnometer_z->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_magnometer_z->observable(true);
-    post_res = client.create_resource("3300/0/5605", "execute_function");
-    post_res->methods(M2MMethod::POST);
-    post_res->attach_post_callback(post_callback);
+#ifdef TARGET_K66F
+    res_gyroscope_x = client.create_resource("3334/0/5702", "Gyroscope X");
+    res_gyroscope_x->set_value(0);
+    res_gyroscope_x->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_gyroscope_x->observable(true);
+    res_gyroscope_y = client.create_resource("3334/0/5703", "Gyroscope Y");
+    res_gyroscope_y->set_value(0);
+    res_gyroscope_y->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_gyroscope_y->observable(true);
+    res_gyroscope_z = client.create_resource("3334/0/5704", "Gyroscope Z");
+    res_gyroscope_z->set_value(0);
+    res_gyroscope_z->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
+    res_gyroscope_z->observable(true);
+#endif /* TARGET_K66F */
+#endif /* SEND_ALL_SENSORS */
     printf("Initialized Pelion Device Management Client. Registering...\n");