Projet véhicules autonomes

Dependencies:   FileSystem_POPS TextLCD m3pi mbed

Fork of m3PI_TP_POPS_II2015v0 by Samir Bouaziz

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00001 //Alaa et Dalal
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "m3pi.h"
00004 #include "MSCFileSystem.h"
00005 #include "TextLCD.h"
00008 m3pi m3pi;                  // Initialise the m3pi
00009 TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20, TextLCD::LCD20x4); // rs, e, d4-d7
00010 Serial xbee(p28,p27);
00011 DigitalOut resetxbee(p26);
00012 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);   // For debugging and pc
00013 Timer t;
00014 Ticker tick1;
00015 int count=0;
00016 unsigned char vecteur;
00017 bool cmd;
00018 int valeur;
00019 int k=1;
00020 float co;
00022 void test();
00023 BusOut myleds(LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4);
00025 #define D_TERM 0.0
00026 #define I_TERM 0.1
00027 #define I_TERMO 0.1
00028 #define P_TERM 0.9
00029 #define MAX  0.3
00030 #define MIN -0.2
00032 #define seuil(x)  (x>600 ? 1 : 0)
00034 float current_pos_of_line,
00035       previous_pos_of_line,
00036       derivate,
00037       proportional,
00038       power,
00039       integral,
00040       left,
00041       right,
00042       speed=0.2;
00043 char  chain[15];
00044 int   v;
00045 char  delai600ms;
00046 int   etat;
00047 char etat1;
00048 float correction = 0.2;
00049 char  aff[10],aff1[10];
00050 unsigned short tabsensor[5];
00051       //right= (right>MAX ? MAX :(right<MIN ? MIN : right));
00052       //left= (left>MAX ? MAX :(left<MIN ? MIN : left));
00053 unsigned char statecapt;
00054 bool mu;
00055 int countt,countt1;
00056 char  save[255]="             ";//"LRBRLRBW";
00057 char  save1[15]="00000000000000";
00058 int j=0;
00062 //PID
00063 char PIDf(char commande) 
00064 {
00065     if(commande==1)
00066     {
00067         if(statecapt==0x1F)
00068         {
00069             m3pi.left_motor(0);
00070             m3pi.right_motor(0);
00071             m3pi.forward(speed);
00072             myleds=0xF;
00073             return 0;
00074         }
00075         else
00076         {
00077             // Get the position of the line
00078             current_pos_of_line = m3pi.line_position();
00079             proportional = current_pos_of_line;
00080             // Compute the derivate
00081             derivate = current_pos_of_line - previous_pos_of_line;
00082             // Compute the integral
00083             integral = (integral+I_TERMO*proportional)/(1+I_TERMO);
00084             // Remember the last postion
00085             previous_pos_of_line = current_pos_of_line;
00086             // Compute the power
00087             power = (proportional*(P_TERM)) + (integral*(I_TERM)) +
00088             (derivate*(D_TERM));
00089             // Compute new speeds
00090             right = speed-(power*MAX);
00091             left = speed+(power*MAX);
00092             // Limits checks on motor control
00093             right= (right>MAX ? MAX :(right<MIN ? MIN : right));
00094             left= (left>MAX ? MAX :(left<MIN ? MIN : left));
00095             // Send command to motors
00096             m3pi.left_motor(left);
00097             m3pi.right_motor(right);
00098         }
00099     }
00100     return 1;
00101 }
00103 //Fonction superviseur
00104 //////////////////////////////////////*******************************optimisation de chaine***************////////////////////////////////////
00105 void optim(char save[], int countt)
00106 {
00107   int i;
00108   int k;
00109   for(i=0;i<countt;i++)
00110   {
00112      if ((save[i]=='R')&(save[i+1]=='B')&(save[i+2]=='R'))
00113      {
00114                 save[i]='W';
00115                 for (k=1; k<(countt-i);k++)
00116                 {
00117                     save[i+k]=save[i+k+2];
00118                 }
00119                     i++;
00120      }
00121      if ((save[i]=='W')&(save[i+1]=='B')&(save[i+2]=='R'))
00122      {
00123                 save[i]='L';
00124                 for (k=1; k<(countt-i);k++)
00125                 {
00126                     save[i+k]=save[i+k+2];
00127                 }
00128                     i++;
00129                 }
00130      if ((save[i]=='W')&(save[i+1]=='B')&(save[i+2]=='W'))
00131      {
00132                 save[i]='B';
00133                 for (k=1; k<(countt-i);k++)
00134                 {
00135                 save[i+k]=save[i+k+2];
00136                 }
00137                 i++;
00138      }
00140      if ((save[i]=='L')&(save[i+1]=='B')&(save[i+2]=='R'))
00141      {
00142                 save[i]='B';
00143                 for (k=1; k<(countt-i);k++)
00144                 {
00145                 save[i+k]=save[i+k+2];
00146                 }
00147                 i++;
00148      }
00149      if ((save[i]=='R')&(save[i+1]=='B')&(save[i+2]=='L'))
00150      {
00151                 save[i]='B';
00152                 for (k=1; k<(countt-i);k++)
00153                 {
00154                 save[i+k]=save[i+k+2];
00155                 }
00156                 i++;
00157      }
00158      if ((save[i]=='R')&(save[i+1]=='B')&(save[i+2]=='W'))
00159      {
00160                 save[i]='L';
00161                 for (k=1; k<(countt-i);k++)
00162                 {
00163                 save[i+k]=save[i+k+2];
00164                 }
00165                 i++;
00166      }
00168      else 
00169      {
00170                 for (k=0; k<(countt-1);k++)
00171                 {
00172                 save[k]=save[k];
00173                 }
00174      }
00176 }}
00180 /////////////////////////////////////*****************************************************optimisation**************************/////////////////////////
00181 void test1 ()
00182 {
00183      int i;
00184      m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor);    
00185      for(i=0; i<5; i++) 
00186      {
00188        statecapt = (statecapt << 1) | seuil(tabsensor[i]);
00190      }
00191      vecteur = (tabsensor[0]>600)*1+ (tabsensor[1]>600)*2+(tabsensor[2]>600)*4+
00192                   (tabsensor[3]>600)*8+(tabsensor[4]>600)*16;
00194      if(k==1)
00195      {             
00196         if ((tabsensor[0]<400)&(tabsensor[4]<400))
00197         {
00198            if ((tabsensor[1]>400)|(tabsensor[2]>400)|(tabsensor[3]>400))
00199            { 
00200                 etat1 ='P';
00201            }
00202            else if ((tabsensor[1]<100)&(tabsensor[2]<100)&(tabsensor[3]<100)){ etat1=save[countt1];countt1++;}
00203         }
00204         else if (((tabsensor[1]>600)|(tabsensor[2]>600)|(tabsensor[3]>600))& ((tabsensor[0]<100)&(tabsensor[4]>600)) )
00205         {
00206                 etat1=save[countt1];countt1++;
00207         }
00208         else if (((tabsensor[1]>600)|(tabsensor[2]>600)|(tabsensor[3]>600))& ((tabsensor[0]>600)&(tabsensor[4]<100)) )
00209         {
00210                 etat1=save[countt1];countt1++;
00211         }                            
00212         else if (((tabsensor[1]>600)|(tabsensor[2]>600)|(tabsensor[3]>600))& ((tabsensor[0]>600)&(tabsensor[4]>600)))//intersection + croix
00213         { 
00214             etat1=save[countt1] ;countt1++; 
00215         }
00216      }
00217 switch (etat1)
00218 {
00219          case 'B':
00220          m3pi.left_motor(speed);
00221          m3pi.right_motor(-speed);
00222          strcpy( aff,"back         ");
00223          wait(0.74);
00224          PIDf(1);
00225          wait(0.1);
00226          break;
00228          case 'E':
00229          m3pi.stop();
00230          m3pi.cls();
00231          m3pi.locate(0,1);
00232          m3pi.printf(save);;
00233          wait(1000);   
00234          break;
00236          case 'R' :
00237          strcpy( aff,"Right        "); 
00238          m3pi.left_motor(0);
00239          m3pi.right_motor(0);
00240          wait(0.01);
00241          m3pi.left_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00242          m3pi.right_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00243          wait(0.16);
00244          save[countt-1]='R';
00245          m3pi.left_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00246          m3pi.right_motor(-(1.5/2)*speed);
00247          wait(0.5);
00248          m3pi.left_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00249          m3pi.right_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00250          wait(0.1);
00251          PIDf(1);
00252          wait(0.001);
00253          m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor);     
00254          break;
00256          case 'L' :
00257          m3pi.left_motor(0);
00258          m3pi.right_motor(0);
00259          wait(0.01);
00260          m3pi.right_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00261          m3pi.left_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00262          wait(0.16);
00263          save[countt-1]='R';
00264          m3pi.right_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00265          m3pi.left_motor(-(1.5/2)*speed);
00266          wait(0.42);
00267          m3pi.left_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00268          m3pi.right_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00269          wait(0.1);
00270          PIDf(1);
00271          wait(0.001);
00272          m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor);      
00273          break;
00275          case 'W':
00276          m3pi.left_motor(0);
00277          m3pi.right_motor(0);
00278          wait(0.01);
00279          m3pi.left_motor(2*(1.5/2)*0.8*speed);
00280          m3pi.right_motor(2*(1.5/2)*0.8*speed);
00281          wait(0.14);
00282          strcpy( aff,"t_forward     ");
00283          PIDf(1);
00284          m3pi.left_motor(0);
00285          m3pi.right_motor(0);
00286          strcpy( aff,"w");
00287          m3pi.locate(0,1);
00288          m3pi.printf(aff);
00289          m3pi.stop();
00290          wait(0.01);
00291          PIDf(1);
00292          wait(0.1); 
00293          break;
00295          case 'P':
00296          PIDf(1);
00297          sprintf(aff,"%d",countt);
00298          m3pi.locate(0,1);
00299          m3pi.printf(aff);
00300          wait(0.001);
00301          break;
00303 }}
00306 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////***************Superviseur principal**************/////////////////////////////
00307 void test ()
00308 {
00309      int i;
00310      m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor);    
00311      for(i=0; i<5; i++) 
00312      {
00314        statecapt = (statecapt << 1) | seuil(tabsensor[i]);
00316      }
00317      vecteur = (tabsensor[0]>600)*1+ (tabsensor[1]>600)*2+(tabsensor[2]>600)*4+
00318                   (tabsensor[3]>600)*8+(tabsensor[4]>600)*16;
00320      if(k==1)
00321      {             
00322         if ((tabsensor[0]<400)&(tabsensor[4]<400))
00323         {
00324             if ((tabsensor[1]>400)|(tabsensor[2]>400)|(tabsensor[3]>400))
00325                 etat =2;
00326             else if ((tabsensor[1]<100)&(tabsensor[2]<100)&(tabsensor[3]<100)){ etat =0;countt++;}
00327         }
00328         else if (((tabsensor[1]>600)|(tabsensor[2]>600)|(tabsensor[3]>600))& ((tabsensor[0]<400)&(tabsensor[4]>600)) )
00329         {
00330                 etat=1;countt++;
00331         }
00332         else if (((tabsensor[1]>600)|(tabsensor[2]>600)|(tabsensor[3]>600))& ((tabsensor[0]>800)&(tabsensor[4]<100)) )
00333         {
00334                 etat=4;countt++;
00335         }
00336         else if (((tabsensor[1]>600)|(tabsensor[2]>600)|(tabsensor[3]>600))& ((tabsensor[0]>600)&(tabsensor[4]>600)))//intersection + croix
00337         { 
00338                 etat=3 ;countt++; 
00339         }
00340       }
00341  switch (etat)
00342  {
00343     case 0:
00344     m3pi.left_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00345     m3pi.right_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00346     wait(0.1);
00347     m3pi.left_motor(speed);
00348     m3pi.right_motor(-speed);
00349     strcpy( aff,"back         ");
00350     wait(0.74);
00351     PIDf(1);
00352     wait(0.1);
00353     save[countt-1]='B';
00354     break;
00355     case 1 :
00356     strcpy( aff,"Right        "); 
00357     m3pi.left_motor(0);
00358     m3pi.right_motor(0);
00359     wait(0.01);
00360     m3pi.left_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00361     m3pi.right_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00362     wait(0.16);
00363     save[countt-1]='R';
00364     m3pi.left_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00365     m3pi.right_motor(-(1.5/2)*speed);
00366     wait(0.42);
00367     m3pi.left_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00368     m3pi.right_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00369     wait(0.1);
00370     PIDf(1);
00371     wait(0.001);
00372     m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor); 
00373     break;
00374     case 2:
00375     PIDf(1);
00376     sprintf(aff,"%d",countt);//strcpy( aff,"bye nombre");
00377     m3pi.locate(0,1);
00378     m3pi.printf(aff);
00379     m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor); 
00380     break;
00381     case 3:
00382     m3pi.left_motor(0);
00383     m3pi.right_motor(0);
00384     wait(0.01);
00385     m3pi.left_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00386     m3pi.right_motor(1.2*(1.5/2)*speed);
00387     wait(0.16);
00388     strcpy( aff,"t_forward     ");
00389     m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor);
00390     wait(0.02);
00391     if ((tabsensor[0]>600)&(tabsensor[4]>200)&(tabsensor[2]>600)&(tabsensor[3]>600)&(tabsensor[1]>600))//the end
00392     {
00393          save[countt-1]='E';
00394          m3pi.left_motor(2*0);
00395          m3pi.right_motor(2*0);
00396          cmd=false;
00397          m3pi.leds(255);
00398          wait(2);
00399          strcpy( aff,"Optim     ");
00400          m3pi.leds(255);
00401          m3pi.locate(0,1);
00402          m3pi.printf(aff);
00403          wait(0.5);
00404          m3pi.leds(255);
00405          wait(0.5);
00406          m3pi.leds(127);
00407          wait(0.5);
00408          m3pi.leds(63);
00409          wait(0.5);
00410          strcpy( aff,"2              ");
00411          m3pi.locate(0,1);
00412          m3pi.printf(aff);
00413          m3pi.leds(31);
00414          wait(0.5);
00415          m3pi.leds(15);  
00416          wait(0.5);
00417          m3pi.leds(7);
00418          strcpy( aff,"1           ");
00419          m3pi.locate(0,1);
00420          m3pi.printf(aff);
00421          m3pi.leds(3);
00422          wait(0.5);
00423          m3pi.leds(1);
00424          wait(0.5);
00425          strcpy( aff,"0           ");
00426          m3pi.locate(0,1);
00427          m3pi.printf(aff);
00428          wait(1); 
00429          m3pi.leds(0);
00430          strcpy( aff,"GOOOOOOOOOO");
00431          m3pi.locate(0,1);
00432          m3pi.printf(aff);
00433          wait(1); 
00434     }
00435     else        
00436     { 
00437          save[countt-1]='R';
00438          m3pi.left_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00439          m3pi.right_motor(-(1.5/2)*speed);
00440          wait(0.53);
00441          m3pi.left_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00442          m3pi.right_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00443          wait(0.1);
00444          PIDf(1);
00445          wait(0.001);
00446          strcpy( aff,"turned     ");
00447     }
00449     break;
00450     case 4:
00451     m3pi.left_motor(0);
00452     m3pi.right_motor(0);
00453     wait(0.01);
00454     m3pi.left_motor(2*(1.5/2)*0.8*speed);
00455     m3pi.right_motor(2*(1.5/2)*0.8*speed);
00456     wait(0.14);
00457     strcpy( aff,"t_forward     ");
00458     PIDf(1);
00459     m3pi.left_motor(0);
00460     m3pi.right_motor(0);
00461     m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor);
00462     save[countt-1]='W';    
00463     if (((tabsensor[0]<400)&(tabsensor[4]<400))&(tabsensor[2]>900))//forward     
00464     {   
00465          PIDf(1);
00466          wait(0.001);
00467     }            
00468     if ((tabsensor[1]<100)&(tabsensor[2]<100)&(tabsensor[3]<100))//turn left
00469     {  
00470          save[countt-1]='L';
00471          m3pi.left_motor(-(1.5/2)*speed);
00472          m3pi.right_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00473          wait(0.48);
00474          m3pi.left_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00475          m3pi.right_motor((1.5/2)*speed);
00476          wait(0.21);
00477     }
00478     break;
00479 }}
00480        ////////////////////////*********************************************/////////////////////////////////////////////////
00482 volatile char flag10ms;
00484 void inter1()
00485 {
00486     flag10ms=1;
00488 }
00490 int main() 
00491 {
00492     k=1;
00493     countt=0;
00494     countt1=0;
00495     cmd=1;
00496     resetxbee =0;
00497     wait(0.01);
00498     resetxbee =1;
00499     statecapt=0;
00500     m3pi.sensor_auto_calibrate();
00501     wait(1.);
00502     tick1.attach(&inter1,0.01);
00503     mu=1;
00504     while(1)
00505     {
00506        if (1)
00507        {
00508             if(flag10ms==1)
00509             {
00510                 flag10ms=0;
00511                 t.reset();
00512                 t.start();
00513                 m3pi.calibrated_sensors(tabsensor);
00514                 if(cmd)
00515                 {
00516                     test();
00517                 }
00518                 else 
00519                 {
00520                     optim(save,countt);optim(save,countt);optim(save,countt);optim(save,countt);   
00521                     test1();
00522                 }
00523                 t.stop();
00524                 v=t.read_us();
00525                 delai600ms++;
00526             }
00527       }
00528 }  
00530 for (k=0 ;k<countt; k++ )
00531 {
00532     if(k<8)
00533     {
00534      aff[k]=save[k];
00535     }
00536     else
00537     {
00538      aff1[k]=save1[k];
00539     }
00541 }
00542     m3pi.locate(0,1);
00543     m3pi.printf(aff);
00545 }