Fork of Added pin config for MAX32630FTHR

Dependents:   CircularBufferSDCardLib time_between_inerupt

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TESTS/filesystem/seek/main.cpp	Tue Mar 20 17:35:00 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "greentea-client/test_env.h"
+#include "unity.h"
+#include "utest.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+using namespace utest::v1;
+// test configuration
+#define MBED_TEST_FILES 4
+#define MBED_TEST_DIRS 4
+#define MBED_TEST_BUFFER 8192
+#define MBED_TEST_TIMEOUT 120
+// declarations
+#define STRINGIZE2(x) #x
+#define INCLUDE(x) STRINGIZE(x.h)
+File file[MBED_TEST_FILES];
+struct dirent ent;
+struct dirent *ed;
+size_t size;
+uint8_t buffer[MBED_TEST_BUFFER];
+uint8_t rbuffer[MBED_TEST_BUFFER];
+uint8_t wbuffer[MBED_TEST_BUFFER];
+// tests
+void test_seek_tests() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = MBED_TEST_FILESYSTEM::format(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.mkdir("hello", 0777);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        for (int i = 0; i < 132; i++) {
+            sprintf((char*)buffer, "hello/kitty%d", i);
+            res = file[0].open(&fs, (char*)buffer,
+                    O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            size = strlen("kittycatcat");
+            memcpy(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+            for (int j = 0; j < 132; j++) {
+                file[0].write(buffer, size);
+            }
+            res = file[0].close();
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        }
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+void test_simple_dir_seek() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].open(&fs, "hello");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, ".");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, "..");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        off_t pos;
+        int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+            sprintf((char*)buffer, "kitty%d", i);
+            res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+            res = strcmp(ent.d_name, (char*)buffer);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            pos = dir[0].tell();
+        }
+        res = pos >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        dir[0].seek(pos);
+        sprintf((char*)buffer, "kitty%d", i);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, (char*)buffer);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        dir[0].rewind();
+        sprintf((char*)buffer, "kitty%d", 0);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, ".");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, "..");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, (char*)buffer);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        dir[0].seek(pos);
+        sprintf((char*)buffer, "kitty%d", i);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, (char*)buffer);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].close();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+void test_large_dir_seek() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].open(&fs, "hello");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, ".");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, "..");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        off_t pos;
+        int i;
+        for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+            sprintf((char*)buffer, "kitty%d", i);
+            res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+            res = strcmp(ent.d_name, (char*)buffer);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            pos = dir[0].tell();
+        }
+        res = pos >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        dir[0].seek(pos);
+        sprintf((char*)buffer, "kitty%d", i);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, (char*)buffer);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        dir[0].rewind();
+        sprintf((char*)buffer, "kitty%d", 0);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, ".");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, "..");
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, (char*)buffer);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        dir[0].seek(pos);
+        sprintf((char*)buffer, "kitty%d", i);
+        res = dir[0].read(&ent);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = strcmp(ent.d_name, (char*)buffer);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = dir[0].close();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+void test_simple_file_seek() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].open(&fs, "hello/kitty42", O_RDONLY);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        off_t pos;
+        size = strlen("kittycatcat");
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+            res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+            res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            pos = file[0].tell();
+        }
+        res = pos >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        file[0].rewind();
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(-size, SEEK_CUR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(-size, SEEK_END) >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        size_t size = file[0].size();
+        res = file[0].seek(0, SEEK_CUR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = file[0].close();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+void test_large_file_seek() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].open(&fs, "hello/kitty42", O_RDONLY);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        off_t pos;
+        size = strlen("kittycatcat");
+        for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+            res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+            res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            pos = file[0].tell();
+        }
+        res = pos >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        file[0].rewind();
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(-size, SEEK_CUR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(-size, SEEK_END) >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        size_t size = file[0].size();
+        res = file[0].seek(0, SEEK_CUR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = file[0].close();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+void test_simple_file_seek_and_write() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].open(&fs, "hello/kitty42", O_RDWR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        off_t pos;
+        size = strlen("kittycatcat");
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+            res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+            res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            pos = file[0].tell();
+        }
+        res = pos >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        memcpy(buffer, "doggodogdog", size);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].write(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "doggodogdog", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        file[0].rewind();
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "doggodogdog", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(-size, SEEK_END) >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        size_t size = file[0].size();
+        res = file[0].seek(0, SEEK_CUR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = file[0].close();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+void test_large_file_seek_and_write() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].open(&fs, "hello/kitty42", O_RDWR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        off_t pos;
+        size = strlen("kittycatcat");
+        for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+            res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+            if (i != 4) {
+                res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+                TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            }
+            pos = file[0].tell();
+        }
+        res = pos >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        memcpy(buffer, "doggodogdog", size);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].write(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "doggodogdog", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        file[0].rewind();
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(pos, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "doggodogdog", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(-size, SEEK_END) >= 0;
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        size_t size = file[0].size();
+        res = file[0].seek(0, SEEK_CUR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = file[0].close();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+void test_boundary_seek_and_write() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].open(&fs, "hello/kitty42", O_RDWR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        size = strlen("hedgehoghog");
+        const off_t offsets[] = {512, 1020, 513, 1021, 511, 1019};
+        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(offsets) / sizeof(offsets[0]); i++) {
+            off_t off = offsets[i];
+            memcpy(buffer, "hedgehoghog", size);
+            res = file[0].seek(off, SEEK_SET);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(off, res);
+            res = file[0].write(buffer, size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+            res = file[0].seek(off, SEEK_SET);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(off, res);
+            res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+            res = memcmp(buffer, "hedgehoghog", size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            res = file[0].seek(0, SEEK_SET);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+            res = memcmp(buffer, "kittycatcat", size);
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+            res = file[0].sync();
+            TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        }
+        res = file[0].close();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+void test_out_of_bounds_seek() {
+    int res = bd.init();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    {
+        res = fs.mount(&bd);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].open(&fs, "hello/kitty42", O_RDWR);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        size = strlen("kittycatcat");
+        res = file[0].size();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(132*size, res);
+        res = file[0].seek((132+4)*size,
+                SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL((132+4)*size, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        memcpy(buffer, "porcupineee", size);
+        res = file[0].write(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = file[0].seek((132+4)*size,
+                SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL((132+4)*size, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "porcupineee", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].seek(132*size,
+                SEEK_SET);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(132*size, res);
+        res = file[0].read(buffer, size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(size, res);
+        // FatFs does not guarantee empty expanded buffer
+        res = memcmp(buffer, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", size);
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = file[0].close();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+        res = fs.unmount();
+        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+    }
+    res = bd.deinit();
+    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res);
+// test setup
+utest::v1::status_t test_setup(const size_t number_of_cases) {
+    return verbose_test_setup_handler(number_of_cases);
+Case cases[] = {
+    Case("Seek tests", test_seek_tests),
+    Case("Simple dir seek", test_simple_dir_seek),
+    Case("Large dir seek", test_large_dir_seek),
+    Case("Simple file seek", test_simple_file_seek),
+    Case("Large file seek", test_large_file_seek),
+    Case("Simple file seek and write", test_simple_file_seek_and_write),
+    Case("Large file seek and write", test_large_file_seek_and_write),
+    Case("Boundary seek and write", test_boundary_seek_and_write),
+    Case("Out-of-bounds seek", test_out_of_bounds_seek),
+Specification specification(test_setup, cases);
+int main() {
+    return !Harness::run(specification);