Fix even de calibratie

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL biquadFilter mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Calibrationscript.cpp	Tue Oct 31 08:14:26 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "HIDScope.h"                      //require the HIDScope library
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+#include "BiQuad.h"
+//                       DEFINING                  
+//Define Inputs
+AnalogIn emg(A0);                               //analog of EMG input
+InterruptIn button1(PTA4);                        //test button for starting motor 1
+InterruptIn button2(SW2);                         //FOR DEBUGGING
+//Define Outputs
+DigitalOut led1(LED_RED);
+DigitalOut led2(LED_BLUE);
+DigitalOut led3(LED_GREEN);                     //FOR DEBUGGING
+//Define Tickers
+Ticker      sample_timer;                       // Taking samples
+Ticker      LED_timer;                          // Write the LED
+Ticker      calibration_timer;                  // Check when to start calibration
+//Define HIDscope
+HIDScope    scope(2);                           //instantize a 2-channel HIDScope object
+//Define filters and define the floats which contains the values.
+BiQuadChain bqc;
+BiQuad bq1_low(1.34871e-3, 2.69742e-3, 1.34871e-3, -1.89346, 0.89885);
+BiQuad bq2_high(0.96508, -1.93016, 0.96508, -1.92894, 0.93138);
+BiQuad bq3_notch(0.91859, -1.82269, 0.91859, -1.82269, 0.83718);
+double emgFiltered;
+double filteredAbs;
+double emg_value;
+double onoffsignal;
+double maxcal=0;        
+bool aboveTreshold=0;
+//                      FUNCTIONS                
+//function for filtering
+void filter(){                                      
+    if(aboveTreshold==1){
+        emg_value =;
+        emgFiltered = bqc.step( emg_value );
+        filteredAbs = abs( emgFiltered );
+        onoffsignal=filteredAbs/maxcal;             //divide the emg signal by the max EMG to calibrate the signal per person
+        scope.set(0,emg_value);                     //set emg signal to scope in channel 1
+        scope.set(1,onoffsignal);                   //set filtered signal to scope in channel 2
+        scope.send();                               //send the signals to the scope
+//            pc.printf("emg signal %f, filtered signal %f \n",emg_value,onoffsignal);
+    }
+//function to check the threshold
+void checkthreshold(){                                  
+    if(aboveTreshold==1){                                      //if signal passes threshold value, red light goes on
+            if(onoffsignal<=0.25){
+                    led1.write(1);
+                    led2.write(0);
+            }
+            else if(onoffsignal >= 0.5){                //if signal does not pass threshold value, blue light goes on
+                    led1.write(0);
+                    led2.write(1);
+            }
+    }
+//function to calibrate
+void calibration(){                                            
+    if({
+        led3.write(0);
+        for(int n =0; n<5000;n++){                          //read for 5000 samples as calibration
+            led3.write(0);
+            emg_value =;
+            emgFiltered = bqc.step( emg_value );
+            filteredAbs = abs( emgFiltered );
+            double signalmeasure = filteredAbs;
+            if (signalmeasure > maxcal){                    //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
+                maxcal = signalmeasure;
+            }
+        }
+        aboveTreshold=1;
+        led3.write(1);
+    }  
+//                         MAIN                      
+int main(){
+//    pc.baud(115200);
+//    pc.printf("Lampjes zijn langs geweest");
+    led1.write(1);
+    led2.write(1);
+    led3.write(1);
+    bqc.add( &bq1_low ).add( &bq2_high ).add( &bq3_notch );
+    sample_timer.attach(&filter, 0.002);                //continously execute the EMG reader and filter
+    LED_timer.attach(&checkthreshold, 0.002);         //continously execute the motor controller
+    calibration_timer.attach(&calibration, 0.002);              //ticker to check if EMG is being calibrated
+//    pc.printf("%d",filteredAbs);
+    while(1){     //while loop to keep system going 
+    }     
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