Test LED, Button Interrupt, Sleepmode, Ticker
Since i get my Nucleo-F401RE i like to docu my tests
- interesting for me was, that only one LED (LED1 or PA_5) can be used for coding.
- a nice thing is, that the LEDs have a lovely brightness (compared to mbed-LPC1768)
- However the sleepmodes are working :)
in deep sleep the system seems to do nothing and can be reactivated by an external interrupt (i haven't read the manual yet, so i only see this with the code)
this test is based on
Import programInterruptIn_HelloWorld
Hello World for InterruptIn
Import programTicker_HelloWorld
Hello World for Ticker
Import programNucleo_sleep
Enter in sleep or deepsleep modes.
[Repository '/teams/ST/code/Nucleo_blink_led/' not found]