Simple demo showing how to control the CoCo-ri-Co LED ring.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LedMatrix.cpp	Tue Jun 21 07:45:06 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ * LedMatrix.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: 25 january 2016
+ *      Author: CPV
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LedMatrix.h"
+#define MATRIX_ROWS  (4)
+#define MATRIX_COLUMNS  (4)
+DigitalOut led17g(CENTER_LED_X,1);
+DigitalOut led17r(CENTER_LED_Y,1);
+DigitalInOut ledMatrixRows[MATRIX_ROWS] = 
+    DigitalInOut(P0_15,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0),
+    DigitalInOut(P0_13,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0),
+    DigitalInOut(P0_16,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0),
+    DigitalInOut(P0_7,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0)
+/*DigitalInOut row0(P0_15,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0);
+DigitalInOut row1(P0_13,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0);
+DigitalInOut row2(P0_16,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0);
+DigitalInOut row3(P0_7,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0);*/
+DigitalInOut ledMatrixColumns[MATRIX_COLUMNS] = 
+    DigitalInOut(P0_9,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0),
+    DigitalInOut(P0_8,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0),
+    DigitalInOut(P0_17,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0),
+    DigitalInOut(P0_14,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0)
+/*DigitalInOut col0(P0_9,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0);
+DigitalInOut col1(P0_8,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0);
+DigitalInOut col2(P0_17,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0);
+DigitalInOut col3(P0_14,PIN_INPUT,PullNone,0);*/
+CLedMatrixPixel pixels[PIXELS] =
+    CLedMatrixPixel(0,0), // LED1
+    CLedMatrixPixel(0,1), // LED2
+    CLedMatrixPixel(0,2), // LED3
+    CLedMatrixPixel(0,3), // LED4
+    CLedMatrixPixel(1,0), // LED5
+    CLedMatrixPixel(1,1), // LED6
+    CLedMatrixPixel(1,2), // LED7
+    CLedMatrixPixel(1,3), // LED8
+    CLedMatrixPixel(2,0), // LED9
+    CLedMatrixPixel(2,1), // LED10
+    CLedMatrixPixel(2,2), // LED11
+    CLedMatrixPixel(2,3), // LED12
+    CLedMatrixPixel(3,0), // LED13
+    CLedMatrixPixel(3,1), // LED14
+    CLedMatrixPixel(3,2), // LED15
+    CLedMatrixPixel(3,3), // LED16
+    CLedMatrixPixel(MATRIX_ROWS,MATRIX_COLUMNS), // LED17 (not in the matrix)
+void CLedMatrix::initialise(void)
+    m_acitvePixel = 0;
+    m_maxPixel = PIXELS;
+void CLedMatrix::putPixel(uint8_t nr, LedMatrixColor_t color) 
+    if (nr<PIXELS) pixels[nr] = color; 
+void CLedMatrix::set(CLedMatrixPixel pixel, LedMatrixColor_t color)
+    if (pixel.x()>=MATRIX_ROWS && pixel.x()>=MATRIX_COLUMNS)
+    {
+        // Special treats for CENTER_LED.
+        setCenterLed(color);
+    }
+    else if (color==black)
+    {
+        // Black is achieved by making the pixel pins inputs.
+        ledMatrixRows[pixel.x()].input();
+        ledMatrixColumns[pixel.y()].input();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Red, green & orange require the pixel pins to be outputs.
+        ledMatrixRows[pixel.x()].output();
+        ledMatrixColumns[pixel.y()].output();
+        switch (color)
+        {
+            case red:
+                ledMatrixRows[pixel.x()] = 1;
+                ledMatrixColumns[pixel.y()] = 0;
+                break;
+            case green:
+                ledMatrixRows[pixel.x()] = 0;
+                ledMatrixColumns[pixel.y()] = 1;
+                break;
+            case orange:
+                ledMatrixRows[pixel.x()] = 1;
+                ledMatrixColumns[pixel.y()] = 1;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+void CLedMatrix::setCenterLed(LedMatrixColor_t color)
+    switch (color)
+    {
+    case black:
+        led17r = 1;
+        led17g = 1;
+        break;
+    case red:
+        led17r = 0;
+        led17g = 1;
+        break;
+    case green:
+        led17r = 1;
+        led17g = 0;
+        break;
+    case orange:
+        led17r = 0;
+        led17g = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+void CLedMatrix::tick(void)
+    set(pixels[m_acitvePixel],black); // Deactivate current LED.
+    m_acitvePixel += 1; // Increment LED counter.
+    if (m_acitvePixel>=m_maxPixel) m_acitvePixel = 0; // Wrap around if needed.
+    set(pixels[m_acitvePixel],pixels[m_acitvePixel].color()); // Activate new LED.