Bluetooth Rubber Ducky (https://forums.hak5.org/topic/41678-bluetooth-rubber-ducky/)
Dependencies: BLE_API mbed nRF51822
Fork of microbit_presenter by
- Backspace = x08
- (F5) = \x86
- (F11) = \x8A
- (F12) = \x8B
- Print Screen = \x8C
- Application Program Command (CTRL+8) \x9F
- (‽)RALT LCTRL RSHIFT LSHIFT F1 LCTRL = \u203d + \u2038 (v.similar)
- Down F1 LCTRL = \u2016
- F1 F1 LCTRL = \u2000
- Insert = \x90
- Home = \x91
- Pageup = \x92
- PageDown = \x93
- Right Shift + Left Control = \uF8FF
- Alt Shift + F (File >) = \x99
- CTRL+B = \x98
- Right Ctrl = \x9a
- Escape + stuff, \x9d
- Test on another PC (rwin) \x9c
- Scroll = \x8d
- Capslock = \x8e
- Numlock = \x8f
- Left = \x95
- Right = \x94
- Up = \x97
- Down = \x96
Full list of special command characters here.
Revisions of BLE_HID/JoystickService.h
Revision | Date | Message | Actions |
0:cb1939018833 | 2015-11-02 | Rename the keyboard | File Diff Annotate |