7-segment, up-down counter. Solution to the 2021 Week 10 Lab Practical.

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Thu Nov 11 03:45:49 2021 +0000
Commit message:
First complete version. Solution to the 2021, Week 10 lab practical.

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display.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
display.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 47b0267b8dd4 -r 3e59dadc569e display.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/display.cpp	Thu Nov 11 03:45:49 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+    Project: 21_7segmentTest3_v5 (Lab Wk 10)
+    File: display.cpp (v. 1.0)
+    Display "value" from 0 to F_16, DP (16_10), all off (17_10), and all on
+    (18_10) on 7-segment display.
+    Note: This display function requires an integer argument to be display, a 
+    BusOut object(passed by reference)on which to display the value of it's 
+    first argument, and a Serial object to which to send debugging output. This 
+    differs from the similar Week 8 Lab display function that depended upon 
+    global variables. The approached used here is more robust.
+    Written by: Dr. C. S. Tritt
+    Created: 11/10/21 (v. 1.0)
+#include "display.h"
+void display(int disVal, BusOut &disBus, Serial &pc){
+    // 7-segment, active low look-up-table. Displays Hex 0 to F, dp, all off 
+    // and all on. 
+    const int lutAL[] = { 
+        0b00000011, // 0 = 0
+        0b10011111, // 1 = 1
+        0b00100101, // 2 = 2
+        0b00001101, // 3 = 3
+        0b10011001, // 4 = 4
+        0b01001001, // 5 = 5
+        0b01000001, // 6 = 6
+        0b00011111, // 7 = 7
+        0b00000001, // 8 = 8
+        0b00001001, // 9 = 9
+        0b00010001, // 10 = a
+        0b11000001, // 11 = b
+        0b11100101, // 12 = c
+        0b10000101, // 13 = d
+        0b01100001, // 14 = e
+        0b01110001, // 15 = f
+        0b11111110, // 16 = dp
+        0b11111111, // 17 = All off
+        0b00000000  // 18 = All on
+        //abcdefgp – 7-segement output codes 0 to 18, p is decimal point.
+    };
+    pc.printf("In display disVal = %d.\n", disVal); // Send display value.
+    disBus = lutAL[disVal];
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 47b0267b8dd4 -r 3e59dadc569e display.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/display.h	Thu Nov 11 03:45:49 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ifndef MY_DSPLY
+#define MY_DSPLY
+#include "mbed.h"
+// File: display.h by Dr. C. S. Tritt, v. 1.0
+// BusOut and Serial objects must be passed by reference because they cannot be
+// copied.
+void display(int disVal, BusOut &disBus, Serial &pc);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 47b0267b8dd4 -r 3e59dadc569e main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Nov 09 20:33:18 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Nov 11 03:45:49 2021 +0000
@@ -1,77 +1,49 @@
-    Project: 21_7segmentTest_v5 (Lab Wk 10)
-    File: main.cpp
-    This test program confirms hardware operation and demonstrates use of the 
-    7-segement display. It will also be used as the starting point for the 
-    Week 10 lab practical.
+    Project: 21_7segmentTest3_v5 (Lab Wk 10)
+    File: main.cpp (v. 1.0)
-    Display "value" from 0 to F_16 to DP (16_10) to all off (17_10) to all on 
-    (17_10) on 7-segment display.
-    Note: This display function takes an integer argument to be display and a 
-    BusOut object (passed by reference) on which to display it as arguments.
-    This differs from the Week 8 Lab display function.
+    This test program confirms hardware operation and demonstrates use of the
+    7-segement display. This version is the the solution to both modification 
+    parts in the 2021 week 10 lab practical.
     Written by: Dr. C. S. Tritt
-    Created: 11/9/21 (v. 1.0)
+    Created: 11/10/21 (v. 1.0)
 #include "mbed.h"
-void display(int disVal, BusOut &disBus);
-Serial pc(USBTX, NC, 9600); // Use for debugging.
+#include "display.h"
 const int SLP_TIME = 1000; // Update once per second.
 int main(void)
-    // Note that bit sequence is the oposite of what I initially thought they 
+    Serial pc(USBTX, NC, 9600); // Use for development & debugging.
+    // Note that bit sequence is the oposite of what I initially thought they
     // would be. That is, pins are listed in low order to high order sequence.
     BusOut disBus(D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2); // The display.
+    // Construct a digital input linked to the USER_BUTTON.
+    DigitalIn myButton(USER_BUTTON); // Built in blue button.
     int myCount = 0; // Loop count. Rolls over at 18.
     // Test the wiring.
-    display(18, disBus);  // All on (binary).
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(2000); // Test even bars for 0.4 seconds.
-    display(17, disBus);  // All off (binary).
-    ThisThread::sleep_for(2000); // Test even bars for 0.4 seconds.
+    display(18, disBus, pc);  // All on (binary).
+    pc.printf("In wiring test = %d.\n", myCount); // Send count to PC.
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(2000); // Test even bars for 2.0 seconds.
+    display(17, disBus, pc);  // All off (binary).
+    pc.printf("In wiring test = %d.\n", myCount); // Send count to PC.
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(2000); // Test even bars for 2.0 seconds.
     // Enter main loop.
     while(true) {
-        display(myCount, disBus); // Display myCount (count).
+        display(myCount, disBus, pc); // Display myCount (count).
         pc.printf("In main myCount = %d.\n", myCount); // Send count to PC.
-        myCount++; // Increment the count.
-        if (myCount > 18) myCount = 0; // Rollover!
+        // Count up when button is up. Count down when button is down.
+        if (myButton) {
+            myCount++; // Increment the count.
+            if (myCount > 15) myCount = 0; // Rollover!
+        } else {
+            myCount--; // Increment the count.
+            if (myCount< 0) myCount = 15; // Rollunder!
+        }
         ThisThread::sleep_for(SLP_TIME);  // Display value for 1 second.
-void display(int disVal, BusOut &disBus){
-    // 7-segment, active low look-up-table. Displays Hex 0 to F, dp, all off 
-    // and all on. 
-    const int lutAL[] = { 
-    0b00000011, // 0 = 0
-    0b10011111, // 1 = 1
-    0b00100101, // 2 = 2
-    0b00001101, // 3 = 3
-    0b10011001, // 4 = 4
-    0b01001001, // 5 = 5
-    0b01000001, // 6 = 6
-    0b00011111, // 7 = 7
-    0b00000001, // 8 = 8
-    0b00001001, // 9 = 9
-    0b00010001, // 10 = a
-    0b11000001, // 11 = b
-    0b11100101, // 12 = c
-    0b10000101, // 13 = d
-    0b01100001, // 14 = e
-    0b01110001, // 15 = f
-    0b11111110, // 16 = dp
-    0b11111111, // 17 = All off
-    0b00000000  // 18 = All on
-    //abcdefg_dp – 7-segement output codes 0 to 18.
-    };
-    disBus = lutAL[disVal];
-    pc.printf("In display, disVal = %d\n", disVal);
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