A buffered display driver for the SSD1306 OLED controller. Please note that this is a work-in-progress; only very rudimentary drawing support is provided.
Dependents: Projetv0 greenhouse_proj ProjetLong_Serre_V3 ProjetLong_Serre_V3_1 ... more
Example of use:
#include "mbed.h" #include "ssd1306.h" #include "standard_font.h" #include "bold_font.h" SSD1306 oled(p8 /* cs */, p9 /* reset */, p14 /* dc */, p13 /* clock */, p11 /* data */); int main() { oled.initialise(); oled.clear(); oled.set_contrast(255); // max contrast oled.set_font(bold_font, 8); oled.printf("Heading\r\n"); oled.set_font(standard_font, 6); oled.printf("Hello World!\r\n"); oled.printf("Some more text here..."); oled.update(); while (1) { wait(2); oled.scroll_up(); oled.update(); } }