Workshop demo program

Dependencies:   PinDetect mbed LoRaWAN-lib SX1272Lib


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
19:31fc997c460b 2017-05-03 Brandond200 added a new timer to make sure the sending bool never gets stuck in the transmitting position. changed the uint8_t counting cycles for checkAlarm to a uint16_t default tip
18:326069443137 2017-05-03 Brandond200 add check to not allow transmission while currently sending. Turned off ADR. Made checkAlarm only read position every 5000 cycles
17:995f2ef1e833 2017-05-02 Brandond200 changed default devEUI back to ending in 00
16:4667c0c0b48b 2017-05-02 Brandond200 changed alarm shmit trigger
15:07f7e9ce7e21 2017-05-02 Brandond200 set max number of blinks queued. Added shmit trigger for alarm so now it works when going up and down, not just up.
14:7d092ebf7250 2017-04-28 Brandond200 removed alarm report from transmission
13:d2cccfdb615c 2017-04-28 Brandond200 turned LED back on
12:67fcab1e915a 2017-04-28 Brandond200 Re-arranged app to be easier to understand by user
11:88afd7663dc4 2017-04-25 Brandond200 broke more functionality into functions in the app. changed that the rotary position is pass between functions instead of held in global variable
10:2eb7b1614bb8 2017-04-24 Brandond200 Formatted and commented code for workshop
9:147be3d463d3 2017-04-21 Brandond200 Updates for workshop
8:fb8b53c490e1 2017-04-21 Brandond200 update code for workshop. Changed blink to use timers not delays. stopped device from transmitting the 5 zeros as soon as it joins. Added a timer for the app. Added functions to format data for myDevices. Added alarm data
7:d7cdd6804277 2017-04-12 sergei11522 Customized for semtech workshop
6:0e8d45c5cbbc 2017-04-04 mluis Updated vt100.h to comply with latest mbed library versions.; Updated mbed and SX1272Lib libraries to the latest versions.
5:62862ef9480b 2016-07-05 mluis Synchronized example application with GitHub LoRaMac-node examples; Updated mbed, LoRaWAN-lib and SX1272Lib libraries
4:78bf111a5f6a 2016-05-18 mluis Updated LoRaWAN-Lib library
3:3152aa75c58d 2016-05-13 mluis Updated mbed, LoRaWAN-lib and SX1272Lib libraries.
2:2eeaeae2c725 2016-03-14 mluis Updated project with latest version of the used libraries
1:263aa4ff29cd 2016-02-18 mluis Updated to the new versions of mbed and SX1272Lib libraries
0:45496a70a8a5 2016-01-07 mluis Initial commit