Ja kno it

Mon Oct 30 13:51:13 2017 +0000
Added inverse Jacobian;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 1 #include "mbed.h"
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 2
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 3 /** Brocket function
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 4 Used to determine the end effector position depending on the joint angles
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 5 @param q1 current position of joint 1 in radians
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 6 @param q2 current position of joint 2 in radians
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 7 @param x Output variable for the x position of the end effector
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 8 @param y Output variable for the y position of the end effector
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 9 */
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 10 void Brocket(float q1,float q2,float &x,float &y);
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 11
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 12 /** Jacobian Tansposed function
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 13 Used to determine the joint torques depending on the Forces applied to the end effector
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 14 @param q1 current position of joint 1 in radians
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 15 @param q2 current position of joint 2 in radians
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 16 @param Fsprx Force applied to the end effector in x direction
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 17 @param Fspry Force applied to the end effector in y direction
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 18 @param tau1 Output variable for the Moment in joint1
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 19 @param tau2 Output variable for the Moment in joint2
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 20 */
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 21 void TransposeJacobian(float q1,float q2,float Fsprx,float Fspry,float &tau1,float &tau2);
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 22
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 23 /** Jacobian Tansposed function
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 24 Used to determine the joint velocities depending on the end effector velocities
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 25 @param q1 current position of joint 1 in radians
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 26 @param q2 current position of joint 2 in radians
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 27 @param vx Velocity of the end effector in x direction
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 28 @param vy Velocity of the end effector in y direciton
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 29 @param tau1 Output variable for the Moment in joint1
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 30 @param tau2 Output variable for the Moment in joint2
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 31 */
BramS23 0:92c31f1d4274 32 void InverseJacobian(float q1 , float q2, float vx, float vy, float &q1dot, float &q2dot);