ROHM board with IBM BlueMix Quickstart for Avnet class

Dependencies:   mbed mtsas

Fork of Dragonfly_Cellular_HTTPS_Example by MultiTech

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Feb 26 16:44:40 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Aug 12 16:15:00 2016 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,88 @@
-/** Dragonfly Cellular HTTPS Example
- * Configures the cellular radio, brings up the cellular link, and does HTTPS GET and POST requests.
+/** Combination of MultiTech HTTPS Example using json with ROHM Sennsor board and IBM Bluemix
+ *
+ * Configures the Sensor board for Ambient Light, cellular radio, brings up the cellular link,
+ * and does HTTPS POST requests.
  * To do HTTPS requests with a certain server, the root certificate used to validate that server's certificate must be installed. See ssl_certificates.h for information on how to get the proper root certificate.
+ *
+  *
+ * The following hardware is required to successfully run this program:
+ *   - MultiTech UDK2 (4" square white PCB with Arduino headers, antenna
+ *     connector, micro USB ports, and 40-pin connector for Dragonfly)
+ *   - MultiTech Dragonfly (1"x2" green PCB with Telit radio)
+ *   - Rohm Electronics Sensor Board
+ *   - Expansion board (LSM6DS0
+ *     3-axis accelerometer + 3-axis gyroscope, LIS3MDL 3-axis
+ *     magnetometer, HTS221 humidity and temperature sensor and LPS25HB
+ *     pressure sensor)
+ *
+ * What this program does:
+ *   - reads data from all sensors on board
+ *   - prints all sensor data to debug port on a periodic basis
+ *   - optionally send data to BlueMix
+ *   - All data is sent to a specific location determined by the student login.
+ *   - BlueMix cloud platform (user must create own account and configure a device
+ *       - you need to set the "VENDOR" and "MODEL"
+ *       - you need to set the "do_cloud_post" flag to true for this to
+ *         work
+ *
+ * Setup:
+ *   - Correctly insert SIM card into Dragonfly
+ *   - Seat the Dragonfly on the UDK2 board
+ *   - Connect an antenna to the connector on the Dragonfly labled "M"
+ *   - Stack the Base Shield on the UDK2 Arduino headers
+ *   - Stack the MEMs board on top of the Base Shield
+ *   - Plug in the power cable
+ *   - Plug a micro USB cable into the port below and slightly to the
+ *     left of the Dragonfly (NOT the port on the Dragonfly)
+ *
+ * Go have fun and make something cool!
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+Sample Program Description:
+   This Program will enable to Multi-Tech Dragonfly platform to utilize ROHM's Multi-sensor Shield Board.
+   This program will initialize all sensors on the shield and then read back the sensor data.
+   Data will then be output to the UART Debug Terminal every 1 second.
+Sample Program Author:
+Additional Resources:
+   ROHM Sensor Shield GitHub Repository:
  * NOTE: This example changes the baud rate of the debug port to 115200 baud!
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "mtsas.h"
 #include "ssl_certificates.h"
+#include <string>   // added for string manipulation
+#include <sstream>
+//-------- Customise these values -----------
+#define ORG "quickstart" // your organization or "quickstart"
+#define DEVICE_TYPE "dragonflytype" // use this default for quickstart or customize to your registered device type
+#define DEVICE_ID "dragonfly01" // use this default for quickstart or customize to your registered device id
+#define TOKEN "pauljaeger" // not used with "quickstart"
+#define EVENT "myEvent" // use this default or customize to your event type
+//-------- Customise the above values --------
+//char BlueMix_HEADER[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\r\n";
+char BlueMix_HEADER[] = "Content-Type: application/json";
+const char BlueMix_URL[] = "http://" ORG "" DEVICE_TYPE "/devices/" DEVICE_ID "/events/" EVENT;
+//  replace typeID and deviceId with "" and delete ()
+//  replace $eventId =  IBM will define in class.
+DigitalOut Led1Out(LED1);
 // This line controls the regulator's battery charger.
 // BC_NCE = 0 enables the battery charger
@@ -23,22 +98,85 @@
 mts::Cellular* radio;
 // An APN is required for GSM radios.
-static const char apn[] = "";
+static const char apn[] = "";
 bool radio_ok = false;
-int main() {
+#define RPR0521     //RPR0521   Ambient Light Sensor.
+//Define Pins for I2C Interface
+I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+bool        RepStart = true;
+bool        NoRepStart = false;
+#ifdef RPR0521
+int         RPR0521_addr_w = 0x70;          //7bit addr = 0x38, with write bit 0
+int         RPR0521_addr_r = 0x71;          //7bit addr = 0x38, with read bit 1
+char        RPR0521_ModeControl[2] = {0x41, 0xE6};
+char        RPR0521_ALSPSControl[2] = {0x42, 0x03};
+char        RPR0521_Persist[2] = {0x43, 0x20};
+char        RPR0521_Addr_ReadData = 0x44;
+char        RPR0521_Content_ReadData[6];
+int         RPR0521_PS_RAWOUT = 0;                  //this is an output
+float       RPR0521_PS_OUT = 0;
+int         RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT = 0;
+int         RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT = 0;
+float       RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio = 0;
+float       RPR0521_ALS_OUT = 0;                    //this is an output
+float       RPR0521_ALS[2];                         // is this ok taking an int to the [0] value and float to [1]???????????
+bool init_mtsas();
+void ReadRPR0521_ALS ();
+char* httpResToStr(HTTPResult res);
+namespace patch  // I have no idea why this is in the code *********************
+template < typename T > std::string to_string( const T& n )
+    std::ostringstream stm ;
+    stm << n ;
+    return stm.str() ;
+// main
+ ****************************************************************************************************/
+int main()
     // Disable the battery charger unless a battery is attached.
     bc_nce = 1;
+    static int post_interval_ms = 2000; //************* I don't want to wait 30 seconds ************************/
     // Change the baud rate of the debug port from the default 9600 to 115200.
     Serial debug(USBTX, USBRX);
     //Sets the log level to INFO, higher log levels produce more log output.
-    mts::MTSLog::setLogLevel(mts::MTSLog::INFO_LEVEL);
+    mts::MTSLog::setLogLevel(mts::MTSLog::TRACE_LEVEL);
+//        Initialize I2C Devices ************
+#ifdef RPR0521
+    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_ModeControl[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_ALSPSControl[0], 2, false);
+    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_Persist[0], 2, false);
+// Initialization Radio Section **********************************************************
     logInfo("initializing cellular radio");
     radio_ok = init_mtsas();
     if (! radio_ok) {
@@ -47,90 +185,127 @@
     logInfo("setting APN");
     if (radio->setApn(apn) != MTS_SUCCESS)
         logError("failed to set APN to \"%s\"", apn);
-    logInfo("bringing up the link");
-    if (! radio->connect()) {
-        logError("failed to bring up the link");
-    } else {
-        // HTTPClient object used for HTTP requests.
-        HTTPClient http;
-        // Enable strict certificate validation.
-        http.setPeerVerification(VERIFY_PEER);
-        // Load certificates defined in ssl_certificates.h.
-        // See comments in ssl_certificates.h for information on how to get and format root certificates.
-        if (http.addRootCACertificate(ssl_certificates) != HTTP_OK)
-            logError("loading SSL certificates failed");
-        // HTTP GET example -
-        {
-            char http_rx_buf[1024];
-            HTTPResult res;
-            // IHTTPDataIn object - will contain data received from server.
-            HTTPText http_rx(http_rx_buf, sizeof(http_rx_buf));
-            // Make a HTTP GET request to
-            res = http.get("", &http_rx);
-            if (res != HTTP_OK)
-                logError("HTTPS GET failed [%d][%s]", res, httpResToStr(res));
-            else
-                logInfo("HTTPS GET succeeded [%d]\r\n%s", http.getHTTPResponseCode(), http_rx_buf);
+    logInfo("APN set successful");
+    Timer post_timer;
+    post_timer.start();
+    int timeStamp;
+    logInfo("Entering loop");
+    while (true) {
+        if (post_timer.read_ms() > post_interval_ms ) {            // can this be changed to seconds?
+            timeStamp = post_timer.read_ms();
+            logDebug("timer read %d", timeStamp);
+            logDebug("timer value %d",  post_interval_ms );
+#ifdef RPR0521      //als digital
+            ReadRPR0521_ALS ();
+            int sensor_data = RPR0521_ALS[0];
+            int proximity_data = RPR0521_ALS[1];
+            int sensor_data = -1;
+            int proximity_data = -1;
+            logDebug("\r\nPosting sensor data %d",sensor_data);
+            std::string sensor_data_str = patch::to_string(sensor_data);
+            logDebug("Sensor data string: %s",sensor_data_str.c_str());
+//            http_tx.clear();
+            logInfo("bringing up the link");
+            if (! radio->connect()) {
+                logError("failed to bring up the link");
+                //return 0;
+            } else {
+                // HTTPClient object used for HTTP requests.
+                HTTPClient http;
+                // Enable strict certificate validation.
+                http.setPeerVerification(VERIFY_PEER);
+                // Load certificates defined in ssl_certificates.h.
+                // See comments in ssl_certificates.h for information on how to get and format root certificates.
+                if (http.addRootCACertificate(ssl_certificates) != HTTP_OK)
+                    logError("loading SSL certificates failed");
+                // HTTP POST example - QUickstart
+                char http_rx_buf[1024];
+                char http_tx_buf[1024];
+                //sprintf(http_tx_buf,"\"Light\": \"%d\" \"Proximity\": \"%d\"",sensor_data, proximity_data);
+                memset(http_tx_buf, 0, sizeof(http_tx_buf));
+                memset(http_rx_buf, 0, sizeof(http_rx_buf));
+                snprintf(http_tx_buf, sizeof(http_tx_buf), "{ \"Light\": \"%d\" }", sensor_data);
+                logDebug("%s",http_tx_buf);
+                HTTPResult res;
+//                char http_tx_buf[] = "{  \"temperature\": \"715\" }";
+//                char http_tx_buf[] = "{  \"temperature\": \"" + sensor_data_str.c_str() + "\" }";            //failed to compile
+//                char http_tx_buf[] = "{  \"temperature\": \"715\"";
+//                strcat (http_tx_buf,sensor_data_str.c_str());
+//                strcat (http_tx_buf, "\" }");
+//                logDebug ("\r\n %s %d \r\n", http_tx_buf, sizeof(http_tx_buf));
+                //string txx_buf = "{  \"temperature\": \"";
+                //strcat (txx_buf,sensor_data_str.c_str());
+                //strcat (txx_buf, "\" }");
+                //logDebug ("\r\n %s %d \r\n", txx_buf.c_str(), txx_buf.size());
+                //http_tx_buf = txx_bug.c_str();
+                // IHTTPDataIn object - will contain data received from server.
+                HTTPText http_rx(http_rx_buf, sizeof(http_rx_buf));
+                // IHTTPDataOut object - contains data to be posted to server.
+                // HTTPJson automatically adds the JSON content-type header to the request.
+                HTTPJson http_tx(http_tx_buf, strlen(http_tx_buf)+1);
+                // Make a HTTP POST request to
+                res ="", http_tx, &http_rx);
+                if (res != HTTP_OK)
+                    logError("HTTPS POST to Bluemix failed [%d][%s]", res, httpResToStr(res));
+                else
+                    logInfo("HTTPS POST to Bluemix succeeded [%d]\r\n%s", http.getHTTPResponseCode(), http_rx_buf);
+                //logInfo("finished - bringing down link");
+                radio->disconnect();
+                post_timer.reset();
+            }
-        // HTTP POST example -
-        {
-            char http_rx_buf[1024];
-            HTTPResult res;
-            char http_tx_buf[] = "{ \"name\": \"temp_1\", \"temperature\": 75 }";
-            // IHTTPDataIn object - will contain data received from server.
-            HTTPText http_rx(http_rx_buf, sizeof(http_rx_buf));
-            // IHTTPDataOut object - contains data to be posted to server.
-            // HTTPJson automatically adds the JSON content-type header to the request.
-            HTTPJson http_tx(http_tx_buf, sizeof(http_tx_buf));
-            // Make a HTTP POST request to
-            res ="", http_tx, &http_rx);
-            if (res != HTTP_OK)
-                logError("HTTPS POST failed [%d][%s]", res, httpResToStr(res));
-            else
-                logInfo("HTTPS POST succeeded [%d]\r\n%s", http.getHTTPResponseCode(), http_rx_buf);
-        }
+        //return 0;
-    logInfo("finished - bringing down link");
-    radio->disconnect();
-    return 0;
+    //radio->disconnect();
-bool init_mtsas() {
+bool init_mtsas()
     io = new mts::MTSSerialFlowControl(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RTS, RADIO_CTS);
     if (! io)
         return false;
     // radio default baud rate is 115200
     radio = mts::CellularFactory::create(io);
     if (! radio)
         return false;
     // Transport must be set properly before any TCPSocketConnection or UDPSocket objects are created
     return true;
-char* httpResToStr(HTTPResult res) {
+char* httpResToStr(HTTPResult res)
     switch(res) {
         case HTTP_PROCESSING:
             return "HTTP_PROCESSING";
@@ -160,3 +335,33 @@
             return "HTTP Result unknown";
+#ifdef RPR0521       //als digital
+void ReadRPR0521_ALS ()
+    i2c.write(RPR0521_addr_w, &RPR0521_Addr_ReadData, 1, RepStart);
+, &RPR0521_Content_ReadData[0], 6, NoRepStart);
+    RPR0521_ALS[1] = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[1]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[0]);
+    RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[3]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[2]);
+    RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT = (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[5]<<8) | (RPR0521_Content_ReadData[4]);
+    RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio = (float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT / (float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT;
+    if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < (float)0.595) {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = ((float)1.682*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - (float)1.877*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
+    } else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < (float)1.015) {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = ((float)0.644*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - (float)0.132*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
+    } else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < (float)1.352) {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = ((float)0.756*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - (float)0.243*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
+    } else if(RPR0521_ALS_DataRatio < (float)3.053) {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = ((float)0.766*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D0_RAWOUT - (float)0.25*(float)RPR0521_ALS_D1_RAWOUT);
+    } else {
+        RPR0521_ALS[0] = 0;
+    }
+    logDebug("RPR-0521 ALS/PROX Sensor Data:\r\n");
+    logDebug(" ALS = %0.2f lx\r\n", RPR0521_ALS[0]);
+    logDebug(" PROX= %0.2f ADC Counts\r\n", RPR0521_ALS[1]);     //defined as a float but is an unsigned.
\ No newline at end of file