Fork of Smoothie to port to mbed non-LPC targets.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Smoothie by Stéphane Cachat

diff -r 1df0b61d3b5a -r f151d08d335c libs/LPC17xx/LPC17xxLib/inc/debug_frmwrk.h
--- a/libs/LPC17xx/LPC17xxLib/inc/debug_frmwrk.h	Fri Feb 28 18:52:52 2014 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-* $Id$		debug_frmwrk.h		2010-05-21
-* @file		debug_frmwrk.h
-* @brief	Contains some utilities that used for debugging through UART
-* @version	2.0
-* @date		21. May. 2010
-* @author	NXP MCU SW Application Team
-* Copyright(C) 2010, NXP Semiconductor
-* All rights reserved.
-* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
-* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
-* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
-* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
-* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
-* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
-* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
-* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
-* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
-* use without further testing or modification.
-#ifndef DEBUG_FRMWRK_H_
-#define DEBUG_FRMWRK_H_
-//#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "lpc17xx_uart.h"
-#define _DBG(x)	 	_db_msg(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DBG_(x)	_db_msg_(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DBC(x)	 	_db_char(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DBD(x)	 	_db_dec(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DBD16(x)	 _db_dec_16(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DBD32(x)	 _db_dec_32(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DBH(x)	 	_db_hex(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DBH16(x)	 _db_hex_16(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DBH32(x)	 _db_hex_32(DEBUG_UART_PORT, x)
-#define _DG			_db_get_char(DEBUG_UART_PORT)
-//void  _printf (const  char *format, ...);
-extern void (*_db_msg)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, const void *s);
-extern void (*_db_msg_)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, const void *s);
-extern void (*_db_char)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t ch);
-extern void (*_db_dec)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t decn);
-extern void (*_db_dec_16)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint16_t decn);
-extern void (*_db_dec_32)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint32_t decn);
-extern void (*_db_hex)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t hexn);
-extern void (*_db_hex_16)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint16_t hexn);
-extern void (*_db_hex_32)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint32_t hexn);
-extern uint8_t (*_db_get_char)(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx);
-void UARTPutChar (LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t ch);
-void UARTPuts(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, const void *str);
-void UARTPuts_(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, const void *str);
-void UARTPutDec(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t decnum);
-void UARTPutDec16(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint16_t decnum);
-void UARTPutDec32(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint32_t decnum);
-void UARTPutHex (LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t hexnum);
-void UARTPutHex16 (LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint16_t hexnum);
-void UARTPutHex32 (LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint32_t hexnum);
-uint8_t UARTGetChar (LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx);
-void debug_frmwrk_init(void);
-#endif /* DEBUG_FRMWRK_H_ */