Fork of Smoothie to port to mbed non-LPC targets.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Smoothie by Stéphane Cachat

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libs/LPC17xx/LPC17xxLib/src/lpc17xx_can.c	Fri Feb 28 18:52:52 2014 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1937 @@
+#ifdef __LPC17XX__
+* $Id$		lpc17xx_can.c				2011-03-09
+* @file		lpc17xx_can.c
+* @brief	Contains all functions support for CAN firmware library on LPC17xx
+* @version	3.3
+* @date		09. March. 2011
+* @author	NXP MCU SW Application Team
+* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
+* All rights reserved.
+* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
+* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
+* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
+* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
+* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
+* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
+* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
+* use without further testing or modification.
+/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @addtogroup CAN
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "lpc17xx_can.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h"
+/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration
+ * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,
+ * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead
+ */
+#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h"
+#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */
+#ifdef _CAN
+/* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @defgroup CAN_Private_Variables CAN Private Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+FunctionalState FULLCAN_ENABLE;
+/* Counts number of filters (CAN message objects) used */
+uint16_t CANAF_FullCAN_cnt = 0;
+uint16_t CANAF_std_cnt = 0;
+uint16_t CANAF_gstd_cnt = 0;
+uint16_t CANAF_ext_cnt = 0;
+uint16_t CANAF_gext_cnt = 0;
+/* End of Private Variables ----------------------------------------------------*/
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void can_SetBaudrate (LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t baudrate);
+ * @brief 		Setting CAN baud rate (bps)
+ * @param[in] 	CANx point to LPC_CAN_TypeDef object, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	baudrate: is the baud rate value will be set
+ * @return 		None
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static void can_SetBaudrate (LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t baudrate)
+	uint32_t result = 0;
+	uint8_t NT, TSEG1, TSEG2, BRFail;
+	uint32_t CANPclk = 0;
+	uint32_t BRP;
+	if (CANx == LPC_CAN1)
+	{
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	}
+	result = CANPclk / baudrate;
+	/* Calculate suitable nominal time value
+	 * NT (nominal time) = (TSEG1 + TSEG2 + 3)
+	 * NT <= 24
+	 * TSEG1 >= 2*TSEG2
+	 */
+	BRFail = 1;
+	for(NT=24;NT>0;NT=NT-2)
+	{
+		if ((result%NT)==0)
+		{
+			BRP = result / NT - 1;
+			NT--;
+			TSEG2 = (NT/3) - 1;
+			TSEG1 = NT -(NT/3) - 1;
+			BRFail = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if(BRFail)
+		while(1); // Failed to calculate exact CAN baud rate
+	/* Enter reset mode */
+	CANx->MOD = 0x01;
+	/* Set bit timing
+	 * Default: SAM = 0x00;
+	 *          SJW = 0x03;
+	 */
+	CANx->BTR  = (TSEG2<<20)|(TSEG1<<16)|(3<<14)|BRP;
+	/* Return to normal operating */
+	CANx->MOD = 0;
+/* End of Private Functions ----------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @addtogroup CAN_Public_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief		Initialize CAN peripheral with given baudrate
+ * @param[in]	CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	baudrate: the value of CAN baudrate will be set (bps)
+ * @return 		None
+ *********************************************************************/
+void CAN_Init(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t baudrate)
+	volatile uint32_t temp;
+	uint16_t i;
+	if(CANx == LPC_CAN1)
+	{
+		/* Turn on power and clock for CAN1 */
+		/* Set clock divide for CAN1 */
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* Turn on power and clock for CAN1 */
+		/* Set clock divide for CAN2 */
+	}
+	CANx->MOD = 1; // Enter Reset Mode
+	CANx->IER = 0; // Disable All CAN Interrupts
+	CANx->GSR = 0;
+	/* Request command to release Rx, Tx buffer and clear data overrun */
+	CANx->CMR = (1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3);
+	/* Read to clear interrupt pending in interrupt capture register */
+	temp = CANx->ICR;
+	CANx->MOD = 0;// Return Normal operating
+	//Reset CANAF value
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x01;
+	//clear ALUT RAM
+	for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
+		LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[i] = 0x00;
+	}
+	LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa = 0x00;
+	LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa = 0x00;
+	LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa = 0x00;
+	LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa = 0x00;
+	LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable = 0x00;
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00;
+	/* Set baudrate */
+	can_SetBaudrate (CANx, baudrate);
+ * @brief		CAN deInit
+ * @param[in]	CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @return 		None
+ *********************************************************************/
+void CAN_DeInit(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx)
+	if(CANx == LPC_CAN1)
+	{
+		/* Turn on power and clock for CAN1 */
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* Turn on power and clock for CAN1 */
+	}
+ * @brief		Setup Acceptance Filter Look-Up Table
+ * @param[in]	CANAFx	pointer to LPC_CANAF_TypeDef
+ * 				Should be: LPC_CANAF
+ * @param[in]	AFSection	the pointer to AF_SectionDef structure
+ * 				It contain information about 5 sections will be install in AFLUT
+ * @return 		CAN Error	could be:
+ * 				- CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR: No more rx or tx objects available
+ * 				- CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR: table error-violation of ascending numerical order
+ * 				- CAN_OK: ID is added into table successfully
+ *********************************************************************/
+CAN_ERROR CAN_SetupAFLUT(LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, AF_SectionDef* AFSection)
+	uint8_t ctrl1,ctrl2;
+	uint8_t dis1, dis2;
+	uint16_t SID, ID_temp,i, count = 0;
+	uint32_t EID, entry, buf;
+	uint16_t lowerSID, upperSID;
+	uint32_t lowerEID, upperEID;
+	CANAFx->AFMR = 0x01;
+/***** setup FullCAN Table *****/
+	if(AFSection->FullCAN_Sec == NULL)
+	{
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<(AFSection->FC_NumEntry);i++)
+		{
+			if(count + 1 > 64)
+			{
+			}
+			ctrl1 = AFSection->FullCAN_Sec->controller;
+			SID = AFSection->FullCAN_Sec->id_11;
+			dis1 = AFSection->FullCAN_Sec->disable;
+			entry = 0x00; //reset entry value
+			if((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x00000001)==0)
+			{
+				if(count!=0x00)
+				{
+					buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];
+					ID_temp = (buf & 0xE7FF); //mask controller & identifier bits
+					if(ID_temp > ((ctrl1<<13)|SID))
+					{
+						return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;
+					}
+				}
+				entry = (ctrl1<<29)|(dis1<<28)|(SID<<16)|(1<<27);
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] &= 0x0000FFFF;
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] |= entry;
+				CANAF_FullCAN_cnt++;
+				if(CANAF_FullCAN_cnt == AFSection->FC_NumEntry) //this is the lastest FullCAN entry
+					count++;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count];
+				ID_temp = (buf >>16) & 0xE7FF;
+				if(ID_temp > ((ctrl1<<13)|SID))
+				{
+					return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;
+				}
+				entry = (ctrl1<<13)|(dis1<<12)|(SID<<0)|(1<<11);
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] &= 0xFFFF0000;
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count]|= entry;
+				count++;
+				CANAF_FullCAN_cnt++;
+			}
+			AFSection->FullCAN_Sec = (FullCAN_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->FullCAN_Sec)+ sizeof(FullCAN_Entry));
+		}
+	}
+/***** Setup Explicit Standard Frame Format Section *****/
+	if(AFSection->SFF_Sec != NULL)
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<(AFSection->SFF_NumEntry);i++)
+		{
+			if(count + 1 > 512)
+			{
+			}
+			ctrl1 = AFSection->SFF_Sec->controller;
+			SID = AFSection->SFF_Sec->id_11;
+			dis1 = AFSection->SFF_Sec->disable;
+			//check parameter
+			entry = 0x00; //reset entry value
+			if((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x00000001)==0)
+			{
+				if(CANAF_std_cnt !=0 )
+				{
+					buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];
+					ID_temp = (buf & 0xE7FF); //mask controller & identifier bits
+					if(ID_temp > ((ctrl1<<13)|SID))
+					{
+						return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;
+					}
+				}
+				entry = (ctrl1<<29)|(dis1<<28)|(SID<<16);
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] &= 0x0000FFFF;
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] |= entry;
+				CANAF_std_cnt++;
+				if(CANAF_std_cnt == AFSection->SFF_NumEntry)//if this is the last SFF entry
+					count++;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count];
+				ID_temp = (buf >>16) & 0xE7FF;
+				if(ID_temp > ((ctrl1<<13)|SID))
+				{
+					return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;
+				}
+				entry = (ctrl1<<13)|(dis1<<12)|(SID<<0);
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] &= 0xFFFF0000;
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] |= entry;
+				count++;
+				CANAF_std_cnt++;
+			}
+			AFSection->SFF_Sec = (SFF_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->SFF_Sec)+ sizeof(SFF_Entry));
+		}
+	}
+/***** Setup Group of Standard Frame Format Identifier Section *****/
+	if(AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec != NULL)
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<(AFSection->SFF_GPR_NumEntry);i++)
+		{
+			if(count + 1 > 512)
+			{
+			}
+			ctrl1 = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->controller1;
+			ctrl2 = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->controller2;
+			dis1 = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->disable1;
+			dis2 = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->disable2;
+			lowerSID = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->lowerID;
+			upperSID = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->upperID;
+			/* check parameter */
+			entry = 0x00;
+			if(CANAF_gstd_cnt!=0)
+			{
+				buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];
+				ID_temp = buf & 0xE7FF;
+				if((ctrl1 != ctrl2)||(lowerSID > upperSID)||(ID_temp > ((ctrl1<<13)|lowerSID)))
+				{
+					return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;
+				}
+			}
+			entry = (ctrl1 << 29)|(dis1 << 28)|(lowerSID << 16)|  \
+					(ctrl2 << 13)|(dis2 << 12)|(upperSID << 0);
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] = entry;
+			CANAF_gstd_cnt++;
+			count++;
+			AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec = (SFF_GPR_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec)+ sizeof(SFF_GPR_Entry));
+		}
+	}
+/***** Setup Explicit Extend Frame Format Identifier Section *****/
+	if(AFSection->EFF_Sec != NULL)
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<(AFSection->EFF_NumEntry);i++)
+		{
+			if(count + 1 > 512)
+			{
+			}
+			EID = AFSection->EFF_Sec->ID_29;
+			ctrl1 = AFSection->EFF_Sec->controller;
+			// check parameter
+			entry = (ctrl1 << 29)|(EID << 0);
+			if(CANAF_ext_cnt != 0)
+			{
+				buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];
+//				EID_temp = buf & 0x0FFFFFFF;
+				if(buf > entry)
+				{
+					return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;
+				}
+			}
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] = entry;
+			CANAF_ext_cnt ++;
+			count++;
+			AFSection->EFF_Sec = (EFF_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->EFF_Sec)+ sizeof(EFF_Entry));
+		}
+	}
+/***** Setup Group of Extended Frame Format Identifier Section *****/
+	if(AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec != NULL)
+	{
+		for(i=0;i<(AFSection->EFF_GPR_NumEntry);i++)
+		{
+			if(count + 2 > 512)
+			{
+			}
+			ctrl1 = AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec->controller1;
+			ctrl2 = AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec->controller2;
+			lowerEID = AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec->lowerEID;
+			upperEID = AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec->upperEID;
+			//check parameter
+			entry = 0x00;
+			if(CANAF_gext_cnt != 0)
+			{
+				buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];
+//				EID_temp = buf & 0x0FFFFFFF;
+				if((ctrl1 != ctrl2) || (lowerEID > upperEID) || (buf > ((ctrl1 << 29)|(lowerEID << 0))))
+				{
+					return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;
+				}
+			}
+			entry = (ctrl1 << 29)|(lowerEID << 0);
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count++] = entry;
+			entry = (ctrl2 << 29)|(upperEID << 0);
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count++] = entry;
+			CANAF_gext_cnt++;
+			AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec = (EFF_GPR_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec)+ sizeof(EFF_GPR_Entry));
+		}
+	}
+	//update address values
+	LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1)<<2;
+	LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa = LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa + (((CANAF_std_cnt+1)>>1)<< 2);
+	LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa = LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa + (CANAF_gstd_cnt << 2);
+	LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa = LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa + (CANAF_ext_cnt << 2);
+	LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable = LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa + (CANAF_gext_cnt << 3);
+	{
+		LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00; // Normal mode
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;
+	}
+	return CAN_OK;
+ * @brief		Add Explicit ID into AF Look-Up Table dynamically.
+ * @param[in]	CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	id: The ID of entry will be added
+ * @param[in]	format: is the type of ID Frame Format, should be:
+ * 				- STD_ID_FORMAT: 11-bit ID value
+ * 				- EXT_ID_FORMAT: 29-bit ID value
+ * @return 		CAN Error, could be:
+ * 				- CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR: No more rx or tx objects available
+ * 				- CAN_ID_EXIT_ERROR: ID exited in table
+ * 				- CAN_OK: ID is added into table successfully
+ *********************************************************************/
+CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadExplicitEntry(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t id, CAN_ID_FORMAT_Type format)
+	uint32_t tmp0 = 0;
+	uint32_t buf0=0, buf1=0;
+	int16_t cnt1=0, cnt2=0, bound1=0, total=0;
+	if (CANx == LPC_CAN1)
+	{
+		tmp0 = 0;
+	}
+	else if (CANx == LPC_CAN2)
+	{
+		tmp0 = 1;
+	}
+	/* Acceptance Filter Memory full - return */
+	total =((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+ CANAF_FullCAN_cnt*3 +((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+  \
+			CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);
+	if (total >= 512){ //don't have enough space
+	}
+	/* Setup Acceptance Filter Configuration
+    Acceptance Filter Mode Register = Off */
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00000001;
+/*********** Add Explicit Standard Identifier Frame Format entry *********/
+ 	if(format == STD_ID_FORMAT)
+ 	{
+ 		id &= 0x07FF;
+ 		id |= (tmp0 << 13); /* Add controller number */
+		/* Move all remaining sections one place up
+		if new entry will increase FullCAN list */
+		if ((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)
+		{
+			cnt1   = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+((CANAF_std_cnt+1)>>1);
+			bound1 = total - cnt1;
+			buf0   = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+			while(bound1--)
+			{
+				cnt1++;
+				buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;
+				buf0 = buf1;
+			}
+		}
+		if (CANAF_std_cnt == 0)
+		{
+			cnt2 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1;
+			/* For entering first ID */
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] = 0x0000FFFF | (id << 16);
+		}
+		else if (CANAF_std_cnt == 1)
+		{
+			cnt2 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1;
+			/* For entering second ID */
+			if (((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] >> 16)& 0xE7FF) > id)
+			{
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] >> 16) | (id << 16);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] & 0xFFFF0000) | id;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			/* Find where to insert new ID */
+			cnt1 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1;
+			cnt2 = CANAF_std_cnt;
+			bound1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+((CANAF_std_cnt+1)>>1);
+			while (cnt1 < bound1)
+			{
+				/* Loop through standard existing IDs */
+				if (((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >> 16) & 0xE7FF) > id)
+				{
+					cnt2 = cnt1 * 2;
+					break;
+				}
+				if ((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0x0000E7FF) > id)
+				{
+					cnt2 = cnt1 * 2 + 1;
+					break;
+				}
+				cnt1++;
+			}
+			/* cnt1 = U32 where to insert new ID */
+			/* cnt2 = U16 where to insert new ID */
+			if (cnt1 == bound1)
+			{
+				/* Adding ID as last entry */
+				/* Even number of IDs exists */
+				if ((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)
+				{
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]  = 0x0000FFFF | (id << 16);
+				}
+				/* Odd  number of IDs exists */
+				else
+				{
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]  = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0xFFFF0000) | id;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]; /* Remember current entry */
+				if ((cnt2 & 0x0001) == 0)
+				{
+					/* Insert new mask to even address*/
+					buf1 = (id << 16) | (buf0 >> 16);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					/* Insert new mask to odd  address */
+					buf1 = (buf0 & 0xFFFF0000) | id;
+				}
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf1;/* Insert mask */
+				bound1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+((CANAF_std_cnt+1)>>1)-1;
+				/* Move all remaining standard mask entries one place up */
+				while (cnt1 < bound1)
+				{
+					cnt1++;
+					buf1  = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = (buf1 >> 16) | (buf0 << 16);
+					buf0  = buf1;
+				}
+				if ((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)
+				{
+					/* Even number of IDs exists */
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1] = (buf0 <<16) |(0x0000FFFF);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		CANAF_std_cnt++;
+		//update address values
+		LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa +=0x04 ;
+		LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa     +=0x04 ;
+		LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa +=0x04;
+		LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable +=0x04;
+ 	}
+/*********** Add Explicit Extended Identifier Frame Format entry *********/
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		/* Add controller number */
+ 		id |= (tmp0) << 29;
+ 		cnt1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+(((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + CANAF_gstd_cnt);
+ 		cnt2 = 0;
+ 		while (cnt2 < CANAF_ext_cnt)
+ 		{
+ 			/* Loop through extended existing masks*/
+ 			if (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] > id)
+ 			{
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 			cnt1++;/* cnt1 = U32 where to insert new mask */
+			cnt2++;
+ 		}
+ 		buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];  /* Remember current entry */
+ 		LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = id;    /* Insert mask */
+ 		CANAF_ext_cnt++;
+ 		bound1 = total;
+ 		/* Move all remaining extended mask entries one place up*/
+ 		while (cnt2 < bound1)
+ 		{
+ 			cnt1++;
+ 			cnt2++;
+ 			buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+ 			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;
+ 			buf0 = buf1;
+ 		}
+ 		/* update address values */
+ 		LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa += 4;
+ 		LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable += 4;
+ 	}
+ 	if(CANAF_FullCAN_cnt == 0) //not use FullCAN mode
+ 	{
+ 		LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00;//not use FullCAN mode
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;
+ 	}
+ 	return CAN_OK;
+ * @brief		Load FullCAN entry into AFLUT
+ * @param[in]	CANx: CAN peripheral selected, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	id: identifier of entry that will be added
+ * @return 		CAN_ERROR, could be:
+ * 				- CAN_OK: loading is successful
+ * 				- CAN_ID_EXIT_ERROR: ID exited in FullCAN Section
+ * 				- CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR: no more space available
+ *********************************************************************/
+CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadFullCANEntry (LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint16_t id)
+	uint32_t ctrl0 = 0;
+	uint32_t buf0=0, buf1=0, buf2=0;
+	uint32_t tmp0=0, tmp1=0, tmp2=0;
+	int16_t cnt1=0, cnt2=0, bound1=0, total=0;
+	volatile uint32_t abc;
+	if (CANx == LPC_CAN1)
+	{
+		ctrl0 = 0;
+	}
+	else if (CANx == LPC_CAN2)
+	{
+		ctrl0 = 1;
+	}
+	/* Acceptance Filter Memory full - return */
+	total =((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+ CANAF_FullCAN_cnt*3 +((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+  \
+			CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);
+	//don't have enough space for this fullCAN Entry and its Object(3*32 bytes)
+	if ((total >=508)||(CANAF_FullCAN_cnt>=64)){
+	}
+	/* Setup Acceptance Filter Configuration
+    Acceptance Filter Mode Register = Off */
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00000001;
+	/* Add mask for standard identifiers   */
+	id &= 0x07FF;
+	id |= (ctrl0 << 13) | (1 << 11); /* Add controller number */
+//	total = ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);
+	/* Move all remaining sections one place up
+	if new entry will increase FullCAN list */
+	if (((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)&&(total!=0))
+	{
+		//then remove remaining section
+		cnt1   = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt >> 1);
+		bound1 = total;
+		buf0   = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+		while (bound1--)
+		{
+			cnt1++;
+			buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;
+			buf0 = buf1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt == 0)
+	{
+		/* For entering first ID */
+		LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] = 0x0000FFFF | (id << 16);
+	}
+	else if (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt == 1)
+	{
+		/* For entering second ID */
+		if (((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] >> 16)& 0xE7FF) > id)
+		{
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] >> 16) | (id << 16);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] & 0xFFFF0000) | id;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* Find where to insert new ID */
+		cnt1 = 0;
+		cnt2 = CANAF_FullCAN_cnt;
+		bound1 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt - 1) >> 1;
+		while (cnt1 <= bound1)
+		{
+			abc = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >> 16)& 0xE7FF;
+			/* Loop through standard existing IDs */
+			if (((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >> 16) & 0xE7FF) > (id & 0xE7FF))
+			{
+				cnt2 = cnt1 * 2;
+				break;
+			}
+			abc = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0x0000E7FF;
+			if ((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0x0000E7FF) > (id & 0xE7FF))
+			{
+				cnt2 = cnt1 * 2 + 1;
+				break;
+			}
+			cnt1++;
+		}
+		/* cnt1 = U32 where to insert new ID */
+		/* cnt2 = U16 where to insert new ID */
+		if (cnt1 > bound1)
+		{
+			/* Adding ID as last entry */
+			/* Even number of IDs exists */
+			if ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)
+			{
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]  = 0x0000FFFF | (id << 16);
+			}
+			/* Odd  number of IDs exists */
+			else
+			{
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]  = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0xFFFF0000) | id;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]; /* Remember current entry */
+			if ((cnt2 & 0x0001) == 0)
+			{
+				/* Insert new mask to even address*/
+				buf1 = (id << 16) | (buf0 >> 16);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				/* Insert new mask to odd  address */
+				buf1 = (buf0 & 0xFFFF0000) | id;
+			}
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf1;/* Insert mask */
+			bound1 = CANAF_FullCAN_cnt >> 1;
+			/* Move all remaining standard mask entries one place up */
+			while (cnt1 < bound1)
+			{
+				cnt1++;
+				buf1  = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = (buf1 >> 16) | (buf0 << 16);
+				buf0  = buf1;
+			}
+			if ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)
+			{
+				/* Even number of IDs exists */
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0xFFFF0000)
+											| (0x0000FFFF);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//restruct FulCAN Object Section
+	bound1 = CANAF_FullCAN_cnt - cnt2;
+	cnt1 = total - (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt)*3 + cnt2*3 + 1;
+	buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+	buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];
+	buf2 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+2];
+	LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]=LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1]= LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+2]=0x00;
+	cnt1+=3;
+	while(bound1--)
+	{
+		tmp0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+		tmp1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];
+		tmp2 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+2];
+		LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]= buf0;
+		LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1]= buf1;
+		LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+2]= buf2;
+		buf0 = tmp0;
+		buf1 = tmp1;
+		buf2 = tmp2;
+		cnt1+=3;
+	}
+	CANAF_FullCAN_cnt++;
+	//update address values
+	LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa 	  +=0x04;
+	LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa +=0x04 ;
+	LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa     +=0x04 ;
+	LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa +=0x04;
+	LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable +=0x04;
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;
+ 	return CAN_OK;
+ * @brief		Load Group entry into AFLUT
+ * @param[in]	CANx: CAN peripheral selected, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	lowerID, upperID: lower and upper identifier of entry
+ * @param[in]	format: type of ID format, should be:
+ * 				- STD_ID_FORMAT: Standard ID format (11-bit value)
+ * 				- EXT_ID_FORMAT: Extended ID format (29-bit value)
+ * @return 		CAN_ERROR, could be:
+ * 				- CAN_OK: loading is successful
+ * 				- CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR: Conflict ID occurs
+ * 				- CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR: no more space available
+ *********************************************************************/
+CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadGroupEntry(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t lowerID, \
+		uint32_t upperID, CAN_ID_FORMAT_Type format)
+	uint16_t tmp = 0;
+	uint32_t buf0, buf1, entry1, entry2, LID,UID;
+	int16_t cnt1, bound1, total;
+	if(lowerID > upperID) return CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR;
+	if(CANx == LPC_CAN1)
+	{
+		tmp = 0;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		tmp = 1;
+	}
+	total =((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+ CANAF_FullCAN_cnt*3 +((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+  \
+			CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);
+	/* Setup Acceptance Filter Configuration
+	Acceptance Filter Mode Register = Off */
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00000001;
+/*********Add Group of Standard Identifier Frame Format************/
+	if(format == STD_ID_FORMAT)
+	{
+		if ((total >= 512)){//don't have enough space
+		}
+		lowerID &=0x7FF; //mask ID
+		upperID &=0x7FF;
+		entry1  = (tmp << 29)|(lowerID << 16)|(tmp << 13)|(upperID << 0);
+		cnt1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1);
+		//if this is the first Group standard ID entry
+		if(CANAF_gstd_cnt == 0)
+		{
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//find the position to add new Group entry
+			bound1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + CANAF_gstd_cnt;
+			while(cnt1 < bound1)
+			{
+				//compare controller first
+				while((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >> 29)< (entry1 >> 29))//increase until meet greater or equal controller
+					cnt1++;
+				buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+				if((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >> 29)> (entry1 >> 29)) //meet greater controller
+				{
+					//add at this position
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;
+					break;
+				}
+				else //meet equal controller
+				{
+					LID  = (buf0 >> 16)&0x7FF;
+					UID  = buf0 & 0x7FF;
+					if (upperID <= LID)
+					{
+						//add new entry before this entry
+						LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;
+						break;
+					}
+					else if (lowerID >= UID)
+					{
+						//load next entry to compare
+						cnt1 ++;
+					}
+					else
+						return CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR;
+				}
+			}
+			if(cnt1 >= bound1)
+			{
+				//add new entry at the last position in this list
+				buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;
+			}
+			//remove all remaining entry of this section one place up
+			bound1 = total - cnt1;
+			while(bound1--)
+			{
+				cnt1++;
+				buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;
+				buf0 = buf1;
+			}
+		}
+		CANAF_gstd_cnt++;
+		//update address values
+		LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa     +=0x04 ;
+		LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa +=0x04;
+		LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable +=0x04;
+	}
+/*********Add Group of Extended Identifier Frame Format************/
+	else
+	{
+		if ((total >= 511)){//don't have enough space
+		}
+		lowerID  &= 0x1FFFFFFF; //mask ID
+		upperID &= 0x1FFFFFFF;
+		entry1   = (tmp << 29)|(lowerID << 0);
+		entry2   = (tmp << 29)|(upperID << 0);
+		cnt1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt;
+		//if this is the first Group standard ID entry
+		if(CANAF_gext_cnt == 0)
+		{
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1] = entry2;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			//find the position to add new Group entry
+			bound1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + CANAF_gstd_cnt \
+						+ CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);
+			while(cnt1 < bound1)
+			{
+				while((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >>29)< tmp) //increase until meet greater or equal controller
+					cnt1++;
+				buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+				buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];
+				if((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >> 29)> (entry1 >> 29)) //meet greater controller
+				{
+					//add at this position
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[++cnt1] = entry2;
+					break;
+				}
+				else //meet equal controller
+				{
+					LID  = buf0 & 0x1FFFFFFF; //mask ID
+					UID  = buf1 & 0x1FFFFFFF;
+					if (upperID <= LID)
+					{
+						//add new entry before this entry
+						LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;
+						LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[++cnt1] = entry2;
+						break;
+					}
+					else if (lowerID >= UID)
+					{
+						//load next entry to compare
+						cnt1 +=2;
+					}
+					else
+						return CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR;
+				}
+			}
+			if(cnt1 >= bound1)
+			{
+				//add new entry at the last position in this list
+				buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+				buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]   = entry1;
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[++cnt1] = entry2;
+			}
+			//remove all remaining entry of this section two place up
+			bound1 = total - cnt1 + 1;
+			cnt1++;
+			while(bound1>0)
+			{
+				entry1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];
+				entry2 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]   = buf0;
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1] = buf1;
+				buf0 = entry1;
+				buf1 = entry2;
+				cnt1   +=2;
+				bound1 -=2;
+			}
+		}
+		CANAF_gext_cnt++;
+		//update address values
+		LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable +=0x08;
+	}
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;
+ 	return CAN_OK;
+ * @brief		Remove AFLUT entry (FullCAN entry and Explicit Standard entry)
+ * @param[in]	EntryType: the type of entry that want to remove, should be:
+ * @param[in]	position: the position of this entry in its section
+ * Note: the first position is 0
+ * @return 		CAN_ERROR, could be:
+ * 				- CAN_OK: removing is successful
+ * 				- CAN_ENTRY_NOT_EXIT_ERROR: entry want to remove is not exit
+ *********************************************************************/
+CAN_ERROR CAN_RemoveEntry(AFLUT_ENTRY_Type EntryType, uint16_t position)
+	uint16_t cnt, bound, total;
+	uint32_t buf0, buf1;
+	/* Setup Acceptance Filter Configuration
+	Acceptance Filter Mode Register = Off */
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00000001;
+	total = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + \
+			CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);
+/************** Remove FullCAN Entry *************/
+	if(EntryType == FULLCAN_ENTRY)
+	{
+		if((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_FullCAN_cnt))
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			cnt = position >> 1;
+			buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];
+			bound = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt - position -1)>>1;
+			if((position & 0x0001) == 0) //event position
+			{
+				while(bound--)
+				{
+					//remove all remaining FullCAN entry one place down
+					buf1  = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1];
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf1 >> 16) | (buf0 << 16);
+					buf0  = buf1;
+					cnt++;
+				}
+			}
+			else //odd position
+			{
+				while(bound--)
+				{
+					//remove all remaining FullCAN entry one place down
+					buf1  = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1];
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf0 & 0xFFFF0000)|(buf1 >> 16);
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] << 16;
+					buf0  = buf1<<16;
+					cnt++;
+				}
+			}
+			if((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)
+			{
+				if((position & 0x0001)==0)
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf0 << 16) | (0x0000FFFF);
+				else
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = buf0 | 0x0000FFFF;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				//remove all remaining section one place down
+				cnt = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1;
+				bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;
+				while(bound>cnt)
+				{
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];
+					cnt++;
+				}
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1]=0x00;
+				//update address values
+				LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa 	  -=0x04;
+				LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa -=0x04 ;
+				LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa     -=0x04 ;
+				LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa -=0x04;
+				LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x04;
+			}
+			CANAF_FullCAN_cnt--;
+			//delete its FullCAN Object in the FullCAN Object section
+			//remove all remaining FullCAN Object three place down
+			cnt = total + position * 3;
+			bound = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt - position + 1) * 3;
+			while(bound)
+			{
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt]=LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+3];;
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1]=LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+4];
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+2]=LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+5];
+				bound -=3;
+				cnt   +=3;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/************** Remove Explicit Standard ID Entry *************/
+	else if(EntryType == EXPLICIT_STANDARD_ENTRY)
+	{
+		if((CANAF_std_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_std_cnt))
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			cnt = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+ (position >> 1);
+			buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];
+			bound = (CANAF_std_cnt - position - 1)>>1;
+			if((position & 0x0001) == 0) //event position
+			{
+				while(bound--)
+				{
+					//remove all remaining FullCAN entry one place down
+					buf1  = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1];
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf1 >> 16) | (buf0 << 16);
+					buf0  = buf1;
+					cnt++;
+				}
+			}
+			else //odd position
+			{
+				while(bound--)
+				{
+					//remove all remaining FullCAN entry one place down
+					buf1  = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1];
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf0 & 0xFFFF0000)|(buf1 >> 16);
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] << 16;
+					buf0  = buf1<<16;
+					cnt++;
+				}
+			}
+			if((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)
+			{
+				if((position & 0x0001)==0)
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf0 << 16) | (0x0000FFFF);
+				else
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = buf0 | 0x0000FFFF;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				//remove all remaining section one place down
+				cnt = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1);
+				bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;
+				while(bound>cnt)
+				{
+					LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];
+					cnt++;
+				}
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1]=0x00;
+				//update address value
+				LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa -=0x04 ;
+				LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa     -=0x04 ;
+				LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa -=0x04;
+				LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x04;
+			}
+			CANAF_std_cnt--;
+		}
+	}
+/************** Remove Group of Standard ID Entry *************/
+	else if(EntryType == GROUP_STANDARD_ENTRY)
+	{
+		if((CANAF_gstd_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_gstd_cnt))
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			cnt = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ position + 1;
+			bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;
+			while (cnt<bound)
+			{
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];
+				cnt++;
+			}
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1]=0x00;
+		}
+		CANAF_gstd_cnt--;
+		//update address value
+		LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa     -=0x04;
+		LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa -=0x04;
+		LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x04;
+	}
+/************** Remove Explicit Extended ID Entry *************/
+	else if(EntryType == EXPLICIT_EXTEND_ENTRY)
+	{
+		if((CANAF_ext_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_ext_cnt))
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			cnt = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ CANAF_gstd_cnt + position + 1;
+			bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;
+			while (cnt<bound)
+			{
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];
+				cnt++;
+			}
+			LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1]=0x00;
+		}
+		CANAF_ext_cnt--;
+		LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa -=0x04;
+		LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x04;
+	}
+/************** Remove Group of Extended ID Entry *************/
+	else
+	{
+		if((CANAF_gext_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_gext_cnt))
+		{
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			cnt = total - (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1) + (position<<1);
+			bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;
+			while (cnt<bound)
+			{
+				//remove all remaining entry two place up
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+2];
+				LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+3];
+				cnt+=2;
+			}
+		}
+		CANAF_gext_cnt--;
+		LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x08;
+	}
+	LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;
+	return CAN_OK;
+ * @brief		Send message data
+ * @param[in]	CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	CAN_Msg point to the CAN_MSG_Type Structure, it contains message
+ * 				information such as: ID, DLC, RTR, ID Format
+ * @return 		Status:
+ * 				- SUCCESS: send message successfully
+ * 				- ERROR: send message unsuccessfully
+ *********************************************************************/
+Status CAN_SendMsg (LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, CAN_MSG_Type *CAN_Msg)
+	uint32_t data;
+	if(CAN_Msg->format==STD_ID_FORMAT)
+	{
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	}
+	//Check status of Transmit Buffer 1
+	if (CANx->SR & (1<<2))
+	{
+		/* Transmit Channel 1 is available */
+		/* Write frame informations and frame data into its CANxTFI1,
+		 * CANxTID1, CANxTDA1, CANxTDB1 register */
+		CANx->TFI1 &= ~0x000F0000;
+		CANx->TFI1 |= (CAN_Msg->len)<<16;
+		if(CAN_Msg->type == REMOTE_FRAME)
+		{
+			CANx->TFI1 |= (1<<30); //set bit RTR
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CANx->TFI1 &= ~(1<<30);
+		}
+		if(CAN_Msg->format == EXT_ID_FORMAT)
+		{
+			CANx->TFI1 |= (1UL<<31); //set bit FF
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CANx->TFI1 &= ~(1UL<<31);
+		}
+		/* Write CAN ID*/
+		CANx->TID1 = CAN_Msg->id;
+		/*Write first 4 data bytes*/
+		data = (CAN_Msg->dataA[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataA[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[3])<<24);
+		CANx->TDA1 = data;
+		/*Write second 4 data bytes*/
+		data = (CAN_Msg->dataB[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataB[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[3])<<24);
+		CANx->TDB1 = data;
+		 /*Write transmission request*/
+		 CANx->CMR = 0x21;
+		 return SUCCESS;
+	}
+	//check status of Transmit Buffer 2
+	else if(CANx->SR & (1<<10))
+	{
+		/* Transmit Channel 2 is available */
+		/* Write frame informations and frame data into its CANxTFI2,
+		 * CANxTID2, CANxTDA2, CANxTDB2 register */
+		CANx->TFI2 &= ~0x000F0000;
+		CANx->TFI2 |= (CAN_Msg->len)<<16;
+		if(CAN_Msg->type == REMOTE_FRAME)
+		{
+			CANx->TFI2 |= (1<<30); //set bit RTR
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CANx->TFI2 &= ~(1<<30);
+		}
+		if(CAN_Msg->format == EXT_ID_FORMAT)
+		{
+			CANx->TFI2 |= (1UL<<31); //set bit FF
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CANx->TFI2 &= ~(1UL<<31);
+		}
+		/* Write CAN ID*/
+		CANx->TID2 = CAN_Msg->id;
+		/*Write first 4 data bytes*/
+		data = (CAN_Msg->dataA[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataA[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[3])<<24);
+		CANx->TDA2 = data;
+		/*Write second 4 data bytes*/
+		data = (CAN_Msg->dataB[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataB[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[3])<<24);
+		CANx->TDB2 = data;
+		/*Write transmission request*/
+		CANx->CMR = 0x41;
+		return SUCCESS;
+	}
+	//check status of Transmit Buffer 3
+	else if (CANx->SR & (1<<18))
+	{
+		/* Transmit Channel 3 is available */
+		/* Write frame informations and frame data into its CANxTFI3,
+		 * CANxTID3, CANxTDA3, CANxTDB3 register */
+		CANx->TFI3 &= ~0x000F0000;
+		CANx->TFI3 |= (CAN_Msg->len)<<16;
+		if(CAN_Msg->type == REMOTE_FRAME)
+		{
+			CANx->TFI3 |= (1<<30); //set bit RTR
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CANx->TFI3 &= ~(1<<30);
+		}
+		if(CAN_Msg->format == EXT_ID_FORMAT)
+		{
+			CANx->TFI3 |= (1UL<<31); //set bit FF
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			CANx->TFI3 &= ~(1UL<<31);
+		}
+		/* Write CAN ID*/
+		CANx->TID3 = CAN_Msg->id;
+		/*Write first 4 data bytes*/
+		data = (CAN_Msg->dataA[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataA[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[3])<<24);
+		CANx->TDA3 = data;
+		/*Write second 4 data bytes*/
+		data = (CAN_Msg->dataB[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataB[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[3])<<24);
+		CANx->TDB3 = data;
+		/*Write transmission request*/
+		CANx->CMR = 0x81;
+		return SUCCESS;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return ERROR;
+	}
+ * @brief		Receive message data
+ * @param[in]	CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	CAN_Msg point to the CAN_MSG_Type Struct, it will contain received
+ *  			message information such as: ID, DLC, RTR, ID Format
+ * @return 		Status:
+ * 				- SUCCESS: receive message successfully
+ * 				- ERROR: receive message unsuccessfully
+ *********************************************************************/
+Status CAN_ReceiveMsg (LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, CAN_MSG_Type *CAN_Msg)
+	uint32_t data;
+	//check status of Receive Buffer
+	if((CANx->SR &0x00000001))
+	{
+		/* Receive message is available */
+		/* Read frame informations */
+		CAN_Msg->format   = (uint8_t)(((CANx->RFS) & 0x80000000)>>31);
+		CAN_Msg->type     = (uint8_t)(((CANx->RFS) & 0x40000000)>>30);
+		CAN_Msg->len      = (uint8_t)(((CANx->RFS) & 0x000F0000)>>16);
+		/* Read CAN message identifier */
+		CAN_Msg->id = CANx->RID;
+		/* Read the data if received message was DATA FRAME */
+		if (CAN_Msg->type == DATA_FRAME)
+		{
+			/* Read first 4 data bytes */
+			data = CANx->RDA;
+			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[0])= data & 0x000000FF;
+			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[1])= (data & 0x0000FF00)>>8;;
+			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[2])= (data & 0x00FF0000)>>16;
+			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[3])= (data & 0xFF000000)>>24;
+			/* Read second 4 data bytes */
+			data = CANx->RDB;
+			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[0])= data & 0x000000FF;
+			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[1])= (data & 0x0000FF00)>>8;
+			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[2])= (data & 0x00FF0000)>>16;
+			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[3])= (data & 0xFF000000)>>24;
+		/*release receive buffer*/
+		CANx->CMR = 0x04;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			/* Received Frame is a Remote Frame, not have data, we just receive
+			 * message information only */
+			CANx->CMR = 0x04; /*release receive buffer*/
+			return SUCCESS;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// no receive message available
+		return ERROR;
+	}
+	return SUCCESS;
+ * @brief		Receive FullCAN Object
+ * @param[in]	CANAFx: CAN Acceptance Filter register, should be: LPC_CANAF
+ * @param[in]	CAN_Msg point to the CAN_MSG_Type Struct, it will contain received
+ *  			message information such as: ID, DLC, RTR, ID Format
+ * @return 		CAN_ERROR, could be:
+ * 				- CAN_FULL_OBJ_NOT_RCV: FullCAN Object is not be received
+ * 				- CAN_OK: Received FullCAN Object successful
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+	uint32_t *pSrc, data;
+	uint32_t interrut_word, msg_idx, test_bit, head_idx, tail_idx;
+	interrut_word = 0;
+	if (LPC_CANAF->FCANIC0 != 0)
+	{
+		interrut_word = LPC_CANAF->FCANIC0;
+		head_idx = 0;
+		tail_idx = 31;
+	}
+	else if (LPC_CANAF->FCANIC1 != 0)
+	{
+		interrut_word = LPC_CANAF->FCANIC1;
+		head_idx = 32;
+		tail_idx = 63;
+	}
+	if (interrut_word != 0)
+	{
+		/* Detect for interrupt pending */
+		msg_idx = 0;
+		for (msg_idx = head_idx; msg_idx <= tail_idx; msg_idx++)
+		{
+			test_bit = interrut_word & 0x1;
+			interrut_word = interrut_word >> 1;
+			if (test_bit)
+			{
+				pSrc = (uint32_t *) (LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable + LPC_CANAF_RAM_BASE + msg_idx * 12);
+	    	 	/* Has been finished updating the content */
+	    	 	if ((*pSrc & 0x03000000L) == 0x03000000L)
+	    	 	{
+	    	 		/*clear semaphore*/
+	    	 		*pSrc &= 0xFCFFFFFF;
+	    	 		/*Set to DatA*/
+	    	 		pSrc++;
+	    	 		/* Copy to dest buf */
+	    	 		data = *pSrc;
+	    			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[0])= data & 0x000000FF;
+	    			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[1])= (data & 0x0000FF00)>>8;
+	    			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[2])= (data & 0x00FF0000)>>16;
+	    			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[3])= (data & 0xFF000000)>>24;
+	    	 		/*Set to DatB*/
+	    	 		pSrc++;
+	    	 		/* Copy to dest buf */
+	    	 		data = *pSrc;
+	    			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[0])= data & 0x000000FF;
+	    			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[1])= (data & 0x0000FF00)>>8;
+	    			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[2])= (data & 0x00FF0000)>>16;
+	    			*((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[3])= (data & 0xFF000000)>>24;
+	    	 		/*Back to Dat1*/
+	    	 		pSrc -= 2;
+	    	 		CAN_Msg->id = *pSrc & 0x7FF;
+	    	 		CAN_Msg->len = (uint8_t) (*pSrc >> 16) & 0x0F;
+					CAN_Msg->format = 0; //FullCAN Object ID always is 11-bit value
+					CAN_Msg->type = (uint8_t)(*pSrc >> 30) &0x01;
+	    	 		/*Re-read semaphore*/
+	    	 		if ((*pSrc & 0x03000000L) == 0)
+	    	 		{
+	    	 			return CAN_OK;
+	    	 		}
+	    	 	}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * @brief		Get CAN Control Status
+ * @param[in]	CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	arg: type of CAN status to get from CAN status register
+ * 				Should be:
+ * 				- CANCTRL_GLOBAL_STS: CAN Global Status
+ * 				- CANCTRL_INT_CAP: CAN Interrupt and Capture
+ * 				- CANCTRL_ERR_WRN: CAN Error Warning Limit
+ * 				- CANCTRL_STS: CAN Control Status
+ * @return 		Current Control Status that you want to get value
+ *********************************************************************/
+uint32_t CAN_GetCTRLStatus (LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_CTRL_STS_Type arg)
+	switch (arg)
+	{
+		return CANx->GSR;
+		return CANx->ICR;
+		return CANx->EWL;
+	default: // CANCTRL_STS
+		return CANx->SR;
+	}
+ * @brief		Get CAN Central Status
+ * @param[in]	CANCRx point to LPC_CANCR_TypeDef, should be: LPC_CANCR
+ * @param[in]	arg: type of CAN status to get from CAN Central status register
+ * 				Should be:
+ * 				- CANCR_TX_STS: Central CAN Tx Status
+ * 				- CANCR_RX_STS: Central CAN Rx Status
+ * 				- CANCR_MS: Central CAN Miscellaneous Status
+ * @return 		Current Central Status that you want to get value
+ *********************************************************************/
+uint32_t CAN_GetCRStatus (LPC_CANCR_TypeDef* CANCRx, CAN_CR_STS_Type arg)
+	switch (arg)
+	{
+	case CANCR_TX_STS:
+		return CANCRx->CANTxSR;
+	case CANCR_RX_STS:
+		return CANCRx->CANRxSR;
+	default:	// CANCR_MS
+		return CANCRx->CANMSR;
+	}
+ * @brief		Enable/Disable CAN Interrupt
+ * @param[in]	CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	arg: type of CAN interrupt that you want to enable/disable
+ * 				Should be:
+ * 				- CANINT_RIE: CAN Receiver Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_TIE1: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_EIE: CAN Error Warning Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_DOIE: CAN Data Overrun Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_WUIE: CAN Wake-Up Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_EPIE: CAN Error Passive Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_ALIE: CAN Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_BEIE: CAN Bus Error Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_IDIE: CAN ID Ready Interrupt Enable
+ * 				- CANINT_TIE2: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for Buffer2
+ * 				- CANINT_TIE3: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for Buffer3
+ * 				- CANINT_FCE: FullCAN Interrupt Enable
+ * @param[in]	NewState: New state of this function, should be:
+ * 				- ENABLE
+ * 				- DISABLE
+ * @return 		none
+ *********************************************************************/
+void CAN_IRQCmd (LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_INT_EN_Type arg, FunctionalState NewState)
+	if(NewState == ENABLE)
+	{
+		if(arg==CANINT_FCE)
+		{
+			LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x01;
+			LPC_CANAF->FCANIE = 0x01;
+			LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;
+		}
+		else
+			CANx->IER |= (1 << arg);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(arg==CANINT_FCE){
+			LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x01;
+			LPC_CANAF->FCANIE = 0x01;
+			LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00;
+		}
+		else
+			CANx->IER &= ~(1 << arg);
+	}
+ * @brief		Setting Acceptance Filter mode
+ * @param[in]	CANAFx point to LPC_CANAF_TypeDef object, should be: LPC_CANAF
+ * @param[in]	AFMode: type of AF mode that you want to set, should be:
+ * 				- CAN_Normal: Normal mode
+ * 				- CAN_AccOff: Acceptance Filter Off Mode
+ * 				- CAN_AccBP: Acceptance Fileter Bypass Mode
+ * 				- CAN_eFCAN: FullCAN Mode Enhancement
+ * @return 		none
+ *********************************************************************/
+void CAN_SetAFMode (LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, CAN_AFMODE_Type AFMode)
+	switch(AFMode)
+	{
+	case CAN_Normal:
+		CANAFx->AFMR = 0x00;
+		break;
+	case CAN_AccOff:
+		CANAFx->AFMR = 0x01;
+		break;
+	case CAN_AccBP:
+		CANAFx->AFMR = 0x02;
+		break;
+	case CAN_eFCAN:
+		CANAFx->AFMR = 0x04;
+		break;
+	}
+ * @brief		Enable/Disable CAN Mode
+ * @param[in]	CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	mode: type of CAN mode that you want to enable/disable, should be:
+ * 				- CAN_OPERATING_MODE: Normal Operating Mode
+ * 				- CAN_RESET_MODE: Reset Mode
+ * 				- CAN_LISTENONLY_MODE: Listen Only Mode
+ * 				- CAN_SELFTEST_MODE: Self Test Mode
+ * 				- CAN_TXPRIORITY_MODE: Transmit Priority Mode
+ * 				- CAN_SLEEP_MODE: Sleep Mode
+ * 				- CAN_RXPOLARITY_MODE: Receive Polarity Mode
+ * 				- CAN_TEST_MODE: Test Mode
+ * @param[in]	NewState: New State of this function, should be:
+ * 				- ENABLE
+ * 				- DISABLE
+ * @return 		none
+ *********************************************************************/
+void CAN_ModeConfig(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_MODE_Type mode, FunctionalState NewState)
+	switch(mode)
+	{
+		CANx->MOD = 0x00;
+		break;
+		if(NewState == ENABLE)
+		else
+			CANx->MOD &= ~CAN_MOD_RM;
+		break;
+		CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_RM;//Enter Reset mode
+		if(NewState == ENABLE)
+		else
+		CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_RM;//Release Reset mode
+		break;
+		CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_RM;//Enter Reset mode
+		if(NewState == ENABLE)
+		else
+		CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_RM;//Release Reset mode
+		break;
+		if(NewState == ENABLE)
+		else
+		break;
+		if(NewState == ENABLE)
+		else
+			CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_SM;
+		break;
+		if(NewState == ENABLE)
+		else
+		break;
+		if(NewState == ENABLE)
+		else
+			CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_TM;
+		break;
+	}
+ * @brief		Set CAN command request
+ * @param[in]	CANx point to CAN peripheral selected, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @param[in]	CMRType	command request type, should be:
+ * 				- CAN_CMR_TR: Transmission request
+ * 				- CAN_CMR_AT: Abort Transmission request
+ * 				- CAN_CMR_RRB: Release Receive Buffer request
+ * 				- CAN_CMR_CDO: Clear Data Overrun request
+ * 				- CAN_CMR_SRR: Self Reception request
+ * 				- CAN_CMR_STB1: Select Tx Buffer 1 request
+ * 				- CAN_CMR_STB2: Select Tx Buffer 2 request
+ * 				- CAN_CMR_STB3: Select Tx Buffer 3 request
+ * @return		CANICR (CAN interrupt and Capture register) value
+ **********************************************************************/
+void CAN_SetCommand(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CMRType)
+	CANx->CMR |= CMRType;
+ * @brief		Get CAN interrupt status
+ * @param[in]	CANx point to CAN peripheral selected, should be:
+ * 				- LPC_CAN1: CAN1 peripheral
+ * 				- LPC_CAN2: CAN2 peripheral
+ * @return		CANICR (CAN interrupt and Capture register) value
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t CAN_IntGetStatus(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx)
+	return CANx->ICR;
+ * @brief		Check if FullCAN interrupt enable or not
+ * @param[in]	CANAFx point to LPC_CANAF_TypeDef object, should be: LPC_CANAF
+ * @return		IntStatus, could be:
+ * 				- SET: if FullCAN interrupt is enable
+ * 				- RESET: if FullCAN interrupt is disable
+ **********************************************************************/
+IntStatus CAN_FullCANIntGetStatus (LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx)
+		return SET;
+	return RESET;
+ * @brief		Get value of FullCAN interrupt and capture register
+ * @param[in]	CANAFx point to LPC_CANAF_TypeDef object, should be: LPC_CANAF
+ * @param[in]	type: FullCAN IC type, should be:
+ * 				- FULLCAN_IC0: FullCAN Interrupt Capture 0
+ * 				- FULLCAN_IC1: FullCAN Interrupt Capture 1
+ * @return		FCANIC0 or FCANIC1 (FullCAN interrupt and Capture register) value
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t CAN_FullCANPendGetStatus(LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, FullCAN_IC_Type type)
+	if (type == FULLCAN_IC0)
+		return CANAFx->FCANIC0;
+	return CANAFx->FCANIC1;
+/* End of Public Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* _CAN */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */
+#endif /* __LPC17XX__ */