Rewrite from scratch a TCP/IP stack for mbed. So far the following parts are usable: Drivers: - EMAC driver (from CMSIS 2.0) Protocols: - Ethernet protocol - ARP over ethernet for IPv4 - IPv4 over Ethernet - ICMPv4 over IPv4 - UDPv4 over IPv4 APIs: - Sockets for UDPv4 The structure of this stack is designed to be very modular. Each protocol can register one or more protocol to handle its payload, and in each protocol, an API can be hooked (like Sockets for example). This is an early release.



File content as of revision 4:cb3dc3361be5:

/* @cond */
 * @file        lpc17xx_clkpwr.h
 * @brief        Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes
 *                 support for Clock and Power Control firmware library on LPC17xx
 * @version        2.0
 * @date        21. May. 2010
 * @author        NXP MCU SW Application Team
 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
 * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
 * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
 * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
 * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
 * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
 * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
 * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
 * use without further testing or modification.

/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup CLKPWR CLKPWR
 * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers
 * @{

#ifndef LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_
#define LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lpc17xx.h"
#include "lpc_types.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup CLKPWR_Public_Macros CLKPWR Public Macros
 * @{

 * Peripheral Clock Selection Definitions
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for WDT */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_WDT          ((uint32_t)(0))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER0 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER0          ((uint32_t)(2))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER1 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER1          ((uint32_t)(4))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART0 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART0          ((uint32_t)(6))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART1 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART1          ((uint32_t)(8))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for PWM1 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PWM1          ((uint32_t)(12))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2C0 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C0          ((uint32_t)(14))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SPI */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SPI          ((uint32_t)(16))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SSP1 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP1          ((uint32_t)(20))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for DAC */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_DAC          ((uint32_t)(22))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for ADC */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ADC          ((uint32_t)(24))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for CAN1 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN1         ((uint32_t)(26))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for CAN2 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN2         ((uint32_t)(28))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for ACF */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ACF          ((uint32_t)(30))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for QEI */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_QEI          ((uint32_t)(32))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for PCB */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PCB          ((uint32_t)(36))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for  I2C1 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C1          ((uint32_t)(38))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SSP0 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP0          ((uint32_t)(42))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER2 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER2          ((uint32_t)(44))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for  TIMER3 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER3          ((uint32_t)(46))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART2 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART2          ((uint32_t)(48))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART3 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART3          ((uint32_t)(50))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2C2 */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C2          ((uint32_t)(52))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2S */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2S          ((uint32_t)(54))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for RIT */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_RIT          ((uint32_t)(58))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SYSCON */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SYSCON          ((uint32_t)(60))
/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for MC */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_MC              ((uint32_t)(62))

/** Macro for Peripheral Clock Selection register bit values
 * Note: When CCLK_DIV_8, Peripheral�s clock is selected to
 * PCLK_xyz = CCLK/8 except for CAN1, CAN2, and CAN filtering
 * when �11�selects PCLK_xyz = CCLK/6 */
/* Peripheral clock divider is set to 4 from CCLK */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_4  ((uint32_t)(0))
/** Peripheral clock divider is the same with CCLK */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_1  ((uint32_t)(1))
/** Peripheral clock divider is set to 2 from CCLK */
#define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_2  ((uint32_t)(2))

* Power Control for Peripherals Definitions
/** Timer/Counter 0 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM0    ((uint32_t)(1<<1))
/* Timer/Counter 1 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM1    ((uint32_t)(1<<2))
/** UART0 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART0      ((uint32_t)(1<<3))
/** UART1 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART1      ((uint32_t)(1<<4))
/** PWM1 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCPWM1    ((uint32_t)(1<<6))
/** The I2C0 interface power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C0    ((uint32_t)(1<<7))
/** The SPI interface power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSPI      ((uint32_t)(1<<8))
/** The RTC power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRTC      ((uint32_t)(1<<9))
/** The SSP1 interface power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP1    ((uint32_t)(1<<10))
/** A/D converter 0 (ADC0) power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAD      ((uint32_t)(1<<12))
/** CAN Controller 1 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1      ((uint32_t)(1<<13))
/** CAN Controller 2 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2     ((uint32_t)(1<<14))
/** GPIO power/clock control bit */
#define    CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPIO     ((uint32_t)(1<<15))
/** Repetitive Interrupt Timer power/clock control bit */
#define    CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRIT         ((uint32_t)(1<<16))
/** Motor Control PWM */
#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCMC         ((uint32_t)(1<<17))
/** Quadrature Encoder Interface power/clock control bit */
#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCQEI         ((uint32_t)(1<<18))
/** The I2C1 interface power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C1      ((uint32_t)(1<<19))
/** The SSP0 interface power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP0    ((uint32_t)(1<<21))
/** Timer 2 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM2    ((uint32_t)(1<<22))
/** Timer 3 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM3    ((uint32_t)(1<<23))
/** UART 2 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART2      ((uint32_t)(1<<24))
/** UART 3 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART3      ((uint32_t)(1<<25))
/** I2C interface 2 power/clock control bit */
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C2    ((uint32_t)(1<<26))
/** I2S interface power/clock control bit*/
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2S      ((uint32_t)(1<<27))
/** GP DMA function power/clock control bit*/
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPDMA      ((uint32_t)(1<<29))
/** Ethernet block power/clock control bit*/
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCENET    ((uint32_t)(1<<30))
/** USB interface power/clock control bit*/
#define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUSB      ((uint32_t)(1<<31))

 * @}
/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup CLKPWR_Private_Macros CLKPWR Private Macros
 * @{

/* --------------------- BIT DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------- */
 * Macro defines for Clock Source Select Register
/** Internal RC oscillator */
#define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_IRC            ((uint32_t)(0x00))
/** Main oscillator */
#define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_MAINOSC        ((uint32_t)(0x01))
/** RTC oscillator */
#define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_RTC            ((uint32_t)(0x02))
/** Clock source selection bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x03))

 * Macro defines for Clock Output Configuration Register
/* Clock Output Configuration register definition */
/** Selects the CPU clock as the CLKOUT source */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_CPU        ((uint32_t)(0x00))
/** Selects the main oscillator as the CLKOUT source */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_MAINOSC    ((uint32_t)(0x01))
/** Selects the Internal RC oscillator as the CLKOUT source */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_RC        ((uint32_t)(0x02))
/** Selects the USB clock as the CLKOUT source */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_USB        ((uint32_t)(0x03))
/** Selects the RTC oscillator as the CLKOUT source */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_RTC        ((uint32_t)(0x04))
/** Integer value to divide the output clock by, minus one */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTDIV(n)        ((uint32_t)((n&0x0F)<<4))
/** CLKOUT enable control */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUT_EN            ((uint32_t)(1<<8))
/** CLKOUT activity indication */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUT_ACT            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))
/** Clock source selection bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x3FF))

 * Macro defines for PPL0 Control Register
/** PLL 0 control enable */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)(0x01))
/** PLL 0 control connect */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_CONNECT        ((uint32_t)(0x02))
/** PLL 0 control bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x03))

 * Macro defines for PPL0 Configuration Register
/** PLL 0 Configuration MSEL field */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_MSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)(n&0x7FFF))
/** PLL 0 Configuration NSEL field */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_NSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n<<16)&0xFF0000))
/** PLL 0 Configuration bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFF7FFF))

 * Macro defines for PPL0 Status Register
/** PLL 0 MSEL value */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_MSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)(n&0x7FFF))
/** PLL NSEL get value  */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_NSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n>>16)&0xFF))
/** PLL status enable bit */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLLE        ((uint32_t)(1<<24))
/** PLL status Connect bit */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLLC        ((uint32_t)(1<<25))
/** PLL status lock */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLOCK        ((uint32_t)(1<<26))

 * Macro defines for PPL0 Feed Register
/** PLL0 Feed bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_PLL0FEED_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)0xFF)

 * Macro defines for PLL1 Control Register
/** USB PLL control enable */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)(0x01))
/** USB PLL control connect */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_CONNECT        ((uint32_t)(0x02))
/** USB PLL control bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x03))

 * Macro defines for PLL1 Configuration Register
/** USB PLL MSEL set value */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_MSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)(n&0x1F))
/** USB PLL PSEL set value */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_PSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n&0x03)<<5))
/** USB PLL configuration bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x7F))

 * Macro defines for PLL1 Status Register
/** USB PLL MSEL get value  */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_MSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)(n&0x1F))
/** USB PLL PSEL get value  */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n>>5)&0x03))
/** USB PLL status enable bit */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLLE        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))
/** USB PLL status Connect bit */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLLC        ((uint32_t)(1<<9))
/** USB PLL status lock */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLOCK        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))

 * Macro defines for PLL1 Feed Register
/** PLL1 Feed bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_PLL1FEED_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)0xFF)

 * Macro defines for CPU Clock Configuration Register
/** CPU Clock configuration bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_CCLKCFG_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFF))

 * Macro defines for USB Clock Configuration Register
/** USB Clock Configuration bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_USBCLKCFG_BITMASK    ((uint32_t)(0x0F))

 * Macro defines for IRC Trim Register
/** IRC Trim bit mask */
#define CLKPWR_IRCTRIM_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x0F))

 * Macro defines for Peripheral Clock Selection Register 0 and 1
/** Peripheral Clock Selection 0 mask bit */
#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL0_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFFF3F3FF))
/** Peripheral Clock Selection 1 mask bit */
#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL1_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFCF3F0F3))
/** Macro to set peripheral clock of each type
 * p: position of two bits that hold divider of peripheral clock
 * n: value of divider of peripheral clock  to be set */
#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SET(p,n)        _SBF(p,n)
/** Macro to mask peripheral clock of each type */
#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_BITMASK(p)    _SBF(p,0x03)
/** Macro to get peripheral clock of each type */
#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_GET(p, n)    ((uint32_t)((n>>p)&0x03))

 * Macro defines for Power Mode Control Register
/** Power mode control bit 0 */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_PM0            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))
/** Power mode control bit 1 */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_PM1            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))
/** Brown-Out Reduced Power Mode */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_BODPDM        ((uint32_t)(1<<2))
/** Brown-Out Global Disable */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_BOGD        ((uint32_t)(1<<3))
/** Brown Out Reset Disable */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_BORD        ((uint32_t)(1<<4))
/** Sleep Mode entry flag */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_SMFLAG        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))
/** Deep Sleep entry flag */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_DSFLAG        ((uint32_t)(1<<9))
/** Power-down entry flag */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_PDFLAG        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))
/** Deep Power-down entry flag */
#define CLKPWR_PCON_DPDFLAG        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))

 * Macro defines for Power Control for Peripheral Register
/** Power Control for Peripherals bit mask */

 * @}

/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup CLKPWR_Public_Functions CLKPWR Public Functions
 * @{

void CLKPWR_SetPCLKDiv (uint32_t ClkType, uint32_t DivVal);
uint32_t CLKPWR_GetPCLKSEL (uint32_t ClkType);
uint32_t CLKPWR_GetPCLK (uint32_t ClkType);
void CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (uint32_t PPType, FunctionalState NewState);
void CLKPWR_Sleep(void);
void CLKPWR_DeepSleep(void);
void CLKPWR_PowerDown(void);
void CLKPWR_DeepPowerDown(void);

 * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_ */

 * @}

/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */
/* @endcond */