Rewrite from scratch a TCP/IP stack for mbed. So far the following parts are usable: Drivers: - EMAC driver (from CMSIS 2.0) Protocols: - Ethernet protocol - ARP over ethernet for IPv4 - IPv4 over Ethernet - ICMPv4 over IPv4 - UDPv4 over IPv4 APIs: - Sockets for UDPv4 The structure of this stack is designed to be very modular. Each protocol can register one or more protocol to handle its payload, and in each protocol, an API can be hooked (like Sockets for example). This is an early release.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lpc17xx_emac.c	Sun Jun 12 11:23:03 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+ * @file		lpc17xx_emac.c
+ * @brief		Contains all functions support for Ethernet MAC firmware library on LPC17xx
+ * @version		2.0
+ * @date		21. May. 2010
+ * @author		NXP MCU SW Application Team
+ **************************************************************************
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
+ * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
+ * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
+ * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
+ * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
+ * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
+ * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
+ * use without further testing or modification.
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @addtogroup EMAC
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "lpc17xx_emac.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h"
+/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration
+ * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,
+ * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead
+ */
+#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h"
+#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */
+#ifdef _EMAC
+/* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @defgroup EMAC_Private_Variables EMAC Private Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+/* MII Mgmt Configuration register - Clock divider setting */
+const uint8_t EMAC_clkdiv[] = { 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 20, 28 };
+/* EMAC local DMA Descriptors */
+/** Rx Descriptor data array */
+static RX_Desc Rx_Desc[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG];
+/** Rx Status data array - Must be 8-Byte aligned */
+#if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
+static __align(8) RX_Stat Rx_Stat[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG];
+#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
+#pragma data_alignment=8
+static RX_Stat Rx_Stat[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG];
+#elif defined   (  __GNUC__  )
+static __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) RX_Stat Rx_Stat[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG];
+/** Tx Descriptor data array */
+static TX_Desc Tx_Desc[EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG];
+/** Tx Status data array */
+static TX_Stat Tx_Stat[EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG];
+/* EMAC local DMA buffers */
+/** Rx buffer data */
+static uint32_t rx_buf[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG][EMAC_ETH_MAX_FLEN>>2];
+/** Tx buffer data */
+static uint32_t tx_buf[EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG][EMAC_ETH_MAX_FLEN>>2];
+ * @}
+ */
+/* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void rx_descr_init (void);
+static void tx_descr_init (void);
+static int32_t write_PHY (uint32_t PhyReg, uint16_t Value);
+static int32_t  read_PHY (uint32_t PhyReg);
+static void setEmacAddr(uint8_t abStationAddr[]);
+static int32_t emac_CRCCalc(uint8_t frame_no_fcs[], int32_t frame_len);
+/*--------------------------- rx_descr_init ---------------------------------*/
+ * @brief 		Initializes RX Descriptor
+ * @param[in] 	None
+ * @return 		None
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static void rx_descr_init (void)
+	/* Initialize Receive Descriptor and Status array. */
+	uint32_t i;
+	for (i = 0; i < EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG; i++) {
+		Rx_Desc[i].Packet  = (uint32_t)&rx_buf[i];
+		Rx_Desc[i].Ctrl    = EMAC_RCTRL_INT | (EMAC_ETH_MAX_FLEN - 1);
+		Rx_Stat[i].Info    = 0;
+		Rx_Stat[i].HashCRC = 0;
+	}
+	/* Set EMAC Receive Descriptor Registers. */
+	LPC_EMAC->RxDescriptor       = (uint32_t)&Rx_Desc[0];
+	LPC_EMAC->RxStatus           = (uint32_t)&Rx_Stat[0];
+	LPC_EMAC->RxDescriptorNumber = EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG - 1;
+	/* Rx Descriptors Point to 0 */
+	LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex  = 0;
+/*--------------------------- tx_descr_init ---- ----------------------------*/
+ * @brief 		Initializes TX Descriptor
+ * @param[in] 	None
+ * @return 		None
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static void tx_descr_init (void) {
+	/* Initialize Transmit Descriptor and Status array. */
+	uint32_t i;
+	for (i = 0; i < EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG; i++) {
+		Tx_Desc[i].Packet = (uint32_t)&tx_buf[i];
+		Tx_Desc[i].Ctrl   = 0;
+		Tx_Stat[i].Info   = 0;
+	}
+	/* Set EMAC Transmit Descriptor Registers. */
+	LPC_EMAC->TxDescriptor       = (uint32_t)&Tx_Desc[0];
+	LPC_EMAC->TxStatus           = (uint32_t)&Tx_Stat[0];
+	LPC_EMAC->TxDescriptorNumber = EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG - 1;
+	/* Tx Descriptors Point to 0 */
+	LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex  = 0;
+/*--------------------------- write_PHY -------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief 		Write value to PHY device
+ * @param[in] 	PhyReg: PHY Register address
+ * @param[in] 	Value:  Value to write
+ * @return 		0 - if success
+ * 				1 - if fail
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static int32_t write_PHY (uint32_t PhyReg, uint16_t Value)
+	/* Write a data 'Value' to PHY register 'PhyReg'. */
+	uint32_t tout;
+	LPC_EMAC->MWTD = Value;
+	/* Wait until operation completed */
+	tout = 0;
+	for (tout = 0; tout < EMAC_MII_WR_TOUT; tout++) {
+		if ((LPC_EMAC->MIND & EMAC_MIND_BUSY) == 0) {
+			return (0);
+		}
+	}
+	// Time out!
+	return (-1);
+/*--------------------------- read_PHY --------------------------------------*/
+ * @brief 		Read value from PHY device
+ * @param[in] 	PhyReg: PHY Register address
+ * @return 		0 - if success
+ * 				1 - if fail
+ ***********************************************************************/
+static int32_t read_PHY (uint32_t PhyReg)
+	/* Read a PHY register 'PhyReg'. */
+	uint32_t tout;
+	/* Wait until operation completed */
+	tout = 0;
+	for (tout = 0; tout < EMAC_MII_RD_TOUT; tout++) {
+		if ((LPC_EMAC->MIND & EMAC_MIND_BUSY) == 0) {
+			LPC_EMAC->MCMD = 0;
+			return (LPC_EMAC->MRDD);
+		}
+	}
+	// Time out!
+	return (-1);
+ * @brief		Set Station MAC address for EMAC module
+ * @param[in]	abStationAddr Pointer to Station address that contains 6-bytes
+ * 				of MAC address (should be in order from MAC Address 1 to MAC Address 6)
+ * @return		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+static void setEmacAddr(uint8_t abStationAddr[])
+	/* Set the Ethernet MAC Address registers */
+	LPC_EMAC->SA0 = ((uint32_t)abStationAddr[5] << 8) | (uint32_t)abStationAddr[4];
+	LPC_EMAC->SA1 = ((uint32_t)abStationAddr[3] << 8) | (uint32_t)abStationAddr[2];
+	LPC_EMAC->SA2 = ((uint32_t)abStationAddr[1] << 8) | (uint32_t)abStationAddr[0];
+ * @brief		Calculates CRC code for number of bytes in the frame
+ * @param[in]	frame_no_fcs	Pointer to the first byte of the frame
+ * @param[in]	frame_len		length of the frame without the FCS
+ * @return		the CRC as a 32 bit integer
+ **********************************************************************/
+static int32_t emac_CRCCalc(uint8_t frame_no_fcs[], int32_t frame_len)
+	int i; 		// iterator
+	int j; 		// another iterator
+	char byte; 	// current byte
+	int crc; 	// CRC result
+	int q0, q1, q2, q3; // temporary variables
+	crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	for (i = 0; i < frame_len; i++) {
+		byte = *frame_no_fcs++;
+		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+			if (((crc >> 28) ^ (byte >> 3)) & 0x00000001) {
+				q3 = 0x04C11DB7;
+			} else {
+				q3 = 0x00000000;
+			}
+			if (((crc >> 29) ^ (byte >> 2)) & 0x00000001) {
+				q2 = 0x09823B6E;
+			} else {
+				q2 = 0x00000000;
+			}
+			if (((crc >> 30) ^ (byte >> 1)) & 0x00000001) {
+				q1 = 0x130476DC;
+			} else {
+				q1 = 0x00000000;
+			}
+			if (((crc >> 31) ^ (byte >> 0)) & 0x00000001) {
+				q0 = 0x2608EDB8;
+			} else {
+				q0 = 0x00000000;
+			}
+			crc = (crc << 4) ^ q3 ^ q2 ^ q1 ^ q0;
+			byte >>= 4;
+		}
+	}
+	return crc;
+/* End of Private Functions --------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @addtogroup EMAC_Public_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief		Initializes the EMAC peripheral according to the specified
+*               parameters in the EMAC_ConfigStruct.
+ * @param[in]	EMAC_ConfigStruct Pointer to a EMAC_CFG_Type structure
+*                    that contains the configuration information for the
+*                    specified EMAC peripheral.
+ * @return		None
+ *
+ * Note: This function will initialize EMAC module according to procedure below:
+ *  - Remove the soft reset condition from the MAC
+ *  - Configure the PHY via the MIIM interface of the MAC
+ *  - Select RMII mode
+ *  - Configure the transmit and receive DMA engines, including the descriptor arrays
+ *  - Configure the host registers (MAC1,MAC2 etc.) in the MAC
+ *  - Enable the receive and transmit data paths
+ *  In default state after initializing, only Rx Done and Tx Done interrupt are enabled,
+ *  all remain interrupts are disabled
+ *  (Ref. from LPC17xx UM)
+ **********************************************************************/
+Status EMAC_Init(EMAC_CFG_Type *EMAC_ConfigStruct)
+	/* Initialize the EMAC Ethernet controller. */
+	int32_t regv,tout, tmp;
+	/* Set up clock and power for Ethernet module */
+	/* Reset all EMAC internal modules */
+	/* A short delay after reset. */
+	for (tout = 100; tout; tout--);
+	/* Initialize MAC control registers. */
+	/*
+	 * Find the clock that close to desired target clock
+	 */
+	tmp = SystemCoreClock / EMAC_MCFG_MII_MAXCLK;
+	for (tout = 0; tout < sizeof (EMAC_clkdiv); tout++){
+		if (EMAC_clkdiv[tout] >= tmp) break;
+	}
+	tout++;
+	// Write to MAC configuration register and reset
+	// release reset
+	/* Enable Reduced MII interface. */
+	/* Reset Reduced MII Logic. */
+	for (tout = 100; tout; tout--);
+	/* Put the DP83848C in reset mode */
+	/* Wait for hardware reset to end. */
+	for (tout = EMAC_PHY_RESP_TOUT; tout; tout--) {
+		regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR);
+			/* Reset complete, device not Power Down. */
+			break;
+		}
+		if (tout == 0){
+			// Time out, return ERROR
+			return (ERROR);
+		}
+	}
+	// Set PHY mode
+	if (EMAC_SetPHYMode(EMAC_ConfigStruct->Mode) < 0){
+		return (ERROR);
+	}
+	// Set EMAC address
+	setEmacAddr(EMAC_ConfigStruct->pbEMAC_Addr);
+	/* Initialize Tx and Rx DMA Descriptors */
+	rx_descr_init ();
+	tx_descr_init ();
+	// Set Receive Filter register: enable broadcast and multicast
+	/* Enable Rx Done and Tx Done interrupt for EMAC */
+	/* Reset all interrupts */
+	LPC_EMAC->IntClear  = 0xFFFF;
+	/* Enable receive and transmit mode of MAC Ethernet core */
+	LPC_EMAC->Command  |= (EMAC_CR_RX_EN | EMAC_CR_TX_EN);
+	return SUCCESS;
+ * @brief		De-initializes the EMAC peripheral registers to their
+*                  default reset values.
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return 		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void EMAC_DeInit(void)
+	// Disable all interrupt
+	LPC_EMAC->IntEnable = 0x00;
+	// Clear all pending interrupt
+	/* TurnOff clock and power for Ethernet module */
+ * @brief		Check specified PHY status in EMAC peripheral
+ * @param[in]	ulPHYState	Specified PHY Status Type, should be:
+ * 							- EMAC_PHY_STAT_LINK: Link Status
+ * 							- EMAC_PHY_STAT_SPEED: Speed Status
+ * 							- EMAC_PHY_STAT_DUP: Duplex Status
+ * @return		Status of specified PHY status (0 or 1).
+ * 				(-1) if error.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * For EMAC_PHY_STAT_LINK, return value:
+ * - 0: Link Down
+ * - 1: Link Up
+ * For EMAC_PHY_STAT_SPEED, return value:
+ * - 0: 10Mbps
+ * - 1: 100Mbps
+ * For EMAC_PHY_STAT_DUP, return value:
+ * - 0: Half-Duplex
+ * - 1: Full-Duplex
+ **********************************************************************/
+int32_t EMAC_CheckPHYStatus(uint32_t ulPHYState)
+	int32_t regv, tmp;
+#ifdef MCB_LPC_1768
+	regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_STS);
+	switch(ulPHYState){
+		tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_LINK) ? 1 : 0;
+		break;
+		tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_SPEED) ? 0 : 1;
+		break;
+		tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_FULL_DUP) ? 1 : 0;
+		break;
+#elif defined(IAR_LPC_1768)
+	/* Use IAR_LPC_1768 board:
+	 * FSZ8721BL doesn't have Status Register
+	 * so we read Basic Mode Status Register (0x01h) instead
+	 */
+	regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMSR);
+	switch(ulPHYState){
+		tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_BMSR_LINK_STATUS) ? 1 : 0;
+		break;
+		tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_100_SPEED) ? 1 : 0;
+		break;
+		tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_FULL_DUP) ? 1 : 0;
+		break;
+	default:
+		tmp = -1;
+		break;
+	}
+	return (tmp);
+ * @brief		Set specified PHY mode in EMAC peripheral
+ * @param[in]	ulPHYMode	Specified PHY mode, should be:
+ * 							- EMAC_MODE_AUTO
+ * 							- EMAC_MODE_10M_FULL
+ * 							- EMAC_MODE_10M_HALF
+ * 							- EMAC_MODE_100M_FULL
+ * 							- EMAC_MODE_100M_HALF
+ * @return		Return (0) if no error, otherwise return (-1)
+ **********************************************************************/
+int32_t EMAC_SetPHYMode(uint32_t ulPHYMode)
+	int32_t id1, id2, tout, regv;
+	/* Check if this is a DP83848C PHY. */
+	id1 = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_IDR1);
+	id2 = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_IDR2);
+#ifdef MCB_LPC_1768
+	if (((id1 << 16) | (id2 & 0xFFF0)) == EMAC_DP83848C_ID) {
+		switch(ulPHYMode){
+#elif defined(IAR_LPC_1768) /* Use IAR LPC1768 KickStart board */
+	if (((id1 << 16) | id2) == EMAC_KSZ8721BL_ID) {
+		/* Configure the PHY device */
+		switch(ulPHYMode){
+			/* Use auto-negotiation about the link speed. */
+			/* Wait to complete Auto_Negotiation */
+			for (tout = EMAC_PHY_RESP_TOUT; tout; tout--) {
+				regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMSR);
+				if (regv & EMAC_PHY_BMSR_AUTO_DONE) {
+					/* Auto-negotiation Complete. */
+					break;
+				}
+				if (tout == 0){
+					// Time out, return error
+					return (-1);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case EMAC_MODE_10M_FULL:
+			/* Connect at 10MBit full-duplex */
+			break;
+		case EMAC_MODE_10M_HALF:
+			/* Connect at 10MBit half-duplex */
+			break;
+		case EMAC_MODE_100M_FULL:
+			/* Connect at 100MBit full-duplex */
+			break;
+		case EMAC_MODE_100M_HALF:
+			/* Connect at 100MBit half-duplex */
+			break;
+		default:
+			// un-supported
+			return (-1);
+		}
+	}
+	// It's not correct module ID
+	else {
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	// Update EMAC configuration with current PHY status
+	if (EMAC_UpdatePHYStatus() < 0){
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	// Complete
+	return (0);
+ * @brief		Auto-Configures value for the EMAC configuration register to
+ * 				match with current PHY mode
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return		Return (0) if no error, otherwise return (-1)
+ *
+ * Note: The EMAC configuration will be auto-configured:
+ * 		- Speed mode.
+ * 		- Half/Full duplex mode
+ **********************************************************************/
+int32_t EMAC_UpdatePHYStatus(void)
+	int32_t regv, tout;
+	/* Check the link status. */
+#ifdef MCB_LPC_1768
+	for (tout = EMAC_PHY_RESP_TOUT; tout; tout--) {
+		regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_STS);
+		if (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_LINK) {
+			/* Link is on. */
+			break;
+		}
+		if (tout == 0){
+			// time out
+			return (-1);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Configure Full/Half Duplex mode. */
+	if (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_DUP) {
+	/* Full duplex is enabled. */
+			LPC_EMAC->Command |= EMAC_CR_FULL_DUP;
+	} else {
+		/* Half duplex mode. */
+	}
+	if (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_SPEED) {
+	/* 10MBit mode. */
+		LPC_EMAC->SUPP = 0;
+	} else {
+		/* 100MBit mode. */
+	}
+#elif defined(IAR_LPC_1768)
+	for (tout = EMAC_PHY_RESP_TOUT; tout; tout--) {
+		regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMSR);
+		if (regv & EMAC_PHY_BMSR_LINK_STATUS) {
+			/* Link is on. */
+			break;
+		}
+		if (tout == 0){
+			// time out
+			return (-1);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Configure Full/Half Duplex mode. */
+	if (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_FULL_DUP) {
+		/* Full duplex is enabled. */
+	} else {
+		/* Half duplex mode. */
+	}
+	/* Configure 100MBit/10MBit mode. */
+	if (!(regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_100_SPEED)) {
+		/* 10MBit mode. */
+		LPC_EMAC->SUPP = 0;
+	} else {
+		/* 100MBit mode. */
+	}
+	// Complete
+	return (0);
+ * @brief		Enable/Disable hash filter functionality for specified destination
+ * 				MAC address in EMAC module
+ * @param[in]	dstMAC_addr		Pointer to the first MAC destination address, should
+ * 								be 6-bytes length, in order LSB to the MSB
+ * @param[in]	NewState		New State of this command, should be:
+ *									- ENABLE.
+ *									- DISABLE.
+ * @return		None
+ *
+ * Note:
+ * The standard Ethernet cyclic redundancy check (CRC) function is calculated from
+ * the 6 byte destination address in the Ethernet frame (this CRC is calculated
+ * anyway as part of calculating the CRC of the whole frame), then bits [28:23] out of
+ * the 32 bits CRC result are taken to form the hash. The 6 bit hash is used to access
+ * the hash table: it is used as an index in the 64 bit HashFilter register that has been
+ * programmed with accept values. If the selected accept value is 1, the frame is
+ * accepted.
+ **********************************************************************/
+void EMAC_SetHashFilter(uint8_t dstMAC_addr[], FunctionalState NewState)
+	uint32_t *pReg;
+	uint32_t tmp;
+	int32_t crc;
+	// Calculate the CRC from the destination MAC address
+	crc = emac_CRCCalc(dstMAC_addr, 6);
+	// Extract the value from CRC to get index value for hash filter table
+	crc = (crc >> 23) & 0x3F;
+	pReg = (crc > 31) ? ((uint32_t *)&LPC_EMAC->HashFilterH) \
+								: ((uint32_t *)&LPC_EMAC->HashFilterL);
+	tmp = (crc > 31) ? (crc - 32) : crc;
+	if (NewState == ENABLE) {
+		(*pReg) |= (1UL << tmp);
+	} else {
+		(*pReg) &= ~(1UL << tmp);
+	}
+	// Enable Rx Filter
+ * @brief		Enable/Disable Filter mode for each specified type EMAC peripheral
+ * @param[in]	ulFilterMode	Filter mode, should be:
+ * 								- EMAC_RFC_UCAST_EN: all frames of unicast types
+ * 								will be accepted
+ * 								- EMAC_RFC_BCAST_EN: broadcast frame will be
+ * 								accepted
+ * 								- EMAC_RFC_MCAST_EN: all frames of multicast
+ * 								types will be accepted
+ * 								- EMAC_RFC_UCAST_HASH_EN: The imperfect hash
+ * 								filter will be applied to unicast addresses
+ * 								- EMAC_RFC_MCAST_HASH_EN: The imperfect hash
+ * 								filter will be applied to multicast addresses
+ * 								- EMAC_RFC_PERFECT_EN: the destination address
+ * 								will be compared with the 6 byte station address
+ * 								programmed in the station address by the filter
+ * 								- EMAC_RFC_MAGP_WOL_EN: the result of the magic
+ * 								packet filter will generate a WoL interrupt when
+ * 								there is a match
+ * 								- EMAC_RFC_PFILT_WOL_EN: the result of the perfect address
+ * 								matching filter and the imperfect hash filter will
+ * 								generate a WoL interrupt when there is a match
+ * @param[in]	NewState	New State of this command, should be:
+ * 								- ENABLE
+ * 								- DISABLE
+ * @return		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void EMAC_SetFilterMode(uint32_t ulFilterMode, FunctionalState NewState)
+	if (NewState == ENABLE){
+		LPC_EMAC->RxFilterCtrl |= ulFilterMode;
+	} else {
+		LPC_EMAC->RxFilterCtrl &= ~ulFilterMode;
+	}
+ * @brief		Get status of Wake On LAN Filter for each specified
+ * 				type in EMAC peripheral, clear this status if it is set
+ * @param[in]	ulWoLMode	WoL Filter mode, should be:
+ * 								- EMAC_WOL_UCAST: unicast frames caused WoL
+ * 								- EMAC_WOL_UCAST: broadcast frame caused WoL
+ * 								- EMAC_WOL_MCAST: multicast frame caused WoL
+ * 								- EMAC_WOL_UCAST_HASH: unicast frame that passes the
+ * 								imperfect hash filter caused WoL
+ * 								- EMAC_WOL_MCAST_HASH: multicast frame that passes the
+ * 								imperfect hash filter caused WoL
+ * 								- EMAC_WOL_PERFECT:perfect address matching filter
+ * 								caused WoL
+ * 								- EMAC_WOL_RX_FILTER: the receive filter caused WoL
+ * 								- EMAC_WOL_MAG_PACKET: the magic packet filter caused WoL
+ * @return		SET/RESET
+ **********************************************************************/
+FlagStatus EMAC_GetWoLStatus(uint32_t ulWoLMode)
+	if (LPC_EMAC->RxFilterWoLStatus & ulWoLMode) {
+		LPC_EMAC->RxFilterWoLClear = ulWoLMode;
+		return SET;
+	} else {
+		return RESET;
+	}
+ * @brief		Write data to Tx packet data buffer at current index due to
+ * 				TxProduceIndex
+ * @param[in]	pDataStruct		Pointer to a EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type structure
+ * 							data that contain specified information about
+ * 							Packet data buffer.
+ * @return		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void EMAC_WritePacketBuffer(EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type *pDataStruct)
+	uint32_t idx,len;
+	uint32_t *sp,*dp;
+	idx = LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex;
+	sp  = (uint32_t *)pDataStruct->pbDataBuf;
+	dp  = (uint32_t *)Tx_Desc[idx].Packet;
+	/* Copy frame data to EMAC packet buffers. */
+	for (len = (pDataStruct->ulDataLen + 3) >> 2; len; len--) {
+		*dp++ = *sp++;
+	}
+	Tx_Desc[idx].Ctrl = (pDataStruct->ulDataLen - 1) | (EMAC_TCTRL_INT | EMAC_TCTRL_LAST);
+ * @brief		Read data from Rx packet data buffer at current index due
+ * 				to RxConsumeIndex
+ * @param[in]	pDataStruct		Pointer to a EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type structure
+ * 							data that contain specified information about
+ * 							Packet data buffer.
+ * @return		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void EMAC_ReadPacketBuffer(EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type *pDataStruct)
+	uint32_t idx, len;
+	uint32_t *dp, *sp;
+	idx = LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;
+	dp = (uint32_t *)pDataStruct->pbDataBuf;
+	sp = (uint32_t *)Rx_Desc[idx].Packet;
+	if (pDataStruct->pbDataBuf != NULL) {
+		for (len = (pDataStruct->ulDataLen + 3) >> 2; len; len--) {
+			*dp++ = *sp++;
+		}
+	}
+ * @brief 		Enable/Disable interrupt for each type in EMAC
+ * @param[in]	ulIntType	Interrupt Type, should be:
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_RX_OVERRUN: Receive Overrun
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_RX_ERR: Receive Error
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_RX_FIN: Receive Descriptor Finish
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_RX_DONE: Receive Done
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_TX_UNDERRUN: Transmit Under-run
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_TX_ERR: Transmit Error
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_TX_FIN: Transmit descriptor finish
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_TX_DONE: Transmit Done
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT: Software interrupt
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_WAKEUP: Wakeup interrupt
+ * @param[in]	NewState	New State of this function, should be:
+ * 							- ENABLE.
+ * 							- DISABLE.
+ * @return		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void EMAC_IntCmd(uint32_t ulIntType, FunctionalState NewState)
+	if (NewState == ENABLE) {
+		LPC_EMAC->IntEnable |= ulIntType;
+	} else {
+		LPC_EMAC->IntEnable &= ~(ulIntType);
+	}
+ * @brief 		Check whether if specified interrupt flag is set or not
+ * 				for each interrupt type in EMAC and clear interrupt pending
+ * 				if it is set.
+ * @param[in]	ulIntType	Interrupt Type, should be:
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_RX_OVERRUN: Receive Overrun
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_RX_ERR: Receive Error
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_RX_FIN: Receive Descriptor Finish
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_RX_DONE: Receive Done
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_TX_UNDERRUN: Transmit Under-run
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_TX_ERR: Transmit Error
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_TX_FIN: Transmit descriptor finish
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_TX_DONE: Transmit Done
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT: Software interrupt
+ * 							- EMAC_INT_WAKEUP: Wakeup interrupt
+ * @return		New state of specified interrupt (SET or RESET)
+ **********************************************************************/
+IntStatus EMAC_IntGetStatus(uint32_t ulIntType)
+	if (LPC_EMAC->IntStatus & ulIntType) {
+		LPC_EMAC->IntClear = ulIntType;
+		return SET;
+	} else {
+		return RESET;
+	}
+ * @brief		Check whether if the current RxConsumeIndex is not equal to the
+ * 				current RxProduceIndex.
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return		TRUE if they're not equal, otherwise return FALSE
+ *
+ * Note: In case the RxConsumeIndex is not equal to the RxProduceIndex,
+ * it means there're available data has been received. They should be read
+ * out and released the Receive Data Buffer by updating the RxConsumeIndex value.
+ **********************************************************************/
+Bool EMAC_CheckReceiveIndex(void)
+	if (LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex != LPC_EMAC->RxProduceIndex) {
+		return TRUE;
+	} else {
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+ * @brief		Check whether if the current TxProduceIndex is not equal to the
+ * 				current RxProduceIndex - 1.
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return		TRUE if they're not equal, otherwise return FALSE
+ *
+ * Note: In case the RxConsumeIndex is equal to the RxProduceIndex - 1,
+ * it means the transmit buffer is available and data can be written to transmit
+ * buffer to be sent.
+ **********************************************************************/
+Bool EMAC_CheckTransmitIndex(void)
+	uint32_t tmp = LPC_EMAC->TxConsumeIndex -1;
+	if (LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex == tmp) {
+		return FALSE;
+	} else {
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+ * @brief		Get current status value of receive data (due to RxConsumeIndex)
+ * @param[in]	ulRxStatType	Received Status type, should be one of following:
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_CTRL_FRAME: Control Frame
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_VLAN: VLAN Frame
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_FAIL_FILT: RX Filter Failed
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_MCAST: Multicast Frame
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_BCAST: Broadcast Frame
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_CRC_ERR: CRC Error in Frame
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_SYM_ERR: Symbol Error from PHY
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_LEN_ERR: Length Error
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_RANGE_ERR: Range error(exceeded max size)
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_ALIGN_ERR: Alignment error
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_OVERRUN: Receive overrun
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_NO_DESCR: No new Descriptor available
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_LAST_FLAG: last Fragment in Frame
+ * 							- EMAC_RINFO_ERR: Error Occurred (OR of all error)
+ * @return		Current value of receive data (due to RxConsumeIndex)
+ **********************************************************************/
+FlagStatus EMAC_CheckReceiveDataStatus(uint32_t ulRxStatType)
+	uint32_t idx;
+	idx = LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;
+	return (((Rx_Stat[idx].Info) & ulRxStatType) ? SET : RESET);
+ * @brief		Get size of current Received data in received buffer (due to
+ * 				RxConsumeIndex)
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return		Size of received data
+ **********************************************************************/
+uint32_t EMAC_GetReceiveDataSize(void)
+	uint32_t idx;
+	idx =LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;
+	return ((Rx_Stat[idx].Info) & EMAC_RINFO_SIZE);
+ * @brief		Increase the RxConsumeIndex (after reading the Receive buffer
+ * 				to release the Receive buffer) and wrap-around the index if
+ * 				it reaches the maximum Receive Number
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void EMAC_UpdateRxConsumeIndex(void)
+	// Get current Rx consume index
+	uint32_t idx = LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;
+	/* Release frame from EMAC buffer */
+	if (++idx == EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG) idx = 0;
+	LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex = idx;
+ * @brief		Increase the TxProduceIndex (after writting to the Transmit buffer
+ * 				to enable the Transmit buffer) and wrap-around the index if
+ * 				it reaches the maximum Transmit Number
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void EMAC_UpdateTxProduceIndex(void)
+	// Get current Tx produce index
+	uint32_t idx = LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex;
+	/* Start frame transmission */
+	if (++idx == EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG) idx = 0;
+	LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex = idx;
+ * @}
+ */
+#endif /* _EMAC */
+ * @}
+ */
+/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */