

RevisionDateWhoCommit message
17:b7cd66c5f845 2018-11-09 BenRJG export to keil default tip
16:df78620cb307 2018-11-08 BenRJG Added dateTime typedef
15:f8649829dff9 2018-11-08 BenRJG Created multiple dateTime functions (may be replaced)
14:9d4c24c3c696 2018-11-08 BenRJG Replaced mbed with mbed-os (didn't include Threads); Added display thread and partial button implementation
13:d49ec153d644 2018-11-08 BenRJG Replace mbed with mbed-os (Thread wasn't included)
12:edf31d0a61f0 2018-11-08 BenRJG Created both pages within class; Ability to modify temp,light & pressure; Added S_BYTE type
11:c561293919d9 2018-11-08 BenRJG Created Display Class, Moved display template into class
10:4f8b0c09bd2c 2018-11-07 BenRJG Fixed LCD initialisation & added temporary display template
9:f8c8f0b11893 2018-11-07 BenRJG Removed unneeded code from LCD class to simplify
8:e34e23edfc84 2018-11-04 BenRJG Optimised LCD memory
7:0213c3702c99 2018-11-04 BenRJG Merged branches
6:f3d1ab8a9e99 2018-11-04 Jonathan738 Added Function for basic TERMINAL control and updated datatypes for LCD functions to universal names set by DataTypes.hpp
5:171c75b43aa6 2018-11-04 BenRJG Tested display function (works)
4:bb7a78619678 2018-11-04 BenRJG Reversed order of BusOut assignments (fixed)
3:5337419f2967 2018-11-04 BenRJG Added comments for D values
2:64e1fd2e8bfc 2018-11-04 BenRJG Renamed D values to P*_** values for consistency
1:1f9ea120f8a9 2018-11-04 BenRJG Modified pin assignments
0:f8fe58d43763 2018-11-03 BenRJG Created LCD class