LCD Accelerometer with interrupt fault

Dependencies:   mbed

Wed May 12 20:40:52 2010 +0000


Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 1 #include "header.h"
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 2 extern float per_old;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 3 extern float per_new;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 4 const double PI = 3.141592;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 5 extern float Xave;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 6 extern float Yave;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 7 extern float Zave;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 8 extern float Xtemp; //sample hold
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 9 extern float Xtest;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 10 extern float Ytemp;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 11 extern float Ytest;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 12 extern float Ztemp;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 13 extern float Ztest;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 14 extern float xout;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 15 extern float yout;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 16 extern float zout;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 17
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 18 extern float Xund;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 19 extern float Yund;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 20 extern float Zund;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 21 extern float Ax2;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 22 extern float Ay2;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 23 extern float Az2;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 24
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 25 extern float X;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 26 extern float Y;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 27 extern float Z;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 28 extern float Xoff; //CHANGE TO ZERO BALL POSITION
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 29 extern float Yoff; //CHANGE TO ZERO BALL POSITION
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 30 extern float Zoff; //CHANGE TO ZERO BALL
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 31
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 32 //Signal Conditioning
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 33
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 34 void SigCon(void){
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 35 // averaging using recursive method, a percentage of last iteration data + percentage of raw data
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 36 Xave=((Xave)*(per_old))+((acc.x())*(per_new));
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 37 Yave=((Yave)*(per_old))+((acc.y())*(per_new));
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 38 Zave=((Zave)*(per_old))+((acc.z())*(per_new));
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 39
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 40 xout=(Xave+Xoff);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 41 yout=(Yave+Yoff);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 42 zout=(Zave+Zoff);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 43
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 44 Xtest=((Xtemp)-(xout)); //stabalisation routine
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 45 Ytest=((Ytemp)-(yout));
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 46 Ztest=((Ztemp)-(zout));
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 47
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 48 if (Xtest>-0.04 && Xtest<0.04){xout=Xtemp;}
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 49 if (Ytest>-0.04 && Ytest<0.04){yout=Ytemp;}
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 50 if (Ztest>-0.04 && Ztest<0.04){zout=Ztemp;}
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 51
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 52 Ax2= pow(xout,2); // first stage calculations square value
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 53 Ay2= pow(yout,2);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 54 Az2= pow(zout,2);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 55
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 56 Xund= sqrt(Ay2+Az2); // performs first part equation
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 57 Yund= sqrt(Ax2+Az2);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 58 Zund= sqrt(Ax2+Ay2);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 59
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 60 float Xrads = atan(xout/Xund); //calculates andgles in radians
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 61 float Yrads = atan(yout/Yund);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 62 float Zrads = atan(zout/Zund);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 63
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 64 X = ((Xrads*180)/PI); // convert from radians to degrees
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 65 Y = ((Yrads*180)/PI);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 66 Z = ((Zrads*180)/PI);
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 67
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 68 Xtemp=xout;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 69 Ytemp=yout;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 70 Ztemp=zout;
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 71 }
Aubs 0:298e8a54dc2d 72