Slave serial com

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Serial_Communication_Slave by Arthur Semjonov

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Companion.cpp	Wed Feb 19 16:16:12 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TARDIS_ARCHIVE.h"
+/* @author: Arthur Semjonov 
+ * @author: Jonathan Pucceti
+ */ 
+DigitalOut l(LED1), l2(LED2), l3(LED3), l4(LED4);
+AnalogIn pitch(p19);                //Potentiometer sets up the pitch of the song
+AnalogIn tempo(p20);                //Potentiometer to set tempo of the song
+DigitalIn joyUP(p15);               //Play song of the Doctor (Master)
+DigitalIn joyDOWN(p12);             //Play song of the Companion (Slave)
+DigitalIn joyMID(p14);              //Stop playing either master or Slave song.
+PwmOut speaker(p26);                //Speaker on the mbed
+/*============SERIAL COMMUNICATION==============*/
+I2CSlave companion(p9, p10);          //mosi/miso/sck of the Slave
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+int send_note;                   //word we will send
+int rec_note;                    //value received from master
+const int addr = 0x42;
+/************************************|Lost Woods|**********************************/
+float frequency[]= {F4,A4,B4,F4,A4,B4,F4,A4,B4,E5,D5,B4,C5,B4,G4,E4,D4,E4,G4,E4};
+float beat[]= {1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,3};
+int main()
+    //l4=1;
+    int k;
+    companion.address(addr);
+    while(1) {
+        k = companion.receive();
+        if(k==3) {
+            //k = companion.receive();
+            playTheDoctor();
+            //companion.stop();
+        } else if(k==1) {
+            //k = companion.receive();
+            pc.printf("\n\rI am playing companion");
+            playTheCompanion();
+            pc.printf("\n\rStopped playing companion");
+            companion.stop();
+        }
+    }
+******************************THE COMPANION***************************
+********************************aka slave*****************************
+/*TODO: 1) Figure out what stop() returns, if any
+        2) Add print statements to see what is getting sent/received
+        Bonus) Implement potentiameters for tempo and pitch */
+void playTheCompanion()
+    pc.printf("\n\rEntering Companion song");
+    //int l = companion.receive();
+    for (int i=0; i<=sizeof(frequency)/sizeof(int)-1; i++) {
+        send_note = frequency[i];
+        int check = companion.receive();
+        pc.printf("\n\rCheck line = '%d'", check);
+        if (check == 0xFF) {
+            speaker = 0;
+            pc.printf("\n\rKicked out of the TARDIS");
+            return;
+        }
+        int t = companion.write(send_note);
+        pc.printf("\n\rSending = '%d'", send_note );
+        //int t = companion.write(send_note);
+        float value = lookupNoteFrq(frequency, i);
+        speaker.period(1/(2*value)); // set PWM period
+        speaker=0.5;
+        wait(0.4*beat[i]);
+        //  if (joyMID) {
+//            speaker = 0; //reset speaker duty cycle
+//            wait(2);     //delay for inferior humans
+//            return;
+//        } else if(joyUP) {
+//            speaker = 0;
+//            pc.printf("\n\rInterrupted Companion song by the Master song");
+//            return;
+//        }
+    }
+    companion.write(0xFF);
+    speaker = 0;
+    pc.printf("\n\rExiting Companion song");
+    return;
+******************************THE DOCTOR******************************
+********************************aka master****************************
+/*TODO: 1) Make sure while loop condition is doing what it suppose to
+        2) Initialize receive note, and play it
+        3) Implement interrupts
+        4) Stopping conditions
+        Bonus) Potentiometers for pitch and tempo
+void playTheDoctor()
+    int prev=0;
+    int cur;
+    pc.printf("\n\rEntering Doctors song\n\r=====================================");
+    //speaker = 0.5;
+    while (1) {
+        rec_note =;
+        cur = rec_note; 
+        if(rec_note == 0xFF) {
+            pc.printf("\n\rLeaveing the TARDIS :(, Doctor leaves for another couple of years >.>");
+            companion.stop();
+            speaker = 0;
+            //rec_note=0xFF;
+            wait(0.1);
+            return;
+        }
+        //pc.printf("\n\rReceived '%d'", rec_note);
+        if (cur != prev)playTheNote(rec_note);
+        prev = cur; 
+//        if (joyMID) {
+//            speaker = 0;                    //reset speaker duty cycle
+//            //force end condition for both master and companion
+//            pc.printf("\n\rInterrupted doctor song by demo");
+//            wait(2);                        //delay for inferior humans
+//            return;
+//        } else if(joyDOWN) {
+//            speaker = 0;                   //read joyUp value.
+//            //force end condition due to interuppt
+//            pc.printf("\n\rInterrupted doctor song by Companion");
+//            return;
+//        }
+    }
+//===================Goon Squad of helper functions==================//
+void playTheNote(int k)
+    float frqNote = notes[k];
+    pc.printf("\n\rNote I got = '%d", k);
+    speaker.period(1/(2*frqNote)); // set PWM period
+    speaker=0.5;
+    return;
+/*====================Original Demo====================================*/
+void songOfMyPeople(float frequency[], float beat[])
+    pc.printf("\n\rSong of my people");
+    while(1) { //run infinetly unless interupted
+        for (int i=0; i<=19; i++) {
+            float value = lookupNoteFrq(frequency, i);
+            speaker.period(1/(2*value)); // set PWM period
+            speaker=0.5; // set duty cycle
+            wait(0.4*beat[i]);
+            if (joyMID) {
+                speaker = 0; //reset speaker duty cycle
+                wait(2);     //delay for inferior humans
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        speaker = 0;
+        wait(0.25);
+    }
+float lookupNoteFrq(float frq[], int k)
+    int location_of_note = frequency[k];
+    pc.printf("\n\rLocation of the note = '%d'", location_of_note);
+    float vNote = notes[location_of_note];
+    pc.printf("\n\rFrq of the note = '%f'", vNote);
+    return vNote;
\ No newline at end of file