
Dependencies:   MPU9250_SPI PID SDFileSystem01 Servo mbed

Fork of testSSWMR_StationKeeping_20170830 by Amber Tang

diff -r 000000000000 -r 038acacdae04 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Aug 30 01:59:06 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "PID.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include "MPU9250.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+/* "PID.h"--- https://developer.mbed.org/users/aberk/code/PID/ */
+/* "Servo.h"-- https://developer.mbed.org/users/andrewrussell/code/Servo/file/4c315bcd91b4/Servo.cpp */
+// SDFileSystem---1. https://developer.mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/SDFileSystem/
+//                2. https://developer.mbed.org/users/simon/code/SDCardTest/
+// SD care---3.3v
+// Ctrl+? =>註解
+#define pi 3.14159265359
+//**************************** PID control para declaration ************************************//
+#define RATE  0.005
+#define Kp_1    2             //1.1
+#define Ki_1    0.2            //0.2
+#define Kd_1    0.01
+//**************************** Angle Sonsor para declaration ************************************//
+#define Kp 0.5f         // proportional gain governs rate of convergence to accelerometer/magnetometer
+#define Ki 0.0f//0.005f       // integral gain governs rate of convergence of gyroscope biases
+//**************************** pragram debug declaration ************************************//
+int index_times = 0;
+double RunTime =0,lastTime =0;
+double t_trajectory=0;
+int do_measure_index=0;
+double t_MeasureAngularVelocity=0.03;
+double t_PIDcontrol_velocity =0.03;
+double t_LQR_control = 0.05;
+double t_MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle = 0.05;
+double t_quadratureDecoder = 15;
+//double t_TrajectoryTracking = 0.1;
+//**************************** Motor para declaration ************************************//
+double r_ball = 0.1; // 球的半徑
+double r_grounder = 0.018;  //滾球的半徑
+//**************************** Ticker ************************************//
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Ticker Sample_Motor_encoder;                                // create a timer to sample the encoder.
+Ticker Sample_robotAngleSensor;                                // create a timer to sample the robot attitude.
+Ticker MeasureAngularVelocity;                      // create a timer to measure the motor angular velocity.
+Ticker PIDcontrol_velocity;                         // create a timer to do the motor angular velocity PID control.
+Ticker LQR_control;                                 // create a timer to do the position control.
+//Ticker TrajectoryTracking_control;
+//**************************** Measuremant of angular velocity declaration ************************************//
+double Angle_1 =0,Angle_2 =0,Angle_3 =0,Angle_4 =0;
+double LastAngle_1 =0,LastAngle_2 =0,LastAngle_3 =0,LastAngle_4 =0;
+double _1_SectionAngle=0,_1_LastSectionAngle,_1_LastSectionAngle_1,_1_LastSectionAngle_2,_1_LastSectionAngle_3,_1_LastSectionAngle_4;
+double _2_SectionAngle=0,_2_LastSectionAngle,_2_LastSectionAngle_1,_2_LastSectionAngle_2,_2_LastSectionAngle_3,_2_LastSectionAngle_4;
+double _3_SectionAngle=0,_3_LastSectionAngle,_3_LastSectionAngle_1,_3_LastSectionAngle_2,_3_LastSectionAngle_3,_3_LastSectionAngle_4;
+double _4_SectionAngle=0,_4_LastSectionAngle,_4_LastSectionAngle_1,_4_LastSectionAngle_2,_4_LastSectionAngle_3,_4_LastSectionAngle_4;
+double Average_SectionAngle_1,Now_angularVelocity_1=0;
+double Average_SectionAngle_2,Now_angularVelocity_2=0;
+double Average_SectionAngle_3,Now_angularVelocity_3=0;
+double Average_SectionAngle_4,Now_angularVelocity_4=0;
+double Now_angularVelocity_X=0,Now_angularVelocity_Y=0;
+double Angle_X=0, Angle_Y=0;
+double SectionTime =0;
+double NowTime_measureVelocity=0, LastTime_measureVelocity = 0;
+//**************************** PID control declaration ************************************//
+float Now_time_PID,Last_Time_PID;
+    //Command
+//double Command_AngularVel_1=1,Command_AngularVel_2=1,Command_AngularVel_3=1,Command_AngularVel_4=1;
+//double command_AngularVel_1=1,command_AngularVel_2=1,command_AngularVel_3=1,command_AngularVel_4=1;
+double Command_AngularVel_X=1,Command_AngularVel_Y=1;
+double command_AngularVel_X=1,command_AngularVel_Y=1;
+    //Control
+double Control_motor_X,Control_motor_Y,Control_motor_X1,Control_motor_Y1,Control_motor_X2,Control_motor_Y2;
+    //Control PWM value
+double Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y, Control_Motor_PWM_X1,Control_Motor_PWM_Y1,Control_Motor_PWM_X2,Control_Motor_PWM_Y2;
+PID Motor_X1 (&Now_angularVelocity_2, &Control_motor_X1, &Command_AngularVel_X, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+PID Motor_X2 (&Now_angularVelocity_4, &Control_motor_X2, &Command_AngularVel_X, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+PID Motor_Y1 (&Now_angularVelocity_1, &Control_motor_Y1, &Command_AngularVel_Y, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+PID Motor_Y2 (&Now_angularVelocity_3, &Control_motor_Y2, &Command_AngularVel_Y, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+//PID Motor_X (&Now_angularVelocity_X, &Control_motor_X, &Command_AngularVel_X, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+//PID Motor_Y (&Now_angularVelocity_Y, &Control_motor_Y, &Command_AngularVel_Y, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+//PID Motor_X (&Command_AngularVel_X, &Control_motor_X, &Now_angularVelocity_X, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+//PID Motor_Y (&Command_AngularVel_Y, &Control_motor_Y, &Now_angularVelocity_Y, Kp_1, Ki_1, Kd_1, DIRECT,&Now_time_PID,&Last_Time_PID);
+//****************************LQR_control declaration************************************//
+double Ka = 20;                //16.9573  25.0
+double Kav = 10;            //10.4423  10.7423
+double Kt = 4.0 ;                   //3.0  3.1  
+double Kt_y = 4.0;                 //4.0  3.98
+double Kv = 1.0;                    //1.0
+double Kv_y = 1.1;                  //1.1
+double Kz = 0.05;                   //0.05
+double Kii = 0.05;                  //0.2
+double KI_xy = 0.02;                //0.02
+double KI_xy_y = 0.02;                //0.025
+double Roll_offset = -5;      //2.88       4.0   3.5
+double Pitch_offset = -3;      //-0.05       2.1   2.1
+double Diff_Roll,Diff_Pitch,Diff_Yaw;
+double Integ_Roll,Integ_Pitch;
+double Integ_x,Integ_y;
+double Roll_last,Pitch_last;
+double Vx=0,Vy=0,Wz=0;
+double d_x=0,d_y=0;
+double u_x=0,u_y=0;
+double Point_x;
+double x_now,y_now;
+double x_pre_1,y_pre_1;
+double ax_now,ay_now;
+double ax_pre_1,ay_pre_1;
+double ax_pre_2,ay_pre_2;
+double Vx_pre_1,Vy_pre_1;
+double Diff_x,Diff_y;
+double Diff_x_pre,Diff_y_pre;
+double dot_diff_x,dot_diff_y;
+//****************************Trajectory Tracking declaration************************************//
+double x_trajectory=0,y_trajectory=0;
+//****************************Encoder declaration************************************//
+// phase a of the quadrature encoder
+// phase b of the quadrature encoder
+DigitalIn phaseA_1( PA_0 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseB_1( PA_1 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseA_2( PA_8 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseB_2( PA_9 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseA_3( PC_6 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseB_3( PC_7 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseA_4( PB_8 ); 
+DigitalIn phaseB_4( PB_9 ); 
+// hold the signed value corresponding to the number of clicks left or right since last sample
+// keep a record of the last actioned sample state of the Qb+Qa outputs for comparison on each interrupt
+int encoderClickCount_1    = 0; 
+int previousEncoderState_1 = 0; 
+int encoderClickCount_2    = 0; 
+int previousEncoderState_2 = 0; 
+int encoderClickCount_3    = 0; 
+int previousEncoderState_3 = 0; 
+int encoderClickCount_4    = 0; 
+int previousEncoderState_4 = 0; 
+//****************************Angle Sensor declaration************************************//
+float Times[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+float control_frequency = 800;//PPM_FREQU;         // frequency for the main loop in Hz
+int counter = 0;
+int divider = 20;
+float dt;                       // time for entire loop
+float dt_sensors;               // time only to read sensors
+float q0 = 1, q1 = 0, q2 = 0, q3 = 0;
+float q0_A = 1, q1_A = 0, q2_A = 0, q3_A = 0;
+float exInt = 0, eyInt = 0, ezInt = 0;
+float OX = 0, OY = 0, OZ = 0;
+float Roll_pre_1,Roll_pre_2,Roll_pre_3,Roll_pre_4;
+float Pitch_pre_1,Pitch_pre_2,Pitch_pre_3,Pitch_pre_4;
+float Mag_x_pre,Mag_y_pre,Mag_z_pre;
+float Mag_x_pre_L,Mag_y_pre_L,Mag_z_pre_L;
+float Mag_x_pre_LL,Mag_y_pre_LL,Mag_z_pre_LL;
+float Mag_x_pre_LLL,Mag_y_pre_LLL,Mag_z_pre_LLL;
+float Mag_x_ave,Mag_y_ave,Mag_x_total,Mag_y_total;
+float Cal_Mag_x_pre_LL,Cal_Mag_x_pre_L,Cal_Mag_x_pre,Cal_Mag_x;
+float GYRO_z_pre,GYRO_z_pre_L,GYRO_z_pre_LL,GYRO_z_pre_LLL;
+float GYRO_z_total,GYRO_z_offset,Global_GYRO_z;
+float Global_mag_vector_angle,Yaw_pre;
+float Global_mag_x_vector_angle,Mag_x_vector_angle;
+float Global_mag_y_vector_angle,Mag_y_vector_angle;
+int Count_mag_check=0;
+float angle[3];
+float Roll,Pitch,Yaw;
+float calibrated_values[3],magCalibrationp[3];
+float v_index[3];
+float dest1,dest2;
+int f=0;
+int j=0;
+int k=0;
+int g=0;
+int count1=0,count2=0,count3=0,count4=0,count5=0,count6=0,count7=0,count8=0,count9=0,count11=0,count12=0,count14=0;
+int Rot_index;
+float mRes = 10.*4912./32760.0;
+int AngleFilter_counter = 0;
+float Roll_total = 0,Pitch_total = 0;
+//****************************Motor & SD card & MPU9250 declare************************************//
+int control_AR=0, control_brake=0,control_stopRun=1, control_X1_CW_CCW=0, control_X2_CW_CCW=0, control_Y1_CW_CCW=0, control_Y2_CW_CCW=0;
+int Control_stopRun=1, Control_brake=0, Control_AR=0, Control_X1_CW_CCW=0, Control_X2_CW_CCW=0, Control_Y1_CW_CCW=0, Control_Y2_CW_CCW=0; 
+int control_LiftingStopRun=1, control_F_R=1, control_H_F=1;
+int Control_LiftingStopRun=1, Control_F_R=1, Control_H_F=1;
+int X_pos=0, Y_pos=0;
+DigitalOut StopRun(PA_12);
+DigitalOut Brake(PA_11);
+DigitalOut AR(PB_12);
+DigitalOut X1_CW_CCW(PC_11);
+DigitalOut X2_CW_CCW(PC_10);
+DigitalOut Y1_CW_CCW(PC_12);
+DigitalOut Y2_CW_CCW(PD_2);
+Servo X_PWM(PB_1);
+Servo Y_PWM(PB_2);
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+//---SD card---//
+SDFileSystem sd( D4, D5, D3, D6, "sd"); //  mosi, miso, sclk, cs
+DigitalIn mybutton(USER_BUTTON);
+//---MPU 9250---//
+//SPI_MOSI = PA_7(D11), SPI_MISO = PA_6(D12), SPI_SCK = PA_5(D13), SPI_CS = PB_6(D10)
+mpu9250_spi imu(spi,SPI_CS);   //define the mpu9250 object
+//****************************Lifting mechanism & limit switches declare************************************//
+DigitalOut LiftingStopRun(PA_15);
+DigitalOut F_R(PA_14);  // CW/CCW
+DigitalOut H_F(PA_13);  
+//DigitalIn TIM(PB_7);
+DigitalIn LimitSwitchUp(PB_15,PullUp);
+DigitalIn LimitSwitchDown(PB_14,PullUp);
+int limitSwitchUp;
+int limitSwitchDown;
+//****************************Timer declaration************************************//
+Timer NowTime;
+Timer LiftingDownTime;
+//**************************** Filter_IMUupdate ************************************//
+//**************************** Filter_IMUupdate ************************************//
+void Filter_IMUupdate(float halfT, float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az) 
+    float norm;
+    float vx, vy, vz;
+    float ex, ey, ez;         
+    // normalise the measurements
+    norm = sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az);
+    if(norm == 0.0f) return;   
+    ax /= norm;
+    ay /= norm;
+    az /= norm;      
+    // estimated direction of gravity
+    vx = 2*(q1*q3 - q0*q2);
+    vy = 2*(q0*q1 + q2*q3);
+    vz = q0*q0 - q1*q1 - q2*q2 + q3*q3;
+    // error is sum of cross product between reference direction of field and direction measured by sensor
+    ex = (ay*vz - az*vy);
+    ey = (az*vx - ax*vz);
+    ez = (ax*vy - ay*vx);
+    // integral error scaled integral gain
+    exInt += ex*Ki;
+    eyInt += ey*Ki;
+    ezInt += ez*Ki;
+    // adjusted gyroscope measurements
+    gx += Kp*ex + exInt;
+    gy += Kp*ey + eyInt;
+    gz += Kp*ez + ezInt;
+    // integrate quaternion rate and normalise
+    float q0o = q0; // he did the MATLAB to C error by not thinking of the beginning vector elements already being changed for the calculation of the rest!
+    float q1o = q1;
+    float q2o = q2;
+    float q3o = q3;
+    q0 += (-q1o*gx - q2o*gy - q3o*gz)*halfT;
+    q1 += (q0o*gx + q2o*gz - q3o*gy)*halfT;
+    q2 += (q0o*gy - q1o*gz + q3o*gx)*halfT;
+    q3 += (q0o*gz + q1o*gy - q2o*gx)*halfT;  
+    // normalise quaternion
+    norm = sqrt(q0*q0 + q1*q1 + q2*q2 + q3*q3);
+    q0 = q0 / norm;
+    q1 = q1 / norm;
+    q2 = q2 / norm;
+    q3 = q3 / norm;
+//**************************** Filter_compute ************************************//
+//**************************** Filter_compute ************************************//
+void Filter_compute(float dt, const float * Gyro_data, const float * Acc_data, const float * Comp_data)
+    // IMU/AHRS
+    float d_Gyro_angle[3];
+    void get_Acc_angle(const float * Acc_data);
+     // IMU/AHRS (from http://www.x-io.co.uk/open-source-imu-and-ahrs-algorithms/)   
+    float radGyro[3],Gyro_cal_data; // Gyro in radians per second
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
+    {
+        radGyro[i] = Gyro_data[i] * 3.14159/ 180;
+    }
+        Filter_IMUupdate(dt/2, radGyro[0], radGyro[1], radGyro[2], Acc_data[0], Acc_data[1], Acc_data[2]);
+        //IMU_AHRSupdate(dt/2, radGyro[0], radGyro[1], radGyro[2], Acc_data[0], Acc_data[1], Acc_data[2], Comp_data[0], Comp_data[1], Comp_data[2]);
+        float rangle[3]; // calculate angles in radians from quternion output, formula from Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_angles)
+        rangle[0] = atan2(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3, 1 - 2*(q1*q1 + q2*q2));
+        rangle[1] = asin (2*q0*q2 - 2*q3*q1);
+        rangle[2] = atan2(2*q0_A*q3_A + 2*q1_A*q2_A, 1 - 2*(q2_A*q2_A + q3_A*q3_A));            // Z-axis
+        for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
+        {  // angle in degree
+            angle[i] = rangle[i] * 180 / 3.14159;
+        }
+        /*Roll=angle[0]*0.2 + Roll_pre_1*0.2 + Roll_pre_2*0.2 +Roll_pre_3*0.2 + Roll_pre_4*0.2;
+        Roll_pre_4 = Roll_pre_3;
+        Roll_pre_3 = Roll_pre_2;
+        Roll_pre_2 = Roll_pre_1;
+        Roll_pre_1 = Roll;
+        Pitch=angle[1]*0.2 + Pitch_pre_1*0.2 + Pitch_pre_2*0.2 + Pitch_pre_3*0.2 + Pitch_pre_4*0.2;
+        Pitch_pre_4 = Pitch_pre_3;
+        Pitch_pre_3 = Pitch_pre_2;
+        Pitch_pre_2 = Pitch_pre_1;
+        Pitch_pre_1 = Pitch;*/
+        Roll_total += angle[0];
+        Pitch_total += angle[1];
+        AngleFilter_counter++;
+        if( AngleFilter_counter > 1 )
+        {   // The average of the attitude angle for 100 times.
+            Roll = Roll_total / AngleFilter_counter;
+            Pitch = Pitch_total / AngleFilter_counter;
+            AngleFilter_counter = 0;
+            Roll_total = 0;
+            Pitch_total = 0;
+            Roll -= Roll_offset;
+            Pitch -= Pitch_offset;
+        }
+//**************************************************Gyro_data[2]  filter      start
+        float GYRO_z=0;
+        GYRO_z=Gyro_data[2]*0.15 + GYRO_z_pre*0.20 + GYRO_z_pre_L*0.20 + GYRO_z_pre_LL*0.25 + GYRO_z_pre_LLL*0.20;
+        if( count4==1 )
+        {
+            GYRO_z_pre_L=GYRO_z_pre;
+            count4=0;
+        }
+        if( count5==2 )
+        {
+            GYRO_z_pre_LL=GYRO_z_pre_L;
+            count5=0;
+        }
+        if( count6==3 )
+        {
+            GYRO_z_pre_LLL=GYRO_z_pre_LL;
+            count6=0;
+        }
+        count4++;
+        count5++;
+        count6++;
+        GYRO_z_pre=Gyro_data[2];
+        Global_GYRO_z=GYRO_z;
+       /*printf("     GYRO_z:%10.3f     ,count8:%10d   \n", 
+            GYRO_z,
+            count8
+            );*/
+        if((count8>5)&&(count8<=2005))
+        {
+            GYRO_z_total+=GYRO_z;
+        }
+        if( count8==2005 )
+        {
+            GYRO_z_offset=GYRO_z_total/2000;
+           /* printf("     GYRO_z_offset:%10.5f    \n ", 
+            GYRO_z_offset
+            );*/
+            GYRO_z_total=0;
+            count8=0;
+        }
+        count8++;
+//**************************************************Gyro_data[2]'s average  filter   :     answer=GYRO_Z is roughly = 0.74956
+//************************************************** calculate Yaw
+    if( (count11==35) )
+    {
+        if( abs(Yaw_pre-Yaw)<1 )
+        {
+            Yaw_pre=Yaw_pre;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Yaw_pre=Yaw;
+        }
+        count11=0;
+    }
+    count11++;
+    if( count12>=20 )
+    {
+        Yaw += (Gyro_data[2]-0.74936) *dt; 
+    }
+    count12++;
+    //pc.printf("     Yaw:%10.5f     ", 
+            //Yaw
+    // );
+//**************************** Mag_Complentary_Filter ************************************//
+void Mag_Complentary_Filter(float dt, const float * Comp_data)
+        float Mag_x=0,Mag_y=0,Mag_z=0;
+        Mag_x=Comp_data[0]*0.15 + Mag_x_pre*0.20 + Mag_x_pre_L*0.20 + Mag_x_pre_LL*0.25 + Mag_x_pre_LLL*0.20;
+        Mag_y=Comp_data[1]*0.15 + Mag_y_pre*0.20 + Mag_y_pre_L*0.20 + Mag_y_pre_LL*0.25 + Mag_y_pre_LLL*0.20;
+        Mag_z=Comp_data[2]*0.15 + Mag_z_pre*0.20 + Mag_z_pre_L*0.20 + Mag_z_pre_LL*0.25 + Mag_z_pre_LLL*0.20;
+        if( count1==1 )
+        {
+            Mag_x_pre_L=Mag_x_pre;
+            Mag_y_pre_L=Mag_y_pre;
+            Mag_z_pre_L=Mag_z_pre;
+            Cal_Mag_x_pre=Cal_Mag_x;
+            count1=0;
+        }
+        if( count2==2 )
+        {
+            Mag_x_pre_LL=Mag_x_pre_L;
+            Mag_y_pre_LL=Mag_y_pre_L;
+            Mag_z_pre_LL=Mag_z_pre_L;
+            Cal_Mag_x_pre_L=Cal_Mag_x_pre;
+            count2=0;
+        }
+        if( count7==3 )
+        {
+            Mag_x_pre_LLL=Mag_x_pre_LL;
+            Mag_y_pre_LLL=Mag_y_pre_LL;
+            Mag_z_pre_LLL=Mag_z_pre_LL;
+            Cal_Mag_x_pre_LL=Cal_Mag_x_pre_L;
+            count7=0;
+        }
+        count1++;
+        count2++;
+        count7++;
+        Mag_x_pre=Comp_data[0];
+        Mag_y_pre=Comp_data[1];
+        Mag_z_pre=Comp_data[2];
+        if( count14>4 )
+        { 
+            Cal_Mag_x=Mag_x;             
+        }
+        count14++;
+//*************************************Mag_ave calculate
+        if(count3<=20)
+        {
+            Mag_x_total+=Mag_x;
+            Mag_y_total+=Mag_y;
+        }
+        if( count3==20)
+        {
+            Mag_x_ave=Mag_x_total/21;
+            Mag_y_ave=Mag_y_total/21;
+            /*pc.printf("     Mag_x_ave:%10.5f    ,Mag_y_ave:%10.5f     ", 
+            Mag_x_ave,
+            Mag_y_ave
+            );*/
+            Mag_x_total=0;
+            Mag_y_total=0;
+            count3=0;          
+        }
+        count3++;
+//********************************ROT_check  start
+        float v_length,v_length_ave,MagVector_angle;
+        v_length=sqrt( Mag_x*Mag_x + Mag_y*Mag_y );
+        v_length_ave=sqrt( Mag_x_ave*Mag_x_ave + Mag_y_ave*Mag_y_ave );
+        MagVector_angle=acos(( Mag_x*Mag_x_ave + Mag_y*Mag_y_ave )/(v_length*v_length_ave))*57.3;
+        if( count9==3 )
+        {
+            Global_mag_vector_angle=MagVector_angle;
+            count9=0;
+        }
+        count9++;
+        if( (abs(Global_mag_vector_angle-MagVector_angle)<5) && (abs(Global_GYRO_z)<5) )
+        {
+            Count_mag_check++;
+        }
+        else
+        { 
+            Count_mag_check=0; 
+        }
+        if( Count_mag_check==30 )
+        {
+            Yaw=Yaw_pre;
+            Count_mag_check=0;
+        }
+        float ABS_CHECK=abs(Global_mag_vector_angle-MagVector_angle);
+//********************************Theta_check  end
+        /*pc.printf("ABS_CHECK:%10.3f,Cal_Mag_x_pre_LL:%10.3f,Mag_x:%10.3f,Count_mag_check:%10d ,Yaw_pre:%10.3f,Yaw_filter:%10.3f    ", 
+            ABS_CHECK,
+            Cal_Mag_x_pre_LL,
+            Mag_x,
+            Count_mag_check,
+            Yaw_pre,
+            Yaw
+            );*/
+int Motor_run(double control_value_PWM_X, double control_value_PWM_Y, int control_AR, int control_brake , int control_stopRun, int control_X1_CW_CCW, int control_X2_CW_CCW, int control_Y1_CW_CCW, int control_Y2_CW_CCW)
+    StopRun.write(control_stopRun);
+    Brake.write(control_brake);
+    AR.write(control_AR);
+    X1_CW_CCW.write(control_X1_CW_CCW);
+    X2_CW_CCW.write(control_X2_CW_CCW);
+    Y1_CW_CCW.write(control_Y1_CW_CCW);
+    Y2_CW_CCW.write(control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+    X_PWM.write(control_value_PWM_X);
+    Y_PWM.write(control_value_PWM_Y);
+void quadratureDecoder( void )
+    int  currentEncoderState_1 = (phaseB_1.read() << 1) + phaseA_1.read(); 
+    int  currentEncoderState_2 = (phaseB_2.read() << 1) + phaseA_2.read(); 
+    int  currentEncoderState_3 = (phaseB_3.read() << 1) + phaseA_3.read(); 
+    int  currentEncoderState_4 = (phaseB_4.read() << 1) + phaseA_4.read();
+//****************************  1  ************************************//
+    if( currentEncoderState_1 == previousEncoderState_1 )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( previousEncoderState_1 )
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if( currentEncoderState_1 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_1 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if( currentEncoderState_1 == 0 )
+            {        
+                encoderClickCount_1--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_1 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if( currentEncoderState_1 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_1 == 0 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            if( currentEncoderState_1 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_1 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_1++;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    previousEncoderState_1 = currentEncoderState_1;
+//****************************  2  ************************************//    
+    if( currentEncoderState_2 == previousEncoderState_2 )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( previousEncoderState_2 )
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if( currentEncoderState_2 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_2 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if( currentEncoderState_2 == 0 )
+            {        
+                encoderClickCount_2--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_2 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if( currentEncoderState_2 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_2 == 0 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            if( currentEncoderState_2 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_2 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_2++;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    previousEncoderState_2 = currentEncoderState_2;
+//****************************  3  ************************************//
+    if( currentEncoderState_3 == previousEncoderState_3 )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( previousEncoderState_3 )
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if( currentEncoderState_3 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_3 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if( currentEncoderState_3 == 0 )
+            {        
+                encoderClickCount_3--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_3 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if( currentEncoderState_3 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_3 == 0 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            if( currentEncoderState_3 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_3 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_3++;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    previousEncoderState_3 = currentEncoderState_3;
+//****************************  4  ************************************//
+    if( currentEncoderState_4 == previousEncoderState_4 )
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    switch( previousEncoderState_4 )
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if( currentEncoderState_4 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_4 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if( currentEncoderState_4 == 0 )
+            {        
+                encoderClickCount_4--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_4 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if( currentEncoderState_4 == 3 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_4 == 0 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4++;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            if( currentEncoderState_4 == 1 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4--;
+            }
+            else if( currentEncoderState_4 == 2 )
+            {
+                encoderClickCount_4++;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    previousEncoderState_4 = currentEncoderState_4;
+void getAngular( void )
+//    Angle_1 = (encoderClickCount_1*0.1499)/5; 
+//    Angle_2 = (encoderClickCount_2*0.1499)/5; 
+//    Angle_3 = (encoderClickCount_3*0.1499)/5; 
+//    Angle_4 = (encoderClickCount_4*0.1499)/5; 
+    Angle_1 = encoderClickCount_1*0.03; 
+    Angle_2 = encoderClickCount_2*0.03; 
+    Angle_3 = encoderClickCount_3*0.03; 
+    Angle_4 = encoderClickCount_4*0.03;
+    _1_SectionAngle = Angle_1 - LastAngle_1;
+    _2_SectionAngle = Angle_2 - LastAngle_2;
+    _3_SectionAngle = Angle_3 - LastAngle_3;
+    _4_SectionAngle = Angle_4 - LastAngle_4;
+    Average_SectionAngle_1 = (_1_SectionAngle*0.3 + _1_LastSectionAngle*0.3 + _1_LastSectionAngle_1*0.1 + _1_LastSectionAngle_2*0.1 + _1_LastSectionAngle_3*0.1 + _1_LastSectionAngle_4*0.1)/1;
+    Average_SectionAngle_2 = (_2_SectionAngle*0.3 + _2_LastSectionAngle*0.3 + _2_LastSectionAngle_1*0.1 + _2_LastSectionAngle_2*0.1 + _2_LastSectionAngle_3*0.1 + _2_LastSectionAngle_4*0.1)/1;
+    Average_SectionAngle_3 = (_3_SectionAngle*0.3 + _3_LastSectionAngle*0.3 + _3_LastSectionAngle_1*0.1 + _3_LastSectionAngle_2*0.1 + _3_LastSectionAngle_3*0.1 + _3_LastSectionAngle_4*0.1)/1;
+    Average_SectionAngle_4 = (_4_SectionAngle*0.3 + _4_LastSectionAngle*0.3 + _4_LastSectionAngle_1*0.1 + _4_LastSectionAngle_2*0.1 + _4_LastSectionAngle_3*0.1 + _4_LastSectionAngle_4*0.1)/1;
+    NowTime_measureVelocity = NowTime.read();
+    SectionTime = NowTime_measureVelocity - LastTime_measureVelocity;
+    Now_angularVelocity_1 = abs(Average_SectionAngle_1/(SectionTime));
+    Now_angularVelocity_2 = abs(Average_SectionAngle_2/(SectionTime));
+    Now_angularVelocity_3 = abs(Average_SectionAngle_3/(SectionTime));
+    Now_angularVelocity_4 = abs(Average_SectionAngle_4/(SectionTime));
+    //Now_angularVelocity_X = (Now_angularVelocity_2+Now_angularVelocity_4)*0.5;
+//    Now_angularVelocity_Y = (Now_angularVelocity_1+Now_angularVelocity_3)*0.5;
+    LastTime_measureVelocity = NowTime_measureVelocity;
+    LastAngle_1 = Angle_1;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle_4 = _1_LastSectionAngle_3;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle_3 = _1_LastSectionAngle_2;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle_2 = _1_LastSectionAngle_1;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle_1 = _1_LastSectionAngle;
+    _1_LastSectionAngle = _1_SectionAngle;
+    LastAngle_2 = Angle_2;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle_4 = _2_LastSectionAngle_3;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle_3 = _2_LastSectionAngle_2;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle_2 = _2_LastSectionAngle_1;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle_1 = _2_LastSectionAngle;
+    _2_LastSectionAngle = _2_SectionAngle;
+    LastAngle_3 = Angle_3;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle_4 = _3_LastSectionAngle_3;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle_3 = _3_LastSectionAngle_2;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle_2 = _3_LastSectionAngle_1;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle_1 = _3_LastSectionAngle;
+    _3_LastSectionAngle = _3_SectionAngle;
+    LastAngle_4 = Angle_4;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle_4 = _4_LastSectionAngle_3;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle_3 = _4_LastSectionAngle_2;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle_2 = _4_LastSectionAngle_1;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle_1 = _4_LastSectionAngle;
+    _4_LastSectionAngle = _4_SectionAngle;
+    if (Angle_1>=0 && Angle_3>=0)
+    {
+        Angle_Y = (Angle_1 + Angle_3)*0.5;
+    }
+    else if(Angle_1>=0 && Angle_3<=0)
+    {
+        Angle_Y = (Angle_1 + abs(Angle_3))*0.5;
+    }
+    else if(Angle_1<=0 && Angle_3>=0)
+    {
+        Angle_Y = -(abs(Angle_1) + Angle_3)*0.5;
+    }
+    else if(Angle_1<=0 && Angle_3<=0)
+    {
+        Angle_Y = (Angle_1 + Angle_3)*0.5;
+    }
+    if (Angle_2>=0 && Angle_4>=0)
+    {
+        Angle_X = (Angle_2 + Angle_4)*0.5;
+    }
+    else if (Angle_2>=0 && Angle_4<=0)
+    {
+        Angle_X = (Angle_2 + abs(Angle_4))*0.5;
+    }
+    else if (Angle_2<=0 && Angle_4>=0)
+    {
+        Angle_X = -(abs(Angle_2) + Angle_4)*0.5;
+    }
+    else if (Angle_2<=0 && Angle_4<=0)
+    {
+        Angle_X = (Angle_2 + Angle_4)*0.5;
+    }
+double PWM_commmand_transformation( double  Control_AngVel_Value )
+    double Control_PWM_Value = 0;
+    if( Control_AngVel_Value > 0 )
+    {
+        Control_AngVel_Value = Control_AngVel_Value;
+    }
+    else if( Control_AngVel_Value < 0 )
+    {
+        Control_AngVel_Value = -Control_AngVel_Value;
+    }
+    if( Control_AngVel_Value > 325)
+    {
+        if( Control_AngVel_Value < 466 )
+        {
+            if( Control_AngVel_Value < 393 )
+            {
+                Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/651.6   ;   //0.5~0.6
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/658.8;   //0.6~0.7
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if( Control_AngVel_Value < 523 )
+            {
+               Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/658.39; //0.7~0.8
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if( Control_AngVel_Value < 588 )
+                {
+                  Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/652.36;  //0.8~0.9
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                  Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/655.11;  //0.9~1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if( Control_AngVel_Value < 325)
+    {
+        if( Control_AngVel_Value < 40 )
+        {
+           Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/533.3; //0~0.075
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if( Control_AngVel_Value < 59 )
+            {
+               Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/560.65; //0.1~0.15
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if( Control_AngVel_Value < 131 )
+                {
+                  Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/638.3;  //0.15~0.2
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if( Control_AngVel_Value < 197 )
+                    {
+                       Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/651.6; //0.2~0.3
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if( Control_AngVel_Value < 263 )
+                        {
+                            Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/654.16; //0.3~0.4
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            Control_PWM_Value =  Control_AngVel_Value/652.5; //0.4~0.5
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return Control_PWM_Value;
+void PIDcontrol_compute_velocity(void)
+    if(command_AngularVel_X >= 0)
+    {
+        Control_X1_CW_CCW = 1;
+        Control_X2_CW_CCW = 0;
+        Command_AngularVel_X = command_AngularVel_X;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Control_X1_CW_CCW = 0;
+        Control_X2_CW_CCW = 1;
+        Command_AngularVel_X = -command_AngularVel_X;
+    }
+    if(command_AngularVel_Y >= 0)
+    {
+        Control_Y1_CW_CCW = 1;
+        Control_Y2_CW_CCW = 0;
+        Command_AngularVel_Y = command_AngularVel_Y;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Control_Y1_CW_CCW = 0;
+        Control_Y2_CW_CCW = 1;
+        Command_AngularVel_Y = -command_AngularVel_Y;
+    }
+    Now_time_PID=NowTime.read();
+    Motor_X1.Compute(&Now_time_PID);
+    Motor_X2.Compute(&Now_time_PID);
+    Motor_Y1.Compute(&Now_time_PID);
+    Motor_Y2.Compute(&Now_time_PID);
+//    Motor_X.Compute(&Now_time_PID);
+//    Motor_Y.Compute(&Now_time_PID);
+    Control_Motor_PWM_X1 = PWM_commmand_transformation(Control_motor_X1);
+    Control_Motor_PWM_X2 = PWM_commmand_transformation(Control_motor_X2);
+    Control_Motor_PWM_Y1 = PWM_commmand_transformation(Control_motor_Y1);
+    Control_Motor_PWM_Y2 = PWM_commmand_transformation(Control_motor_Y2);
+    Control_Motor_PWM_X = (Control_Motor_PWM_X1+Control_Motor_PWM_X2)*0.5;
+    Control_Motor_PWM_Y = (Control_Motor_PWM_Y1+Control_Motor_PWM_Y2)*0.5;
+//    Control_Motor_PWM_X = PWM_commmand_transformation(Control_motor_X);
+//    Control_Motor_PWM_Y = PWM_commmand_transformation(Control_motor_Y);
+//    Control_Motor_PWM_X = PWM_commmand_transformation(command_AngularVel_X);
+//    Control_Motor_PWM_Y = PWM_commmand_transformation(command_AngularVel_Y);
+void LQR_control_compute(void)
+    Diff_Roll = (Roll - Roll_last);
+    Diff_Pitch = (Pitch - Pitch_last);
+    Integ_Roll += Roll;
+    //printf("Diff_Roll:%.3f\n",Diff_Roll);
+    Integ_Pitch +=  Pitch;
+    Roll_last = Roll;
+    Pitch_last = Pitch;
+    //Diff_Roll =0;
+    //Roll -= 2.45;
+    //Pitch -=2.5;
+    Diff_x = x_now - x_trajectory;
+    Diff_y = y_now - y_trajectory;
+    dot_diff_x = Diff_x - Diff_x_pre;
+    dot_diff_y = Diff_y - Diff_y_pre;
+    Integ_x += Diff_x;
+    Integ_y += Diff_y;
+    //x_pre_1 = x_now;
+    //y_pre_1 = y_now;
+    Diff_x_pre = Diff_x;
+    Diff_y_pre = Diff_y;
+//    u_x = Ka*(Roll)+ Kav*Diff_Roll + Kt*Diff_x + Kv*dot_diff_x + KI_xy*Integ_x;
+//    u_y = Ka*(Pitch)+Kav*Diff_Pitch + Kt_y*Diff_y + Kv_y*dot_diff_y + KI_xy_y*Integ_y;
+    u_x = Ka*(Roll)+(Integ_Roll*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Roll + Kt*Diff_x + Kv*dot_diff_x + KI_xy*Integ_x;
+//    u_x = Ka*(Roll)+(Integ_Roll*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Roll;
+    //u_x = Ka*(Roll)+(Integ_Roll*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Roll - Kt*(10) - Kv*0;
+//    u_x = Ka*(Roll);
+    u_y = Ka*(Pitch)+(Integ_Pitch*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Pitch + Kt_y*Diff_y + Kv_y*dot_diff_y + KI_xy_y*Integ_y;
+//    u_y = Ka*(Pitch)+(Integ_Roll*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Roll;
+    //u_y = Ka*(Pitch)+(Integ_Pitch*Kii) + Kav*Diff_Pitch - Kt*0 - Kv*0;
+//    u_y = Ka*(Pitch);
+    if(u_x > 580)
+    {
+        u_x = 580;
+    }
+    else if(u_x < -580)
+    {
+        u_x = -580;
+    }
+    if(u_y > 580 )
+    {
+        u_y = 580;
+    }
+    else if(u_y < -580)
+    {
+        u_y = -580;
+    }
+    Vx = u_x;
+    Vy = u_y;
+    Wz = Yaw;
+//    Vx = 100;
+//    Vy = 100;
+//    Wz =0;
+    command_AngularVel_X = Vx+Kz*Wz;
+    command_AngularVel_Y = Vy+Kz*Wz;
+//  /*v_dx_new=0.4*(1*Kp3*(err_tiltX)+(1.9*Kd3*1)*(err_gyroX)  +(x)*Kp3*19  +vel_x*Kd3*15-0*v_dx);
+//  v_dy_new=0.4*(1*Kp3*(err_tiltY)+(1.9*Kd3*1)*(err_gyroY)  +(y)*Kp3*19  +(vel_y)*Kd3*15-0*v_dy);*/
+//  // x_u=12.5*1.6666*v_d_gain*(1*Kp3*(err_tiltX)+(1.9*Kd3*1)*(err_gyroX)  +(x)*Kp3*0  +vel_x*Kd3*0-0*x_iu);
+//  // y_u=12.5*1.6666*v_d_gain*(1*Kp3*(err_tiltY)+(1.9*Kd3*1)*(err_gyroY)  +(y)*Kp3*0  +vel_y*Kd3*0-0*y_iu);
+//  /*x_u=6.25*v_d_gain*(  -Kp3*err_tiltX+(-1.9*Kd3)*err_gyroX  +(-0.001*0*Kp3)*x  +(-0.018*0*Kp3)*vel_x-0*x_iu);
+//  y_u=6.25*v_d_gain*(  -Kp3*err_tiltY+(-1.9*Kd3)*err_gyroY  +(-0.001*0*Kp3)*y  +(-0.018*0*Kp3)*vel_y-0*y_iu);
+//    // integral U for PI close loop
+//    x_iu=x_u*T2+x_iu_old; //integral value of v_dx
+//    y_iu=y_u*T2+y_iu_old;
+//    x_iu_old=x_iu;
+//    y_iu_old=y_iu; 
+//    // dV cmd(U cmd) PI close loop (like low-pass filter multip a gain value)
+//    C_theta1_d=(8)*((x_u-vel_x*0.3*C_theta_gain1)+(C_theta_gain2)*(x_iu*0.24- x*0.3 )+fc*vel_x);
+//    C_theta2_d=(8)*((y_u-vel_y*0.3*C_theta_gain1)+(C_theta_gain2)*(y_iu*0.24- y*0.3 )+fc*vel_y); 
+//   //  Vx = integral dVx
+//    C_theta1=C_theta1_d*T2+C_theta1_old;
+//   //  limit
+//    C_theta1= C_theta1> (5000)     ? (5000): C_theta1;
+//    C_theta1= C_theta1< (-5000)    ? (-5000): C_theta1;
+//    C_theta1_old=C_theta1;
+//    // integral Vx
+//    C_theta1_i=C_theta1*T2+C_theta1_i;
+//   //  Vy = integral dVy
+//    C_theta2=C_theta2_d*T2+C_theta2_old;
+//   //  limit
+//    C_theta2= C_theta2>(5000)     ? (5000): C_theta2;
+//    C_theta2= C_theta2<(-5000)   ?  (-5000):C_theta2;
+//    C_theta2_old=C_theta2;
+//    // integral Vy
+//    C_theta2_i=C_theta2*T2+C_theta2_i;
+//    // speed PI LOOP control
+//    C_thetaX=Kcp*(C_theta1-vel_x*Cgain1)+Kci*(C_theta1_i-x*Cgain2); //X axis 
+//    C_thetaY=Kcp*(C_theta2-vel_y*Cgain1)+Kci*(C_theta2_i-y*Cgain2); //Y axis
+// #endif 
+// #if Testmode == 1 // nonlinear
+////########### x 方向之控制器############# 
+//    r1=1;
+//    r2=1;
+//    err_Roll= Roll*0.0006086;
+////  err_tilt= 0+tilt2*0.0006086;/*tilt_out;傾斜儀資料         */
+//    err_Diff_Roll= Diff_Roll;
+////  err_gyro= 0+gyro2;/*陀螺儀資料*/
+//  sin_t=sin(err_Roll);
+//  cos_t=cos(err_Roll);
+//  err_Roll_i=err_Roll_i+err_Roll*0.1;
+//  x_i=x_i+x*0.001;
+// //err_tilt_i+=err_tilt;
+// //x_i+=x;
+//  delta=187.5-125.3*cos_t;
+//  A=(5.51+33.75*cos_t)/delta;
+//  B=-((125.3*sin_t*cos_t)/delta)*err_gyro*err_gyro+182.2*sin_t/delta;
+//// B=-((125.3*sin_t*cos_t)/delta)*err_gyro*err_gyro+182.2*sin_t/delta-5.5091*((err_gyro+vel_x/0.11))/187.5-125.3*cos_t*cos_t;
+//  C=Kp3*(eta1-Kp3*err_tilt-Ki3*err_tilt_i)+Ki3*err_tilt;
+//  D=-(5.51+33.75*cos_t)/delta;
+//  E=126.4/delta*err_gyro*err_gyro*sin_t-1637/delta*sin_t*cos_t;
+//  F=Kp3*(eta2-Kp3*x-Ki3*x_i)+Ki3*x;
+//  eta1=err_gyro+Kp3*err_tilt+Ki3*err_tilt_i;
+//  eta2=vel_x+Kp3*x+Ki3*x_i;
+//  s=r1*eta1+r2*eta2;
+//  if(s>=1)      sgns=1;
+//  else if(s<=-1)    sgns=-1;
+//  else          sgns=s;
+//  if     (s*abs(vel_x)>=1)  sgns_c=1;
+//  else if(s*abs(vel_x)<=-1) sgns_c=-1;
+//  else                      sgns_c=s*abs(vel_x);
+////########### y 方向之控制器############# 
+//  err_tilt2= 0+tilt5*0.0006086;/*tilt_out;傾斜儀資料         */
+//  err_gyro2= 0+gyro5;/*陀螺儀資料*/
+//  sin_t2=sin(err_tilt2);
+//  cos_t2=cos(err_tilt2);
+//  err_tilt2_i=err_tilt2_i+err_tilt2*0.1;
+//  y_i=y_i+y*0.001;
+//  delta2=187.5-125.3*cos_t2;
+//  A2=(5.51+33.75*cos_t2)/delta2;
+//  B2=-((125.3*sin_t2*cos_t2)/delta2)*err_gyro2*err_gyro2+182.2*sin_t2/delta2;
+//  C2=Kp3*(eta3-Kp3*err_tilt2-Ki3*err_tilt2_i)+Ki3*err_tilt2;
+//  D2=-(5.51+33.75*cos_t2)/delta2;
+//  E2=126.4/delta2*err_gyro2*err_gyro2*sin_t2-1637/delta2*sin_t2*cos_t2;
+//  F2=Kp3*(eta4-Kp3*y-Ki3*y_i)+Ki3*y;
+//  eta3=err_gyro2+Kp3*err_tilt2+Ki3*err_tilt2_i;
+//  eta4=vel_y+Kp3*y+Ki3*y_i;
+//  s2=r1*eta3+r2*eta4;
+//  if(s2>=1)         sgns2=1;
+//  else if(s2<=-1)   sgns2=-1;
+//  else              sgns2=s2;
+//  if(s2*abs(vel_y)>=1)      sgns2_c=1;
+//  else if(s2*abs(vel_y)<=-1)    sgns2_c=-1;
+//  else                      sgns2_c=s2*abs(vel_y);
+//  C_theta1_new=((r1*B+r1*C+r2*E+r2*F)+s+sgns+sgns_c)/(r1*A+r2*D);
+//  C_theta2_new=((r1*B2+r1*C2+r2*E2+r2*F2)+s2+sgns2+sgns2_c)/(r1*A2+r2*D2);
+//  }
+//   i++;
+//   C_theta1=C_theta1_new*0.00050+C_theta1_old;
+//   C_theta1_old=C_theta1;
+//   C_theta2=C_theta2_new*0.00050+C_theta2_old;
+//   C_theta2_old=C_theta2;
+//   C_theta1= C_theta1>(42143)?(42143): C_theta1;
+//   C_theta1= C_theta1<-1*(42143)?-1*(42143): C_theta1;
+//   C_theta2= C_theta2>(42143)?(42143): C_theta2;
+//   C_theta2=C_theta2<-1*(42143)?-1*(42143):C_theta2;
+// #endif
+void MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle(void)
+    dt = t_MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle;
+    imu.read_all();
+    Mag_Complentary_Filter(dt,imu.Magnetometer);
+    Filter_compute(dt, imu.gyroscope_data, imu.accelerometer_data, imu.Magnetometer);
+    /*x_now = x_pre_1 + (1/(dt*dt))*(ax_now-2*ax_pre_1+ax_pre_2);
+    y_now = y_pre_1 + (1/(dt*dt))*(ay_now-2*ay_pre_1+ay_pre_2);
+    x_pre_1 = x_now;
+    y_pre_1 = y_now;*/
+    x_now = r_grounder*pi*(Angle_X/180);
+    y_now = r_grounder*pi*(Angle_Y/180);
+//    x_now = r_ball*pi*(Angle_X/180);
+//    y_now = r_ball*pi*(Angle_Y/180);
+    do_measure_index++;
+//void Trajectory_tracking(void)
+//    double t_trajectory = NowTime.read();
+//    if( RunTime>=0 &&( RunTime<=10))
+//    {
+//        //x_trajectory = t_trajectory * (0.5);
+//        x_trajectory = 0;
+//        y_trajectory = 0;
+//    }
+//    else if( RunTime>10  )
+//    {
+//        x_trajectory = 0;
+//        y_trajectory = 0;
+//    }
+//****************************main function************************************//
+int main() 
+//    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.baud(230400);
+//****************************Motor driver declare************************************//    
+    //ExtInt = 0;            //number high, voltage high.
+    //Control_stopRun=0;
+//    Control_brake=1;
+    Control_AR=1; 
+    Control_H_F=1;
+    H_F.write(Control_H_F);  // control_H_F must equal to 1
+//    StopRun.write(Control_stopRun);
+//    Brake.write(Control_brake);
+//    AR.write(Control_AR);
+//****************************Angle Sensor initialization************************************//    
+    if(imu.init(1,BITS_DLPF_CFG_188HZ))
+    {  //INIT the mpu9250
+//        pc.printf("\nCouldn't initialize MPU9250 via SPI!");
+    }    
+    imu.whoami();
+//    wait(0.1);    
+    imu.set_gyro_scale(BITS_FS_2000DPS);
+//    wait(0.1);  
+    imu.set_acc_scale(BITS_FS_16G);
+//    wait(0.1);
+    imu.AK8963_whoami();
+//    wait(0.1);  
+    imu.AK8963_calib_Magnetometer();
+////****************************SD card************************************//        
+    mkdir("/sd/Amber20170822", 0777);  //SD裡面的資料夾叫Amber77,在此做宣告
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/Amber20170822/RollPitchYaw_a.csv", "a");     
+    //將檔案存進SD的資料夾Amber77裡面,並取名為PWM_AngVel_PWM.xls/.xlsx/.csv
+    fprintf(fp,"Roll,Pitch,Yaw,RunTime,Vx,Vy,Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,x_now,y_now\n");
+    //**************************** PWM ************************************//
+//    X_PWM.calibrate(0.00005, 0.08*0.00005, 1*0.00005);     //20kHZ
+//    Y_PWM.calibrate(0.00005, 0.08*0.00005, 1*0.00005);     //20kHZ
+//    X_PWM.calibrate(0.02, 0*0.02, 1*0.02);
+//    Y_PWM.calibrate(0.02, 0*0.02, 1*0.02);
+    X_PWM.calibrate(0.0001, 0*0.0001, 1*0.0001);  //10kHZ
+    Y_PWM.calibrate(0.0001, 0*0.0001, 1*0.0001);  //10kHZ
+//**************************** Encoder ************************************//
+    phaseA_1.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseB_1.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseA_2.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseB_2.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseA_3.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseB_3.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseA_4.mode( PullUp );
+    phaseB_4.mode( PullUp );
+//**************************** Create the motor encoder sampler. ************************************//
+    Sample_Motor_encoder.attach_us( &quadratureDecoder, t_quadratureDecoder ); 
+//**************************** Create the motor encoder sampler. ************************************//
+    Sample_robotAngleSensor.attach( &MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle, t_MeasureRobotAttitudeAngle ); 
+//**************************** Create the motor angular velocity measurement. ************************************//
+    MeasureAngularVelocity.attach( &getAngular, t_MeasureAngularVelocity ); 
+//**************************** Create the motor angular velocity PID control. ************************************//
+    PIDcontrol_velocity.attach( &PIDcontrol_compute_velocity, t_PIDcontrol_velocity );
+//**************************** Create the robot LQR control. ************************************//
+    LQR_control.attach( &LQR_control_compute, t_LQR_control );
+//**************************** Trajectory tracking control ************************************//   
+//    TrajectoryTracking_control.attach( &Trajectory_tracking, t_trajectory );
+//**************************** Motor settlement ************************************//
+    Motor_X1.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
+    Motor_X2.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
+    Motor_Y1.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
+    Motor_Y2.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
+   // Motor_X.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
+//    Motor_Y.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
+//    Command_AngularVel_X = 0;
+//    Command_AngularVel_Y = 0;
+//**************************** Timers start ************************************//
+    NowTime.start();
+    while( 1 )
+    { 
+        RunTime = NowTime.read();
+        t_trajectory = NowTime.read();
+        limitSwitchUp = LimitSwitchUp.read();
+        limitSwitchDown = LimitSwitchDown.read();
+        //pc.printf("%d \n",Control_F_R);
+        if (mybutton == 0)
+        {
+            if( Control_F_R == 1)
+            {
+                Control_LiftingStopRun=0;
+                LiftingStopRun.write(Control_LiftingStopRun);  // 0:Run  1:Stop
+                F_R.write(Control_F_R);  //  0:turn down  1:turn up
+                Control_stopRun=0;
+                Control_brake=1;
+                Motor_run(Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,Control_AR,Control_brake,Control_stopRun,Control_X1_CW_CCW,Control_X2_CW_CCW,Control_Y1_CW_CCW,Control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+                wait(3);
+            }
+            else if ( Control_F_R == 0)
+            {
+                Control_LiftingStopRun=0;
+                LiftingStopRun.write(Control_LiftingStopRun);  // 0:Run  1:Stop
+                F_R.write(Control_F_R);  //  0:turn down  1:turn up
+                Control_stopRun=0;
+                Control_brake=1;
+                Motor_run(Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,Control_AR,Control_brake,Control_stopRun,Control_X1_CW_CCW,Control_X2_CW_CCW,Control_Y1_CW_CCW,Control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+                wait(2);
+                Control_stopRun=1;
+                Control_brake=1;
+                Motor_run(Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,Control_AR,Control_brake,Control_stopRun,Control_X1_CW_CCW,Control_X2_CW_CCW,Control_Y1_CW_CCW,Control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+                wait(1);                
+            }
+            Control_F_R=1-Control_F_R;
+            wait(0.2);
+        }
+        if(limitSwitchUp == 0)
+        {
+            LiftingStopRun.write(1);  // 0:Run  1:Stop
+            F_R.write(1);  //  0:turn down  1:turn up
+        }
+        if(limitSwitchDown == 0)
+        {
+            LiftingStopRun.write(1);  // 0:Run  1:Stop
+            F_R.write(0);  //  0:turn down  1:turn up
+        }
+        if( RunTime>=0 &&( RunTime<=10))
+        {
+            //x_trajectory = t_trajectory * (0.5);
+            x_trajectory = 0;
+            y_trajectory = 0;
+        }
+        else if( RunTime>10  )
+        {
+            x_trajectory = 0;
+            y_trajectory = 0;
+        }
+        if( (RunTime-lastTime) > 0.1  )
+        {
+            index_times++;
+            lastTime = RunTime;
+        }
+        if( index_times >= 0.1 )
+        {
+            //pc.printf(" %.3f   ,  %.3f , %.3f   , %.3f ",x_now,y_now,x_trajectory,y_trajectory);
+            pc.printf("RunTime=%.3f || Roll=%.3f || Pitch=%.3f || Yaw=%.3f \n",RunTime, Roll, Pitch, Yaw);
+            pc.printf("Vx=%.3f || Vy=%.3f || PWM_X=%.3f || PWM_Y=%.3f || x_now=%.3f || y_now=%.3f || Angle_X=%.3f || Angle_Y=%.3f\n\n\n", 
+                        Vx,Vy,Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,x_now,y_now,Angle_X,Angle_Y);
+            //pc.printf(" Now_angularVelocity : %.3f ",Now_angularVelocity);
+            index_times = 0;
+            //if(fp == NULL) 
+//            {
+//                error("Could not open file for write\n");
+//            }
+//            //fprintf(fp,"%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\n", RunTime,Now_angularVelocity,control_PWM_Value);  
+            fprintf(fp,"%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f,%10.3f   \n", Roll,Pitch,Yaw,RunTime,Vx,Vy,Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y, x_now, y_now);
+        }
+//        Lifting(Control_LiftingStopRun, Control_F_R , Control_H_F);
+        Motor_run(Control_Motor_PWM_X,Control_Motor_PWM_Y,Control_AR,Control_brake,Control_stopRun,Control_X1_CW_CCW,Control_X2_CW_CCW,Control_Y1_CW_CCW,Control_Y2_CW_CCW);
+    //wait(0.1);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);