For use with STM32L746RG . Class which provides functions to control a TAOS TCS3472 Color Light-to-Digital Converter with IR Filter via I2C.

Dependents:   colerSenser2

Fork of TCS3472_I2C by Karl Maxwell



File content as of revision 6:6d5bb4ad7d6e:

#ifndef TCS3472_I2C_H
#define TCS3472_I2C_H
#include "mbed.h"

#define SLAVE_ADDRESS           0x29

#define ENABLE                  0x00
#define ATIME                   0x01
#define WTIME                   0x03
#define AILTL                   0x04
#define AIHTL                   0x06
#define PERS                    0x0C
#define CONFIG                  0x0D
#define CONTROL                 0x0F
#define ID                      0x12
#define STATUS                  0x13
#define CDATA                   0x14
#define RDATA                   0x16
#define GDATA                   0x18
#define BDATA                   0x1A

/** TCS3472_I2C class.
 *  Used to read to and write from TCS3472 color sensor.
 * Example:
 * @code
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * #include "TCS3472_I2C.h"
 * TCS3472_I2C rgb_sensor( p9, p10 );
 * int main() {
 *     rgb_sensor.enablePowerAndRGBC();
 *     rgb_sensor.setIntegrationTime( 100 );
 *     int rgb_readings[4];
 *     while(1) {
 *         rgb_sensor.getAllColors( rgb_readings );
 *         printf( "red: %d, green: %d, blue: %d, clear: %d", rgb_readings[0], rgb_readings[1], rgb_readings[2], rgb_readings[3] );
 *         wait_ms( 100 );
 *     }
 * }
 * @endcode
class TCS3472_I2C {
    /** Create TCS3472_I2C instance
     * @param sda sda pin for I2C
     * @param scl scl pin for I2C
    TCS3472_I2C( PinName sda, PinName scl );
    /** Destructor
    /** Read red, green, blue and clear values into array
     * @param readings Array of four integers to store the read data
    void getAllColors( int* readings );
    /** Read clear data
     * @returns
     *     Clear data reading
    int getClearData();
    /** Read red data
     * @returns
     *     Red data reading
    int getRedData();
    /** Read green data
     * @returns
     *     Green data reading
    int getGreenData();
    /** Read blue data
     * @returns
     *     Blue data reading
    int getBlueData();
    /** Power ON. Activates the internal oscillator to permit the timers and ADC channels to operate.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int enablePower();
    /** Power OFF. Disables the internal oscillator.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int disablePower();
    /** Checks if power is on (i.e. internal oscillator enabled)
     * @returns
     *     1 if power ON.
     *     0 if power OFF.
    bool isPowerEnabled();
    /** Activates the two-channel ADC.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int enableRGBC();
    /** Disables the two-channel ADC.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int disableRGBC();
    /** Checks if the two-channel ADC is enabled or not.
     * @returns
     *     1 if ADC enabled.
     *     0 if ADC not enabled.
    bool isRGBCEnabled();
    /** Activates internal oscillator and two-channel ADC simultaneously (both necessary for standard operation).
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int enablePowerAndRGBC();
    /** Disables internal oscillator and two-channel ADC simultaneously.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int disablePowerAndRGBC();
    /** Activates the wait feature.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int enableWait();
    /** Disables the wait feature.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int disableWait();
    /** Checks if wait is enabled
     * @returns
     *     1 if enabled.
     *     0 if not enabled.
    bool isWaitEnabled();
    /** Permits RGBC interrupts to be generated.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int enableInterrupt();
    /** Forbids RGBC interrupts to be generated.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int disableInterrupt();
    /** Checks if RGBC interrupt is enabled.
     * @returns
     *     1 if enabled.
     *     0 if not enabled.
    bool isInterruptEnabled();
    /** Sets wait time.
     * @param wtime Wait time to set in milliseconds. Should be in the range 2.4 - 7400ms.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int setWaitTime( const float wtime );
    /** Reads the current wait time.
     * @returns
     *     Wait time in milliseconds
    float readWaitTime();
    /** Sets integration time.
     * @param itime Integration time to set in milliseconds. Should be in the range 2.4 - 614.4ms.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int setIntegrationTime( const float itime );
    /** Reads the current integration time.
     * @returns
     *     Integration time in milliseconds
    float readIntegrationTime();
    /** Reads the enable register byte as a char.
     * @returns
     *     Enable register byte
    char readEnableRegister();
    /** Reads the low trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.
     * @returns
     *     Low threshold value
    int readLowInterruptThreshold();
    /** Reads the high trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.
     * @returns
     *     High threshold value
    int readHighInterruptThreshold();
    /** Sets the low trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.
     * @param threshold Low threshold value
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int setLowInterruptThreshold( const int threshold );
    /** Sets the high trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.
     * @param threshold High threshold value
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int setHighInterruptThreshold( const int threshold );
    /** Returns the number of consecutive values out of range (set by the low and high thresholds) required to trigger an interrupt
     * @returns
     *     interrput persistence
    int readInterruptPersistence();
    /** Sets the number of consecutive values out of range (set by the low and high thresholds) required to trigger an interrupt
     * @param persistence Value to set. Must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 or 60.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int setInterruptPersistence( const int persistence );
    /** Clears the interrupt bit, allowing normal operation to resume.
     *  (writes 0b11100110 to the command register to clear interrupt)
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int clearInterrupt();
    /** Read RGBC gain.
     * @returns
     *     RGBC gain
    int readRGBCGain();
    /** Sets RGBC gain
     * @param gain Gain to set. Must be 1, 4, 16 or 60.
     * @returns
     *     1 if successful
     *     0 if otherwise
    int setRGBCGain( const int gain );
    /** Returns Device ID.
     * @returns
     *     0x44 = TCS34721 and TCS34725
     *     0x4D = TCS34723 and TCS34727
    char getDeviceID();
    /** Reads the status register byte as a char.
     * @returns
     *     Status register byte
    char readStatusRegister();

    I2C i2c;
    int writeSingleRegister( char address, char data );
    int writeMultipleRegisters( char address, char* data, int quantity );
    char readSingleRegister( char address );
    int readMultipleRegisters( char address, char* output, int quantity );
    float roundTowardsZero( const float value );
