The values of the EEPROM2 settings are displayed in pc.print in a special line with the current diagnostic data. An additional block has been made in the parser for decoding incoming alarm settings; they are written in EEPROM2.

Dependencies:   _24LCXXX

Fri May 01 11:41:23 2020 +0000
The new parser with the FIFO buffer is very fast. You can send data every 20 ms, this does not affect the cycle time of the relay controller. CR LF line ending characters are desirable but not required.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Aleksk 0:f2aaa8c6decf 1 .build
Aleksk 0:f2aaa8c6decf 2 .mbed
Aleksk 0:f2aaa8c6decf 3 projectfiles
Aleksk 0:f2aaa8c6decf 4 *.py*