Continuation (clone) mbed-os5-inerrupt_serial_readable_FIFO_12 Connected EEPROM. Now the settings are retrieved from it upon reboot. A watchdog timer has been created that expires after 100ms.
Continuation (clone) mbed-os5-inerrupt_serial_readable_FIFO_12; Connected EEPROM. Now the settings are retrieved from it upon reboot. A watchdog timer has been created that expires after 100ms.
2020-05-15, by Aleksk [Fri, 15 May 2020 08:37:36 +0000] rev 3
Continuation (clone) mbed-os5-inerrupt_serial_readable_FIFO_12; Connected EEPROM. Now the settings are retrieved from it upon reboot. A watchdog timer has been created that expires after 100ms.
creates eeprom a watchdog timer that expires after 100 ms
2020-05-15, by Aleksk [Fri, 15 May 2020 07:56:26 +0000] rev 2
creates eeprom a watchdog timer that expires after 100 ms
The microcontroller program has been changed so that when restarting or turning on the power, all valves are closed.
2020-05-08, by Aleksk [Fri, 08 May 2020 12:05:29 +0000] rev 1
The microcontroller program has been changed so that when restarting or turning on the power, all valves are closed.
The new parser with the FIFO buffer is very fast. You can send data every 20 ms, this does not affect the cycle time of the relay controller. CR LF line ending characters are desirable but not required.
2020-05-01, by Aleksk [Fri, 01 May 2020 11:41:23 +0000] rev 0
The new parser with the FIFO buffer is very fast. You can send data every 20 ms, this does not affect the cycle time of the relay controller. CR LF line ending characters are desirable but not required.