Snake vs Block Game to be run upon K64F.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 871d9fecb593 -r 1e2e70a484e7 MenuClasses/StartScreen/StartScreen.h
--- a/MenuClasses/StartScreen/StartScreen.h	Wed May 08 16:39:24 2019 +0000
+++ b/MenuClasses/StartScreen/StartScreen.h	Wed May 08 18:20:23 2019 +0000
@@ -9,127 +9,87 @@
 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
 #include "Tutorial.h"
+/** StartScreen Class
+@brief Class for displaying the menu, calling all the classes that follow the menu (eg: Settings) and the animation when the game starts.
+@author Ahmed N.Adamjee
+@date 8th May 2019
 class StartScreen
+    /** Constructor */
+    /** Destructor */
-    /** Initialise StartScreen
-    *
-    *   This function initialises the Game Interface and restarts the display.
+    /** Initialises all parameters of the Game Interface, assigns some default values and calls other init() functions.
+    * @param pointer to the N5110 object in main, address of this pointer is saved to make availability to the entire class, without passing address to each function.
+    * @param pointer to the gamepad object in main, address of this pointer is saved to make availability to the entire class, without passing address to each function.
     void init(N5110 *lcd, Gamepad *pad);
-    /** Initialise objects
-    *
-    *   This function initialises the objects that are used to functionalise the game.
-    */
+    /**This function initialises the class objects that are the diffrent parts of the game (Eg: SnakeFood Class).*/
     void object_initialisations();
-    /** Draw
-    *
-    *   This function draws the Sprite onto the screen.
-    */
+    /** Draws the Title Sprite onto the screen and plays theme song.*/
     void titleScreen();
-    /** Instruct
-    *
-    *   This function updates the user about how to progress after the game banner has been displayed..
-    */
+    /** Instructs the user about how to progress after the title screen has been displayed.*/
     void instruct();
-    /** Display userID
-    *
-    *   This function shows who the author of the game is before showing the menu screen.
-    */
+    /** Shows who the author of the game is before starting the game. This function's functionality can be hidden using settings.*/
     void credits();
-    /** Read Stats
-    *
-    *   This function just reads the current top level stored in the sd card and saves it for displaying in the menu.
+    /** Reads stored statistics using the Stats class in the sd card and saves it for displaying in the menu.
+    *@param The SDFileSystem library
+    @code
+    @endcode
     void read_stats(SDFileSystem &sd);
-    /** Check Back Pressed
-    *
-    *   This function makes a centralised approach to check when back is pressed in a loop, so that it can be used to exit it and also go to.
-    *   the previous menu option.
+    /** Checks BACK if button pressed in a loop, can be used to exit it and also remember if true/false and used for various conditions.
+    * @return True if the BACK pressed, else False.
     bool checkBackPressed();
-    /** Check Start/A Pressed
-    *
-    *   This function makes a centralised approach to check when Start/A is pressed in a loop, so that it can be used to exit it and also go to.
-    *   the next menu option.
+    /** Checks if START or A buttons are pressed in a loop, can be used to terminate it and also remember if true/false and used for various conditions.
+    * @return True if the START or A pressed, else False.
     bool checkStartorAPressed();
-    /** The Menu Screen
-    *
-    *   This function obtains the user input on how they want to progress.
-    */
+    /** Waits for the user to select a menu option and calls a related function*/
     void menu();
-    /** Main Menu
-    *
-    *   This function displays all the Main Menu contents to the player.
-    */
+    /** Displays all the Main Menu contents to the player and allows the user to navigate using drawSelectionArrow().*/
     void mainMenu();
-    /** Draw Selection Arrow
-    *
-    *   This function draws arrow to select main menu options.
-    */
+    /** Draws an arrow to aid the selection of main menu options.*/
     void drawSelectionArrow();
-    /** Implementing The First Menu Screen
-    *
-    *   This function just implements the things decided in main menu.
-    */
+    /** Calls the next menu item dependent on the input in mainMenu().*/
     void nextMenu();
-    /** The Second Menu Screen
-    *
-    *   This function obtains the user input on the game type they would like to play.
-    */
+    /** Obtains the user input on the game mode they would like to play on (Joystick or Motion Control).*/
     void game_mode();
-    /** Displaying Mode Options
-    *
-    *   This function displays game_mode contents.
-    */
+    /** Value of g_mode is changed in this function that allows the choice between joystick/motion control.*/
     void selectMode();
-    /** Selecting the game mode
-    *
-    *   value of g_mode is changed in this function that allows the choise beteen joystick/motion control..
-    */
+    /** Changes the page displayed in the game mode menu*/
     void scrollModeSelection();
-    /** Motion Control Instructions
-    *
-    *   This promts the user to press A to centre position their angle if Motion Control is selected..
-    */
+    /** Promts the user to press A to centre position their angle during the game if Motion Control is selected.*/
     void motionControlInstructions();
-    /** The Third Menu Screen
-    *
-    *   This function obtains the user input on the game speed that suits them.
-    */
+    /** Obtains the user input on the game speed to be used later in the SnakevsBlock class.*/
     void game_speed();
-    /** Displaying GAME speed Contents
-    *
-    *   This function just displays game_speed contents.
-    */
+    /** Value of fps is changed in this function that will be used as frames per second in my game loop in main.cpp.*/
     void selectSpeed();
-    /** Implementing GS
-    *
-    *   This function just decides what has to be done next.
-    */
+    /** Changes the page displayed in the game speed menu*/
     void scrollSpeedSelection();
@@ -147,16 +107,16 @@
     float controlSensitivity;
-    bool _backPressed; //remembers if back is pressed.
-    bool _startPressed; //remembers if start is pressed.
     Stats _stats;
     Settings _settings;
     Tutorial _tutorial;
+    bool _backPressed; //remembers if back is pressed.
+    bool _startPressed; //remembers if start is pressed.
     //Pointer to the game pad object pad.
     Gamepad *_pad;