Snake vs Block Game to be run upon K64F.

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 42:973bb6036f81:

#include "SnakevsBlock.h"





void SnakevsBlock::init()
    //The level initialisation and all the other initial information passing will be done here
    level = 1;
    garbage = 0; //this is to allow the user to change the position of reference for motion control by saving the absolute angle.
    foodbuff = 0; //this makes the food fall at diffrent times when a particular level starts.
    send_block_number = 0;
    blockgap = 500;
    blockbuff = -50;
    for(int i=0; i<=14; i++)  {
        b[i] = 1;

void SnakevsBlock::reset()
    //This prepares the game for the next level by reseting certain variables.
    foodbuff = 0;

void SnakevsBlock::read_input(Gamepad &pad, FXOS8700CQ &device, int g_mode)
    angle = -device.get_roll_angle();
    //if button A is pressed then reset that particular position to center
    if (pad.check_event(Gamepad::A_PRESSED) == true)  {
        garbage = angle;
    angle = -device.get_roll_angle() - garbage;
    if(g_mode == 1)  { //this condition returns the relevant working directions if we select joystick in StartScreen.
        _d = pad.get_direction(); //Obtains Direction pushed towards on Joystick.
        _mag = pad.get_mag(); //Obtains Magnitude of Joystick.
    else if(g_mode == 2)  { //this condition returns the relevant working directions if we select motion control in StartScreen.
        if (angle >= 8) {
            _d = E;
        else if (angle <= -8) {
            _d = W;
        else {
            _d = CENTRE;

void SnakevsBlock::draw(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &pad, SDFileSystem &sd)   {
    _length = _l._getLength();
    _s.draw(pad, lcd, _length, level); //Draws the Snake.     //Make these snake buffs relative to the snake drops which in turn relate to the game speed
    if(foodbuff >= 0)  {
        _f.draw(lcd, blockbuff); //Draws the first food.
    if(foodbuff >= 50)  {
        _ff.draw(lcd, blockbuff); //Draws the second food.
    if(foodbuff >= 80) {
        _fff.draw(lcd, blockbuff); //Draws the third food.
    foodbuff +=1;
    if(foodbuff >= 8) {
        _b.draw(lcd, _length, blockgap);
    if(foodbuff == 8) {
        blockbuff = -10;
    //Code to print length on game screen.
    if(_length >= 20)  {
        if(blockgap >= 50)  {  //to make progressive levels harder
            blockgap -= 40;
        level += 1;
        _statset.write(level, sd);
        lcd.printString("Level Complete",0,1);
        lcd.printString("Press Start",10,3);
        lcd.printString("to Proceed",12,4);
        while (pad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED) == false) {
            pad.tone(rand()%1001,0.1); //helps to set max freq for random sound

int SnakevsBlock::update(Gamepad &pad) //Updates objects on screen.
    send_block_number = 0;  //this is for the game to decide wether to remember the number on the block for the current itteration.
                            //we dont need to remember if it has already gone past the screen.
    CheckSnakeBlockCollision(pad); //Function checks for when the snake collides with any of the blocks.
    CheckSnakeFoodCollision(pad); //Function checks for when the snake collides with it's food.
    CheckSnakeBlockSidesCollision(pad); //Function checks for when the snake collides with any of the blocks' sides.
    _s.update(_d, b); //_d is the direction of joystick and b controls the motion of a section of the snake relative to obstruction
    _b.update(blocknum, srn, send_block_number);
    if(blockbuff >= blockgap)  {  //this makes blockbuff reset every time the new set of blocks appear.
        blockbuff = -11;
    if(pad.check_event(Gamepad::BACK_PRESSED)){ //Waits for Back button to be pressed.
        back = 1;
        //add some warning here and use A as the button to confirm
    else {
        back = 0;
    return back;

void SnakevsBlock::get_pos()
    //printf("player pos = %f %f \n", player_pos.x, player_pos.y); //top left of player sprite
    // 81.000000 0.000000 top right
    // 0.000000 0.000000 is top left
    // 81.000000 45.000000 bottom right
    snakex = _s.get_pos().x;
    snakey = _s.get_pos().y;
    //printf("snakexy in GAME = %d %d \n", snakex, snakey);
    //Obtains all required coordinates.
    food_pos[0] = _f.get_pos();
    food_pos[1] = _ff.get_pos();
    food_pos[2] = _fff.get_pos();
    //obtains origin cordinates of block.
    b_pos = _b.get_pos();
    //this saves the positions of each snake beed (the first to the last) in a single array. Element[0] is the top beed and soo on.
    snake_pos[0] = _s.get_pos(); //gets the position of the top beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[1] = _s.get_pos_before1(); //gets the position of the second beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[2] = _s.get_pos_before2(); //gets the position of the third beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[3] = _s.get_pos_before3(); //gets the position of the fourth beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[4] = _s.get_pos_before4(); //gets the position of the fifth beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[5] = _s.get_pos_before5(); //gets the position of the sixth beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[6] = _s.get_pos_before6(); //gets the position of the seventh beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[7] = _s.get_pos_before7(); //gets the position of the eight beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[8] = _s.get_pos_before8(); //gets the position of the ninth beed and saves in array.
    snake_pos[9] = _s.get_pos_before9(); //gets the position of the last beed and saves in array.

void SnakevsBlock::CheckSnakeFoodCollision(Gamepad &pad)    {
    //If statements check if the snake sprite has collided with any
    //of the three food sprites, if so then the food location is reset and
    //length of the snake is increased using the length variable.
    for(int y=0; y<=2; y++)  {    //this loop automatically detects each combination of collision in the y postion
        for(int x=0; x<=2; x++)  {    //this loop automatically detects each combination of collision in the x postion
            for(int food_sr=0; food_sr<=2; food_sr++)  {    //this loop automatically detects which food we are interacting with.
                if (
                    ((snakey + y == food_pos[food_sr].y) ||
                    (snakey + y == food_pos[food_sr].y + 1) ||
                    (snakey + y == food_pos[food_sr].y + 2)) &&
                    ((snakex + x == food_pos[food_sr].x) ||
                    (snakex + x == food_pos[food_sr].x + 1) ||
                    (snakex + x == food_pos[food_sr].x + 2))
                ) {
                    //printf("snake feast working \n");
                    //audio feedback
                    food_pos[food_sr].x = (rand() % 82);  //this makes the food pop up at a random, unspecified location in the x axis.
                    food_pos[food_sr].y = -3;
void SnakevsBlock::CheckSnakeBlockCollision(Gamepad &pad)  {
    //Obtains the numbers inside the block.
    b_number = _b.get_number();
    //If statements check if the snake sprite has collided with any
    //of the blocks which are a maximum of 5, if so then the snake length reduces and the block number reduces
    //the block has to move slower and come down after every 2/3 iterations(dependent on the snake size.(think about this)
    for(int block=0; block<=83; block+=1)  {    //this loop automatically detects for each section of block and each combination of collision
        if ((snakey == b_pos.y + 10) && (snakex + 1 == b_pos.x + block))  {
            //printf("snake collision working \n");
            //audio feedback
            if(blocknum > 0)  {b_pos.y = 0;}  //change this to speed y = 0 when length = 10.
            srn = CheckBlock(block);  //this tells us which of the 5 blocks we are colliding with
            blocknum = b_number[srn];
            if((_length>=10)&&(b_number[srn]>0)) { //this makes the block stop moving down if it's length is more than 10 and still collides.
                velocity = 0;
            else {
                velocity = 1;
void SnakevsBlock::_set_velocity()  {
    _b.velocity.y = velocity;
    _f.velocity.y = velocity;
    _ff.velocity.y = velocity;
    _fff.velocity.y = velocity;
int SnakevsBlock::CheckBlock(int block)  {
    int srn;
    if((block>=0)&&(block<=18))  {srn = 0;}
    if((block>=19)&&(block<=34))  {srn = 1;}
    if((block>=35)&&(block<=50))  {srn = 2;}
    if((block>=51)&&(block<=66))  {srn = 3;}
    if((block>=67)&&(block<=83))  {srn = 4;}
    return srn;
void SnakevsBlock::ImplementCollision(Gamepad &pad)  {
    send_block_number = 1;
    if(blocknum >= 0)  {  // to make sure that snake doesn't decrease in _length if number on the block is less than 1;

void SnakevsBlock::CheckSnakeBlockSidesCollision(Gamepad &pad)
    //If statements check if the snake sprite has collided with any
    //of the blocks' sides and then stop the snake moving in x axis
    if(_length>=10) {_length = 10;} //to stop the snake length virtually at 10 when it goes past it.
    for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)  {
        b[i] = 1;
    for(int i=0; i<=9; i++)  { //i checks for all possible collisions with the snake respective to it's length.
        for(int b_y_combination=0; b_y_combination<=10; b_y_combination++)  {
            if (
                (snake_pos[i].y == b_pos.y + b_y_combination) ||
                (snake_pos[i].y + 1 == b_pos.y + b_y_combination) ||
                (snake_pos[i].y + 2 == b_pos.y + b_y_combination))  {
                for(int b_x_combination=2; b_x_combination<=82; b_x_combination+=16)  {
                    //For West side of walls 
                        ((snake_pos[i].x == b_pos.x + b_x_combination+2) ||  //W
                        (snake_pos[i].x + 1 == b_x_combination+2))&&(_d != E)&&(_length > i) //W
                        ) {
                        //code makes sure that the colliding part doesn't move in x axis.
                        for(int snake_beed_num=0; snake_beed_num<=10; snake_beed_num++)  {
                            if(_length == snake_beed_num + i)  {
                                b[snake_beed_num - 1] = 0;
                    //for East side of walls
                    else if (
                        ((snake_pos[i].x + 1 == b_x_combination) ||  //E
                        (snake_pos[i].x + 2 == b_x_combination))&&(_d != W)&&(_length > i) //E
                    ) {
                        //code makes sure that the colliding part doesn't move in x axis.
                        for(int snake_beed_num=0; snake_beed_num<=10; snake_beed_num++)  {
                            if(_length == snake_beed_num + i)  {
                                b[snake_beed_num - 1] = 0;