Snake vs Block Game to be run upon K64F.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/SnakevsBlock/SnakevsBlock.cpp	Thu Apr 25 18:12:17 2019 +0000
+++ b/SnakevsBlock/SnakevsBlock.cpp	Thu Apr 25 21:43:07 2019 +0000
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     garbage = 0; //this is to allow the user to change the position of reference for motion control by saving the absolute angle.
     foodbuff = 0; //this makes the food fall at diffrent times when a particular level starts.
     send_block_number = 0;
-    blockgap = 500;
+    blockgap = 300;
     blockbuff = -50;
     for(int i=0; i<=14; i++)  {
         b[i] = 1;
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
     //This prepares the game for the next level by reseting certain variables.
     foodbuff = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<=2; i++)  {
+        food_pos[i].x = 0;
+        food_pos[i].y = 0;
+    }
+    _l.init();
@@ -95,38 +100,13 @@
     if(_length >= 20)  {
-        if(blockgap >= 50)  {  //to make progressive levels harder
-            blockgap -= 40;
-        }
-        level += 1;
         _statset.write(level, sd);
-        food_pos[0].x = 0;
-        food_pos[0].y = 0;
-        food_pos[1].x = 0;
-        food_pos[1].y = 0;
-        food_pos[2].x = 0;
-        food_pos[2].y = 0;
-        lcd.clear();
-        lcd.printString("Level Complete",0,1);
-        lcd.printString("Press Start",10,3);
-        lcd.printString("to Proceed",12,4);
-        lcd.refresh();
-        while (pad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED) == false) {
-            pad.leds_on();
-            pad.tone(rand()%1001,0.1); //helps to set max freq for random sound
-            wait(0.1);
-            pad.leds_off();
-            wait(0.1);
-        }
-        lcd.clear();
-        sprintf(bufferlevel,"%d",level);
-        lcd.printString("Level:",25,1);
-        lcd.printString(bufferlevel,40,3);
-        lcd.refresh();
-        wait(2);
-        _l._setLength(3);
-    }  
+        _wl.LevelComplete(lcd, pad, food_pos, level, blockgap);
+    }
+    if(_length == 0)  {
+        _wl.GameOver(lcd,pad);
+    }
 int SnakevsBlock::update(Gamepad &pad) //Updates objects on screen.
@@ -260,12 +240,12 @@
 void SnakevsBlock::ImplementCollision(Gamepad &pad)  {
     send_block_number = 1;
-    blocknum-=1;
-    if(blocknum >= 0)  {  // to make sure that snake doesn't decrease in _length if number on the block is less than 1;
+    if(blocknum > 0)  {  // to make sure that snake doesn't decrease in _length if number on the block is less than 1;
+    blocknum-=1;
 void SnakevsBlock::CheckSnakeBlockSidesCollision(Gamepad &pad)