Adafruit ssd1331 OLED 96x64 SPI model

Fork of OledLib by tetsuya noguchi

diff -r 343d26b058d7 -r e331851128c1 spioled96x64.cpp
--- a/spioled96x64.cpp	Wed Jan 12 02:43:37 2011 +0000
+++ b/spioled96x64.cpp	Wed Jan 12 07:47:32 2011 +0000
@@ -1,475 +1,520 @@
-// ALO-095BWNN-J9 test program
-// See also ""
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "spioled96x64.h"
-//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-#define countof(x) ( sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]) )
-// コンストラクタ
-SPIOLED96x64::SPIOLED96x64(PinName cs_pin, PinName rst_pin, PinName a0_pin, PinName mosi_pin, PinName miso_pin, PinName sclk_pin)
-            : CS(cs_pin), RES(rst_pin), DC(a0_pin), spi(mosi_pin, miso_pin, sclk_pin) 
-    Init();
-// イニシャライザ
-void SPIOLED96x64::Init(void)
-    spi.format(8,3); //8bit frame and POL=1 /PHA=1(UpEdge Sampled)
-    spi.frequency(25000000); // modify later
-    // reset
-    wait_ms(200);
-    RES = 0;       //Reset active
-    wait_ms(200);
-    RES = 1;
-    // initialize sequence
-    RegWrite(0xae);    //OLED display OFF
-    //Row Address
-    RegWrite(0x75);    /* Set Row Address */
-    RegWrite(0x00);    /* Start = 0 */
-    RegWrite(0x3f);    /* End = 63 */
-    RegWrite(0x15);    /* Set Column Address */
-    RegWrite(0x00);    /* Start = 0 */
-    RegWrite(0x5F);    /* End = 95 */
-     //Contrast
-    RegWrite(0xa0);    //Set remap & data format 0111 0000
-    RegWrite(0x74);    // 65k Color/8bit buswidth/format1
-    RegWrite(0xa1);    //set display start row RAM
-    RegWrite(0x00);
-    RegWrite(0xa2);    //set dispaly offset
-    RegWrite(0x00);
-    RegWrite(0xa4);    //Set Display Mode
-    RegWrite(0xa8);    //Set Multiplex Ratio
-    RegWrite(0x3f);
-    RegWrite(0xad);    //Set Master Configuration
-    RegWrite(0x8f);    //(External VCC Supply Selected)
-    RegWrite(0xB0);    //Set Power Saving Mode
-    RegWrite(0x1a);
-    RegWrite(0xB1);    //Set Phase 1 & 2 Period Adjustment
-    RegWrite(0x74);
-    RegWrite(0xb3);    //Set Display Clock Divide Ratio / Oscillator Frequency
-    RegWrite(0xd0);
-    RegWrite(0x8A);    //Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color A
-    RegWrite(0x81);
-    RegWrite(0x8B);    //Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color B
-    RegWrite(0x82);
-    RegWrite(0x8C);    //Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color C
-    RegWrite(0x83);
-    RegWrite(0xBB);    //Set Pre-charge Level
-    RegWrite(0x3e);
-    RegWrite(0xBE);    //Set VCOMH
-    RegWrite(0x3e);
-    RegWrite(0x87);    //Set Master Current Control
-    RegWrite(0x0f);
-    RegWrite(0x81);    //Set Contrast Control for Color gAh
-    RegWrite(0x80);
-    RegWrite(0x82);    //Set Contrast Control for Color gBh
-    RegWrite(0x80);
-    RegWrite(0x83);    //Set Contrast Control for Color gCh
-    RegWrite(0x80);
-    RegWrite(0xaf);    //display ON
-    x_locate = 0;
-    y_locate = 0;
-    chr_size = CS_NORMAL;
-    Fill_Screen(0);
-// レジスタライト
-void  SPIOLED96x64::RegWrite(unsigned char Command)
-     DC = 0;    // Command
-     CS = 0;    // CS active(toggle OLED)
-     spi.write(Command);
-     CS = 1;
-// データライト
-void  SPIOLED96x64::DataWrite(unsigned char c)
-     DC = 1;    // DATA
-     CS = 0;    // CS active(toggle OLED)
-     spi.write(c);
-     CS = 1;
-// 16ビット書き込み
-void  SPIOLED96x64::DataWrite_to(unsigned int Dat)
-     DataWrite((unsigned char)((Dat >> 8)& 0x00ff));
-     DataWrite((unsigned char)(Dat & 0x00ff));
-// 指定座標に指定色でドット描画
-void SPIOLED96x64::Draw_Dot(int x,int y,unsigned int Color)
-    if (  (x<0)||( x > Dis_X_MAX )
-        ||(y<0)||( y > Dis_Y_MAX ) ) return ;
-    RegWrite(0x15);
-    RegWrite((unsigned char)x);   // Column Start Address
-    RegWrite((unsigned char)x);   // Column End   Address
-    RegWrite(0x75);
-    RegWrite((unsigned char)y);   // Row Start Address
-    RegWrite((unsigned char)y);   // Row End   Address
-    DataWrite_to(Color);
-    DataWrite_to(Color);
-void SPIOLED96x64::ChangeFontColor(unsigned int color)
-    Char_Color = color;
-void SPIOLED96x64::ChangeBGColor(unsigned int color)
-    BGround_Color = color;
-void SPIOLED96x64::SetFontSize(int Csize)
-    chr_size = Csize;
-// 縦横の倍率変化量を返す
-void SPIOLED96x64::CS_Conv(int *lpx,int *lpy)
-    switch( chr_size ){
-    case CS_WIDE:
-        *lpx=2;
-        *lpy=1;
-        break;
-    case CS_HIGH:
-        *lpx=1;
-        *lpy=2;
-        break;
-    case CS_WH  :
-        *lpx=2;
-        *lpy=2;
-        break;
-    case CS_WHx36  :
-        *lpx=6;
-        *lpy=6;
-        break;
-    case CS_NORMAL:
-    default:
-        *lpx=1;
-        *lpy=1;
-        break;
-    }    
-// 全角キャラクタの描画処理
-// アスキーキャラクタの位置指定表示(5x7dotフォント)
-// フォントの特性上、最上位ビットから順に↑方向に記述される
-void SPIOLED96x64::PutChar(int x,int y,unsigned int a)
-    int i,j;
-    unsigned char Temp=0;        
-    int lpx, lpy, k,l;
-    int xw;    
-    j = 0;
-    i = 0;
-    CS_Conv(&lpx, &lpy);
-    if ( a < 0x80 ) { xw = 5; if(a < 32)a=32; }     // ASCII
-    else              xw = X_Witch;                 // Kanji
-    for(i=0; i<xw; i++){    
-        for ( l=0;l<lpx;l++){
-            if ( a < 0x80 ) Temp = FontLookup_ABC[a-32][i];     // ASCII
-            else            Temp = FontLookup[a][i];                 // Kanji
-            for(j=Y_Witch;j!=0;j--){
-                for ( k=0;k<lpy;k++){
-                    if((Temp & 0x80)==0x80){
-                        Draw_Dot(x+(i*lpx)+l,y+(j*lpy)-k,Char_Color);
-                    }else{
-                        Draw_Dot(x+(i*lpx)+l,y+(j*lpy)-k,BGround_Color);
-                    }
-                }
-                Temp = Temp << 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// 純粋仮想関数でputcを実現
-int SPIOLED96x64::_putc( int c )
-    static bool kstate = false;
-    static unsigned int kbuf = 0;
-    unsigned int p;
-    int lpx, lpy, w;
-    if(!kstate && ((0x81 <= c && c <= 0x9f) || (0xe0 <= c && c <= 0xfc))){
-        kstate = true;
-        kbuf = c;
-        return c;
-    }    
-    if(kstate){ // 2nd byte of shift-jis
-        kstate = false;
-        p = findface(kbuf << 8 | c);
-        w = X_Witch;
-    } else {
-        p = c;
-        w = 6;  // 半角は近接するので、1ドットあける
-    }
-    PutChar( x_locate , y_locate ,p);
-    CS_Conv(&lpx, &lpy);
-    x_locate += (w*lpx);
-    /*
-    if(kstate== false){
-        //画面右端でのクリッピング
-        if(x_locate + (xsize - 1) >= Dis_X_MAX){
-            x_locate = 0;
-            y_locate += Y_Witch;
-            if(y_locate >= Dis_Y_MAX)  y_locate=0;
-        }
-    } 
-    */      
-    return c;
-int SPIOLED96x64::_getc() 
-    return -1;
-void SPIOLED96x64::puts( char *s )
-    unsigned char c;
-    while((c = *s++) != '\0')  putc((int)c & 0xff);
-void SPIOLED96x64::locate(int column, int row)
-    x_locate = column;
-    y_locate = row;
-int SPIOLED96x64::row()
-    return y_locate;
-int SPIOLED96x64::column()
-    return x_locate;
-// SJIS漢字コードテーブルから指定の配列アドレスを算出する
-unsigned int SPIOLED96x64::findface(unsigned short c)
-    unsigned int p = 0;
-    int i, sum;
-    for(sum = i = 0; i < countof(font8table); i++){
-        if(font8table[i].start <= c && c <= font8table[i].end){
-            p = (sum + c - font8table[i].start);
-            break;
-        }
-        sum += font8table[i].end - font8table[i].start + 1;
-    }
-    return p;
-// RGB(555)をRGB565値に変換
-// 00~1F(0~31)
-unsigned int SPIOLED96x64::ColorConv(unsigned int R,unsigned int G,unsigned int B)
-    unsigned int ret = 0;
-    unsigned int rv, gv, bv;
-    if ( R > 0x1f ) rv= 0x1f;
-    else            rv= (unsigned int)( R & 0x1F );
-    if ( G > 0x1f ) gv= 0x3f;
-    else            gv= (unsigned int)( (G<<1) & 0x3F );
-    if ( B > 0x1f ) bv= 0x1f;
-    else            bv= (unsigned int)( B & 0x1F );
-    ret = (bv << 11) + (gv << 5) + rv;
-    return ret;
-// 画面の指定色塗りつぶし指定領域し
-void SPIOLED96x64::Box(int x1,int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int Color, int fill)
-    unsigned char i,j;
-    switch( fill ) {
-    case 0:     // box
-        line( x1, y1, x2, y1, Color, 0 );
-        line( x2, y1, x2, y2, Color, 0 );
-        line( x2, y2, x1, y2, Color, 0 );
-        line( x1, y2, x1, y1, Color, 0 );
-        break;
-    default:    // fill
-        for(i=y1;i<=y2;i++)
-        {
-            for(j=x1;j<=x2;j++)
-            {
-                Draw_Dot(j,i,Color);
-                // DataWrite_to(Dot);
-            }
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-// 画面の指定色塗りつぶし
-void SPIOLED96x64::Fill_Screen(unsigned int Color)
-    BGround_Color = Color;
-    Box( 0,0, Dis_X_MAX, Dis_Y_MAX , Color , 1);
-// Bresenhamの線分発生アルゴリズム
-// 整数のみによる線分描画
-// (x0,y0)-(x1,y1)へのライン描画          参照:http //
-// pat : 0:実線    1:破線
-void SPIOLED96x64::line( int x0,  int y0,  int x1,  int y1, unsigned int fore_col ,int pat  )
-    int E,x,y;
-    int dx,dy,sx,sy,i;
-    int cl=1 ;
-    int clc=0;    // 破線用のカウンタ
-    sx = ( x1 > x0 ) ? 1 : -1;              // xの移動方向
-    dx = ( x1 > x0 ) ? x1 - x0 : x0 - x1;   // xの移動量
-    sy = ( y1 > y0 ) ? 1 : -1;              // yの移動方向
-    dy = ( y1 > y0 ) ? y1 - y0 : y0 - y1;   // yの移動量
-    x = x0;
-    y = y0;
-    if( dx >= dy ) {
-        /* 傾きが1以下の場合 */
-        E = -dx;
-        for( i = 0; i <= dx; i++ ) {
-            switch( pat ) {
-            case 0:     // 実線
-                cl = fore_col;
-                break;
-            default:    // 破線
-                if ( clc>=3 ) {
-                    if ( cl==fore_col ) cl=BGround_Color;
-                    else                cl=fore_col;
-                    clc=0;
-                }else{
-                    clc++;
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            Draw_Dot(x,y,cl);
-            x += sx;
-            E += 2 * dy;
-            if( E >= 0 ) {
-                y += sy;
-                E -= 2 * dx;
-            }
-        }
-    }else{
-        /* 傾きが1より大きい場合 */
-        E = -dy;
-        for( i = 0; i <= dy; i++ ) {
-            switch( pat ) {
-            case 0:     // 実線
-                cl = fore_col;
-                break;
-            default:    // 破線
-                if ( clc>=3 ) {
-                    if ( cl==fore_col ) cl=BGround_Color;
-                    else                cl=fore_col;
-                    clc=0;
-                }else{
-                    clc++;
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            Draw_Dot(x,y,cl);
-            y += sy;
-            E += 2 * dx;
-            if( E >= 0 ) {
-                x += sx;
-                E -= 2 * dy;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// ミッチェナー(Miechener) の円描画  参考:
-// x,y : 中心点
-// radius: 半径
-void SPIOLED96x64::circle (int radius, int x, int y , unsigned int col, int fill)
-    int  cx, cy, d;
-    d = 3 - 2 * radius;
-    cy = radius;
-    // 初期座標をあらかじめ描画する
-    Draw_Dot(         x,  radius+y, col );    // 座標 ( 0, R );
-    Draw_Dot(         x, -radius+y, col );    // 座標 ( 0, -R);
-    Draw_Dot(  radius+x,         y, col );    // 座標 ( R, 0 );
-    Draw_Dot( -radius+x,         y, col );    // 座標 (-R, 0);
-    if ( fill ) {
-        line(        x,  radius+y,          x, -radius+y, col ,0  );    
-        line( radius+x,         y,  -radius+x,         y, col ,0  );    
-    }
-    for (cx = 0; cx <= cy; cx++){
-        if (d >= 0) {
-            d += 10 + 4 * cx - 4 * cy;
-            cy--;
-        } else {
-            d += 6 + 4 * cx;
-        }
-        // 描画
-        Draw_Dot(  cy + x,  cx + y, col);      // 0-45     度の間
-        Draw_Dot(  cx + x,  cy + y, col);      // 45-90    度の間
-        Draw_Dot( -cx + x,  cy + y, col);     // 90-135   度の間
-        Draw_Dot( -cy + x,  cx + y, col);     // 135-180  度の間
-        Draw_Dot( -cy + x, -cx + y, col);    // 180-225  度の間
-        Draw_Dot( -cx + x, -cy + y, col);    // 225-270  度の間
-        Draw_Dot(  cx + x, -cy + y, col);     // 270-315  度の間
-        Draw_Dot(  cy + x, -cx + y, col);     // 315-360  度の間
-        if ( fill ) {
-            line(  cy + x,  cx + y,  cy + x, -cx + y, col ,0 );    
-            line(  cx + x,  cy + y,  cx + x, -cy + y, col ,0 );      // 45-90    度の間
-            line( -cx + x,  cy + y, -cx + x,  cy + y, col ,0 ) ;     // 90-135   度の間
-            line( -cy + x,  cx + y, -cy + x,  cx + y, col ,0 );     // 135-180  度の間
-            line( -cy + x, -cx + y, -cy + x,  cx + y, col ,0 );    // 180-225  度の間
-            line( -cx + x, -cy + y, -cx + x,  cy + y, col ,0 );    // 225-270  度の間
-            line(  cx + x, -cy + y,  cx + x,  cy + y, col ,0 );     // 270-315  度の間
-            line(  cy + x, -cx + y,  cy + x,  cx + y, col ,0 );     // 315-360  度の間
-        }
-    }
+// ALO-095BWNN-J9 test program
+// See also ""
+// Ver1.00 ‰”ÅŠ®¬
+// Ver1.01 ƒtƒHƒ“ƒg‚ðk6x8ƒtƒHƒ“ƒg‚ɕύXB’è‹`‚gƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹‚à‘SŠp‚Æ‚Í•ª—£
+//         ƒtƒHƒ“ƒg•`‰æƒ‹[ƒ`ƒ“‚ª‚Pƒhƒbƒg‚·‚­‚È‚­“®‚­‚Ì‚ðC³
+//         ”CˆÓƒJƒ‰[ƒpƒ^[ƒ“‚ð•`‰æ‚Å‚«‚é‚悤‚ɏC³
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "spioled96x64.h"
+//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+#define countof(x) ( sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]) )
+// ƒRƒ“ƒXƒgƒ‰ƒNƒ^
+SPIOLED96x64::SPIOLED96x64(PinName cs_pin, PinName rst_pin, PinName a0_pin, PinName mosi_pin, PinName miso_pin, PinName sclk_pin)
+            : CS(cs_pin), RES(rst_pin), DC(a0_pin), spi(mosi_pin, miso_pin, sclk_pin) 
+    Init();
+// ƒCƒjƒVƒƒƒ‰ƒCƒU
+void SPIOLED96x64::Init(void)
+    spi.format(8,3); //8bit frame and POL=1 /PHA=1(UpEdge Sampled)
+    spi.frequency(25000000); // modify later
+    //spi.frequency(42000000); // modify later
+    // reset
+    wait_ms(200);
+    RES = 0;       //Reset active
+    wait_ms(200);
+    RES = 1;
+    // initialize sequence
+    RegWrite(0xae);    //OLED display OFF
+    //Row Address
+    RegWrite(0x75);    /* Set Row Address */
+    RegWrite(0x00);    /* Start = 0 */
+    RegWrite(0x3f);    /* End = 63 */
+    RegWrite(0x15);    /* Set Column Address */
+    RegWrite(0x00);    /* Start = 0 */
+    RegWrite(0x5F);    /* End = 95 */
+     //Contrast
+    RegWrite(0xa0);    //Set remap & data format 0111 0000
+    RegWrite(0x74);    // 65k Color/8bit buswidth/format1
+    RegWrite(0xa1);    //set display start row RAM
+    RegWrite(0x00);
+    RegWrite(0xa2);    //set dispaly offset
+    RegWrite(0x00);
+    RegWrite(0xa4);    //Set Display Mode
+    RegWrite(0xa8);    //Set Multiplex Ratio
+    RegWrite(0x3f);
+    RegWrite(0xad);    //Set Master Configuration
+    RegWrite(0x8f);    //(External VCC Supply Selected)
+    RegWrite(0xB0);    //Set Power Saving Mode
+    RegWrite(0x1a);
+    RegWrite(0xB1);    //Set Phase 1 & 2 Period Adjustment
+    RegWrite(0x74);
+    RegWrite(0xb3);    //Set Display Clock Divide Ratio / Oscillator Frequency
+    RegWrite(0xd0);
+    RegWrite(0x8A);    //Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color A
+    RegWrite(0x81);
+    RegWrite(0x8B);    //Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color B
+    RegWrite(0x82);
+    RegWrite(0x8C);    //Set Second Pre-charge Speed of Color C
+    RegWrite(0x83);
+    RegWrite(0xBB);    //Set Pre-charge Level
+    RegWrite(0x3e);
+    RegWrite(0xBE);    //Set VCOMH
+    RegWrite(0x3e);
+    RegWrite(0x87);    //Set Master Current Control
+    RegWrite(0x0f);
+    RegWrite(0x81);    //Set Contrast Control for Color &#129;gA&#129;h
+    RegWrite(0x80);
+    RegWrite(0x82);    //Set Contrast Control for Color &#129;gB&#129;h
+    RegWrite(0x80);
+    RegWrite(0x83);    //Set Contrast Control for Color &#129;gC&#129;h
+    RegWrite(0x80);
+    RegWrite(0xaf);    //display ON
+    x_locate = 0;
+    y_locate = 0;
+    chr_size = CS_NORMAL;
+    Fill_Screen(0);
+// ƒŒƒWƒXƒ^ƒ‰ƒCƒg
+void  SPIOLED96x64::RegWrite(unsigned char Command)
+    DC = 0;    // Command
+    CS = 0;    // CS active(toggle OLED)
+    spi.write(Command);
+    CS = 1;
+// ƒ}ƒ‹ƒ`ƒoƒCƒg ƒŒƒWƒXƒ^Ý’è
+void  SPIOLED96x64::RegWriteM(unsigned char *Command, int count)
+    int i;
+    DC = 0;    // Command
+    CS = 0;    // CS active(toggle OLED)
+    for( i=0;i<count;i++){
+       spi.write(*Command++);
+    }
+    CS = 1;
+// ƒf[ƒ^ƒ‰ƒCƒg
+void  SPIOLED96x64::DataWrite(unsigned char c)
+     DC = 1;    // DATA
+     CS = 0;    // CS active(toggle OLED)
+     spi.write(c);
+     CS = 1;
+// 16ƒrƒbƒg‘‚«ž‚Ý
+void  SPIOLED96x64::DataWrite_to(unsigned int Dat)
+     DC = 1;    // DATA
+     CS = 0;    // CS active(toggle OLED)
+     spi.write((unsigned char)((Dat >> 8)& 0x00ff));
+     spi.write((unsigned char)(Dat & 0x00ff));
+     CS = 1;
+    /*
+     DataWrite((unsigned char)((Dat >> 8)& 0x00ff));
+     DataWrite((unsigned char)(Dat & 0x00ff));
+     */
+// Žw’èÀ•W‚ÉŽw’èF‚Ńhƒbƒg•`‰æ
+void SPIOLED96x64::Draw_Dot(int x,int y,unsigned int Color)
+    unsigned char cmd[7]={0x15,0x00,0x00,0x75,0x00,0x00,0x00};
+    if (  ( x > Dis_X_MAX )
+        ||( y > Dis_Y_MAX ) ) return ;
+    /*
+    RegWrite(0x15);
+    RegWrite((unsigned char)x);   // Column Start Address
+    RegWrite((unsigned char)x);   // Column End   Address
+    RegWrite(0x75);
+    RegWrite((unsigned char)y);   // Row Start Address
+    RegWrite((unsigned char)y);   // Row End   Address
+    */
+    cmd[1] = (unsigned char)x; 
+    cmd[2] = (unsigned char)x; 
+    cmd[4] = (unsigned char)y; 
+    cmd[5] = (unsigned char)y; 
+    RegWriteM(cmd, 6);
+    DataWrite_to(Color);
+    //DataWrite_to(Color);
+void SPIOLED96x64::ChangeFontColor(unsigned int color)
+    Char_Color = color;
+void SPIOLED96x64::ChangeBGColor(unsigned int color)
+    BGround_Color = color;
+void SPIOLED96x64::SetFontSize(int Csize)
+    chr_size = Csize;
+void SPIOLED96x64::CS_Conv(int *lpx,int *lpy)
+    switch( chr_size ){
+    case CS_WIDE:
+        *lpx=2;
+        *lpy=1;
+        break;
+    case CS_HIGH:
+        *lpx=1;
+        *lpy=2;
+        break;
+    case CS_WH  :
+        *lpx=2;
+        *lpy=2;
+        break;
+    case CS_WHx36  :
+        *lpx=6;
+        *lpy=6;
+        break;
+    case CS_NORMAL:
+    default:
+        *lpx=1;
+        *lpy=1;
+        break;
+    }    
+// ‘SŠpƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^‚Ì•`‰æˆ—
+// ƒAƒXƒL[ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^‚̈ʒuŽw’è•\Ž¦(5x7dotƒtƒHƒ“ƒg)
+// ƒtƒHƒ“ƒg‚Ì“Á«ãAÅãˆÊƒrƒbƒg‚©‚珇‚Ɂª•ûŒü‚É‹Lq‚³‚ê‚é
+void SPIOLED96x64::PutChar(int x,int y,unsigned int a)
+    int i,j;
+    unsigned char Temp=0;        
+    int lpx, lpy, k,l;
+    int xw;    
+    j = 0;
+    i = 0;
+    CS_Conv(&lpx, &lpy);
+    if ( a < 0x80 ) { xw = X_WitchASC; if(a < 32)a=32; } // ASCII
+    else              xw = X_Witch;                      // Kanji
+    for(i=0; i<xw; i++){    
+        for ( l=0;l<lpx;l++){
+            if ( a < 0x80 ) Temp = FontLookup_ABC[a-32][i];     // ASCII(0x20~0x7f)==> 0x00~0x5f
+            else            Temp = FontLookup[a][i];            // Kanji
+            for(j=Y_Witch-1;j>=0;j--){
+                for ( k=0;k<lpy;k++){
+                    Draw_Dot(x+(i*lpx)+l,y+((j+1)*lpy)-k,  ((Temp & 0x80)==0x80) ? Char_Color : BGround_Color);
+                }
+                Temp = Temp << 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ƒˆ‰¼‘zŠÖ”‚Åputc‚ðŽÀŒ»
+int SPIOLED96x64::_putc( int c )
+    static bool kstate = false;
+    static unsigned int kbuf = 0;
+    unsigned int p;
+    int lpx, lpy, w;
+    if(!kstate && ((0x81 <= c && c <= 0x9f) || (0xe0 <= c && c <= 0xfc))){
+        kstate = true;
+        kbuf = c;
+        return c;
+    }    
+    if(kstate){ // 2nd byte of shift-jis
+        kstate = false;
+        p = findface(kbuf << 8 | c);
+        w = X_Witch;
+    } else {
+        p = c;
+        w = X_WitchASC;  // ”¼Šp‚͋ߐڂ·‚é‚̂ŁA‚Pƒhƒbƒg‚ ‚¯‚é
+    }
+    PutChar( x_locate , y_locate ,p);
+    CS_Conv(&lpx, &lpy);
+    x_locate += (w*lpx);
+    /*
+    if(kstate== false){
+        //‰æ–ʉE’[‚ł̃NƒŠƒbƒsƒ“ƒO
+        if(x_locate + (xsize - 1) >= Dis_X_MAX){
+            x_locate = 0;
+            y_locate += Y_Witch;
+            if(y_locate >= Dis_Y_MAX)  y_locate=0;
+        }
+    } 
+    */      
+    return c;
+int SPIOLED96x64::_getc() 
+    return -1;
+void SPIOLED96x64::puts( char *s )
+    unsigned char c;
+    while((c = *s++) != '\0')  putc((int)c & 0xff);
+void SPIOLED96x64::locate(int column, int row)
+    x_locate = column;
+    y_locate = row;
+int SPIOLED96x64::row()
+    return y_locate;
+int SPIOLED96x64::column()
+    return x_locate;
+// SJISŠ¿ŽšƒR[ƒhƒe[ƒuƒ‹‚©‚çŽw’è‚Ì”z—ñƒAƒhƒŒƒX‚ðŽZo‚·‚é
+unsigned int SPIOLED96x64::findface(unsigned short c)
+    unsigned int p = 0;
+    int i, sum;
+    for(sum = i = 0; i < countof(font8table); i++){
+        if(font8table[i].start <= c && c <= font8table[i].end){
+            p = (sum + c - font8table[i].start);
+            break;
+        }
+        sum += font8table[i].end - font8table[i].start + 1;
+    }
+    return p;
+// ‚q‚f‚a(555)‚ðRGB565’l‚É•ÏŠ·
+// 00~1F(0~31)
+unsigned int SPIOLED96x64::ColorConv(unsigned int R,unsigned int G,unsigned int B)
+    unsigned int ret = 0;
+    unsigned int rv, gv, bv;
+    if ( R > 0x1f ) rv= 0x1f;
+    else            rv= (unsigned int)( R & 0x1F );
+    if ( G > 0x1f ) gv= 0x3f;
+    else            gv= (unsigned int)( (G<<1) & 0x3F );
+    if ( B > 0x1f ) bv= 0x1f;
+    else            bv= (unsigned int)( B & 0x1F );
+    ret = (bv << 11) + (gv << 5) + rv;
+    return ret;
+// ‰æ–Ê‚ÌŽw’èF“h‚è‚‚ԂµŽw’è—̈悵
+void SPIOLED96x64::Box(int x1,int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int Color, int fill)
+    unsigned char i,j;
+    switch( fill ) {
+    case 0:     // box
+        line( x1, y1, x2, y1, Color, 0 );
+        line( x2, y1, x2, y2, Color, 0 );
+        line( x2, y2, x1, y2, Color, 0 );
+        line( x1, y2, x1, y1, Color, 0 );
+        break;
+    default:    // fill
+        for(i=y1;i<=y2;i++)
+        {
+            for(j=x1;j<=x2;j++)
+            {
+                Draw_Dot(j,i,Color);
+                // DataWrite_to(Dot);
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+// ‰æ–Ê‚ÌŽw’èF“h‚è‚‚Ԃµ
+void SPIOLED96x64::Fill_Screen(unsigned int Color)
+    BGround_Color = Color;
+    Box( 0,0, Dis_X_MAX, Dis_Y_MAX , Color , 1);
+// Bresenham‚̐ü•ª”­¶ƒAƒ‹ƒSƒŠƒYƒ€
+// ®”‚Ì‚Ý‚É‚æ‚éü•ª•`‰æ
+// (x0,y0)-(x1,y1)‚ւ̃‰ƒCƒ“•`‰æ          ŽQÆ:http //
+// pat : 0:ŽÀü    1:”jü
+void SPIOLED96x64::line( int x0,  int y0,  int x1,  int y1, unsigned int fore_col ,int pat  )
+    int E,x,y;
+    int dx,dy,sx,sy,i;
+    int cl=1 ;
+    int clc=0;    // ”jü—p‚̃JƒEƒ“ƒ^
+    sx = ( x1 > x0 ) ? 1 : -1;              // x‚̈ړ®•ûŒü
+    dx = ( x1 > x0 ) ? x1 - x0 : x0 - x1;   // x‚̈ړ®—Ê
+    sy = ( y1 > y0 ) ? 1 : -1;              // y‚̈ړ®•ûŒü
+    dy = ( y1 > y0 ) ? y1 - y0 : y0 - y1;   // y‚̈ړ®—Ê
+    x = x0;
+    y = y0;
+    if( dx >= dy ) {
+        /* ŒX‚«‚ª1ˆÈ‰º‚̏ꍇ */
+        E = -dx;
+        for( i = 0; i <= dx; i++ ) {
+            switch( pat ) {
+            case 0:     // ŽÀü
+                cl = fore_col;
+                break;
+            default:    // ”jü
+                if ( clc>=3 ) {
+                    if ( cl==fore_col ) cl=BGround_Color;
+                    else                cl=fore_col;
+                    clc=0;
+                }else{
+                    clc++;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            Draw_Dot(x,y,cl);
+            x += sx;
+            E += 2 * dy;
+            if( E >= 0 ) {
+                y += sy;
+                E -= 2 * dx;
+            }
+        }
+    }else{
+        /* ŒX‚«‚ª1‚æ‚è‘å‚«‚¢ê‡ */
+        E = -dy;
+        for( i = 0; i <= dy; i++ ) {
+            switch( pat ) {
+            case 0:     // ŽÀü
+                cl = fore_col;
+                break;
+            default:    // ”jü
+                if ( clc>=3 ) {
+                    if ( cl==fore_col ) cl=BGround_Color;
+                    else                cl=fore_col;
+                    clc=0;
+                }else{
+                    clc++;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            Draw_Dot(x,y,cl);
+            y += sy;
+            E += 2 * dx;
+            if( E >= 0 ) {
+                x += sx;
+                E -= 2 * dy;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ƒ~ƒbƒ`ƒFƒi[(Miechener) ‚̉~•`‰æ  ŽQl:
+// x,y : ’†S“_
+// radius: ”¼Œa
+void SPIOLED96x64::circle (int radius, int x, int y , unsigned int col, int fill)
+    int  cx, cy, d;
+    d = 3 - 2 * radius;
+    cy = radius;
+    // ‰ŠúÀ•W‚ð‚ ‚ç‚©‚¶‚ß•`‰æ‚·‚é
+    Draw_Dot(         x,  radius+y, col );    // À•W ( 0, R );
+    Draw_Dot(         x, -radius+y, col );    // À•W ( 0, -R);
+    Draw_Dot(  radius+x,         y, col );    // À•W ( R, 0 );
+    Draw_Dot( -radius+x,         y, col );    // À•W (-R, 0);
+    if ( fill ) {
+        line(        x,  radius+y,          x, -radius+y, col ,0  );    
+        line( radius+x,         y,  -radius+x,         y, col ,0  );    
+    }
+    for (cx = 0; cx <= cy; cx++){
+        if (d >= 0) {
+            d += 10 + 4 * cx - 4 * cy;
+            cy--;
+        } else {
+            d += 6 + 4 * cx;
+        }
+        // •`‰æ
+        Draw_Dot(  cy + x,  cx + y, col);      // 0-45     “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        Draw_Dot(  cx + x,  cy + y, col);      // 45-90    “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        Draw_Dot( -cx + x,  cy + y, col);     // 90-135   “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        Draw_Dot( -cy + x,  cx + y, col);     // 135-180  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        Draw_Dot( -cy + x, -cx + y, col);    // 180-225  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        Draw_Dot( -cx + x, -cy + y, col);    // 225-270  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        Draw_Dot(  cx + x, -cy + y, col);     // 270-315  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        Draw_Dot(  cy + x, -cx + y, col);     // 315-360  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        if ( fill ) {
+            line(  cy + x,  cx + y,  cy + x, -cx + y, col ,0 );    
+            line(  cx + x,  cy + y,  cx + x, -cy + y, col ,0 );      // 45-90    “x‚ÌŠÔ
+            line( -cx + x,  cy + y, -cx + x,  cy + y, col ,0 ) ;     // 90-135   “x‚ÌŠÔ
+            line( -cy + x,  cx + y, -cy + x,  cx + y, col ,0 );     // 135-180  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+            line( -cy + x, -cx + y, -cy + x,  cx + y, col ,0 );    // 180-225  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+            line( -cx + x, -cy + y, -cx + x,  cy + y, col ,0 );    // 225-270  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+            line(  cx + x, -cy + y,  cx + x,  cy + y, col ,0 );     // 270-315  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+            line(  cy + x, -cx + y,  cy + x,  cx + y, col ,0 );     // 315-360  “x‚ÌŠÔ
+        }
+    }
+// Color Pattern
+// pattern *P ‚Í‚q‚f‚a‚T‚U‚T(‚QƒoƒCƒgŒ^)‚̃f[ƒ^”z—ñ‚Å“n‚·
+void SPIOLED96x64::Pattern(int x,int y,int width, int height, unsigned int *p)
+    int i,j;
+    for(i=0; i<width; i++){    
+        for(j=height-1;j>=0;j--){
+            Draw_Dot(x+i,y+j,*p++);
+        }
+    }