Address is changed to suit Grove Digital Light Sensor.

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TSL2561_I2C Class Reference

TSL2561_I2C Class Reference

TSL2561_I2C class. More...

#include <TSL2561_I2C.h>

Public Member Functions

 TSL2561_I2C (PinName sda, PinName scl)
 Create TSL2561_I2C instance.
int getVisibleAndIR ()
 Read broadband photodiode (visible plus infrared)
int getIROnly ()
 Read infrared-responding photodiode.
float getLux ()
 Read sensors and calculate Illuminance in lux.
int enablePower ()
 Power up the device.
int disablePower ()
 Disable power to the device.
bool isPowerEnabled ()
 Check if power to the device is enabled.
int readGain ()
 Return present gain value.
int setGain (const int gain)
 Set gain.
float readIntegrationTime ()
 Read the current integration time.
int setIntegrationTime (const float itime)
 Set integration time.
int readLowInterruptThreshold ()
 Read the low trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.
int readHighInterruptThreshold ()
 Read the high trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.
int setLowInterruptThreshold (const int threshold)
 Set the low trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.
int setHighInterruptThreshold (const int threshold)
 Set the high trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.
int readInterruptPersistence ()
 Return the number of consecutive values out of range (set by the low and high thresholds) required to trigger an interrupt.
int setInterruptPersistence (const int persistence)
 Set the number of consecutive values out of range (set by the low and high thresholds) required to trigger an interrupt.
int readInterruptControl ()
 Check the interrupt function's operation mode.
int setInterruptControl (const int control)
 Set the interrupt function's operation mode.
int clearInterrupt ()
 Clear the interrupt, allowing normal operation to resume.
int getPartNumber ()
 Get integer indicating part number.
int getRevisionNumber ()
 Get revision number.

Detailed Description

TSL2561_I2C class.

Abstraction for TAOS TSL2561 Light-To-Digital Converter.


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "TSL2561_I2C.h"

 TSL2561_I2C lum_sensor( p9, p10 );
 int main() {

     int rgb_readings[4];
     while(1) {
         printf( "Luminosity: %4.2f\n", lum_sensor.getLux() );
         wait_ms( 100 );

Definition at line 49 of file TSL2561_I2C.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TSL2561_I2C ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl 

Create TSL2561_I2C instance.

sdasda pin for I2C
sclscl pin for I2C

Definition at line 3 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int clearInterrupt (  )

Clear the interrupt, allowing normal operation to resume.

(writes 0b11000000 to command register to clear interrupt)

1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 262 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int disablePower (  )

Disable power to the device.

1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 108 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int enablePower (  )

Power up the device.

1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 103 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int getIROnly (  )

Read infrared-responding photodiode.

Irradiance measured

Definition at line 46 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

float getLux (  )

Read sensors and calculate Illuminance in lux.

Illuminance (lux)

Definition at line 53 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int getPartNumber (  )

Get integer indicating part number.

0: TSL2560 1: TSL2561

Definition at line 268 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int getRevisionNumber (  )

Get revision number.

Revision number

Definition at line 274 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int getVisibleAndIR (  )

Read broadband photodiode (visible plus infrared)

Irradiance measured

Definition at line 39 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

bool isPowerEnabled (  )

Check if power to the device is enabled.

1 if power ON 0 if power OFF

Definition at line 113 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int readGain (  )

Return present gain value.

1 (low gain mode) 16 (high gain mode)

Definition at line 122 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int readHighInterruptThreshold (  )

Read the high trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.

High threshold value

Definition at line 213 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

float readIntegrationTime (  )

Read the current integration time.

Integration time in milliseconds

Definition at line 162 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int readInterruptControl (  )

Check the interrupt function's operation mode.

0: Interrupt output disabled 1: Level Interrupt 2: SMBAlert compliant 3: Test Mode

Definition at line 249 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int readInterruptPersistence (  )

Return the number of consecutive values out of range (set by the low and high thresholds) required to trigger an interrupt.

interrput persistence

Definition at line 236 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int readLowInterruptThreshold (  )

Read the low trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.

Low threshold value

Definition at line 206 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int setGain ( const int  gain )

Set gain.

gainGain must be either 1 or 16
1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 140 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int setHighInterruptThreshold ( const int  threshold )

Set the high trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.

thresholdHigh threshold value
1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 228 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int setIntegrationTime ( const float  itime )

Set integration time.

itimeIntegration time to set in milliseconds. Should be 13.7, 101 or 402.
1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 183 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int setInterruptControl ( const int  control )

Set the interrupt function's operation mode.

controlValue to set. 0: interrupt every ADC cycle, 1-15: corresponding number of cycles until interrupt
1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 255 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int setInterruptPersistence ( const int  persistence )

Set the number of consecutive values out of range (set by the low and high thresholds) required to trigger an interrupt.

persistenceValue to set. 0: interrupt every ADC cycle, 1-15: corresponding number of cycles until interrupt
1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 242 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.

int setLowInterruptThreshold ( const int  threshold )

Set the low trigger point for the comparison function for interrupt generation.

thresholdLow threshold value
1 if successful 0 if otherwise

Definition at line 220 of file TSL2561_I2C.cpp.