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Dependencies:   LidarLitev2 Servo mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CollisionAviod_LaneKeep.cpp	Fri May 05 19:03:31 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+//#include "Map.hpp"
+#include "LidarLitev2.h"
+#include "Servo.h"// The desired Servo sweep range is 60 degrees
+// But due to some mechanical Load errors it has been calibrated to 0 to 70 degrees
+// The front facing position varies from 27 degress to 38 degrees due to the servo motion slip.
+// Variable declaration
+Servo myservo(D3);// Object to declare the servo functionalities
+Servo LidarServo(D7);
+int L_Dist;
+float LSrvoPos;
+int pos = 33;// Default avg front facing posiion of the Servo
+int i;
+int j;
+int i1;
+int j1;
+int BT_Val;
+int Cnt=0;
+float Dist_Val; 
+int LsrvMin = 10;
+int LsrvMax =90; 
+float Val;
+//DigitalIn IR1(A0);
+//DigitalIn IR2(A1);
+AnalogIn IR1(A0);
+AnalogIn IR2(A1);
+DigitalIn OA(D4);
+DigitalIn OA2(D2);
+int Flg=0; // Flag to enable motions (Forward, Backward, Stop state)
+int Flg2 = 0;
+int FlgSt = 0;// Unused Variable
+float Level = 0.30;// Variable to store the PWM Levels activated by the gear Button in the App.
+float pwm_Level;// Unused Variable
+float LeftPos;
+float RightPos;
+// Function Initialisation
+void handleInput(int in); 
+void drive_forward(float level);
+void drive_backward(float level);
+void Robot_Stop();
+float LidarSense(int minpos, int maxpos);
+LidarLitev2 Lidar(PTC11, PTC10);// Tx Rx for I2C Communication in Lidar
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);//Tx Rx for Serial Communication (UART)(PC to Processor)
+Serial BT(PTC15,PTC14);// Tx Rx for Bluetooth Communication () 
+PwmOut ENApwm(D5); // Motor driver Enable A
+PwmOut ENBpwm(D6); // Motor driver Enable B
+// Setting coresponding pins to output mode for Motor movements
+DigitalOut LeftMotor_P1(D8);
+DigitalOut LeftMotor_P2(D9);
+DigitalOut RightMotor_P1(D11);
+DigitalOut RightMotor_P2(D10);
+Timer dt;
+// The main Function 
+int main() {
+    pc.baud(9600);// UART communication in 9600 bits per seconds
+    BT.baud(9600);// Bluetooth communication in 9600 bits per seconds
+    // Printing some execution statements to ensure the controller is communicating properly.
+    pc.printf(" Hello User!\r\n");
+    printf(" Are You Ready \r\n");    
+   // At the start set servo to its default front facing  position 
+    if(pos>33){
+        myservo = (30/100.0);
+    }
+    else{
+         myservo = (39/100.0);        
+    }
+    while(1){ // run an infinite loop to read blutooth data & call corresponding navigation function
+        int Tsop2_Val =;
+        int Tsop1_Val =;
+        float value1 =;
+        float value2 =;
+       // pos = ((*100.0); 
+        if (BT.readable()){ // Read incoming Bluetooth Data
+           BT_Val = (int)(pc.putc(BT.getc()));// get the Ascii value of the incomming 1 byte data
+           //int i = atoi((int)BT_Val);        // Convert it to Interger.
+           //BT_Val -='0';
+           //pc.printf("%d \r\n",BT_Val); // print the Bluetooth data in serial Monitor for cross validation
+           // Bluetooth data below decimal 25 contains certain values for the button operations 
+           // Bluetooth data above 25 triggers the PWM pins of EnA and EnB for motor speed control
+           if (BT_Val <= 10){
+                handleInput(BT_Val);
+               }
+            else if (BT_Val > 41){
+               float Newpos = (((float)BT_Val - 70.0)*(65.0 - 5.0)/(210.0 - 70.0) + 0.0 );
+               /*if (Newpos<=5.0){Newpos=5.0;}
+               else if (Newpos>=65.0){Newpos=65.0;}
+               else {Newpos = Newpos;}*/
+               myservo = (Newpos/100.0);
+               LidarServo=(45/100.0);
+               /*BT_Val_diff = BT_Val-LstBT_Val;
+               pos = pos+ (BT_Val_diff*0.5);
+               myservo = (pos/100.0);*/
+            }
+            //Level=Level;                      
+        //if BT_Val == 'B'               
+        }
+        //LstBT_Val=BT_Val;
+       pc.printf("%d %f %d %d \r\n",BT_Val, Level, Flg2, Flg);
+           if (BT_Val >= 30 && BT_Val <=40){
+               Val = (((float)BT_Val - 30.0)*(100.0 - 0.0)/(40.0 - 30.0) + 0.0 );
+               Level = ((float)Val/100);               
+               pc.printf("%f \r\n",Level);
+               //float pwm_Level = Level;
+               }
+            else if (BT_Val > 10 && BT_Val <=20){
+                handleInput(BT_Val);                
+            }
+        if (Flg2 == 1){
+            Dist_Val = LidarSense((int)LsrvMin,(int)LsrvMax); 
+                    if (Dist_Val< 150.0){
+                        LsrvMin = 10;
+                        LsrvMax = 90;
+                        Val=0.0;
+                        Level = ((float)Val/100);
+                        Cnt = Cnt+1;                        
+                        }
+                    else if ((Dist_Val> 150.0)&&(Dist_Val<= 300.0)){
+                        //LsrvMin= 
+                        LsrvMin = (((float)Dist_Val - 150.0)*(40.0 - 10.0)/(300.0 - 150.0) + 10.0 );
+                        LsrvMax = (((float)Dist_Val - 150.0)*(60.0 - 90.0)/(300.0 - 150.0) + 90.0 );
+                        Val = (((float)Dist_Val - 150.0)*(75.0 - 0.0)/(300.0 - 150.0) + 0.0 );
+                        Level = ((float)Val/100);
+                        Cnt=0;
+                        if (BT_Val==13){Flg=0;}
+                        }
+                    else if (Dist_Val> 300.0){
+                        LsrvMin = 40;
+                        LsrvMax = 70;
+                        Val=75.0;
+                        Level = ((float)Val/100);
+                        Cnt=0;
+                        if (BT_Val==13){Flg=0;}
+                        }
+                    if (Cnt == 10){
+                        Flg = 2; 
+                        Flg2=2;
+                        //Flg = 0; 
+                        Cnt=0;
+                        Val=20.0;                        
+                        Level = ((float)Val/100);
+                        //pc.printf(" Moving Back \r\n");
+                        LidarServo=(45/100.0);
+                        //wait(2);
+                        //Flg=0;
+                        //Flg=0;                        
+                        }
+        }
+        else if(Flg2 == 2){
+             Flg = 2;
+             //pc.printf(" Moving Back \r\n");
+             while(Cnt<100){
+                 if (Tsop1_Val==1){drive_backward((float)Level);}
+                 else{Robot_Stop();Flg = 0;break;}
+                 pc.printf(" Moving Back \r\n");
+                 Cnt+=1;  
+                 wait(0.1);              
+             }
+             //wait(2);
+             Flg2 =0;
+             Flg=0;
+             Cnt=0;            
+        } 
+        else if (Flg2 == 6){
+            Level = (27.0/100.0); 
+            Dist_Val = LidarSense((int)LsrvMin,(int)LsrvMax); 
+                   if (Dist_Val< 150.0){
+                        LsrvMin = 45;
+                        LsrvMax = 90;
+                        Val=0.0;
+                        Level = ((float)Val/100);
+                        Flg2=0;Flg=0;
+                       // Cnt = Cnt+1;                        
+                        }
+                    else if ((Dist_Val> 150.0)&&(Dist_Val<= 200.0)){
+                        //LsrvMin= 
+                        LsrvMin = (((float)Dist_Val - 150.0)*(45.0 - 30.0)/(200.0 - 150.0) + 30.0 );
+                        LsrvMax = (((float)Dist_Val - 150.0)*(60.0 - 90.0)/(200.0 - 150.0) + 90.0 );
+                        Val = (((float)Dist_Val - 150.0)*(27.0 - 0.0)/(200.0 - 150.0) + 0.0 );
+                        Level = ((float)Val/100);
+                        /*pos = (int)((*100.0);
+                              LeftPos = pos-10.0;
+                              RightPos = pos+20.0;
+                              myservo.write(RightPos/100.0);
+                              wait(3);
+                              myservo.write(LeftPos/100.0);
+                              wait(0.01);
+                              pos = (int)((*100.0);
+                              if(pos>37.5){
+                                 myservo = (40.0/100.0);
+                              }
+                              else{
+                                 myservo = (35.0/100.0);        
+                              }*/
+                        Cnt=0;
+                        if (BT_Val==15){Flg=0;}
+                        }
+                    else if (Dist_Val> 200.0){
+                        LsrvMin = 49;
+                        LsrvMax = 51;
+                        //Val=25.0;
+                        Level = (27.0/100);
+                        if ((value1>=0.99)&& (value2<0.8)){
+                           pos = (int)((*100.0);
+                           LeftPos = pos-10.0;
+                           RightPos = pos+5.0;
+                           myservo.write(LeftPos/100.0);
+                           wait(1);
+                           myservo.write(RightPos/100.0);
+                           wait(0.1);
+                           pos = (int)((*100.0);
+                           if(pos>33.5){
+                              myservo = (40.0/100.0);
+                           }
+                           else{
+                              myservo = (39.0/100.0);        
+                           }
+                        }
+                        else if ((value2>=0.99)&& (value1<0.8)){
+                              pos = ((*100.0);
+                              LeftPos = pos-5.0;
+                              RightPos = pos+10.0;
+                              myservo.write(RightPos/100.0);
+                              wait(1);
+                              myservo.write(LeftPos/100.0);
+                              wait(0.01);
+                              pos = (int)((*100.0);
+                              if(pos>37.5){
+                                 myservo = (40.0/100.0);
+                              }
+                              else{
+                                 myservo = (35.0/100.0);        
+                              }
+                        }
+                        Cnt=0;            
+                 }   
+        }
+        // Flags for RoboMotion
+        if (Flg == 1){
+            if (Tsop2_Val==1){drive_forward((float)Level);}
+            else{Robot_Stop();Flg = 0;}
+            //drive_forward((float)Level);                
+            }
+        else if (Flg == 2){
+            if (Tsop1_Val==1){drive_backward((float)Level);}
+            else{Robot_Stop();Flg = 0;}
+            //drive_backward((float)Level);
+            } 
+        else if (Flg == 0){
+            Robot_Stop();
+            }
+        // forward and backward collision avoidance by TSOP IR
+        /*if ((Flg==2)&& (Tsop1_Val==1)){
+             drive_backward(0.3f);
+            }
+        else if ((Flg==2)&& (Tsop1_Val==0)){
+             Robot_Stop();
+             Flg=0;             
+            }
+        if ((Flg==1)&& (Tsop2_Val==1)){
+             drive_forward((float)Level);
+            }
+        else if ((Flg==1)&& (Tsop2_Val==0)){
+             Robot_Stop();
+             Flg=0;             
+            }*/
+    }
+// Function which calls specific execution for corresponding incomming Serial inputs from Bluetooth
+void handleInput(int in) {
+    switch(in) { 
+    //Motor Rotation Controls       
+        case 6 :// Forward Motion
+            Flg = 1;
+            break;        
+        case 7 :
+            Flg = 2;// Backward Motion
+            break;
+        case 0 :  // Robot Stop      
+            Flg = 0;
+            Flg2 = 0;
+            break;
+        case 13 :  // Activate Lidar     
+            Flg2 = 1;
+            break;
+        case 15 :  // Activate Lane Keeping.
+             pos = (int)((*100); 
+            if(pos>33){
+               myservo = (27/100.0);
+            }
+            else{
+               myservo = (35/100.0);        
+            }     
+            Flg2 = 4;
+            break;
+        case 14 :  // Activate Lane Keeping.
+            pos = (int)((*100); 
+            if(pos>33){
+               myservo = (27/100.0);
+            }
+            else{
+               myservo = (35/100.0);        
+            }     
+            Flg2 = 6;
+            break;
+    //Servo Rotation Controls
+        case 1:// Turn 30 degree Left and back to front facing
+            if (pos >5){
+                myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for( j1=pos; j1>=5; j1--) {
+                    myservo = (j1/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j1;
+                for(i1=pos; i1<=39; i1++) {
+                    myservo = (i1/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i1;         
+            }
+            else{
+                 myservo = (10/100.0); 
+                 pos = 5;
+                 for(i1=pos; i1<=39; i1++) {
+                    myservo = (i1/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i1;                
+            }                
+            break;
+        case 2: //Turn 30 degree Left 
+            if (pos >5){
+                //myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for( j1=pos; j1>=5; j1--) {
+                    myservo = (j1/100.0);
+                   // printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j1;         
+            }
+            else{
+                 myservo = (5/100.0);                
+            }      
+            break;
+        case 3: // Sweep Servo to forward position irrespective of its current position
+            if(pos >40){
+                //myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for( j=pos; j>=30; j--) {
+                    myservo = (j/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j;
+            }
+            else if (pos < 25){
+                //myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for(i1=pos; i1<=39; i1++) {
+                    myservo = (i1/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i1;   
+            }
+            else{
+                myservo = (pos/100.0);                
+            }
+            break;
+        case 4://Turn 30 degree Right
+            if (pos <66){
+               // myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for(i=pos; i<=65; i++) {
+                    myservo = (i/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i;                
+            }
+            else{
+                myservo = (65/100.0);                 
+            }
+            break;
+        case 5:// Turn 30 degree Right and back to front facing
+            if (pos <66){
+                //myservo = (pos/100.0);
+                for(i=pos; i<=65; i++) {
+                    myservo = (i/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);
+                }
+                pos=i; 
+                for( j=pos; j>=30; j--) {
+                    myservo = (j/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j;               
+            }
+            else{
+                myservo = (65/100.0);
+                pos = 65;
+                for( j=pos; j>=30; j--) {
+                    myservo = (j/100.0);
+                    //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                    wait(0.01);        
+                }
+                pos=j;                 
+            }
+            //break;
+            break;
+        case 8:// Turn Servo Left by 5 degrees irrespective of its current position
+            pos = pos-5;
+            myservo = (pos/100.0);
+            if (pos < 5){
+                pos = 5;                
+            }   
+            break;
+        case 9: // Turn Servo right by 5 degrees irrespective of its current position
+            pos = pos+5;
+            myservo = (pos/100.0); 
+            if (pos > 65){
+                pos = 65;                
+            }            
+            break; 
+        default:
+            pc.printf("I don't know: \"%d\"\n", in);
+            break;
+    }
+// Function to move rear wheel DC motors forward
+void drive_forward(float level){
+     ENApwm.write(level);
+     ENBpwm.write(level); 
+     LeftMotor_P1=1; 
+     LeftMotor_P2=0;
+     RightMotor_P1=1;
+     RightMotor_P2=0; 
+// Function to move rear wheel DC motors backward 
+void drive_backward(float level){
+     ENApwm.write(level);
+     ENBpwm.write(level); 
+     LeftMotor_P1=0; 
+     LeftMotor_P2=1;
+     RightMotor_P1=0;
+     RightMotor_P2=1; 
+ } 
+// Function to stop rear wheel motion
+void Robot_Stop() {
+     //ENApwm.write(level);
+     //ENBpwm.write(level); 
+     LeftMotor_P1=1; 
+     LeftMotor_P2=1;
+     RightMotor_P1=1;
+     RightMotor_P2=1; 
+float LidarSense(int minpos, int maxpos){
+    float sum=0.0;
+    int cnt =0;
+    float Avg = 0.0;
+   // if (Flg2 == 1)  {
+            for(int i=minpos; i<=maxpos; i++) {
+                  LidarServo = (i/100.0);
+                  L_Dist=Lidar.distance();
+                  LSrvoPos =; 
+                  //pc.printf("D %d P %f\n\r",L_Dist ,LSrvoPos);
+                  dt.reset();
+                  sum = sum+L_Dist;
+                  cnt = cnt+1;
+                  /*if (Flg == 1){
+                    drive_forward((float)Level);  
+                    }
+                else if (Flg == 2){
+                    drive_backward((float)Level);
+                    } 
+                else if (Flg == 0){
+                    Robot_Stop();
+                    } */
+                  //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                  wait(0.008);
+                 }
+                for(int i=maxpos; i>=minpos; i--) {
+                  LidarServo = (i/100.0);
+                  L_Dist=Lidar.distance();
+                  LSrvoPos =;
+                  //pc.printf("D %d P %f\n\r",L_Dist,LSrvoPos);
+                  //pc.printf("distance = %d cm frequency = %.2f Hz ServoPos = %f degrees\n\r", Lidar.distance(), 1/,;
+                  dt.reset();
+                  sum = sum+L_Dist; 
+                  cnt = cnt+1;
+                  //printf("%f\r\n",;
+                  /*if (Flg == 1){
+                    drive_forward((float)Level);  
+                    }
+                else if (Flg == 2){
+                    drive_backward((float)Level);
+                    } 
+                else if (Flg == 0){
+                    Robot_Stop();
+                    } */
+                  wait(0.008);
+                }
+    Avg = sum/cnt;
+    pc.printf("flg2 = %d \r\n",Flg2);
+    pc.printf("Avg = %f \r\n",Avg);
+    return Avg;
+    //LidarSense((int)LsrvMin,(int)LsrvMax);
+      //  }
+    //else{ 
+    //     Flg2=0;
+    //    }    
\ No newline at end of file