This is a sample example code to get started using ESP8266NodeMCU library. Please make necessary changes.

Dependencies:   ESP8266NodeMCUInterface mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "ESP8266.h"
00003 #include "TCPSocketConnection.h"
00004 #include <string>
00005 using namespace std;
00007 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
00008 ESP8266 ark(PA_9,PA_10,D3,115200);
00009 Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
00010 TCPSocketConnection gm;
00012 int main()
00013 {
00014     pc.baud(115200);
00015     int i=0;
00016     while(1) {
00017         if(i==0) {
00018 hardwareInit:
00019             pc.printf("intializing hardware,...\r\n");
00020             if(ark.init()) {
00021                 pc.printf("hardware intialized!\r\n");
00022                 i=1;
00023 nustConnection:
00024                 pc.printf("connecting to NUST,...\r\n");
00025                 if(ark.connect("NUST","nust008tech")) {
00027                     pc.printf("NUST Connected!\r\n");
00028                     if(ark.is_connected()) {
00029                         pc.printf("connection confirmed!\r\n");
00030                         pc.printf("IP Adress: %s\r\n",ark.getIPAddress());
00031 hostConnection:
00032                         pc.printf("connecting to Host,...\r\n");
00033                         if(gm.connect("",80)==0) {
00034                             pc.printf("Host connected.\r\n");
00036                             char getRequest[] = "GET /testwifi/index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n";
00037 sendGETRequest:
00038                             pc.printf("sending GET request,...\r\n");
00039                             if(gm.send_all(getRequest,strlen(getRequest))>0) {
00040                                 pc.printf("GET requested!\r\n");
00042                                 char getResponce[500]={};
00043                                 pc.printf("reading responce of GET request!\r\n");
00044                                 int resBytes = gm.receive_all(getResponce,500);
00045                                 if(resBytes > 0) {
00046                                     pc.printf("Responce Received!\r\n");
00047                                     pc.printf("Responce:\r\n%s\r\n",getResponce);
00048                                 } else if(resBytes==0) {
00049                                     pc.printf("Empty Responce!\r\n");
00050                                     goto sendGETRequest;
00051                                 } else {
00052                                     pc.printf("Resopnce NOT Received!\r\n");
00053                                     goto sendGETRequest;
00054                                 }
00056                             } else {
00057                                 pc.printf("GET request failed!\r\n");
00058                                 goto sendGETRequest;
00059                             }
00060                         } else {
00061                             pc.printf("Host Connection Failed\r\n");
00062                             goto hostConnection;
00063                         }
00064                     } else {
00065                         pc.printf("sonething went wrong with connection. not connected \r\n");
00066                         goto nustConnection;
00067                     }
00068                 } else {
00069                     pc.printf("conenction fail!\r\n");
00070                     goto nustConnection;
00071                 }
00072             } else {
00073                 pc.printf("hardware not intialized!\r\n");
00074                 goto hardwareInit;
00075             }
00076         }
00077         wait(1);
00078     }
00079 }