
Dependents:   espyun espyun

Fork of WIZnetInterface by jiang hao


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
32:26fc4b6c5784 2016-11-09 846354866 sensor iot for espressif(no chinese) version0.1 default tip
31:f6a5f6d1978b 2016-11-04 846354866 sensor iot for espressif(no chinese) version0.1
30:6feeaebad180 2016-11-04 jh_ndm http to esp
29:c91884bd2713 2015-11-17 embeddist Fixed setMAC() functions
28:200e63e513a8 2015-10-29 embeddist -Added defined TARGET_WIZwiki_W7500ECO ; -Fixed defined TARGET_WIZwiki_W7500P@eth_arch.h;
27:1169973d836c 2015-10-05 hjjeon Merged from branch.
26:d07c80e18b27 2015-10-05 hjjeon Add defines about W7500P
25:48abbe1d9bab 2015-10-05 hjjeon Add defines about W7500P
24:06e3836a627b 2015-06-29 embeddist remove dummy code
23:0c6cbce7c860 2015-09-15 hkjung .
22:b727920ecc5d 2015-08-28 joon874 change mbed lib and buffer size
21:3b64df29662f 2015-07-30 hjjeon Add error message at set_address.
20:bda61525ac71 2015-07-22 kaizen Added init() function. This function is necessary when you want to HTTPServer library which release by mbed.; ; init() function is same with init(uint8_t *mac) function.
19:d8773cd4edc5 2015-07-01 hjjeon Remove printf is_link
18:27b3e3a39df4 2015-06-29 embeddist remove NTP.lib and SNTP.lib
17:7d7553e0578e 2015-06-25 eunkyoungkim modify wrong data(SSD1306.h)
16:c830d2e7e0f5 2015-06-24 eunkyoungkim Add SNTP Client
15:24a9f2df2145 2015-06-22 embeddist - fixed DHCP bug.; - fixed link check func.
14:2101ab5ee40f 2015-06-17 embeddist - arch/int/W5500.c - fixed reset() for WIZ550io; - tested arch/in/W5500 on LPC824 / NUCLEOF103RB / FRDM-KL25Z
13:ec1c34e9ec45 2015-06-16 Soohwan Kim on debuggin
12:99e8386ba225 2015-06-16 Soohwan Kim on debuggin
11:b319c1859f9b 2015-06-16 Soohwan Kim fixed syntax err
10:0d17643de5fd 2015-06-16 Soohwan Kim fixed link/set_link
9:40d25592e6a0 2015-06-16 Soohwan Kim remove intlevel
8:4c02de1dbf3a 2015-06-16 Soohwan Kim amened
7:da6fcec0f3fe 2015-06-15 embeddist changed eth_arch.h; * to select arch depending on TargetPlatfom automatically
6:94a81e80c675 2015-06-15 Soohwan Kim remove detail func
5:f432ae8f8708 2015-06-15 Soohwan Kim amend
4:4930f81bbe98 2015-06-15 Soohwan Kim fixed W5500.h
3:f8c6efc8bf83 2015-06-15 embeddist on debugging: fixed some bugs
2:26df0dc6e227 2015-06-15 Soohwan Kim amend
1:175e7f8374e1 2015-06-15 Soohwan Kim remove dummy codes
0:6f28332c466f 2015-06-15 Soohwan Kim initial version