Read GPS satellite fix, latitude, longitude, MSL altitude, speed (Km/Hour) over ground coordinates and heading (0-360deg).

Dependencies:   Adafruit_FONA_SIMCOM_Library mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Sep 28 08:53:13 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Program Name    : SIM808 GPS 
+Author          : Crispin Mukalay
+Date Modified   : 31/08/2018
+Compiler        : ARMmbed
+Tested On       : NUCLEO-F446RE
+Description     : Demonstrates the use of the SIM808 Shield to read the GPS
+                  satellite fix, latitude, longitude, MSL altitude, 
+                  speed (Km/Hour) over ground coordinates and heading (0-360deg).
+Requirements    : * NUCLEO-F446RE Board
+                  * SIM808 GSM/GPS Module
+Circuit         : * The SIM808 module is connected as follows:
+                    VCC/5V/VIN                      -   5V
+                    GND                             -   GND
+                    RXD                             -   PA0 (F446's Serial4_TX pin)
+                    TXD                             -   PA1 (F446's Serial4_RX pin)
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Adafruit_FONA.h"
+Adafruit_FONA gps(PA_0, PA_1, PA_6, PA_7);     //Create a Adafruit_FONA object called gps
+//                TX    RX    RST    RI
+//Not all SIM808-based boards have a RST (Reset) and RI (Ring Indicator) pin,
+//but when initializing the object one needs to specify them, even if they
+//are not there.  In our case we just used two unused pins (PA_6 & PA_7) as "dummy" pins.
+Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);    //to use the PC as a console (display output)
+int main() {
+    int SIM808Success;
+    bool gpsSuccess, gpsCoordinates;
+    float fix, latitude, longitude, MSL_altitude, speed_kph, heading;
+    pc.printf("Program Started...\n");
+    /* create connection to SIM808 */
+    pc.printf("\nConnecting to SIM808...\n");
+    SIM808Success = gps.begin(9600);              //connect to SIM808 device at 9600 baud rate and return if successful(=1) or not (=0) 
+    if(SIM808Success == 1) 
+        pc.printf("\nSIM808 detected successfully...\n");
+    else {
+        pc.printf("\nSIM808 not detected!\n");
+        while(1);                           //program stops/freezes at this point if SIM808 not detected
+    }
+    /* Enable GPS*/
+    gpsSuccess = gps.enableGPS(true);
+    if (gpsSuccess == true) 
+       pc.printf("\nGPS enable successful...\n");
+    else
+       pc.printf("\nGPS enable failed!\n");
+    while(1) {
+        wait(2);
+        /* Read coordinates from GPS*/
+        gpsCoordinates = gps.getGPS(&fix, &latitude, &longitude, &MSL_altitude, &speed_kph, &heading);
+        if(gpsCoordinates == true){
+            if(fix == 1.0f){
+                pc.printf("\n");
+                pc.printf("Latitude: %.6f\n", latitude);
+                pc.printf("Longitude: %.6f\n", longitude);
+                pc.printf("MSL altitude: %.6f\n", MSL_altitude);
+                pc.printf("Speed: %.6f kph\n", speed_kph);
+                pc.printf("Heading: %.6f \n", heading);
+            }else{
+                pc.printf("Waiting for satellite fix...\n");
+            }
+        }else{
+            pc.printf("Waiting for satellite fix...\n");
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file