Similar to the example code.

Dependencies:   mbed N5110

diff -r 85ab0d979b57 -r 533869513c4a Bird/Bird.h
--- a/Bird/Bird.h	Sat May 04 08:53:09 2019 +0000
+++ b/Bird/Bird.h	Sun May 05 14:14:32 2019 +0000
@@ -5,21 +5,60 @@
 #include "N5110.h"
 #include "Gamepad.h"
+/** Bird Class
+@brief Library to create the bird
+@author Meng Yang
+@date May 2017
 class Bird
     public :
+    /** 
+    *@brief Initialise all the parameters of the bird 
+    */
     void init();
+    /** 
+    *@brief Set the speed of the bird
+    *@param speed 
+    *@details The speed of the bird
+    */
     void set_speed(int speed);
+    /** 
+    *@brief Draw the bird
+    *@param lcd The name of N5110 object
+    *@details Use this method to use the functions within N5110.h file
+    */
     void draw(N5110 &lcd);
+    /**
+    *@brief update the data of the bird
+    *@param pad The name of Gamepad object
+    *@details Use this method to use the functions within N5110.h file
+    */
     void update(Gamepad &pad);
+    /**
+    *@brief set lcd mode when game over
+    *@param lcd The name of N5110 object
+    *@details Use this method to use the functions within N5110.h file
+    */
     void background(N5110 &lcd);
+    /**
+    *@brief get position of the bird
+    *@returns position of the bird
+    */
     int get_y();
     private :
     int _y;
     int _head;