Similar to the example code.

Dependencies:   mbed N5110

--- a/Cylinder/Cylinder.cpp	Tue Apr 23 16:04:18 2019 +0000
+++ b/Cylinder/Cylinder.cpp	Sat May 04 08:53:09 2019 +0000
@@ -11,21 +11,101 @@
     _gap1 = rand()%11+15;
     _gap2 = rand()%11+15;
     _gap3 = rand()%11+15;
+    _speed = 2;
     _score = 0;
+    _state = 0;
+void Cylinder::select(N5110 &lcd, Gamepad &pad)
+    pad.init();
+    while( pad.check_event(Gamepad::START_PRESSED) == false ) {
+        lcd.clear();
+        lcd.printString("Normal", 0,0);
+        lcd.printString("Difficult", 0,2);
+        lcd.printString(" Press Start  ",0,4);
+        lcd.printString(" to continue  ",0,5);
+        Direction d = pad.get_direction();
+        if(d == S) {
+            _state = _state + 1;
+        }
+        if(d == N) {
+            _state = _state - 1;
+        }
+        if (_state < 0) {
+            _state = 1;
+        }
+        if(_state > 1) {
+            _state = 0;
+        }
+        switch(_state) {
+            //get the first option
+            case 0 :
+                lcd.drawRect(42,3,13,3,FILL_BLACK);
+                lcd.drawRect(37,0,5,9,FILL_BLACK);
+                lcd.setPixel(36,4,true);
+                lcd.setPixel(37,0,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(38,0,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(39,0,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(37,1,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(38,1,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(37,2,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(37,6,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(37,7,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(38,7,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(37,8,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(38,8,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(39,8,false);
+                break;
+            case 1 :
+                lcd.drawRect(63,18,13,3,FILL_BLACK);
+                lcd.drawRect(58,15,5,9,FILL_BLACK);
+                lcd.setPixel(57,19,true);
+                lcd.setPixel(58,15,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(59,15,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(60,15,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(58,16,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(59,16,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(58,17,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(58,21,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(58,22,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(59,22,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(58,23,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(59,23,false);
+                lcd.setPixel(60,23,false);
+                _height1 = rand()%9+10;
+                _height2 = rand()%9+10;
+                _height3 = rand()%9+10;
+                _gap1 = rand()%3+13;
+                _gap2 = rand()%3+13;
+                _gap3 = rand()%3+13;
+                _speed = 3;
+                _bird.set_speed(4);
+                break;
+        }
+        lcd.refresh();
+        wait(0.3);
+    }
 void Cylinder::draw(N5110 &lcd)
     if(_x1 > 60 ) {
-         _a = 1;
-         _b = _height2;
-         _c = _height3;
+        _a = 1;
+        _b = _height2;
+        _c = _height3;
     } else if (_x2 > 60) {
-         _a = _height1;
-         _b = 1;
+        _a = _height1;
+        _b = 1;
         _c = _height3;
     } else if (_x3 > 60) {
         _a = _height1;
@@ -49,14 +129,16 @@
 void Cylinder::update()
-    _x1 -= 3;
-    _x2 -= 3;
-    _x3 -= 3;
+    _x1 -= _speed;
+    _x2 -= _speed;
+    _x3 -= _speed;
 void Cylinder::check()
+    if(_state == 0 )
+    {
     if(_x1 < 0) {
         _x1 = 86;
         _height1 = rand()%11+10;
@@ -75,6 +157,27 @@
         _gap3 = rand()%11+15;
         _score += 1;
+    }
+    if(_state == 1) {
+            if(_x1 < 0) {
+        _x1 = 86;
+        _height1 = rand()%9+10;
+        _gap1 = rand()%3+13;
+        _score += 1;
+    }
+    if(_x2 < 0) {
+        _x2 = 86;
+        _height2 = rand()%9+10;
+        _gap2 = rand()%3+13;
+        _score += 1;
+    }
+    if(_x3 < 0) {
+        _x3 = 86;
+        _height3 = rand()%9+10;
+        _gap3 = rand()%3+13;
+        _score += 1;
+    }
+    }
 void Cylinder::print_score(N5110 &lcd)
@@ -83,7 +186,7 @@
     char buffer[1];
     int score = _yourscore;
     sprintf(buffer, "%2d", score);
-    lcd.printString(buffer, 64,1);
+    lcd.printString(buffer, 65,1);