Read the temperature and humidity from the sensor and print them.
Fork of Program2_TempAndHumidity by
- Connect the Temperature sensor as well as the Servo to the Seeeduino-Arch-Link board, and then connect the board to you PC using the micro-USB cable.
- The board mounts as a mass-storage device (like a USB drive). Verify that you can see it (drive name will be MBED).
- Go to http://developer.mbed.org
- Create an ARM mbed account if you do not have one.
- On the top right corner, click the Compiler button.
An IDE should open. Congratulations!
On Windows: To see debug messages, install the serial driver.
Debug messages: We can talk to the board via a serial port, but you might need some software. Read this doc and install required software (like PuTTY or CoolTermon Windows).
Locally: If you like things locally, you can do so by exporting to a supported toolchain.
I very much recommend to just use the online IDE, as it makes it easier for us, but if you want to continue hacking in the future, this is a nice way.
- Go back to the compiler browser window and click F5 to refresh the page.
- Click the Import button, then click "Click Here to import from URL"
- Paste the URL https://developer.mbed.org/teams/znrobotics/code/Seeed_Arch_link_TempAndHumidity/
- Double click to open main.cpp
- We are trying to get the temperature and humidity from the sensor
- Try to finish the code under ' YOUR CODE HERE: read the temperature and humidity
- Now press Compile
- A file downloads ( Seeed_Arch_link_TempAndHumidity.hex)
- Drag the file to the 'MBED' disk
- After flashing, hit the 'Reset' button to start the program.
- With the program running successfully, we can see the temperature and humidity information printed on the terminal (CoolTerm / TeraTerm/ Putty)