Versión de Firmware con funciones de RAM incorporadas.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of VmRecorderV1dot1 by virtualmech

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Doggy/doggy.cpp	Mon Jun 15 15:34:27 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#include "doggy.h"
+DogMLCD::DogMLCD( SPI& spi, PinName cs, PinName a0 ) : spi_(spi), cs_(cs), a0_(a0)
+    //b_ = (char*)calloc( 1024, 1 );
+    XFont = xfont_8;
+    b_ = w_;
+    Clear();
+    const unsigned char c[] = { 
+        0x40,       // display start line + 0-63
+        0xa1,       // ADC set 0xA1 + 0 = normal (for reverse view) / +1 = reverse (for normal view)
+        0xc0,       // common output mode + 0 = normal / + 0xF  reverse
+        0xa6,       // dispaly mode 0xA6 + 0 = normal / 1 = reverse
+        0xa2,       // set bias 0xa20 + 0 = 1/9 / +1 = 1/7
+        0x2f,       // power control: 4 booster on + 2 regulator on + 1 follower on
+        0xf8, 0x00, // set booster ratio , value 0=4x, 1=5x, 2=6x
+        0x27,       // set voltage regulator (0x20) to 7
+        0x81, 0x18, // set electronic volume , value
+        0xac, 0x00, // static indicator set 0xAC +0 = off / +1 = on , 0 = flash mode
+        0xaf        // display 0xAE +0 = off / +1 = on
+    };
+    spi_.format( 8, 0 );
+    spi_.frequency( 1000000 );
+    cs_ = 0;
+    a0_ = 0;    wait_us( DOGMLCD_TIME );
+    for( int i = 0 ; i < sizeof( c ); i++ )
+        spi_.write( c[i] );
+    cs_ = 1;
+void DogMLCD::AttachScreen( char* screen )
+    b_ = screen;
+void DogMLCD::DetachScreen()
+    b_ = w_;
+#define FASTPOKE( x, y ) b_[ ( ( y & 56 ) << 4 ) + ( x & 127 ) ] |= DOGMLCD_on[ y & 7 ];
+#define FASTWIPE( x, y ) b_[ ( ( y & 56 ) << 4 ) + ( x & 127 ) ] &= DOGMLCD_off[ y & 7 ];
+#define FASTINV( x, y ) b_[ ( ( y & 56 ) << 4 ) + ( x & 127 ) ] ^= DOGMLCD_on[ y & 7 ];
+void DogMLCD::Poke( int x, int y )
+    if( ( x & 0xFF80 ) == 0 && ( y & 0xFFC0 ) == 0 )
+        FASTPOKE( x, y )
+void DogMLCD::Wipe( int x, int y )
+    if( ( x & 0xFF80 ) == 0 && ( y & 0xFFC0 ) == 0 )
+        FASTWIPE( x, y )
+void DogMLCD::Inv( int x, int y )
+    if( ( x & 0xFF80 ) == 0 && ( y & 0xFFC0 ) == 0 )
+        FASTINV( x, y )
+void DogMLCD::InvRect( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 )
+    for(int i = y0; i < y1 + 1; i++){
+        for(int j = x0; j < x1 + 1; j++){
+            Inv(j,i);
+        }
+    }
+void DogMLCD::Clear()
+    int i = 1024;
+    char* p = b_;
+    while( i-- )
+        *p++ = 0;
+void DogMLCD::Flush()
+    char* p = b_;
+    spi_.format( 8, 0 );
+    spi_.frequency( DOGMLCD_MHZ );
+    cs_ = 0;
+    for( int page = 0xB0 ; page < 0xB8 ; page++ )
+    {
+        a0_ = 0;    wait_us( DOGMLCD_TIME );
+        spi_.write( page ); spi_.write( 0x10 ); spi_.write( 0x00 );
+        a0_ = 1;    wait_us( DOGMLCD_TIME );
+        int i = 128;
+        while( i-- )
+            spi_.write( *p++ );
+    }
+    cs_ = 1;
+void DogMLCD::Flush( unsigned char page, int x0, int x1 )
+    page &= 7;
+    BOUND( x0, 0, 127 );
+    BOUND( x1, 0, 127 );
+    ORDER( x0 , x1 )
+    char* p = b_ + ( page << 7 ) + x0;
+    spi_.format( 8, 0 );
+    spi_.frequency( DOGMLCD_MHZ );
+    cs_ = 0;
+    a0_ = 0;    wait_us( DOGMLCD_TIME );
+    spi_.write( 0xB0 + page ); spi_.write( 0x10 ); spi_.write( 0x00 );
+    a0_ = 1;    wait_us( DOGMLCD_TIME );
+    int i = x1 - x0 + 1;
+    while( i-- )
+        spi_.write( *p++ );
+    cs_ = 1;
+void DogMLCD::Page( unsigned char page0, unsigned char page1 )
+    page0 &= 7;
+    if( page1 == 0 ) page1 = page0;
+    else
+    {
+        page1 &= 7;
+        ORDER( page0, page1 );
+    }
+    char* p = b_ + ( page0 << 7 );
+    spi_.format( 8, 0 );
+    spi_.frequency( DOGMLCD_MHZ );
+    cs_ = 0;
+    for( int page = 0xB0 + page0 ; page <= ( 0xB0 + page1 ) ; page++ )
+    {
+        a0_ = 0;    wait_us( DOGMLCD_TIME );
+        spi_.write( page ); spi_.write( 0x10 ); spi_.write( 0x00 );
+        a0_ = 1;    wait_us( DOGMLCD_TIME );
+        int i = 128;
+        while( i-- )
+            spi_.write( *p++ );
+    }
+    cs_ = 1;
+void DogMLCD::Paste( char* screen, doggy_op op )
+    int i = 1024;
+    char* p = b_;
+    char* q = screen;
+    if( op == poke )       while( i-- )  *p++ |= *q++;
+    else if( op == wipe )  while( i-- )  *p++ &= ~(*q++);
+    else                   while( i-- )  *p++ ^= *q++;