workshop 1
Dependencies: PM2_Libary Eigen
Fork of PM2_Example_Summer_School by
- Committer:
- huels035
- Date:
- 2022-05-18
- Revision:
- 45:42adc921bc66
- Parent:
- 44:a65bc3e11481
- Child:
- 46:e5fb4dd7b531
File content as of revision 45:42adc921bc66:
#include <mbed.h> #include "PM2_Libary.h" #include "Eigen/Dense.h" # define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 // number pi //Workshop 1 // logical variable main task bool do_execute_main_task = false; // this variable will be toggled via the user button (blue button) to or not to execute the main task // user button on nucleo board Timer user_button_timer; // create Timer object which we use to check if user button was pressed for a certain time (robust against signal bouncing) InterruptIn user_button(PC_13); // create InterruptIn interface object to evaluate user button falling and rising edge (no blocking code in ISR) void user_button_pressed_fcn(); // custom functions which gets executed when user button gets pressed and released, definition below void user_button_released_fcn(); int main() { // while loop gets executed every main_task_period_ms milliseconds const int main_task_period_ms = 10; // define main task period time in ms e.g. 50 ms -> main task runns 20 times per second Timer main_task_timer; // create Timer object which we use to run the main task every main task period time in ms // a coutner uint32_t main_task_cntr = 0; // led on nucleo board DigitalOut user_led(LED1); // create DigitalOut object to command user led // attach button fall and rise functions to user button object user_button.fall(&user_button_pressed_fcn); user_button.rise(&user_button_released_fcn); // start timer main_task_timer.start(); while (true) { // this loop will run forever main_task_timer.reset(); if (do_execute_main_task) { } else { } // user_led is switching its state every second if ( (main_task_cntr%(1000 / main_task_period_ms) == 0) && (main_task_cntr!=0) ) { user_led = !user_led; } main_task_cntr++; // do only output via serial what's really necessary (this makes your code slow) /* printf("IR sensor (mV): %3.3f, IR sensor (cm): %3.3f, SensorBar angle (rad): %3.3f, Speed M1 (rps) %3.3f, Position M2 (rot): %3.3f\r\n", ir_distance_mV, ir_distance_cm, sensor_bar_avgAngleRad, speedController_M1.getSpeedRPS(), positionController_M2.getRotation()); */ // read timer and make the main thread sleep for the remaining time span (non blocking) int main_task_elapsed_time_ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(main_task_timer.elapsed_time()).count(); thread_sleep_for(main_task_period_ms - main_task_elapsed_time_ms); } } void user_button_pressed_fcn() { user_button_timer.start(); user_button_timer.reset(); } void user_button_released_fcn() { // read timer and toggle do_execute_main_task if the button was pressed longer than the below specified time int user_button_elapsed_time_ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(user_button_timer.elapsed_time()).count(); user_button_timer.stop(); if (user_button_elapsed_time_ms > 200) { do_execute_main_task = !do_execute_main_task; } }