Example program to demonstrate the use of the UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt class, providing FTP, HTTP, and CellLocate support. It may be used on the C027 and C030 (non-N2xx flavour) boards.

Dependencies:   gnss ublox-at-cellular-interface-ext ublox-cellular-base ublox-cellular-driver-gen

Fork of example-ublox-at-cellular-interface-ext by u-blox

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Jun 09 22:23:57 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jun 13 00:13:40 2017 +0100
@@ -126,7 +126,12 @@
 int main()
-    UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt *interface = new UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt();
+//    UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt *interface = new UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt();
+    // If you need to debug the cellular interface, comment out the
+    // instantiation above and uncomment the one below.
+    UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt *interface = new UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt(MDMTXD, MDMRXD,
+                                                                             MBED_CONF_UBLOX_CELL_BAUD_RATE,
+                                                                             true);
     UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::Error *err;
     UbloxATCellularInterfaceExt::CellLocData data;
     char buf[1024];
@@ -134,7 +139,12 @@
     int numRes;
     GnssSerial gnssSerial; // This needed purely to power on the GNSS chip in 
                            // order that Cell Locate on the module can use it
+#ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
+    // No user button on C027
+    InterruptIn userButton(NC);
     InterruptIn userButton(SW0);
     // Attach a function to the user button
@@ -219,7 +229,7 @@
         // CELL LOCATE OPERATIONS (in a loop)
         printf("=== Cell Locate ===\n");
-        printf("Sending Cell Locate requests in a loop until the user button is pressed...\n");
+        printf("Sending Cell Locate requests in a loop (until the user button is pressed on C030 or forever on C027)...\n");
         while (!buttonPressed) {
             interface->cellLocConfig(1); // Deep scan mode