support library for C027 helper functions for Buffer Pipes, Buffered Serial Port (rtos capable) and GPS parsing. It includes modem APIs for USSD, SMS and Sockets.

Dependents:   HTTPClient_Cellular_HelloWorld Cellular_HelloMQTT MbedSmartRestMain Car_Bon_car_module ... more

This library is intended to be used with u-blox products such as the C027 or a shield with u-blox cellular and GPS modules like the cellular and positioning shield from Embedded Artist.

For 2G/GSM and 3G/UMTS you need to:

  • have a SIM card and know its PIN number
  • need to know you network operators APN setting These setting should be passed to the connect or init and join functions. You can also extend the APN database in MDMAPN.h.

For CDMA products you need to make sure that you have provisioned and activated the modem with either Sprint or Verizon.

diff -r 1a647403171b -r a0bed6c1e05d MDM.h
--- a/MDM.h	Tue Apr 08 15:49:04 2014 +0000
+++ b/MDM.h	Wed Apr 09 11:48:04 2014 +0000
@@ -18,12 +18,222 @@
 class MDMParser
-    // waitFinalResp Responses
+    //! Constructor 
+    MDMParser(void);
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Types 
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    //! MT models
+    typedef enum { MODEL_UNKNOWN, MODEL_SARA_G350, MODEL_LISA_U200, MODEL_LISA_C200 } Model; 
+    //! SIM Status
+    typedef enum { SIM_UNKNOWN, SIM_PIN, SIM_READY } Sim; 
+    //! Device status
+    typedef struct { Model model; Sim sim; char ccid[20]; char imsi[16]; char imei[16]; } DevStatus;
+    //! Network Registration Status
+    // Access Technology
+    // Network Status
+    typedef struct { Reg reg; AcT act; int rssi; char opr[17]; char num[20]; } NetStatus;
+    //! An IP address
+    typedef uint32_t IP; 
+    //! No IP address
+    #define NOIP ((MDMParser::IP)0)
+    // ip number formating and conversion
+    #define IPSTR           "%d.%d.%d.%d"
+    #define IPNUM(ip)       ((ip)>>24)&0xff, \
+                            ((ip)>>16)&0xff, \
+                            ((ip)>> 8)&0xff, \
+                            ((ip)>> 0)&0xff
+    #define IPADR(a,b,c,d) ((((IP)(a))<<24) | \
+                            (((IP)(b))<<16) | \
+                            (((IP)(c))<< 8) | \
+                            (((IP)(d))<< 0))
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Data Connection (GPRS)
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    /** register (Attach) the MT to the GPRS service. 
+        \param pin  a optional pin of the SIM card
+        \param status an optional struture to with device information 
+        \return true if successful, false otherwise
+    */
+    bool init(const char* pin = NULL, DevStatus* status = NULL);
+    /** check if the network is available 
+        \param status an optional structure to with network information 
+        \return true if successful and connected to network, false otherwise
+    */
+    bool checkNetStatus(NetStatus* status = NULL);
+    /** Power off the MT, This function has to be called prior to 
+        switching off the supply. 
+        \return true if successfully, false otherwise
+    */ 
+    bool powerOff(void);
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Data Connection (GPRS)
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    /** register (Attach) the MT to the GPRS service. 
+        \param apn  the of the network provider e.g. "internet" or ""
+        \param user is the user name text string for the authentication phase
+        \param password is the password text string for the authentication phase
+        \return the ip that is assigned 
+    */
+    MDMParser::IP join(const char* apn = NULL, const char* user = NULL, const char* password = NULL);
+    /** deregister (detach) the MT from the GPRS service.
+        \return true if successful, false otherwise
+    */
+    bool disconnect(void);
+    /** Translates a domain name to an IP address
+        \param host the domain name to translate e.g. ""
+        \return the IP if successful, 0 otherwise
+    */
+    MDMParser::IP gethostbyname(const char* host);
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Sockets
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    //! Type of IP protocol 
+    typedef enum { IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP } IpProtocol; 
+    //! Socket error return codes
+    #define SOCKET_ERROR -1
+    /** Create a socket for a ip protocol
+        \param ipproto the protocol (UDP or TCP) 
+        \return the socket handle if successful or SOCKET_ERROR on failure 
+    */
+    int socketSocket(IpProtocol ipproto);
+    /** make a socket connection
+        \param socket the socket handle
+        \param host the domain name to connect e.g. ""
+        \param port the port to connect
+        \return true if successfully, false otherwise
+    */
+    bool socketConnect(int socket, const char* host, int port);
+    /** Write socket data 
+        \param socket the socket handle
+        \param buf the buffer to write
+        \param len the size of the buffer to write
+        \return the size written or SOCKET_ERROR on failure 
+    */
+    int socketSend(int socket, const char * buf, int len);
+    /** Write socket data to a IP
+        \param socket the socket handle
+        \param ip the ip to send to
+        \param port the port to send to
+        \param buf the buffer to write
+        \param len the size of the buffer to write
+        \return the size written or SOCKET_ERROR on failure 
+    */
+    int socketSendTo(int socket, IP ip, int port, const char * buf, int len);
+    /** Get the number of bytes pending for reading for this socket
+        \param socket the socket handle
+        \return the number of bytes pending or SOCKET_ERROR on failure 
+    */
+    int socketReadable(int socket);
+    /** Read this socket
+        \param socket the socket handle
+        \param buf the buffer to read into
+        \param len the size of the buffer to read into
+        \return the number of bytes read or SOCKET_ERROR on failure 
+    */
+    int socketRecv(int socket, char* buf, int len);
+    /** Read from this socket
+        \param socket the socket handle
+        \param buf the buffer to read into
+        \param len the size of the buffer to read into
+        \param ip the ip of host where the data originates from
+        \return the number of bytes read or SOCKET_ERROR on failure 
+    */
+    int socketRecvFrom(int socket, char* buf, int len, IP* ip);
+    /** Close a connectied socket (that was connected with #socketConnect)
+        \param socket the socket handle
+        \return true if successfully, false otherwise
+    */    
+    bool socketClose(int socket);
+    /** Free the socket (that was allocated before by #socketSocket)
+        \param socket the socket handle
+        \return true if successfully, false otherwise
+    */    
+    bool socketFree(int socket);
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // SMS Short Message Service
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    /** count the number of sms in the device and optionally return a 
+        list with indexes from the storage locations in the device.
+        \param stat what type of messages you can use use 
+                    "REC UNREAD", "REC READ", "STO UNSENT", "STO SENT", "ALL"
+        \param ix   list where to save the storage positions
+        \param num  number of elements in the list 
+        \return the number of messages, this can be bigger than num, -1 on failure
+    */
+    int smsList(const char* stat = "ALL", int* ix = NULL, int num = 0);
+    /** Read a Message from a storage position
+        \param ix the storage position to read
+        \param num the originator address (~16 chars)
+        \param buf a buffer where to save the sm
+        \param len the length of the sm
+        \return true if successful, false otherwise
+    */
+    bool smsRead(int ix, char* num, char* buf, int len);
+    /** Send a message to a recipient 
+        \param ix the storage position to delete
+        \return true if successful, false otherwise
+    */
+    bool smsDelete(int ix);
+    /** Send a message to a recipient 
+        \param num the phone number of the recipient
+        \param buf the content of the message to sent
+        \return true if successful, false otherwise
+    */
+    bool smsSend(const char* num, const char* buf);
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    /** Read a Message from a storage position
+        \param cmd the ussd command to send e.g "*#06#"
+        \param buf a buffer where to save the reply
+        \return true if successful, false otherwise
+    */
+    bool ussdCommand(const char* cmd, char* buf);
+     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Parseing
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   // waitFinalResp Responses
     #define NOT_FOUND    0
     #define WAIT        -1 // TIMEOUT
     #define OK          -2 
     #define ERROR       -3
     #define PROMPT      -4
     // getLine Responses
     #define LENGTH(x)  (x & 0x00FFFF)
     #define TYPE(x)    (x & 0xFF0000)
@@ -38,29 +248,58 @@
     #define TYPE_NOANSWER   0x260000
     #define TYPE_PROMPT     0x300000
     #define TYPE_PLUS       0x400000
-    // Socket Return Codes
-    #define SOCKET_ERROR -1
-    #define SOCKET_OK     0 
-    typedef uint32_t IP;
+    /** Get a line from the physical interface. This function need 
+        to be implemented in a inherited class. Usually just calls 
+        #_getLine on the rx buffer pipe. 
+        \param buf the buffer to store it
+        \param buf size of the buffer
+        \return type and length if something was found, 
+                WAIT if not enough data is available
+                NOT_FOUND if nothing was found
+    */ 
+    virtual int getLine(char* buf, int len) = 0; 
-    typedef enum { MODEL_UNKNOWN, MODEL_SARA_G350, MODEL_LISA_U200, MODEL_LISA_C200 } Model; 
-    typedef enum { SIM_UNKNOWN, SIM_PIN, SIM_READY } Sim; 
-    typedef struct { Model model; Sim sim; const char* imsi; const char* imei; const char* ccid; } DevStatus;
-    typedef struct { const char* num; const char* opr; int rssi; Net net; AcT act; } NetStatus;
+    /** Write data to the device 
+        \param buf the buffer to write
+        \param buf size of the buffer to write
+        \return bytes written
+    */
+    virtual int send(const char* buf, int len);
-    MDMParser(void);
-    // interaction with AT command interface
-    virtual int getLine(char* buf, int len) = 0; 
-    virtual int send(const char* buf, int len);
+    /** Write formated date to the physical interface (printf style)
+        \param fmt the format string
+        \param .. variable arguments to be formated
+        \return bytes written
+    */
     int sendFormated(const char* format, ...);
+    /** callback function for #waitFinalResp with void* as argument
+        \param type the #getLine response
+        \param buf the parsed line
+        \param len the size of the parsed line
+        \param param the optional argument passed to #waitFinalResp
+        \return WAIT if processing should continue, 
+                any other value aborts #waitFinalResp and this retunr value retuned
+    */
     typedef int (*_CALLBACKPTR)(int type, const char* buf, int len, void* param);
-    int waitFinalResp(_CALLBACKPTR = NULL, 
+    /** Wait for a final respons
+        \param cb the optional callback function
+        \param param the optional callback function parameter
+        \param timeout_ms the timeout to wait 
+    */
+    int waitFinalResp(_CALLBACKPTR cb = NULL, 
                       void* param = NULL, 
                       int timeout_ms = 5000);
+    /** template version of #waitFinalResp when using callbacks, 
+        This template will allow the compiler to do type cheking but 
+        internally symply casts the arguments and call the (void*) 
+        version of #waitFinalResp.
+        \sa waitFinalResp
+    */ 
     template<class T>
     int waitFinalResp(int (*cb)(int type, const char* buf, int len, 
                       T* param), 
@@ -68,40 +307,59 @@
         return waitFinalResp((_CALLBACKPTR)cb, (void*)param, timeout_ms);
-    // network
-    bool init(const char* pin = NULL, DevStatus* status = NULL);
-    bool checkNetStatus(NetStatus* status = NULL);
-    bool powerOff(void);
-    // internet connection
-    bool join(const char* apn = NULL, const char* user = NULL, const char* password = NULL);
-    bool disconnect(void);
-    bool gethostbyname(const char* host, IP* ip);
-    // socket interface
-    typedef enum { IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP } IpProtocol;
-    int socketSocket(IpProtocol ipproto);
-    bool socketConnect(int socket, const char * host, int port);
-    int socketSend(int socket, const char * buf, int len);
-    int socketSendTo(int socket, IP ip, int port, const char * buf, int len);
-    int socketReadable(int socket);
-    int socketRecv(int socket, char* buf, int len);
-    int socketRecvFrom(int socket, char* buf, int len, IP* ip);
-    bool socketClose(int socket);
-    bool socketFree(int socket);
-    // sms
-    int smsCount(void);
-    bool smsSend(const char* num, const char* buf);
-    bool smsDelete(int ix);
-    bool smsRead(int ix, char* num, char* buf, int len);
-    // ussd
-    int ussdCommand(const char* cmd, char* buf, int len);
-    static int _getLine(Pipe<char>* pipe, char* buffer, int length);
-    static int _parseMatch(Pipe<char>* pipe, int len, const char* sta, const char* end);
-    static int _parseFormated(Pipe<char>* pipe, int len, const char* fmt);
+    /** Write bytes to the physical interface. This function should be 
+        implemented in a inherited class.
+        \param buf the buffer to write
+        \param buf size of the buffer to write
+        \return bytes written
+    */
     virtual int _send(const void* buf, int len) = 0;
+    /** Helper: Parse a line from the receiving buffered pipe
+        \param pipe the receiving buffer pipe 
+        \param buf the parsed line
+        \param len the size of the parsed line
+        \return type and length if something was found, 
+                WAIT if not enough data is available
+                NOT_FOUND if nothing was found
+    */
+    static int _getLine(Pipe<char>* pipe, char* buffer, int length);
+    /** Helper: Parse a match from the pipe
+        \param pipe the buffered pipe
+        \param number of bytes to parse at maximum, 
+        \param sta the starting string, NULL if none
+        \param end the terminating string, NULL if none
+        \return size of parsed match 
+    */   
+    static int _parseMatch(Pipe<char>* pipe, int len, const char* sta, const char* end);
+    /** Helper: Parse a match from the pipe
+        \param pipe the buffered pipe
+        \param number of bytes to parse at maximum, 
+        \param fmt the formating string (%d any number, %c any char of last %d len)
+        \return size of parsed match
+    */   
+    static int _parseFormated(Pipe<char>* pipe, int len, const char* fmt);
+    // parsing callbacks for different AT commands and their parameter arguments
+    static int _cbString(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* str);
+    static int _cbInt(int type, const char* buf, int len, int* val);
+    // device
     static int _cbATI(int type, const char* buf, int len, Model* model);
-    static int _cbCIMI(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* imsi);
+    static int _cbCPIN(int type, const char* buf, int len, Sim* sim);
+    static int _cbCCID(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* ccid);
+    // network 
+    static int _cbCSQ(int type, const char* buf, int len, int* rssi);
+    static int _cbCOPS(int type, const char* buf, int len, NetStatus* status);
+    static int _cbCNUM(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* num);
+    static int _cbCGATT(int type, const char* buf, int len, int* state);
+    // sockets
+    static int _cbUPSND(int type, const char* buf, int len, int* act);
+    static int _cbUPSND(int type, const char* buf, int len, IP* ip);
     static int _cbUDNSRN(int type, const char* buf, int len, IP* ip);
     static int _cbUSOCR(int type, const char* buf, int len, int* socket);
     static int _cbUSORD(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* out);
@@ -109,24 +367,15 @@
     static int _cbUSORF(int type, const char* buf, int len, USORFparam* param);
     typedef struct { char* buf; char* num; } CMGRparam;
     static int _cbCUSD(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* buf);
-    static int _cbCPMS(int type, const char* buf, int len, int* num);
+    // sms
+    typedef struct { int* ix; int num; } CMGLparam;
+    static int _cbCMGL(int type, const char* buf, int len, CMGLparam* param);
     static int _cbCMGR(int type, const char* buf, int len, CMGRparam* param);
-    static int _cbCGSN(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* imei);
-    static int _cbGSN(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* imei);
-    static int _cbCCID(int type, const char* buf, int len, char* ccid);
-    static IP strToIp(const char* str);
-    IP _ip;
-    Model _model;
-    Sim _sim;
-    Net _net;
-    AcT _act;
-    char _num[32];
-    char _opr[32];
-    int _rssi;
-    char _imsi[32];
-    char _imei[32];
-    char _ccid[32];
+    // 
+    DevStatus   _dev; //!< collected device information
+    NetStatus   _net; //!< collected network information 
+    IP          _ip;  //!< assigned ip address
+    // management struture for sockets
     typedef enum { SOCK_FREE, SOCK_CREATED, SOCK_CONNECTED } SockState;
     typedef struct { SockState state; int pending; } SockCtrl;
     SockCtrl _sockets[16];