File System mit einen Argument

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/localFileSystem_interprater.cpp	Mon Nov 14 17:07:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#define LOCAL_FS "fs"
+#define INTERP_FILE "/fs/STR1.txt"
+#define NORM_FILE "/fs/interp1a.txt"
+// global vars/objects
+const string keywords[] = {"a-nix", "LEDS", "WAIT", "REPEAT", "GOTO", "END", "NOP","TONE" ,"z-nix"}; 
+int validKeyWords;
+uint8_t statusExecute;
+BusOut myLeds(LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4);
+LocalFileSystem fs(LOCAL_FS);
+PwmOut speaker(p26);
+uint8_t executeComLine(int16_t command[], uint16_t *lNo)
+    static int16_t repeatCounter = 0;
+    uint8_t retVal = 0;
+    printf("line %d: %s %d\r\n", *lNo, keywords[command[0]].c_str(), command[1]); 
+    switch (command[0]) {
+        case 1: // LEDS
+            if (command[1] < UNVALID_ARG)
+                retVal = ERROR_DEF;
+            else            
+                myLeds = command[1]; 
+            break;
+        case 2: // WAIT
+            if (command[1] <= 0) 
+                command[1] = 1234;
+            wait_ms(command[1]);  
+            break;  
+        case 3: // REPEAT
+            if (++repeatCounter < command[1])
+                retVal = REPEAT_DEF; 
+            break;
+        case 4: // GOTO line
+            if (command[1] < UNVALID_ARG)
+                retVal = ERROR_DEF;
+            else {
+                *lNo = command[1];
+                retVal = GOTO_DEF;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 5: // END
+            repeatCounter = 0; break;
+            case 6: //NOP
+            break;
+            case 7: // TONE
+               speaker.period(1.0/(float)command[1]);
+                speaker= 0.5; 
+                 wait(1);
+                 speaker= 0.0;
+                 wait(1);
+                 break;
+        default:
+            printf("no valid command: %d = %s ... ERROR\r\n\r\n", command[0], keywords[command[0]].c_str());
+            retVal = ERROR_DEF;
+            break;
+    }
+    return retVal;
+int main()
+    char myArr [100];
+    char* myStr;
+    string argLine;
+    int16_t comArray[4];
+    uint16_t lineNo = 0, lineCnt;
+    FILE *fp2rw;
+    FILE *fp2read = fopen(INTERP_FILE,"r");
+    fp2rw = fopen(NORM_FILE, "w"); // file name is LIMITED to 8 chars!!!
+    validKeyWords = sizeof(keywords)/sizeof(*keywords) -2;
+    printf("0) validKeyWords = %i\r\n", validKeyWords);
+    if (fp2read != NULL) {
+        while (fgets(myArr, sizeof myArr, fp2read) != NULL) {
+            myStr = normalizeStr(myArr);
+//            printf("a) myStr = <%s>\r\n", myStr);
+            if (myStr[0] != 0)
+                fprintf(fp2rw, "%s\r\n", myStr);
+        }
+        fclose(fp2rw);
+        fp2rw = fopen(NORM_FILE, "r"); // because "w+" and "r+" don't work
+//        printf("\r\nb) -- interpretation of Commands --\r\n\r\n");
+        while (fgets(myArr, sizeof myArr, fp2rw) != NULL) { // while 1
+            // printf("c) --> myArr = %s", myArr);
+            argLine.assign(myArr);
+            lineNo++;   // count lines
+            if (parseLine(argLine, comArray)) { // parse the command line in normalized file interp1a.txt
+                statusExecute = executeComLine(comArray, &lineNo); // interpret the command line using the prepared command array
+                if (statusExecute == REPEAT_DEF) { 
+                    rewind(fp2rw);  // do rewind if keyword is REPEAT
+                    lineNo=0;
+                }
+                else if (statusExecute == GOTO_DEF) {
+                    rewind(fp2rw);
+                    lineCnt = 0; // start with line 1  
+                    lineNo--; 
+                    while (fgets(myArr, sizeof myArr, fp2rw) != NULL) { // while 2
+                        lineCnt++;
+                        if (lineCnt>=lineNo)
+                            break; // break while 2; line found --> continue
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (statusExecute == ERROR_DEF) {
+                    printf("--> ERROR_DEF (%d) occurred in line = %d\r\n", statusExecute, lineNo);
+                    break; // break while 1; stop executing   
+                }
+            } 
+            else {
+                printf("Interpreter Error in file interp1a.txt; line = %d: %s\r\n", lineNo, myArr);
+            }
+        }
+    } else
+        printf("Error opening file to read: %s\r\n", INTERP_FILE);
+    fclose(fp2read);
+    fclose(fp2rw);
+    myLeds = 0x0A;
+    while(1);   // endless loop; use reset to start programm again