8/19 avoidance update 8/20 update

Dependencies:   RemoteIR TextLCD


Mon Aug 31 06:51:32 2020 +0000
wifi end;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 2 * Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 3 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 4 */
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 5
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 6 #include "mbed.h"
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 7 #include "ReceiverIR.h"
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 8 #include "rtos.h"
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 9 #include <stdint.h>
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 10 #include "platform/mbed_thread.h"
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 11 #include "TextLCD.h"
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 12
nishimura_taku_pet 27:90962c01bfeb 13 RawSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 14
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 15 /* マクロ定義、列挙型定義 */
nishimura_taku_pet 27:90962c01bfeb 16 #define MIN_V 2.0 // 電圧の最小値
nishimura_taku_pet 27:90962c01bfeb 17 #define MAX_V 2.67 // 電圧の最大値
nishimura_taku_pet 27:90962c01bfeb 18 #define LOW 0 // モーターOFF
nishimura_taku_pet 27:90962c01bfeb 19 #define HIGH 1 // モーターON
nishimura_taku_pet 27:90962c01bfeb 20 #define NORMAL 0 // 普通
nishimura_taku_pet 27:90962c01bfeb 21 #define FAST 1 // 速い
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 22 #define VERYFAST 2 // とても速い
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 23
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 24 /* 操作モード定義 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 25 enum MODE{
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 26 READY = -1, // -1:待ち
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 27 ADVANCE = 1, // 1:前進
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 28 RIGHT, // 2:右折
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 29 LEFT, // 3:左折
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 30 BACK, // 4:後退
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 31 STOP, // 5:停止
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 32 LINE_TRACE, // 6:ライントレース
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 33 AVOIDANCE, // 7:障害物回避
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 34 SPEED, // 8:スピード制御
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 35 };
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 36
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 37 /* ピン配置 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 38 ReceiverIR ir(p5); // リモコン操作
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 39 DigitalOut trig(p6); // 超音波センサtrigger
yangtzuli 5:3fffb364744b 40 DigitalIn echo(p7); // 超音波センサecho
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 41 DigitalIn ss1(p8); // ライントレースセンサ(左)
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 42 DigitalIn ss2(p9); // ライントレースセンサ
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 43 DigitalIn ss3(p10); // ライントレースセンサ
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 44 DigitalIn ss4(p11); // ライントレースセンサ
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 45 DigitalIn ss5(p12); // ライントレースセンサ(右)
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 46 RawSerial esp(p13, p14); // Wi-Fiモジュール(tx, rx)
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 47 AnalogIn battery(p15); // 電池残量読み取り(Max 3.3V)
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 48 PwmOut motorR2(p21); // 右モーター後退
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 49 PwmOut motorR1(p22); // 右モーター前進
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 50 PwmOut motorL2(p23); // 左モーター後退
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 51 PwmOut motorL1(p24); // 左モーター前進
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 52 PwmOut servo(p25); // サーボ
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 53 I2C i2c_lcd(p28,p27); // LCD(tx, rx)
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 54
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 55 /* 変数宣言 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 56 int mode; // 操作モード
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 57 int run; // 走行状態
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 58 int beforeMode; // 前回のモード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 59 int flag_sp = 0; // スピード変化フラグ
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 60 Timer viewTimer; // スピ―ド変更時に3秒計測タイマー
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 61 float motorSpeed[9] = {0.4, 0.7, 0.8, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0};
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 62 // モーター速度設定(後半はライントレース用)
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 63
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 64 Mutex mutex; // ミューテックス
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 65
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 66 /* decodeIR用変数 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 67 RemoteIR::Format format;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 68 uint8_t buf[32];
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 69 uint32_t bitcount;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 70 uint32_t code;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 71
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 72 /* bChange, lcdbacklight用変数 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 73 TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, (0x27 << 1), TextLCD::LCD16x2, TextLCD::HD44780);
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 74 int b = 0; // バッテリー残量
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 75 int flag_b = 0; // バックライト点滅フラグ
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 76 int flag_t = 0; // バックライトタイマーフラグ
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 77
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 78 /* trace用変数 */
takuminomura 39:054c17d10c55 79 int sensArray[32] = {0,6,2,4,1,1,2,2, // ライントレースセンサパターン
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 80 3,1,1,1,3,1,1,2,
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 81 7,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 82 5,1,1,1,3,1,3,1};
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 83
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 84 /* avoidance用変数 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 85 Timer timer; // 距離計測用タイマ
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 86 int DT; // 距離
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 87 int SC; // 正面
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 88 int SL; // 左
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 89 int SR; // 右
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 90 int SLD; // 左前
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 91 int SRD; // 右前
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 92 int flag_a = 0; // 障害物有無のフラグ
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 93 const int limit = 20; // 障害物の距離のリミット(単位:cm)
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 94 int far; // 最も遠い距離
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 95 int houkou; // 進行方向(1:前 2:左 3:右)
nishimura_taku_pet 29:600e4b9b5c5b 96 int t1 = 0;
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 97
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 98 /*WiFi用変数*/
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 99 Timer time1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 100 Timer time2;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 101 int bufflen, DataRX, ount, getcount, replycount, servreq, timeout;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 102 int bufl, ipdLen, linkID, weberror, webcounter,click_flag;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 103 float R1=100000, R2=10000; // resistor values to give a 10:1 reduction of measured AnalogIn voltage
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 104 char webcount[8];
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 105 char type[16];
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 106 char channel[2];
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 107 char cmdbuff[32];
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 108 char replybuff[1024];
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 109 char webdata[1024]; // This may need to be bigger depending on WEB browser used
nishimura_taku_pet 27:90962c01bfeb 110 char webbuff[4096]; // Currently using 1986 characters, Increase this if more web page data added
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 111 int port =80; // set server port
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 112 int SERVtimeout =5; // set server timeout in seconds in case link breaks.
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 113 char ssid[32] = "mbed02"; // enter WiFi router ssid inside the quotes
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 114 char pwd [32] = "0123456789a"; // enter WiFi router password inside the quotes
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 115
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 116
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 117 /* プロトタイプ宣言 */
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 118 void decodeIR(/*void const *argument*/);
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 119 void motor(/*void const *argument*/);
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 120 void changeSpeed();
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 121 void avoidance(/*void const *argument*/);
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 122 void trace(/*void const *argument*/);
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 123 void watchsurrounding3();
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 124 void watchsurrounding5();
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 125 int watch();
yangtzuli 5:3fffb364744b 126 void bChange();
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 127 void display();
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 128 void lcdBacklight(void const *argument);
nishimura_taku_pet 45:76e8c07d76ef 129 void SendCMD(),getreply(),ReadWebData(),startserver(),sendpage(),SendWEB(),sendcheck();
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 130 void wifi(/*void const *argument*/);
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 131 Thread *deco_thread; // decodeIRをスレッド化 :+3
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 132 Thread *wifi_thread;
nishimura_taku_pet 45:76e8c07d76ef 133 //wifi_thread(wifi,NULL,osPriorityHigh); // wifiをスレッド化
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 134 Thread *motor_thread; // motorをスレッド化 :+2
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 135 //Thread avoi_thread(avoidance, NULL, osPriorityHigh); // avoidanceをスレッド化:+2
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 136 //Thread trace_thread(trace, NULL, osPriorityHigh); // traceをスレッド化 :+2
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 137 RtosTimer bTimer(lcdBacklight, osTimerPeriodic); // lcdBacklightをタイマー割り込みで設定
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 138 //Ticker bTimer;
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 139 Thread *avoi_thread;
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 140 Thread *trace_thread;
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 141
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 142 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 143 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 144 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 145 DigitalOut led4(LED4);
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 146
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 147 void setup(){
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 148 deco_thread = new Thread(decodeIR);
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 149 deco_thread -> set_priority(osPriorityRealtime);
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 150 motor_thread = new Thread(motor);
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 151 motor_thread -> set_priority(osPriorityHigh);
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 152 wifi_thread -> set_priority(osPriorityRealtime);
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 153 display();
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 154 }
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 155
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 156 /* リモコン受信スレッド */
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 157 void decodeIR(/*void const *argument*/){
yangtzuli 5:3fffb364744b 158 while(1){
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 159 // 受信待ち
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 160 if (ir.getState() == ReceiverIR::Received){ // コード受信
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 161 bitcount = ir.getData(&format, buf, sizeof(buf) * 8);
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 162 if(bitcount > 1){ // 受信成功
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 163 code=0;
tomotsugu 15:5eef1955f6c2 164 for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 165 code+=(buf[j]<<(8*(3-j)));
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 166 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 167 if(mode != SPEED){ // スピードモード以外なら
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 168 beforeMode=mode; // 前回のモードに現在のモードを設定
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 169 }
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 170 switch(code){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 171 case 0x40bf27d8: // クイック
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 172 //pc.printf("mode = SPEED\r\n");
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 173 mode = SPEED; // スピードモード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 174 changeSpeed(); // 速度変更
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 175 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 176 mode = beforeMode; // 現在のモードに前回のモードを設定
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 177 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 178 case 0x40be34cb: // レグザリンク
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 179 //pc.printf("mode = LINE_TRACE\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 180 if(trace_thread->get_state() == Thread::Deleted){
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 181 delete trace_thread;
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 182 trace_thread = new Thread(trace);
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 183 trace_thread -> set_priority(osPriorityHigh);
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 184 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 185 mode=LINE_TRACE; // ライントレースモード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 186 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 187 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 188 case 0x40bf6e91: // 番組表
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 189 //pc.printf("mode = AVOIDANCE\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 190 if(avoi_thread->get_state() == Thread::Deleted){
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 191 delete avoi_thread;
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 192 avoi_thread = new Thread(avoidance);
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 193 avoi_thread -> set_priority(osPriorityHigh);
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 194 }
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 195 flag_a = 0;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 196 mode=AVOIDANCE; // 障害物回避モード
tomotsugu 13:1a7667d0aa78 197 run = ADVANCE; // 前進
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 198 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 199 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 200 case 0x40bf3ec1: // ↑
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 201 //pc.printf("mode = ADVANCE\r\n");
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 202 mode = ADVANCE; // 前進モード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 203 run = ADVANCE; // 前進
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 204 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 205 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 206 case 0x40bf3fc0: // ↓
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 207 //pc.printf("mode = BACK\r\n");
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 208 mode = BACK; // 後退モード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 209 run = BACK; // 後退
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 210 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 211 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 212 case 0x40bf5fa0: // ←
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 213 //pc.printf("mode = LEFT\r\n");
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 214 mode = LEFT; // 左折モード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 215 run = LEFT; // 左折
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 216 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 217 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 218 case 0x40bf5ba4: // →
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 219 //pc.printf("mode = RIGHT\r\n");
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 220 mode = RIGHT; // 右折モード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 221 run = RIGHT; // 右折
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 222 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 223 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 224 case 0x40bf3dc2: // 決定
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 225 //pc.printf("mode = STOP\r\n");
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 226 mode = STOP; // 停止モード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 227 run = STOP; // 停止
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 228 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 1:5bb497a38344 229 break;
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 230 default:
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 231 ;
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 232 }
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 233 if(mode != LINE_TRACE && trace_thread->get_state() != Thread::Deleted){
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 234 trace_thread->terminate();
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 235 }
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 236 if(mode != AVOIDANCE && avoi_thread->get_state() != Thread::Deleted){
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 237 avoi_thread->terminate();
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 238 servo.pulsewidth_us(1450); // サーボを中央位置に戻す
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 239 }
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 240 }
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 241 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 242 if(viewTimer.read_ms()>=3000){ // スピードモードのまま3秒経過
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 243 viewTimer.stop(); // タイマーストップ
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 244 viewTimer.reset(); // タイマーリセット
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 245 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 4:3f80c0180e2f 246 }
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 247 ThisThread::sleep_for(90); // 90ms待つ
yangtzuli 4:3f80c0180e2f 248 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 249 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 250
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 251 /* モーター制御スレッド */
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 252 void motor(/*void const *argument*/){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 253 while(1){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 254 /* 走行状態の場合分け */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 255 switch(run){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 256 /* 前進 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 257 case ADVANCE:
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 258 motorR1 = LOW; // 右前進モーターOFF
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 259 motorR2 = motorSpeed[flag_sp]; // 右後退モーターON
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 260 motorL1 = motorSpeed[flag_sp]; // 左前進モーターON
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 261 motorL2 = LOW; // 左後退モーターOFF
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 262 break;
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 263 /* 右折 */
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 264 case RIGHT:
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 265 motorR1 = motorSpeed[flag_sp]; // 右前進モーターON
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 266 motorR2 = LOW; // 右後退モーターOFF
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 267 motorL1 = motorSpeed[flag_sp]; // 左前進モーターON
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 268 motorL2 = LOW; // 左後退モーターOFF
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 269 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 270 /* 左折 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 271 case LEFT:
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 272 motorR1 = LOW; // 右前進モーターOFF
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 273 motorR2 = motorSpeed[flag_sp]; // 右後退モーターON
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 274 motorL1 = LOW; // 左前進モーターOFF
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 275 motorL2 = motorSpeed[flag_sp]; // 左後退モーターON
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 276 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 277 /* 後退 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 278 case BACK:
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 279 motorR1 = motorSpeed[flag_sp]; // 右前進モーターON
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 280 motorR2 = LOW; // 右後退モーターOFF
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 281 motorL1 = LOW; // 左前進モーターOFF
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 282 motorL2 = motorSpeed[flag_sp]; // 左後退モーターON
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 283 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 284 /* 停止 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 285 case STOP:
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 286 motorR1 = LOW; // 右前進モーターOFF
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 287 motorR2 = LOW; // 右後退モーターOFF
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 288 motorL1 = LOW; // 左前進モーターOFF
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 289 motorL2 = LOW; // 左後退モーターOFF
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 290 break;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 291 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 292 if(flag_sp > VERYFAST){ // スピード変更フラグが2より大きいなら
nishimura_taku_pet 47:8a5a4275480a 293 flag_sp %= 3; // スピード変更フラグ調整
yangtzuli 6:800a745c7f2e 294 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 295 ThisThread::sleep_for(30); // 30ms待つ
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 296 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 297 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 298
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 299 /* スピード変更関数 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 300 void changeSpeed(){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 301 if(flag_sp%3 == 2){ // スピード変更フラグを3で割った余りが2なら
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 302 flag_sp -= 2; // スピード変更フラグを-2
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 303
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 304 }else{ // それ以外
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 305 flag_sp = flag_sp + 1; // スピード変更フラグを+1
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 306 }
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 307 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 308
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 309 /* ライントレーススレッド */
tomotsugu 20:02bb875a9b13 310 void trace(){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 311 while(1){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 312 /* 各センサー値読み取り */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 313 int sensor1 = ss1;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 314 int sensor2 = ss2;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 315 int sensor3 = ss3;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 316 int sensor4 = ss4;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 317 int sensor5 = ss5;
yangtzuli 6:800a745c7f2e 318 pc.printf("%d %d %d %d %d \r\n",sensor1,sensor2,sensor3,sensor4,sensor5);
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 319 int sensD = 0;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 320
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 321 /* センサー値の決定 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 322 if(sensor1 > 0) sensD |= 0x10;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 323 if(sensor2 > 0) sensD |= 0x08;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 324 if(sensor3 > 0) sensD |= 0x04;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 325 if(sensor4 > 0) sensD |= 0x02;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 326 if(sensor5 > 0) sensD |= 0x01;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 327
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 328 /* センサー値によって場合分け */
nishimura_taku_pet 34:040474bf6fe0 329 switch(sensArray[sensD]){
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 330 case 1:
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 331 run = ADVANCE; // 低速で前進
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 332 break;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 333 case 2:
takuminomura 39:054c17d10c55 334 // flag_sp = flag_sp % 3 + 6;
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 335 run = RIGHT; // 低速で右折
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 336 break;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 337 case 3:
takuminomura 39:054c17d10c55 338 // flag_sp = flag_sp % 3 + 6;
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 339 run = LEFT; // 低速で左折
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 340 break;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 341 case 4:
takuminomura 39:054c17d10c55 342 flag_sp = flag_sp % 3 + 3;
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 343 run = RIGHT; // 中速で右折
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 344 break;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 345 case 5:
takuminomura 39:054c17d10c55 346 flag_sp = flag_sp % 3 + 3;
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 347 run = LEFT; // 中速で左折
yangtzuli 6:800a745c7f2e 348 break;
yangtzuli 6:800a745c7f2e 349 case 6:
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 350 flag_sp = flag_sp % 3 + 6;
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 351 run = RIGHT; // 高速で右折
yangtzuli 6:800a745c7f2e 352 break;
yangtzuli 6:800a745c7f2e 353 case 7:
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 354 flag_sp = flag_sp % 3 + 6;
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 355 run = LEFT; // 高速で左折
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 356 break;
takuminomura 39:054c17d10c55 357 default:
takuminomura 39:054c17d10c55 358 break; // 前回動作を継続
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 359 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 360 ThisThread::sleep_for(30); // 30ms待つ
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 361 }
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 362 }
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 363
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 364 /* 障害物回避走行スレッド */
tomotsugu 20:02bb875a9b13 365 void avoidance(){
nishimura_taku_pet 46:c6deb699160b 366 int i;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 367 while(1){
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 368 watchsurrounding3();
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 369 pc.printf("%d %d %d %d %d \r\n",SL,SLD,SC,SRD,SR);
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 370 if(flag_a == 0){ // 障害物がない場合
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 371 run = ADVANCE; // 前進
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 372 }else{ // 障害物がある場合
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 373 i = 0;
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 374 if(SC < 15){ // 正面15cm以内に障害物が現れた場合
nishimura_taku_pet 41:3c58a4be1199 375 servo.pulsewidth_us(1450); // サーボを中央位置に戻す
nishimura_taku_pet 41:3c58a4be1199 376 ThisThread::sleep_for(100); // 100ms待つ
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 377 run = BACK; // 後退
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 378 int cnt_kyori=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 379 int kyori = watch();
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 380 while(kyori < limit){ // 正面20cm以内に障害物がある間
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 381 if(kyori==-1){
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 382 cnt_kyori++;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 383 if(cnt_kyori>15){
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 384 cnt_kyori=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 385 break;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 386 }
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 387 }
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 388 kyori = watch();
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 389 }
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 390 /*while(i < 30){ // 正面20cm以内に障害物がある間
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 391 if(watch() < limit){
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 392 break;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 393 }
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 394 i++;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 395 }
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 396 i = 0;*/
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 397 run = STOP; // 停止
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 398 }
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 399 watchsurrounding5();
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 400 if(SC < limit && SLD < limit && SL < limit && SRD < limit && SR < limit){ // 全方向に障害物がある場合
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 401 run = LEFT; // 左折
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 402 while(i < 1){ // 進行方向確認
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 403 if(watch() > limit){
tomotsugu 18:6cca64c7dbc3 404 i++;
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 405 }else{
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 406 i = 0;
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 407 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 408 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 409 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 410 }else { // 全方向以外
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 411 far = SC; // 正面を最も遠い距離に設定
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 412 houkou = 1; // 進行方向を前に設定
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 413 if(far < SLD || far < SL){ // 左または左前がより遠い場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 414 if(SL < SLD){ // 左前が左より遠い場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 415 far = SLD; // 左前を最も遠い距離に設定
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 416 }else{ // 左が左前より遠い場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 417 far = SL; // 左を最も遠い距離に設定
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 418 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 419 houkou = 2; // 進行方向を左に設定
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 420 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 421 if(far < SRD || far < SR){ // 右または右前がより遠い場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 422 if(SR < SRD){ // 右前が右より遠い場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 423 far = SRD; // 右前を最も遠い距離に設定
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 424 }else{ // 右が右前よりも遠い場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 425 far = SR; // 右を最も遠い距離に設定
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 426 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 427 houkou = 3; // 進行方向を右に設定
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 428 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 429 switch(houkou){ // 進行方向の場合分け
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 430 case 1: // 前の場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 431 run = ADVANCE; // 前進
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 432 ThisThread::sleep_for(500); // 0.5秒待つ
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 433 break;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 434 case 2: // 左の場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 435 run = LEFT; // 左折
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 436 //int kyori = watch();
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 437 //int kyori_f=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 438 while(i < 20){ // 進行方向確認
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 439 /*if(kyori > (far - 2) || kyori_f == 2){ // 正面の計測距離と最も遠い距離が一致したら(誤差-2cm)
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 440 break; // ループ+
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 441 }else if(kyori==-1){
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 442 kyori_f++;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 443 }else{
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 444 kyori_f = 0;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 445 i++;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 446 }*/
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 447 if(watch() > (far - 2)){ // 正面の計測距離と最も遠い距離が一致したら(誤差-2cm)
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 448 break; // ループ+
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 449 }else{
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 450 i++;
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 451 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 452 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 453 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 454 break;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 455 case 3: // 右の場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 456 run = RIGHT; // 右折
nishimura_taku_pet 45:76e8c07d76ef 457 //int kyori = watch();
nishimura_taku_pet 45:76e8c07d76ef 458 //int kyori_f=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 459 while(i < 20){ // 進行方向確認
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 460 /*if(kyori > (far - 2) || kyori_f == 2){ // 正面の計測距離と最も遠い距離が一致したら(誤差-2cm)
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 461 break; // ループ+
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 462 }else if(kyori==-1){
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 463 kyori_f++;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 464 }else{
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 465 kyori_f = 0;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 466 i++;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 467 }*/
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 468 if(watch() > (far - 2)){ // 正面の計測距離と最も遠い距離が一致したら(誤差-2cm)
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 469 break; // ループ+
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 470 }else{
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 471 i++;
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 472 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 473 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 474 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 475 break;
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 476 }
yangtzuli 5:3fffb364744b 477 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 478 }
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 479 flag_a = 0; // 障害物有無フラグを0にセット
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 480 if(SLD < 29){ // 正面15cm以内に障害物が現れた場合
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 481 run = RIGHT; // 右折
nishimura_taku_pet 41:3c58a4be1199 482 ThisThread::sleep_for(200); // 100ms待つ
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 483 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 484 }else if(SRD < 29){
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 485 run = LEFT; // 左折
nishimura_taku_pet 41:3c58a4be1199 486 ThisThread::sleep_for(200); // 100ms待つ
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 487 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 488 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 489 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 490 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 491
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 492 /* 距離計測関数 */
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 493 int watch(){
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 494 do{
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 495 trig = 0;
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 496 ThisThread::sleep_for(5); // 5ms待つ
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 497 trig = 1;
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 498 ThisThread::sleep_for(15); // 15ms待つ
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 499 trig = 0;
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 500 timer.start();
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 501 t1=timer.read_ms();
nishimura_taku_pet 29:600e4b9b5c5b 502 while(echo.read() == 0 && t1<10){
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 503 t1=timer.read_ms();
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 504 led1 = 1;
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 505 }
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 506 timer.stop();
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 507 timer.reset();
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 508 /*if((t1-t2) >= 10){
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 509 run = STOP;*/
nishimura_taku_pet 29:600e4b9b5c5b 510 }while(t1 >= 10);
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 511 timer.start(); // 距離計測タイマースタート
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 512 while(echo.read() == 1){
yangtzuli 5:3fffb364744b 513 }
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 514 timer.stop(); // 距離計測タイマーストップ
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 515 DT = (int)(timer.read_us()*0.01657); // 距離計算
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 516 if(DT > 1000){
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 517 DT = -1;
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 518 }else if(DT > 150){ // 検知範囲外なら100cmに設定
tomotsugu 22:c6e2a3b9aa14 519 DT = 150;
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 520 }
tomotsugu 21:68d38e8f64b5 521 timer.reset(); // 距離計測タイマーリセット
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 522 led1 = 0;
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 523 return DT;
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 524 }
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 525
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 526 /* 障害物検知関数 */
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 527 void watchsurrounding3(){
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 528 //servo.pulsewidth_us(1450); // サーボを中央位置に戻す
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 529 //ThisThread::sleep_for(200); // 100ms待つ
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 530 SC = watch();
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 531 if(SC < limit){ // 正面20cm以内に障害物がある場合
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 532 if(SC!=-1){
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 533 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 534 flag_a = 1;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 535 return;
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 536 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 537 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 538 servo.pulsewidth_us(1925); // サーボを左に40度回転
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 539 ThisThread::sleep_for(100); // 250ms待つ
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 540 SLD = watch();
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 541 if(SLD < limit){ // 左前20cm以内に障害物がある場合
tomotsugu 20:02bb875a9b13 542 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 543 flag_a = 1;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 544 return;
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 545 }
tomotsugu 19:c6f9f010bd9e 546 servo.pulsewidth_us(1450);
nishimura_taku_pet 42:56022456ef23 547 ThisThread::sleep_for(150);
tomotsugu 19:c6f9f010bd9e 548 SC = watch();
tomotsugu 19:c6f9f010bd9e 549 if(SC < limit){
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 550 if(SC!=-1){
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 551 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 552 flag_a = 1;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 553 return;
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 554 }
tomotsugu 19:c6f9f010bd9e 555 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 556 servo.pulsewidth_us(925); // サーボを右に40度回転
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 557 ThisThread::sleep_for(100); // 250ms待つ
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 558 SRD = watch();
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 559 if(SRD < limit){ // 右前20cm以内に障害物がある場合
tomotsugu 20:02bb875a9b13 560 run = STOP; // 停止
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 561 flag_a = 1;
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 562 return;
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 563 }
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 564 servo.pulsewidth_us(1450); // サーボを中央位置に戻す
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 565 ThisThread::sleep_for(100); // 100ms待つ
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 566 /*if(SC < limit || SLD < limit || SL < limit || SRD < limit || SR < limit){ // 20cm以内に障害物を検知した場合
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 567 flag_a = 1; // 障害物有無フラグに1をセット
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 568 }*/
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 569 }
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 570
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 571 /* 障害物検知関数 */
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 572 void watchsurrounding5(){
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 573 //servo.pulsewidth_us(1450); // サーボを中央位置に戻す
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 574 //ThisThread::sleep_for(200); // 100ms待つ
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 575 SC = watch();
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 576 servo.pulsewidth_us(1925); // サーボを左に40度回転
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 577 ThisThread::sleep_for(100); // 250ms待つ
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 578 SLD = watch();
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 579 servo.pulsewidth_us(2400); // サーボを左に90度回転
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 580 ThisThread::sleep_for(100); // 250ms待つ
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 581 SL = watch();
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 582 servo.pulsewidth_us(1450);
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 583 ThisThread::sleep_for(250);
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 584 SC = watch();
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 585 servo.pulsewidth_us(925); // サーボを右に40度回転
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 586 ThisThread::sleep_for(100); // 250ms待つ
nishimura_taku_pet 40:75e1ad7c27e4 587 SRD = watch();
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 588 servo.pulsewidth_us(500); // サーボを右に90度回転
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 589 ThisThread::sleep_for(100); // 250ms待つ
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 590 SR = watch();
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 591 servo.pulsewidth_us(1450); // サーボを中央位置に戻す
nishimura_taku_pet 28:cb51cafca490 592 ThisThread::sleep_for(250); // 100ms待つ
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 593 }
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 594
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 595 /* ディスプレイ表示関数 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 596 void display(){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 597 mutex.lock(); // ミューテックスロック
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 598 lcd.setAddress(0,1);
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 599
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 600 /* 操作モードによる場合分け */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 601 switch(mode){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 602 /* 前進 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 603 case ADVANCE:
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 604 lcd.printf("Mode:Advance ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 605 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 606 /* 右折 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 607 case RIGHT:
yangtzuli 5:3fffb364744b 608 lcd.printf("Mode:TurnRight ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 609 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 610 /* 左折 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 611 case LEFT:
yangtzuli 5:3fffb364744b 612 lcd.printf("Mode:TurnLeft ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 613 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 614 /* 後退 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 615 case BACK:
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 616 lcd.printf("Mode:Back ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 617 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 618 /* 停止 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 619 case STOP:
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 620 lcd.printf("Mode:Stop ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 621 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 622 /* 待ち */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 623 case READY:
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 624 lcd.printf("Mode:Ready ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 625 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 626 /* ライントレース */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 627 case LINE_TRACE:
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 628 lcd.printf("Mode:LineTrace ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 629 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 630 /* 障害物回避 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 631 case AVOIDANCE:
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 632 lcd.printf("Mode:Avoidance ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 633 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 634 /* スピード制御 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 635 case SPEED:
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 636 /* スピードの状態で場合分け */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 637 switch(flag_sp){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 638 /* 普通 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 639 case(NORMAL):
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 640 lcd.printf("Speed:Normal ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 641 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 642 /* 速い */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 643 case(FAST):
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 644 lcd.printf("Speed:Fast ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 645 break;
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 646 /* とても速い */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 647 case(VERYFAST):
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 648 lcd.printf("Speed:VeryFast ");
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 649 break;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 650 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 651 viewTimer.reset(); // タイマーリセット
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 652 viewTimer.start(); // タイマースタート
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 653 break;
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 654 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 655 mutex.unlock(); // ミューテックスアンロック
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 656 }
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 657
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 658 /* バックライト点滅 */
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 659 void lcdBacklight(void const *argument){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 660 if(flag_b == 1){ // バックライト点滅フラグが1なら
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 661 lcd.setBacklight(TextLCD::LightOn); // バックライトON
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 662 }else{ // バックライト点滅フラグが0なら
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 663 lcd.setBacklight(TextLCD::LightOff); // バックライトOFF
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 664 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 665 flag_b = !flag_b; // バックライト点滅フラグ切り替え
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 666 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 667
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 668 /* バッテリー残量更新関数 */
yangtzuli 5:3fffb364744b 669 void bChange(){
yangtzuli 17:f7259ab2fe86 670 //pc.printf(" bChange1\r\n");
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 671 b = (int)(((battery.read() * 3.3 - MIN_V)/0.67)*10+0.5)*10;
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 672 if(b <= 0){ // バッテリー残量0%なら全ての機能停止
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 673 b = 0;
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 674 //lcd.setBacklight(TextLCD::LightOff);
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 675 //run = STOP;
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 676 //exit(1); // 電池残量が5%未満の時、LCDを消灯し、モーターを停止し、プログラムを終了する。
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 677 }
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 678 mutex.lock(); // ミューテックスロック
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 679 lcd.setAddress(0,0);
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 680 lcd.printf("Battery:%3d%%",b); // バッテリー残量表示
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 681 mutex.unlock(); // ミューテックスアンロック
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 682 if(b <= 30){ // バッテリー残量30%以下なら
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 683 if(flag_t == 0){ // バックライトタイマーフラグが0なら
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 684 //bTimer.attach(lcdBacklight,0.5);
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 685 bTimer.start(500); // 0.5秒周期でバックライトタイマー割り込み
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 686 flag_t = 1; // バックライトタイマーフラグを1に切り替え
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 687 }
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 688 }else{
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 689 if(flag_t == 1){ // バックライトタイマーフラグが1なら
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 690 //bTimer.detach();
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 691 bTimer.stop(); // バックライトタイマーストップ
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 692 lcd.setBacklight(TextLCD::LightOn); // バックライトON
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 693 flag_t = 0; // バックライトタイマーフラグを0に切り替え
yangtzuli 3:2ae6218973be 694 }
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 695 }
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 696 }
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 697
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 698 // Serial Interrupt read ESP data
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 699 void callback()
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 700 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 701 //pc.printf("\n\r------------ callback is being called --------------\n\r");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 702 led3=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 703 while (esp.readable()) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 704 webbuff[ount] = esp.getc();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 705 ount++;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 706 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 707 if(strlen(webbuff)>bufflen) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 708 pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ webbuff over bufflen --------------\n\r");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 709 DataRX=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 710 led3=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 711 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 712 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 713
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 714 void wifi(/*void const *argument*/)
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 715 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 716 pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ ESP8266 Hardware Reset psq --------------\n\r");
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 717 ThisThread::sleep_for(100);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 718 led1=1,led2=0,led3=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 719 timeout=6000;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 720 getcount=500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 721 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 722 esp.baud(115200); // ESP8266 baudrate. Maximum on KLxx' is 115200, 230400 works on K20 and K22F
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 723 startserver();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 724
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 725 while(1) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 726 if(DataRX==1) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 727 pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ main while > if --------------\n\r");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 728 click_flag = 1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 729 ReadWebData();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 730 pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ click_flag=%d --------------\n\r",click_flag);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 731 //if ((servreq == 1 && weberror == 0) && click_flag == 1) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 732 if (servreq == 1 && weberror == 0) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 733 pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ befor send page --------------\n\r");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 734 sendpage();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 735 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 736 pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ send_check begin --------------\n\r");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 737
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 738 //sendcheck();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 739 pc.printf("\f\n\r------------ ssend_check end--------------\n\r");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 740
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 741 esp.attach(&callback);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 742 pc.printf(" IPD Data:\r\n\n Link ID = %d,\r\n IPD Header Length = %d \r\n IPD Type = %s\r\n", linkID, ipdLen, type);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 743 pc.printf("\n\n HTTP Packet: \n\n%s\n", webdata);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 744 pc.printf(" Web Characters sent : %d\n\n", bufl);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 745 pc.printf(" -------------------------------------\n\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 746 servreq=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 747 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 748 ThisThread::sleep_for(100);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 749 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 750 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 751 // Static WEB page
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 752 void sendpage()
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 753 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 754 // WEB page data
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 755
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 756 strcpy(webbuff, "<!DOCTYPE html>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 757 strcat(webbuff, "<html><head><title>RobotCar</title><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width'/>");
molberry 48:09a8f23a3807 758 //strcat(webbuff, "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\"; >");
molberry 38:39db3f7450c2 759 strcat(webbuff, "<style type=\"text/css\">.noselect{ width:100px;height:60px;}.light{ width:100px;height:60px;background-color:#00ff66;}.load{ width: 50px; height: 30px;font-size:10px}</style>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 760 strcat(webbuff, "</head><body><center><p><strong>Robot Car Remote Controller");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 761 strcat(webbuff, "</strong></p><td style='vertical-align:top;'><strong>Battery level ");
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 762 if(b > 30) { //残電量表示
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 763 sprintf(webbuff, "%s%3d", webbuff, b);
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 764 } else { //30%より下の場合残電量を赤文字
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 765 strcat(webbuff, "<font color=\"red\">");
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 766 sprintf(webbuff, "%s%3d", webbuff, b);
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 767 strcat(webbuff, "</font>");
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 768 }
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 769 strcat(webbuff, "%</strong>");
molberry 38:39db3f7450c2 770 strcat(webbuff, "<button id=\"reloadbtn\" type=\"button\" class=\"load\" onclick=\"rel()\">RELOAD</button>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 771 strcat(webbuff, "</td></p>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 772 strcat(webbuff, "<br>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 773 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 774
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 775 switch(mode) { //ブラウザ更新時の現在の車の状態からボタンの点灯判定
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 776 case ADVANCE: //前進
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 777 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 778 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 779 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 780 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 781 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 782 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 783 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 784 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 785 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 786 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 787 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Mode</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 788 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td><button id='avoidbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 789 strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 790 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LINE_TRACE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LINE_TRACE");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 791 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 792 case LEFT: //左折
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 793 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 794 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 795 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 796 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 797 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 798 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 799 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 800 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 801 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 802 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 803 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Mode</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 804 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td><button id='avoidbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 805 strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 806 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LINE_TRACE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LINE_TRACE");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 807 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 808 case STOP: //停止
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 809 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 810 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 811 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 812 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 813 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 814 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 815 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 816 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 817 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 818 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 819 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Mode</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 820 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td><button id='avoidbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 821 strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 822 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LINE_TRACE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LINE_TRACE");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 823 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 824 case RIGHT: //右折
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 825 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 826 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 827 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 828 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 829 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 830 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 831 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 832 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 833 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 834 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 835 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Mode</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 836 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td><button id='avoidbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 837 strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 838 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LINE_TRACE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LINE_TRACE");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 839 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 840 case BACK: //後進
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 841 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 842 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 843 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 844 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 845 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 846 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 847 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 848 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 849 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 850 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 851 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Mode</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 852 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td><button id='avoidbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 853 strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 854 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LINE_TRACE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LINE_TRACE");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 855 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 856 case AVOIDANCE: //障害物回避
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 857 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 858 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 859 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 860 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 861 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 862 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 863 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 864 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 865 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 866 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 867 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Mode</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 868 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td><button id='avoidbtn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 869 strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 870 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LINE_TRACE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LINE_TRACE");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 871 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 872 case LINE_TRACE: //ライントレース
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 873 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 874 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 875 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 876 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 877 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 878 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 879 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 880 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 881 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 882 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 883 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Mode</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 884 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td><button id='avoidbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 885 strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 886 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"LINE_TRACE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LINE_TRACE");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 887 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 888 default: //その他
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 889 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='gobtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"GO\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)'>GO");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 890 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 891 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='leftbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LEFT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LEFT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 892 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 893 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='stopbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"STOP\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >STOP");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 894 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 895 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='rightbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"RIGHT\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >RIGHT");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 896 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr><td></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 897 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='backbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"BACK\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >BACK");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 898 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td style='vertical-align:top; text-align:right;'></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 899 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Mode</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 900 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td><button id='avoidbtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"AVOIDANCE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 901 strcat(webbuff, "AVOIDANCE</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 902 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='tracebtn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"LINE_TRACE\" onClick='send_mes(this.id,this.value)' >LINE_TRACE");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 903 break;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 904 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 905 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 906 strcat(webbuff, "<strong>Speed</strong>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 907 strcat(webbuff, "<table><tr><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 908 //ready示速度だけ点灯
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 909 switch (flag_sp) { //現在の速度のボタン表示
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 910 case 0: //ノーマル
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 911 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp1btn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"Normal\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >Normal");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 912 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 913 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp2btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"Fast\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >Fast");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 914 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 915 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp3btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"VeryFast\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >VeryFast");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 916 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 917 case 1: //ファスト
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 918 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp1btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"Normal\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >Normal");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 919 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 920 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp2btn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"Fast\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >Fast");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 921 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 922 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp3btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"VeryFast\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >VeryFast");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 923 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 924 case 2: //ベリーファスト
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 925 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp1btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"Normal\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >Normal");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 926 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 927 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp2btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"Fast\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >Fast");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 928 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 929 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp3btn' type='button' class=\"light\" value=\"VeryFast\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >VeryFast");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 930 break;
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 931 default: //その他
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 932 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp1btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"Normal\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >Normal");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 933 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 934 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp2btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"Fast\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >Fast");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 935 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td><td>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 936 strcat(webbuff, "<button id='sp3btn' type='button' class=\"noselect\" value=\"VeryFast\" onClick='send_mes_spe(this.id,this.value)' >VeryFast");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 937 break;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 938 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 939 strcat(webbuff, "</button></td></tr></table>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 940
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 941 strcat(webbuff, "</center>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 942 strcat(webbuff, "</body>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 943 strcat(webbuff, "</html>");
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 944 strcat(webbuff, "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">"); //機能
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 945
molberry 38:39db3f7450c2 946 strcat(webbuff, "function rel(){");
molberry 38:39db3f7450c2 947 strcat(webbuff, "location.reload();");
molberry 38:39db3f7450c2 948 strcat(webbuff, "}");
molberry 38:39db3f7450c2 949
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 950 strcat(webbuff, "function htmlacs(url) {");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 951 strcat(webbuff, "var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 952 strcat(webbuff, "xhr.open(\"GET\", url);");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 953 strcat(webbuff, "xhr.send(\"\");");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 954 strcat(webbuff, "}");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 955
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 956 strcat(webbuff, "function send_mes(btnmes,btnval){"); //mode変更ボタン入力時の点灯消灯判定
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 957 strcat(webbuff, "console.log(btnval);");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 958
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 959 strcat(webbuff, "var url = \"http://\" + window.location.hostname + \"/cargo?a=\" + btnval;");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 960 strcat(webbuff, "htmlacs(url);");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 961 strcat(webbuff, "console.log(url);");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 962 strcat(webbuff, "var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName(\"button\");");
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 963 strcat(webbuff, "for(var i=1;i<8;i++){");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 964 strcat(webbuff, "if(buttons[i].value == btnval){");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 965 strcat(webbuff, "buttons[i].className=\"light\";");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 966 strcat(webbuff, "}else{");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 967 strcat(webbuff, "buttons[i].className=\"noselect\";");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 968 strcat(webbuff, "}");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 969 strcat(webbuff, "}");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 970 strcat(webbuff, "}");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 971
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 972 strcat(webbuff, "function send_mes_spe(btnmes,btnval){"); //speed変更ボタン入力時の点灯消灯判定
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 973 strcat(webbuff, "var url = \"http://\" + window.location.hostname + \"/cargo?a=\" + btnval;");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 974 strcat(webbuff, "htmlacs(url);");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 975 strcat(webbuff, "console.log(url);");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 976 strcat(webbuff, "var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName(\"button\");");
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 977 strcat(webbuff, "for(var i=8;i<11;i++){");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 978 strcat(webbuff, "if(buttons[i].value == btnval){");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 979 strcat(webbuff, "buttons[i].className=\"light\";");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 980 strcat(webbuff, "}else{");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 981 strcat(webbuff, "buttons[i].className=\"noselect\";");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 982 strcat(webbuff, "}");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 983 strcat(webbuff, "}");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 984 strcat(webbuff, "}");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 985 strcat(webbuff, "</script>");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 986 // end of WEB page data
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 987 bufl = strlen(webbuff); // get total page buffer length
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 988 //sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n", linkID, bufl); // send IPD link channel and buffer character length.
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 989
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 990 sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSENDBUF=%d,%d\r\n", linkID, (bufl>2048?2048:bufl)); // send IPD link channel and buffer character length.
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 991 timeout=500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 992 getcount=40;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 993 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 994 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 995 pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 32:049d9ba081d4 996 //pc.printf("\n++++++++++ AT+CIPSENDBUF=%d,%d+++++++++\r\n", linkID, (bufl>2048?2048:bufl));
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 997
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 998 pc.printf("\n++++++++++ bufl is %d ++++++++++\r\n",bufl);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 999
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1000 //pastthrough mode
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1001 SendWEB(); // send web page
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1002 pc.printf("\n++++++++++ webbuff clear ++++++++++\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1003
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1004 memset(webbuff, '\0', sizeof(webbuff));
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1005 sendcheck();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1006 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1007
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1008 // Large WEB buffer data send
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1009 void SendWEB()
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1010 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1011 int i=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1012 if(esp.writeable()) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1013 while(webbuff[i]!='\0') {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1014 esp.putc(webbuff[i]);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1015
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1016 //****
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1017 //output at command when 2000
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1018 if(((i%2047)==0) && (i>0)) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1019 //wait_ms(10);
nishimura_taku_pet 32:049d9ba081d4 1020 ThisThread::sleep_for(10);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1021 sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSENDBUF=%d,%d\r\n", linkID, (bufl-2048)>2048?2048:(bufl-2048)); // send IPD link channel and buffer character length.
nishimura_taku_pet 32:049d9ba081d4 1022 //pc.printf("\r\n++++++++++ AT+CIPSENDBUF=%d,%d ++++++++++\r\n", linkID, (bufl-2048)>2048?2048:(bufl-2048));
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1023 timeout=600;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1024 getcount=50;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1025 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1026 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 32:049d9ba081d4 1027 //pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 32:049d9ba081d4 1028 //pc.printf("\r\n+++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1029 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1030 //****
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1031 i++;
nishimura_taku_pet 32:049d9ba081d4 1032 //pc.printf("%c",webbuff[i]);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1033 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1034 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1035 pc.printf("\n++++++++++ send web i= %dinfo ++++++++++\r\n",i);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1036 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1037
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1038
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1039 void sendcheck()
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1040 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1041 weberror=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1042 timeout=500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1043 getcount=24;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1044 time2.reset();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1045 time2.start();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1046
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1047 /*
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1048 while(weberror==1 && time2.read() <5) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1049 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1050 if (strstr(replybuff, "SEND OK") != NULL) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1051 weberror=0; // wait for valid SEND OK
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1052 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1053 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1054 */
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1055 if(weberror==1) { // restart connection
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1056 strcpy(cmdbuff, "AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1057 timeout=500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1058 getcount=10;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1059 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1060 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1061 pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1062 sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n", port);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1063 timeout=500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1064 getcount=10;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1065 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1066 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1067 pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1068 } else {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1069 sprintf(cmdbuff, "AT+CIPCLOSE=%s\r\n",channel); // close current connection
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1070 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1071 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1072 pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1073 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1074 time2.reset();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1075 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1076
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1077 // Reads and processes GET and POST web data
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1078 void ReadWebData()
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1079 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1080 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++Read Web Data+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 30:c80da0ecc260 1081 ThisThread::sleep_for(200);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1082 esp.attach(NULL);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1083 ount=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1084 DataRX=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1085 weberror=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1086 memset(webdata, '\0', sizeof(webdata));
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1087 int x = strcspn (webbuff,"+");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1088 if(x) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1089 strcpy(webdata, webbuff + x);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1090 weberror=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1091 int numMatched = sscanf(webdata,"+IPD,%d,%d:%s", &linkID, &ipdLen, type);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1092 //int i=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1093 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++succed rec begin+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1094 pc.printf("%s",webdata);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1095 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++succed rec end+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1096 if( strstr(webdata, "Normal") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1097 pc.printf("++++++++++++++++++Normal++++++++++++++++++++");
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1098 mode = SPEED; // スピードモード
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1099 flag_sp = 0;
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1100 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1101 mode = beforeMode; // 現在のモードに前回のモードを設定
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1102 }else if( strstr(webdata, "VeryFast") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1103 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++++VeryFast+++++++++++++++++++");
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1104 mode = SPEED; // スピードモード
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1105 flag_sp = 2;
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1106 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1107 mode = beforeMode; // 現在のモードに前回のモードを設定
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1108 }else if( strstr(webdata, "Fast") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1109 pc.printf("++++++++++++++++++++Fast++++++++++++++++++");
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1110 mode = SPEED; // スピードモード
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1111 flag_sp = 1;
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1112 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1113 mode = beforeMode; // 現在のモードに前回のモードを設定
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1114 }else{
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1115 beforeMode = mode;
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1116 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1117 if( strstr(webdata, "GO") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1118 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++前進+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1119 //delete avoi_thread; //障害物回避スレッド停止
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1120 //delete trace_thread; //ライントレーススレッド停止
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1121 run = ADVANCE; // 前進
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1122 mode = ADVANCE; // モード変更
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1123 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1124 }
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1125
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1126 if( strstr(webdata, "LEFT") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1127 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++左折+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1128 //delete avoi_thread; //障害物回避スレッド停止
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1129 //delete trace_thread; //ライントレーススレッド停止
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1130 run = LEFT; // 左折
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1131 mode = LEFT; // モード変更
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1132 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1133 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1134
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1135 if( strstr(webdata, "STOP") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1136 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++停止+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1137 //delete avoi_thread; //障害物回避スレッド停止
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1138 //delete trace_thread; //ライントレーススレッド停止
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1139 run = STOP; // 停止
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1140 mode = STOP; // モード変更
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1141 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1142 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1143
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1144 if( strstr(webdata, "RIGHT") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1145 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++右折+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1146 //delete avoi_thread; //障害物回避スレッド停止
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1147 //delete trace_thread; //ライントレーススレッド停止
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1148 run = RIGHT; // 右折
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1149 mode = RIGHT; // モード変更
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1150 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1151 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1152
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1153 if( strstr(webdata, "BACK") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1154 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++後進+++++++++++++++++++++\r\n");
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1155 //delete avoi_thread; //障害物回避スレッド停止
yangtzuli 37:0cde453dce7d 1156 //delete trace_thread; //ライントレーススレッド停止
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1157 run = BACK; // 後進
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1158 mode = BACK; // モード変更
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1159 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1160 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1161 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++succed+++++++++++++++++++++");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1162
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1163 if( strstr(webdata, "AVOIDANCE") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1164 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++AVOIDANCE+++++++++++++++++++++");
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1165 if(avoi_thread->get_state() == Thread::Deleted) {
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1166 delete avoi_thread; //障害物回避スレッド停止
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1167 avoi_thread = new Thread(avoidance);
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1168 avoi_thread -> set_priority(osPriorityHigh);
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1169 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1170 mode=AVOIDANCE;
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1171 run = ADVANCE;
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1172 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1173 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1174 if( strstr(webdata, "LINE_TRACE") != NULL ) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1175 pc.printf("+++++++++++++++++LINET RACE+++++++++++++++++++++");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1176 pc.printf("mode = LINE_TRACE\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1177 if(trace_thread->get_state() == Thread::Deleted) {
molberry 35:4cda290bdb87 1178 delete trace_thread; //ライントレーススレッド停止
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1179 trace_thread = new Thread(trace);
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1180 trace_thread -> set_priority(osPriorityHigh);
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1181 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1182 mode=LINE_TRACE;
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1183 display(); // ディスプレイ表示
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1184 }
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1185 if(mode != LINE_TRACE && trace_thread->get_state() != Thread::Deleted){
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1186 trace_thread->terminate();
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1187 }
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1188 if(mode != AVOIDANCE && avoi_thread->get_state() != Thread::Deleted){
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1189 avoi_thread->terminate();
nishimura_taku_pet 31:3665282561d6 1190 servo.pulsewidth_us(1450); // サーボを中央位置に戻す
nishimura_taku_pet 26:0badbc9f9cb3 1191 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1192 sprintf(channel, "%d",linkID);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1193 if (strstr(webdata, "GET") != NULL) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1194 servreq=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1195 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1196 if (strstr(webdata, "POST") != NULL) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1197 servreq=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1198 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1199 webcounter++;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1200 sprintf(webcount, "%d",webcounter);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1201 } else {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1202 memset(webbuff, '\0', sizeof(webbuff));
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1203 esp.attach(&callback);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1204 weberror=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1205 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1206 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1207 // Starts and restarts webserver if errors detected.
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1208 void startserver()
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1209 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1210 pc.printf("++++++++++ Resetting ESP ++++++++++\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1211 strcpy(cmdbuff,"AT+RST\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1212 timeout=8000;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1213 getcount=1000;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1214 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1215 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1216 pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1217 pc.printf("%d",ount);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1218 if (strstr(replybuff, "OK") != NULL) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1219 pc.printf("\n++++++++++ Starting Server ++++++++++\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1220 strcpy(cmdbuff, "AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n"); // set multiple connections.
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1221 timeout=500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1222 getcount=20;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1223 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1224 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1225 pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1226 sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n", port);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1227 timeout=500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1228 getcount=20;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1229 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1230 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1231 pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 1232 ThisThread::sleep_for(500);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1233 sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSTO=%d\r\n",SERVtimeout);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1234 timeout=500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1235 getcount=50;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1236 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1237 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1238 pc.printf(replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 25:8ed98982faa7 1239 ThisThread::sleep_for(5000);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1240 pc.printf("\n Getting Server IP \r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1241 strcpy(cmdbuff, "AT+CIFSR\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1242 timeout=2500;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1243 getcount=200;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1244 while(weberror==0) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1245 SendCMD();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1246 getreply();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1247 if (strstr(replybuff, "") == NULL) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1248 weberror=1; // wait for valid IP
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1249 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1250 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1251 pc.printf("\n Enter WEB address (IP) found below in your browser \r\n\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1252 pc.printf("\n The MAC address is also shown below,if it is needed \r\n\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1253 replybuff[strlen(replybuff)-1] = '\0';
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1254 //char* IP = replybuff + 5;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1255 sprintf(webdata,"%s", replybuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1256 pc.printf(webdata);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1257 led2=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1258 bufflen=200;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1259 //bufflen=100;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1260 ount=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1261 pc.printf("\n\n++++++++++ Ready ++++++++++\r\n\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 1262 setup();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1263 esp.attach(&callback);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1264 } else {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1265 pc.printf("\n++++++++++ ESP8266 error, check power/connections ++++++++++\r\n");
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1266 led1=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1267 led2=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1268 led3=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1269 led4=1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1270 while(1) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1271 led1=!led1;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1272 led2=!led2;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1273 led3=!led3;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1274 led4=!led4;
nishimura_taku_pet 25:8ed98982faa7 1275 ThisThread::sleep_for(1000);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1276 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1277 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1278 time2.reset();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1279 time2.start();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1280 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1281 // ESP Command data send
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1282 void SendCMD()
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1283 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1284 esp.printf("%s", cmdbuff);
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1285 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1286 // Get Command and ESP status replies
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1287 void getreply()
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1288 {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1289 memset(replybuff, '\0', sizeof(replybuff));
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1290 time1.reset();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1291 time1.start();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1292 replycount=0;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1293 while(time1.read_ms()< timeout && replycount < getcount) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1294 if(esp.readable()) {
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1295 replybuff[replycount] = esp.getc();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1296 replycount++;
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1297 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1298 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1299 time1.stop();
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1300 }
nishimura_taku_pet 24:9481c8f56a49 1301
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 1302 /* mainスレッド */
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 1303 int main() {
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 1304 /* 初期設定 */
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1305 wifi_thread = new Thread(wifi);
nishimura_taku_pet 43:243c1455f88a 1306 wifi_thread -> set_priority(osPriorityHigh);
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 1307 avoi_thread = new Thread(avoidance);
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 1308 avoi_thread->terminate();
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 1309 trace_thread = new Thread(trace);
nishimura_taku_pet 16:ffc732a3cf92 1310 trace_thread->terminate();
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 1311 mode = READY; // 現在待ちモード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 1312 beforeMode = READY; // 前回待ちモード
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 1313 run = STOP; // 停止
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 1314 flag_sp = NORMAL; // スピード(普通)
tomotsugu 10:d193030ce672 1315 lcd.setBacklight(TextLCD::LightOn); // バックライトON
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 1316 lcd.setAddress(0,1);
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 1317 lcd.printf("Mode:SetUp");
nishimura_taku_pet 33:a6f1090e0174 1318 //display(); // ディスプレイ表示
yangtzuli 2:38825726cb1b 1319
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 1320 while(1){
tomotsugu 8:a47dbf4fa455 1321 bChange(); // バッテリー残量更新
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 1322 }
yangtzuli 0:0d0037aabe41 1323 }