Serial Hello World
Fork of Serial_HelloWorld_Mbed by
For simple debug statements over the USB UART channel you can just call printf and it will be automatically redirected to the terminal over USB.
API summary
Import librarymbed
Revision | Date | Who | Commit message |
4:18e08b8afd16 | 2017-06-23 | sarahmarshy |
"Update mbed-os" |
3:e540d7769e69 | 2017-01-19 | mab5449 | Ported mbed OS 2 to mbed OS 5 |
2:033eefd2904e | 2015-03-27 | mbedAustin | Added license to main.c file. |
1:560b8ced44df | 2014-09-21 | mbedAustin | updated mbed library |
0:879aa9d0247b | 2013-02-12 | mbed_official | Serial HelloWorld |