Nanostack Border Router is a generic mbed border router implementation that provides the 6LoWPAN ND or Thread border router initialization logic.



File content as of revision 101:5fa704b51e88:

properties ([[$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', parameterDefinitions: [
  [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', name: 'mbed_os_revision', defaultValue: '', description: 'Revision of mbed-os to build. By default mbed-os.lib is used. To access mbed-os PR use format "pull/PR number/head"'],
  [$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', name: 'profile', defaultValue: "debug", choices: ["debug", "develop", "release"], description: 'Select compilation profile from list: debug, develop or release.']

if (params.mbed_os_revision == '') {
  echo 'Use mbed OS revision from mbed-os.lib'
} else {
  echo "Use mbed OS revision ${params.mbed_os_revision}"
  if (params.mbed_os_revision.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
    echo "Revision is a Pull Request"

echo "Use build profile: ${params.profile}"

// List of targets to compile
def targets = [

// Map toolchains to CI labels
def toolchains = [
  ARM: "armc6",
  GCC_ARM: "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
  IAR: "iar_arm"

// Configurations
def configurations = [
  LOWPAN: "6lowpan_Atmel_RF.json",
  THREAD: "Thread_Atmel_RF.json",
  THREAD_SLIP: "Thread_SLIP_Atmel_RF.json",
  WI_SUN: "Wisun_Stm_s2lp_RF.json"

def stepsForParallel = [:]

// Jenkins pipeline does not support map.each, we need to use oldschool for loop
for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
  for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
    for(int k = 0; k < configurations.size(); k++) {
      def target = targets.get(i)
      def toolchain = toolchains.keySet().asList().get(j)
      def compilerLabel = toolchains.get(toolchain)
      def configurationLabel = configurations.keySet().asList().get(k)
      def configurationFile = configurations.get(configurationLabel)
      def stepName = "${target} ${configurationLabel} ${toolchain}"
      // SLIP configuration exist only for K64F based Raspberry HAT
      if ((configurationLabel == "THREAD_SLIP") && target != "K64F") {
      stepsForParallel[stepName] = buildStep(target, compilerLabel, configurationFile, configurationLabel, toolchain)

timestamps {
  parallel stepsForParallel

def buildStep(target, compilerLabel, configurationFile, configurationLabel, toolchain) {
  return {
    stage ("${target}_${compilerLabel}_${configurationLabel}") {
      node ("${compilerLabel}") {
        dir("nanostack-border-router") {
          checkout scm
          execute("git clean -ffdx")
          execute("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")
          // Update mbed-os revision if requested
          if (params.mbed_os_revision != '') {
            dir ("mbed-os") {
              if (params.mbed_os_revision.matches('pull/\\d+/head')) {
                execute("git fetch origin ${params.mbed_os_revision}:_PR_")
                execute("git checkout _PR_")
              } else {
                execute ("git checkout ${params.mbed_os_revision}")
          execute("mbed compile --build out/${configurationLabel}/${target}/${toolchain}/ -m ${target} -t ${toolchain} --app-config ./configs/${configurationFile} --profile ${params.profile}")
        archive '**/nanostack-border-router.bin'